Open Access Government produces compelling and informative news, publications, eBooks, and academic research articles for the public and private sector looking at health, diseases & conditions, workplace, research & innovation, digital transformation, government policy, environment, agriculture, energy, transport and more.
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Metal price cycles, including copper, aluminum, and cobalt
Read this analysis of metal price cycles, including copper, aluminum, lithium and cobalt, featuring insights from Christopher Gilbert of Biena Consulting Srl. It also addresses the significant increase in metals demand from China between 2003 and around 2012.
Student feedback: Embracing the student voice to transform the educational landscape
Professor Emeritus and Inaugural Pegasus Professor Charles D. Dziuban discusses the importance of integrating student feedback in teaching and learning in higher education.
Digital disparities: Tech solutions for indigenous communities
Dr Dianne Wepa reflects on a study detailing the experiences of Māori kaumātua, who utilised digital technology to address health needs during COVID-19. It highlights challenges, resilience, and strategies for maintaining connections, emphasising the importance of digital technology in disaster management and the need to address digital disparities.
Berry production in Alberta: Improving production system through research
Aleksandra Tymczak studies the berry industry – an expanding industry in Alberta’s agricultural system. Here, she discusses the research activities occurring within the horticulture industry and the impact on berry production and berry producers.
Amphibole asbestos as a public health risk in 2025: Autoimmune disease
Despite efforts to minimize exposure, deaths from asbestos-related diseases remain high. A recent review emphasized the importance of evaluating different mineral groups and pointed out that exposure to amphibole asbestos is linked to higher rates of autoimmune diseases. Jean C. Pfau and Brenda J. Buck discuss the urgent need to address this public health risk more effectively.
The role of dialogue in teaching and learning
In her previous piece for Open Access Government, which emphasized the importance of educational philosophy and the value of every school debate, Stephanie Schneider now shifts her focus to the essential role of dialogue in teaching and learning.
The influence of rock type on conifer species’ nutrition and biomass partitioning
Mark Kimsey, Director of the Intermountain Forestry Cooperative, explains the influence of rock type on conifer species’ nutrition and biomass partitioning.
How can traveling wave reactors solve nuclear energy issues?
Traveling Wave Reactors (TWRs) offer a promising approach to improving sustainability and safety in nuclear energy, though it faces challenges. Professor Di Yun from Xi’an Jiaotong University discusses a novel ‘Tai-Chi’ technology designed to tackle key R&D issues related to TWR.
Model thinking for everyday life
Many people rely on quick internet searches for knowledge acquisition. In his book MODEL THINKING For Every Day Life, Richard C. Larson discusses how we can rethink our approach to problem-solving, leading to greater learning in the process.
Redefining industrial sustainability
Committed to providing decarbonisation solutions for the global cement and lime industries, Leilac’s CEO, Daniel Rennie, discusses the principles for an environmentally and economically sustainable industrial transformation.
Mental health research: The healing power of indigenous drumming
Gilles Comeau, Senior Scientist at the University of Ottawa, Institute of Mental Health Research at The Royal, explores the healing power of Indigenous drumming
Consideration of key issues in positioning early intervention for eating disorders
Tracey Wade from the Flinders University Institute for Mental Health and Wellbeing outlines several key issues to consider in developing successful early intervention approaches for people with disordered eating and who are at risk of developing an eating disorder.
Prevent filicide: Intervention with potential perpetrators
Thea Brown, Professor Emeritus at Monash University, investigates the flaws in service interventions related to filicide cases and highlights methods to bolster early interventions to prevent potential perpetrators.
Bioinformatics into TB surveillance: A new approach to an ancient foe
David Ussery, a Professor in the Department of BioMedical Informatics at UAMS, and his Ph.D. student Brian Delavan discuss bioinformatics into TB surveillance, presenting a new approach to tackling this ancient foe.
Process intensification: A game changer for the pharma market
Deborah McElhone, Head of Sustainability (Pharma) from CPI, argues that process intensification is a game changer for the pharma market.
No safe haven: Why business leaders must act now to address Earth’s polycrisis
As hurricanes devastate former climate havens, learn why business leaders must embrace Sustainable Strategic Management to address Earth’s polycrisis before it’s too late.
Feline coronavirus and feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) – Russian roulette for your pet
Utilising Machine Learning on clinical datasets could help to crack the enigma of feline infectious peritonitis diagnosis.
Interdisciplinary collaboration in engineering education
Anette Kolmos, Jette Egelund Holgaard, and Henrik Worm Routhe from Aalborg University discuss findings from the InterPBL research project and highlight the advantages of interdisciplinary collaboration in engineering education.
Personalized medicine in oncology: Small molecule inhibitors, biologics and immunotherapies
Priya Hays, PhD, CEO of Hays Documentation Specialists, discusses innovations and advancements in the development and evaluation of personalized cancer therapies.
Stem cell exhaustion and its role in healthy aging
Scientist Sarallah Rezazadeh from the Icahn School of Medicine explores the molecular mechanisms behind adult stem cells as we age.