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Investing in the future of agriculture

Investing in the future of agriculture

Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Commission details the importance of investment and innovation in agriculture Agriculture is humankind’s primary occupation – the only economic activity which can be truly said to nourish the world. The principle of food security needs to be a top priority...
Environmental benefits of re-using rainwater

Environmental benefits of re-using rainwater

Water UK explains the environmental as well as money saving benefits of recycling and re-using rainwater… It might seem difficult to believe but it was only 3 years ago that parts of Britain were starting to recover from 2 years of extremely low rainfall, followed by intense storms and wet...
Clegg makes public servants' pay pledge

Clegg makes public sector pay pledge

Under new plans from the Liberal Democrats millions of public sector workers would see better wages... Leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg said public sector workers have “made enough sacrifices” and that it is time to end “the era of pay restraint”. Pay, he said, should increase in real terms...
Saving money through energy efficiency

Saving money through energy efficiency

Gregor Paterson-Jones, Managing Director of Energy Efficiency at the Green Investment Bank (GIB) details how a street lighting revolution could save local authorities millions of pounds The orange glow from their sodium-vapour bulbs is as much a part of the urban landscape as cracked pavements and pot-holed roads. Yet Britain’s streetlights...
Water in the city

Water in the city

With population growth, urbanisation and economic development, the demand for freshwater in urban areas are increasing throughout Europe. At the same time, climate change and pollution are also affecting the availability of water for city residents, as discussed here by The European Environment Agency… In July 2011 intense rains left...
Why we need an Energy Union

Why we need an Energy Union

Miguel Arias Canete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy gives an overview of why an Energy Union is integral to the EU… Divide et impera. Divide and rule. As simple as it may sound, this maxim summarises the key strategic approach of the most eminent leaders and statesmen throughout history....
Greens launch election manifesto

The Green Party launches election manifesto

The Green Party is set to launch its election manifesto, which will include a call to “take back” the NHS from the private sector Party leader Natalie Bennett and MP Caroline Lucas are set to unveil their party's election manifesto today. It will focus on issues such as stopping the...

Earth’s Energy out of balance

Months and years pass by, yet there remains a pervasive silence among people with political influence on what must be done to limit and then reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into our environment from our burning of fossil fuels.  Do the world’s leaders not realize the catastrophe...
Working together for cleaner air

Working together for cleaner air

Christian Friis Bach, Under Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe details the importance of renewing efforts against air pollution… Breathe in and breathe out. Hold your breath. If you do this too long, you can feel a strong urge to gasp and...
Online map reveals the scope of renewable heat

Online map reveals the scope of renewable heat

A new interactive online map has shown the potential heat energy available in over 4,000 rivers, estuaries, canals, and coastal sites... According to the government at least one million homes and businesses across England could benefit from clean renewable heat via waterways. Now, an interactive map has shown over 4,000 potential sites...
A future flood resilient built environment

A future flood resilient built environment

One in 6 homes are now under threat of flooding from rivers, sea and surface water. BRE’s Centre for Resilience is calling for a new approach to dealing with the risks along with investment and the development of innovative technologies to improve flood resilience. Director of the Centre, Dr...
Warm Up Bristol: City-wide energy efficiency

Warm Up Bristol: City-wide energy efficiency

A part of Bristol’s status as 2015 European Green Capital involves becoming the UK’s most energy efficient major city. Here, the Council outline their Warm Up Bristol initiative targeting poorly insulated and energy inefficient homes…   Bristol has some of the oldest housing stock in Europe and each year in the...
£3m to boost low carbon heating

£3m to boost low carbon heating

The government has announced £3m will be made available to set up low carbon heat networks across 55 local authorities... An extra £3m funding will be awarded to councils across England and Wales. The government announced 55 local authorities will benefit from the additional funding, which will be used to...
The European energy challenge

The European energy challenge

AG looks at the European Commission’s key priorities in regards to energy, and the challenges ahead… The EU is facing a crisis of confidence that has settled over it like low cloud. Trust of citizens is in short supply as is faith in the future. The new Commission, which began...

Government launch strategy to end fuel poverty

The government has today launched a new fuel poverty strategy which sets out a revolutionary approach to identifying and targeting England’s energy efficient homes… For the first time, future governments will be required by law to tackle fuel poverty by making the coldest, leakiest homes in England more energy inefficient. This...
Scottish wind farm fails to secure government deal

Scottish wind farm fails to secure government deal

Moray Offshore Renewables Limited has failed to secure a government deal to build a major wind farm project in the Outer Moray Firth... Failure to secure a deal on a UK government subsidy has been a major blow for a large offshore wind farm project in Scotland. The deal would...

Estonian environmental charges

Mati Raidma, Minister for the Environment in the Republic of Estonia explains why environmental charges are crucial to help reduce the effects of climate change The purpose of imposing environmental charges is to prevent or reduce the possible damage relating to the use of natural resources, emission of pollutants into...

Bristol – UK’s first European Green Capital

Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson discusses how the City will build on its new international status as 2015 European Green Capital, leading the way in the UK for environmental change The year 2015 marks a new chapter in Bristol’s history as it becomes the first European Green Capital in the UK....
© Michel Bussieres flooding

A future flood resilient built environment

One in 6 homes is now under threat of flooding from rivers, sea and surface water. BRE’s Centre for Resilience is calling for a new approach to dealing with the risks along with investment and the development of innovative technologies to improve flood resilience. Director of the Centre, Dr...
© Chris Dorney

The Disintegration of the Housing Debate

In addressing the urgent need for more housing, Professor of Environment and Spatial Planning, Alister Scott believes that key participants in the housing question need to embrace the economic, social and environmental drivers of development in a more joined-up discussion As we move inexorably towards the general election in 2015,...

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