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Home IT: Why it is high time for the public sector to let data live in the cloud

    IT: Why it is high time for the public sector to let data live in the cloud

    Here, Sungard AS, a knowledgeable and reliable IT partner, explain in detail why it is high time for the public sector to let data live in the cloud

    Amongst the many insights from Sungard AS here, we learn that the benefits of cloud computing are now widely accepted: increased flexibility, improved collaboration, better document control, the ability to scale up or down as needed and avoiding hefty capital expenditure through a subscription-based model. However, it is stated here that despite all the potential benefits, the public sector still lags behind when it comes to cloud adoption.

    The barrier to cloud adoption is explored here, including the fact that the typical government IT environment normally consists of a mix of legacy systems, hardware and technologies. Another is the concern that the technology walls coming down will create security gaps, therefore, making data vulnerable.

    Added to this, following the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we discover that government agencies need to ensure that public sector workloads comply with strict data sovereignty and privacy regulations, therefore, adding another layer of complexity to the already challenging cloud transition.

    This analysis then goes on to explain in detail how Sungard Availability Services has launched its sovereign managed cloud platform, consulting and services for the UK public sector on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in response to these obstacles for cloud adoption. One benefit of the firm’s services is that they will help government bodies take new workloads and applications on to a public cloud platform that meets stringent sovereign service requirements.

    I hope you enjoy reading more about the firm’s undoubted expertise here as a knowledgeable and reliable it partner, including their thoughts on the six successful steps to migration and a very interesting case study.