R&D support of the NSW Government in Australia

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Open Access Government charts the support of the NSW Government in Australia for research and development, including a recent boost for artificial intelligence and other fields

Earlier this year, the NSW Government in Australia announced a massive research and development (R&D) boost concerning a high-tech facility that gives a vital infrastructure for the artificial intelligence (AI), space, robotics and Medtech sectors. This is one of four projects that form part of $8 million funding within the Tech Central Research and Innovation Infrastructure Fund of the NSW Government.

Vital infrastructure for artificial intelligence & other sectors

Former Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology Alister Henskens explains that projects of success will supply not only specialised equipment but also deliver collaborative programs that focus on the existing strengths of industry and research throughout the Tech Central Innovation District.

“The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government is committed to translating our state’s incredible R&D capabilities into tangible outcomes that create new jobs and industries, which will grow the economy and help secure a brighter future for the people of NSW,” Mr Henskens said.

“Tech Central already boasts tech giant Atlassian as an anchor tenant, three world-leading universities, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and over 100 research institutes.

“Its status as a nation-leading centre of innovation and development will be enhanced by these projects, harnessing the power of local expertise to bring significant physical and digital infrastructure across its target industries and research areas, from The University of Sydney, University of Technology Sydney and ARIA Research.”

Additional innovation, R&D and industry talent

Hugh Durrant-Whyte, NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer Professor, adds that the Fund means additional innovation, R&D and industry talent to Tech Central. “The successful applicants will accelerate the development of Tech Central as a place where people will come together to innovate, collaborate and explore new markets,” Professor Durrant-Whyte explains.

“These projects, which also include a Vaccine and RNA Design Centre, have been chosen for their capacity to add to the already vibrant technological and innovative ecosystem, with the aim to realise their potential, commercialise and raise their profile locally and internationally,” he adds. (1)

The Tech Central Human Augmentation Lab

The Tech Central Human Augmentation Lab (HAL) is just one recipient of the Tech Central Research and Innovation Infrastructure Fund, worth $1.4 million. This large-scale, industry-led facility provides common and critical infrastructure to AI and other sectors, focussing on applied research translation.

“HAL will provide Tech Central with affordable and, for students and startups, free access to world-class facilities for research translation of deep-tech innovations. The aim of the HAL is to provide currently unavailable infrastructure and create fertile ground to nurture new research translation by Tech Central startups, SMEs, academics and corporates, well beyond the activities of the consortium members,” we hear. (2)

R&D policy in Australia

The above example of research funding forms part of the broader picture of a “strong, vibrant and high-quality research and innovation ecosystem” that the NSW Government envisages. In their view, research makes new skills, ideas and products to help us with technology for productivity growth and address policy issues that could be more straightforward.

The Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer (OCSE) funds R&D research and development so NSW can respond well to existing and future challenges by administrating the NSW Government’s Research Attraction and Acceleration Program (RAAP). “The RAAP strengthens the strategic links between diverse research stakeholders and provides funding to programs and projects based in NSW,” we are told. (3)

R&D, technology inc. AI

Here, we have seen some good examples of how the NSW Government in Australia supports research and development (R&D), including the field of artificial intelligence, that can help with productivity growth and policy issues. Artificial intelligence is one way “to commercialise disaster-resilient practical solutions, not just in NSW, but across Australia and around the world,” Mr Henskens said last year. (4)

Earlier NSW Government funding in 2022 sought to help small businesses with innovative solutions, among other areas discussed; the suitability of AI “to identify individual koalas from audio recordings” was mentioned. (5)

On technology, did you know that the NSW Government’s Tech Savvy Seniors program is now over a decade old? In essence, it assists local seniors in confidently getting stuck into matters of the digital world. It is an excellent example of technology’s tangible benefits to society as we bring this R&D and technology analysis to a close.

Alister Henskens SC remarks that 119,000 seniors have mastered computer skills since the program began in 2012. “By building knowledge, skills and confidence through this program, local seniors have gone on to thrive in our digital world – from managing their banking online to watching videos of their grandchildren on social media,” Mr Henskens comments. (6)


  1. https://www.chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au/news/boosting-tech-centrals-r-and-d-infrastructure
  2. https://www.chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au/funding/research-and-development/tech-central/tech-central-research-and-innovation-infrastructure-fund-recipients
  3. https://www.chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au/funding/research-and-development
  4. https://www.chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au/news/developing-bushfire-resilient-technology
  5. https://www.chiefscientist.nsw.gov.au/news/sbir
  6. https://www.alisterhenskens.com.au/news/media-release/tech-savvy-seniors-celebrates-10-years

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