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Home Open Access Government July 2023

    Open Access Government July 2023

    Welcome to our jam-packed July 2023 digital edition, which hosts coverage of numerous policy issues from various angles worldwide. Find insightful commentary on various topics, like health, research and innovation, digital transformation, government, healthcare technology, transport, agriculture, environment and energy

    For this publication, we warmly welcome Lorna Rothery as Editor of the Open Access Government online publication, who will primarily focus on our extensive health sections going forward.

    Within this summer publication, we provide numerous high-profile editorial contributions from experts around the world, including:

    Building a better, safer and more accountable sport system in Canada

    The Honourable Pascale St-Onge, Canada’s Minister responsible for Sport, shares her vision for a safe and accountable sport system in which Canadian athletes from all walks of life can thrive

    Investing in health will lead to a better & wealthier future

    Dr Josep Figueras, Dr Matthias Wismar from European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, with Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat from WHO/Europe, argue that investing in health will lead to a better and wealthier future

    USDA combats trafficking of illegally taken plants

    From the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service: Plant Protection Today –
    Lacey Act Phase VII Is Coming – USDA combats trafficking of illegally taken plants

    Emerging remote patient monitoring solutions – ‘virtually’ re-wiring the hospital ward of the future

    As virtual wards become more prevalent, technology-enabled care solutions will
    become increasingly important. Kelly Bevington, Principal Category Manager for IT
    and Digital Procurement Frameworks at NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS),
    explains remote patient monitoring solutions

    NIJ puts science to work for justice system stakeholders

    Nancy La Vigne, PhD, Director of the National Institute of Justice, shares perspectives on how the Institute advances justice across the nation and beyond, strengthening the scientific tools and discoveries that support justice system stakeholders

    Unleashing the power of science, research and innovation in Asia

    Preethi Kesavan, Head at the School of Advanced Technology and Digital Media, LSBF Singapore, highlights the transformative role of science, research and innovation in Asia

    Who is the European Health Union?

    Sandra Gallina, Director General at Directorate-General Sante (DG SANTE), tells us the purpose of the European Health Union, formed in 2020, which sets out to provide a healthier tomorrow thanks to the actions of today

    Why must we increase representation for female entrepreneurship?

    Although we live in a diverse world working towards equal opportunities, the statistics show that females are less likely than males to start businesses. Shalini Khemka, CBE, explores why female entrepreneurship is essential to foster sustainable economic growth

    The benefits of exercise for mental health

    Lorna Rothery spoke to the European Psychiatric Association’s President, Professor Peter Falkai, about the benefits of exercise for mental health

    Improving diabetes management and prevention

    Diabetes can pose significant implications for individuals’ mental and physical wellbeing. While new research shows promise in supporting diabetes management and care, many challenges still remain. We discussed these with Beyond Type 1’s content strategist Dr Liz Kopco

    Feeding the world: A productive and sustainable fishing industry

    Phil Haslam, Managing Director of North Atlantic Fishing Company (NAFCO), walks us
    through feeding the world through a productive and sustainable fishing industry