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Stephen Skinner – Imperial College London

Stephen Skinner joined Imperial College in 1998 and was promoted to Professor in 2014 His research interests are in materials for new energy technologies and is primarily concerned with the chemical and physical properties of solid oxide fuel cell electrolytes and electrodes and encompasses the electrical and structural characteristics of...
public-sector teams

How to lead public-sector teams through this time of turmoil

Dr Phillip Whiteman, Lecturer in Public Policy at the University of Birmingham, believes the need for inspiring public-sector leadership has never been greater.
digital transformation, OPEX

Providing solutions and services to ensure successful NHS digitalisation during COVID-19

Craig Hartley, UK Business Development Manager for OPEX Business Machines GmbH explains how their solutions are helping both the NHS and the wider Public Sector achieve digital transformation.
next big pandemic

Antimicrobial resistance: The next big pandemic?

Josep Figueras and Anna Sagan from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies focus here on antimicrobial resistance and ponder whether or not this could be the next big pandemic.
covid-19 genomics study

How did COVID-19 spread to Europe and the U.S?

A new study combines genomics from COVID-19 samples with computer-simulated epidemics and travel records to reconstruct the virus' spread across the world.
Dr William Dawson

Dr William Dawson – OneMedical Group

Dr William Dawson is the Chief Executive Officer of OneMedical Group, a national health and wellbeing company, delivering NHS services, system leadership and consultancy across the UK.
surgical teams, data

What makes surgical teams more productive?

Emmanouil Avgerinos, Ioannis Fragkos and Yufei Huang explain that for surgical teams, shared experiences and hierarchical structures matter more than you think.
import of medical cannabis, drug

The import of medical cannabis: Germany and the Netherlands

Kathleen Denoodt continues to enlighten us on the subject of medical cannabis, particularly imports to Germany and the Netherlands.
pulmonary fibrosis, Ehealth

Using eHealth applications to improve care for patients with pulmonary fibrosis

Karen Moor and Marlies Wijsenbeek discuss how pulmonary fibrosis patients can be helped by the new possibilities of eHealth apps.
covid-19 patient rehabilitation

Rehabilitation could reduce lung and heart damage in COVID-19 patients

Researchers have discovered that COVID-19 patients recover faster the sooner they undergo rehabilitation after leaving intensive care.

Why ‘micro-efficiencies’ matter to clinicians

Dr Owain Rhys Hughes, Founder and CEO at Cinapsis, explores the future of primary care and how, despite the popularity of grand reformations and sweeping initiatives, it's the micro-changes which add up to make the biggest difference to patient care.
medical education, education

Disruptive change in medical education: Impact on faculty

Maximilian Buja, MD, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, focuses on disruptive change in medical education, including its impact on faculty.
cardiorespiratory health

Continuous real-world monitoring of cardiorespiratory health

The importance of continuous real-world monitoring of cardiorespiratory health, including adding value to pivotal clinical trials.
test for democracies

COVID-19: A test for democracies

Thomas Lahnthaler, CEO of The Crisis Compass, explains how COVID-19 is truly a test for democracies in this insightful piece of political analysis.

What has COVID-19 taught us about the benefits of TEC?

Gavin Bashar, UK Managing Director of Tunstall Healthcare, discusses what healthcare professionals, social care leaders and local governments have learned about the benefits of technology enabled care (TEC) amid COVID-19.
digital mental health therapy

The critical role of digital mental health therapy

Dr Lloyd Humphreys, clinical psychologist, NHS Innovation Accelerator alumnus and Head of Europe at SilverCloud Health, explores the aspects of delivering mental health services after COVID-19 and the important future role of digital mental health therapy.
Marcin Rodzinka

Marcin Rodzinka – Mental Health Europe

Marcin holds a Master degree in Public Health from the Jagiellonian University Medical College.
european mental health strategy

Beyond COVID-19: The call for a European mental health strategy

Marcin Rodzinka, Advocacy and Policy Officer for Mental Health Europe, discusses how EU states are paving the way for more resilient mental health systems post COVID-19.
future of care

Why the future of care lies in tech, not robots 

Nicholas Kelly, CEO of Axela Ltd, explains why he believes that the future of care lies in tech, not just robots.
stormy economies

PE must chart stormy economies to capitalise on choice companies

Seasoned PE expert Martin Soderberg, Partner at SPEAR Capital says that private equity must chart stormy economies to capitalise on choice companies.

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