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sensitive data

How can businesses protect sensitive data in a remote working landscape?

Anurag Kahol, CTO of Bitglass, discusses how businesses can effectively protect sensitive consumer data in a remote working business landscape.
flexible workers

How to develop resilience for flexible workers

Juliette Cosgrove, Chief Nurse & Director of Clinical Governance, NHS Professionals, argues that a focus on flexible worker resilience is needed to support those who support the NHS.
supply chain strategy

How to manage business demand with a supply chain strategy

Calum Lewis, Founder and Principal Consultant of OP2MA, explains why businesses need to harness their supply chain strategies to cope with demand surges.
small-scale digitalisation

How small-scale digitalisation can have a big impact on the public sector

Satpal Biant, Head of Public Sector, SAP UK, looks at how small-scale digitalisation can have a big impact on the public sector.
covid cases per city, eviction

Scientists say evictions will create 49,000 more COVID cases per city

The researchers found that COVID cases per city could increase by 49,000 to 53,000, if evictions are allowed to continue for atleast 1% of households.
die of covid, black women

Scientists find Black women four times likelier to die of COVID

Researchers at Harvard University found that Black women are four times more likely to die of COVID than white men - the data also revealed that Black women are three times more likely to die of the virus than Asian men.
vaccinate population covid, COVAX

Some countries can’t vaccinate population against COVID until 2023

In February, 16% of the world's population pre-ordered 70% of available COVID vaccines - now, researchers at Colombia University reveal that some poorer countries won't be able to vaccinate their population until 2023.
net zero targets, energy

The role of energy efficiency in achieving net zero targets

Reaching the net zero targets announced by countries around the world isn't just about generating cleaner energy: it will also require significant improvements in making our energy use more efficient.
data-driven government

A transparent and data-driven Government is central to public services

Alison King, CTS’s account manager for the public sector, discusses why Government needs to make modernisation a core focus in 2021, applying the lessons learned in the importance of data during the pandemic.
reduce operational costs

How councils can reduce operational costs and manage tech investments

Nick Smee, CEO of Yotta, explores the digital resident demands and funding issues that councils face may this year and considers the steps they can to take re-evaluate their technology investments, reduce operational costs and better manage budget allocation.
third vaccine dose, pfizer

Pfizer says people will need third vaccine dose after 12 months

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla suggested that fully vaccinated people would need their third vaccine dose, maybe 12 months after they got their second - the EU is currently in talks to secure a further 1.8 billion doses.
active learning

Can active learning help to close the attainment gap?

Justine Goode, Year 4 teacher and PE lead at Beaudesert Lower School, explores how combining learning with movement can restore children’s mental and physical wellbeing after lockdown.
NHS contract, topwood ltd

NHS contract given to Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s family company

According to HSJ, Health Secretary Matt Hancock's family-owned company were awarded an NHS contract for services - but the Secretary failed to declare any connection to Topwood Ltd.
african food security

Pan African Food Security and Food Safety Issues

Food Insecurity is a major issue in the recent pandemic for people in countries throughout Africa and most of the world.
life science sector

The importance of the life science sector to the post-COVID economic recovery

Dean Billington, Chief Operating Officer at Brains Bioceutical, discusses the pivotal role of the life science sector in spearheading the post-Covid economic recovery and why driving forward R&D and innovation should be the nation’s top priority.
hospitalised COVID patients, obesity COVID

Study finds 30.8% of hospitalised COVID patients are obese

An international study examined hospitalised COVID patients across 11 countries - finding that obese patients are 73% more likely to need invasive respiratory support.
online education providers

Regulating all online education providers

The time has come for online education providers to become accredited by the British Government, says David McCarthy, Director of Education at Sophia Technologies.
willing to get vaccinated

84% of young people willing to get vaccinated

Data from a MyVoice national survey has found that the percentage of young people who say they're willing to get vaccinated has risen to 84%.
altered immune system

Altered immune system linked to Long-Covid

Scientists from the University of Manchester have discovered an alteration in the immune system of COVID-19 patients 6 months after hospitalisation, which could be linked to poorer health outcomes.
moderna and novavax, mixing vaccine

New UK study will mix Moderna and Novavax COVID doses

Researchers in the UK started a clinical trial on mixing vaccines in February - today (14 April) a new study will look into mixing Moderna and Novavax doses.

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