Putting business agility at the heart of government

Agile Business Consortium

Agile Business Consortium discuss promoting business agility within central government

The government’s commitment to improve its delivery of public services by introducing an Agile business culture has been welcomed by one of the approach’s leading proponents.

The recently-published Government Transformation Strategy 2017 – 2020 pledges a “change of working, of culture and of disposition” in the civil service and calls for “strengthening our leaders’ skills in agile project and programme management”.

The move has been welcomed by the Agile Business Consortium (formerly known as the DSDM Consortium), a not-for-profit membership organisation that promotes business agility around the world.

Chief executive Mary Henson said: “The government has put a lot of emphasis on providing better services to citizens by making better use of digital technology. However, the Cabinet Office, which developed the strategy, is right to recognise that a complete transformation in how the public sector operates and responds to the needs of the country will also require a cultural change.

“Collaboration, innovation and customer service are at the heart of the Agile philosophy, ensuring the focus is not on technology for its own sake but how it can best be harnessed to bring about change.

“Agile has a proven track record in assisting organisations of all sizes to become more flexible and implement successful project management programmes. Adopting the principles that underpin Agile will help the government meet its goal to continuously hone and improve services.”

For more about Agile and the Agile Business Consortium, visit: www.agilebusiness.org

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