Amp X is an innovative digital energy platform using a unique, whole-system approach to address critical issues that exist in the electricity grid as a result of the ongoing energy transition towards a fully decarbonised future
Energy systems around the world are undergoing an unprecedented transformation, from a widespread reliance on fossil fuels, to clean, renewable energy sources.
Energy systems around the world are undergoing an unprecedented transformation, from a widespread reliance on fossil fuels, to clean, renewable energy sources.
This change is driven by the rapid uptake of consumer energy resources, such as electric vehicles, rooftop photovoltaics, and battery storage at the edge of the grid, that cause bidirectional power flow and the need for integration of a multitude of data sensors
A whole-system approach to the energy transition
The pace of change has been relentless – twenty years ago the UK had fewer than 100 power generators on the grid, and now it has over one million. To meet ambitious net-zero targets, utilities face significant challenges resulting from voltage and frequency instability, increased risk of blackouts, and lack of transparency and visibility at the edge of the grid.
A whole system approach is needed to address these challenges simultaneously, whilst taking into account the interdependencies that exist across different segments of the grid and different stakeholders, hence moving away from point solutions that are no longer fit for purpose.
The energy transition: Solving the problems holistically
The distribution network has been largely invisible, but it is key to enabling the energy transition in the most sustainable, affordable way.
Indeed, there are stakeholders at the edge of the grid whose interdependent challenges need to be addressed transversally through a common approach to delivering the fully decarbonised grid of the future.
Distribution network operators (DNOs) need greater visibility over what is happening on their network in order to be able to manage and maximise the penetration of consumer energy resources without excessive, costly, and disruptive grid reinforcement.This enhanced visibility will enable them to replace the lost flexibility by calling on the resources which are currently largely invisible and inaccessible.
Energy retailers need user-centric offerings that help their customers lower their energy costs and carbon footprint and enable new services like participation in markets and flexibility services.
Energy consumers need to be able to adopt smart energy devices like electric vehicles, rooftop photovoltaics, and battery storage more affordably and to access user-friendly solutions to manage their home ecosystems without jeopardising their comfort.
What are the macro-level benefits?
Governments, policymakers, regulators, market operators and market participants around the world have highlighted the benefits – financial, environmental, and operational – which can be unlocked by tapping into new market capabilities, such as consumer participation in energy markets and flexibility provision.
In Great Britain, for example, it’s estimated that increased adoption of flexibility could save £4.6bn in wholesale electricity costs by 2030 and £14.1bn in overall system costs by 2040.
In the EU, daily flexibility requirements are forecast to increase by 133% by 2030 as a result of decarbonising the energy mix, with a further 250% increase required by 2050. However, sourcing flexibility from the demand side of the market could reduce the cost of meeting demand by 48% (€301.5bn) by 2030, saving 37.5MT of carbon emissions in the process.
In Australia, the Australian Energy Market Operator estimates that peak demand in New South Wales could be reduced by 14% by 2033 through the use of consumer flexibility solutions.
How do we unlock the benefits?
Digitalisation is one of the key enablers for a whole system approach in that it enables us to gather, process and gain useful insights from the multitude of sensors across several nodes within the system; appropriate data algorithms underpin the ability to aggregate and orchestrate different assets at the edge of the grid to increase system flexibility and stability in a cost-effective way.
Data on asset health, grid dynamics, and consumer behaviour can be analysed to understand and deliver optimal operational conditions against specific market constraints; machine learning and artificial intelligence can be used to manage the increasingly decentralised and digitalised energy system.
What is Amp X’s solution?
Amp X has utilised a whole system approach to develop a cloud-hosted data platform – the Amp X Asset Management Platform (A.M.P.) – where data is gathered from a diverse pool of assets (all actively managed by Amp X) across the grid in order to deliver cost-effective solutions to network operators, energy retailers, and energy consumers
Asset Management Platform
The A.M.P. underpins a differentiated portfolio of offerings that include a smart transformer and a consumer- centric energy management system. It is a cloud-based data platform to monitor, control, and optimise a variety of energy assets – such as in front- and behind-the-meter battery storage, smart transformers, and home energy devices – driving grid flexibility and enabling a fully decarbonised grid.
It maximises revenue for users through optimised asset dispatch and reduced maintenance costs while providing flexibility to the grid.
STX© Smart Transformer
Designed as a smart, cost-effective, and future-proof upgrade, the Amp X STX replaces conventional distribution transformers. It resolves voltage instabilities and network constraints to maximise penetration of consumer energy resources while providing increased visibility of grid behaviour. In order to avoid costly network reinforcements, it can also optimise the use of existing grid capacity, allowing accelerated connection times for Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).
Dynamic Load Shaping with ALICE
Amp X’s proprietary digital energy assistant for dynamic load shaping (DLS), Alice (Agent for Lifestyle-based Intelligent Control of Energy), automates energy management for residential consumers based on users’ energy usage and lifestyle. Alice provides a single user-centric interface empowering consumers by taking the complexity out of their home ecosystem and optimising the operation of their home energy devices (PVs, EVs, batteries, HVAC) to reduce energy bills and carbon footprint. Alice delivers fully automated demand response, unlocks new business models, and provides access to additional revenue streams.
Project name: STRATUS
This project has been funded by partners of the [ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems] [ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems: INNOVATION FOR SMART ENERGY SYSTEMS IN EUROPE (] and [Mission Innovation] [Mission Innovation – Catalysing Clean Energy Solutions for All (] through the Joint Call 2020. As such, this project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.883973.

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