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Evaluating sustainable energy

Evaluating sustainable energy

Elena Nekhaev, Programmes Director at the World Energy Council, details how energy analysis is important in order to achieve future energy sustainability According to the World Energy Council’s Scenarios, the total primary energy supply (TPES ) will increase by 27-61% by 2050 and despite the continuing strong growth of renewables,...

A new bio-based sorbent for water and wastewater treatment applications

Water is essential to life and there is no substitute to it. It is one of the most important natural resources on Earth contributing in many aspects of our lives, namely economy, ecosystems, and personal welfare. In our modern societies, water is essential to many industries and to agriculture....
Chancellor announces billions in cuts

Chancellor announces billions in cuts

Chancellor George Osborne has revealed £4.5bn of measures he plans to enact to bring down national debt... A new raft of austerity measures have been released by the Chancellor George Osborne today. It is hoped these cuts will enable the government to reduce national debt, but the news will undoubtedly...
Addressing EU water challengesAddressing EU water challenges

Addressing EU water challenges

Pavel Misiga, Head of the Water Unit at the European Commission’s Environment DG, outlines how the EU Water Framework Directive can help to ensure clean water in sufficient quantities for people and nature The main aim of EU water policy is to ensure that throughout Europe a sufficient quantity of good...
The importance of adequate rail infrastructure financing

The importance of rail infrastructure financing

Libor Lochman, Britta Schreiner and Hans Besser from CER – the Voice of European Railways, emphasise the importance of infrastructure investment throughout Europe… Mobility is vital for the European Union’s internal market, for the quality of life of Europe’s citizens, and for society as a whole. Effective mobility requires a modern,...
New UK Energy Bill proposed

New UK Energy Bill proposed

Adjacent Digital Politics examines the new Energy Bill introduced yesterday during the Queen's speech and highlights the key points of the legislation... During the state opening of parliament yesterday, the government introduced a new Energy Bill aimed at improving energy security, giving local communities more say over wind farms, and...

The “place” in economic Development

In view of the significant transformation towards a knowledge-based economy which is taking place, as investment and people are now more mobile than ever before, so does the consideration of the quality of a place also become much more important. The most important component of this transformation is a much...

The importance of adequate rail infrastructure financing

Libor Lochman, Britta Schreiner and Hans Besser from CER – the Voice of European Railways, emphasise the importance of infrastructure investment throughout Europe  Mobility is vital for the European Union’s internal market, for the quality of life of Europe’s citizens, and for society as a whole. Effective mobility requires a modern,...

Delivering affordable and renewable energy in Cheshire

Councillor Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council explains how geothermal energy will help to secure the Borough’s economic future  The British Geological Survey has identified Cheshire East as one of only 6 areas in the UK with the potential to generate huge amounts of energy from deep geothermal heat. So...

Warm Up Bristol: City-wide energy efficiency

A part of Bristol’s status as 2015 European Green Capital involves becoming the UK’s most energy efficient major city. Here, the Council outline their Warm Up Bristol initiative targeting poorly insulated and energy inefficient homes Bristol has some of the oldest housing stock in Europe and each year in the...

Hydropower – revolutionising electricity generation

Simon Hamlyn, Chief Executive Officer at The British Hydropower Association sheds light on how hydropower could play an essential role in reducing carbon emissions The British Hydropower Association , was established in 1995 and has over 180 members. It is a trade membership association solely representing the interests of the UK...

An innovative technology for industrial wastewater reuse

Water is one of the most important natural resources on Earth. It is not only fundamental to life but also essential to the wealth of countries contributing to all aspects of personal welfare and economic life. However, global drivers such as climate change, population growth and improving living standards...

BFS blue Enterprises technology

When removing CO2 is no longer a problem and becomes an opportunity According to the recent Fifth Assessment Synthesis Report presented in Copenhagen by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPCC) to face the irreversible effects of climate change greenhouse gas emissions need to fall as much as 70% around...

Energy challenges and the production of electricity from waste heat

The Nobel Peace Prize 2007 was awarded jointly to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change”. The...

Investing in the future of agriculture

Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Commission details the importance of investment and innovation in agriculture  Agriculture is humankind’s primary occupation – the only economic activity which can be truly said to nourish the world. The principle of food security needs to be a top priority...

Environmental benefits of re-using rainwater

Water UK explains the environmental as well as money saving benefits of recycling and re-using rainwater It might seem difficult to believe but it was only 3 years ago that parts of Britain were starting to recover from 2 years of extremely low rainfall, followed by intense storms and wet...

An innovative technology for industrial wastewater reuse

Water is one of the most important natural resources on Earth. It is not only fundamental to life but also essential to the wealth of countries contributing to all aspects of personal welfare and economic life. However, global drivers such as climate change, population growth and improving living standards increase...
eu water

Addressing EU water challenges

Pavel Misiga, Head of the Water Unit at the European Commission’s Environment DG, outlines how the EU Water Framework Directive can help to ensure clean water in sufficient quantities for people and nature  The main aim of EU water policy is to ensure that throughout Europe a sufficient quantity of good...

What is Regeneration about now?

Elizabeth Wrigley, Director at Core Connections gives thought to what regeneration means for towns and cities, and rural areas The word regeneration has for many decades signified reinventing uses for interesting industrial structures, bringing life back to abandoned docks, manufacturing areas and canal sides, and creating new lifestyles such as...

Dhaka, The Productive City

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, is often reminded as a poor, busy and polluted city in the heart of an often-flooded country. For a long time it was a quiet town, without any turbulence until recently some tension emerged. Deeper causes are not yet revealed but could have something...

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