The evolution of care in a post-COVID world

remote care, communities

Imogen Keane, Business Development Manager at Service Robotics Ltd, explores how the remote care revolution is helping to address loneliness for the most vulnerable in our communities

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened loneliness and isolation for the most vulnerable in our communities and sharpened the focus on how we can and must use independent living technology.

The need for a future-proof solution is increasing

To enable a wholesome recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, we must recognise the need to become more resilient for future crises with innovative end-to-end solutions. It is paramount that we create compelling solutions to plug the gaps we face to connect homes for independent living, increase digital inclusion and manage the increased demand on social care. These solutions MUST be designed with the user in mind.

remote care, communities

Digital inclusion

British Red Cross research highlights the huge impact of the pandemic on loneliness – it states, “41% of UK adults feel lonelier since the start of lockdown and millions are going a fortnight without having a meaningful conversation”.

We are at a pivotal moment, either we tolerate the impact of loneliness, or we apply our lessons to innovate and digitally include our older adults. However, we are faced with a severe challenge; over 79% of all digital exclusion is amongst those aged 65 plus.

Increased demand on our social care

UK Government research concluded severe loneliness costs approximately £9,537 p/person p/year, which we can only assume will increase if changes are not made.

Carers are exhausted, often working long hours to meet the increased demand. A Health Foundation survey found that 4 out of 5 social care staff said that their work had left them feeling ‘tense, uneasy or worried’ more often since the start of COVID-19.

Social Care providers are discovering the need to innovate for light touch, remote, home-care solutions that can bridge the gap between resource and demand, improving operational and financial efficiencies whilst delivering high quality care.

The CEO of Service Robotics, said: “Finding proven methods of delivering some care remotely is game-changing for the care industry. By doing this we are enabling carers to do what they tell us they want; to deliver more care and better care”

Remote care

GenieConnect® is designed to enable the delivery of remote care whilst connecting users to help combat loneliness.

“Genie asks me how I am feeling and it feels like someone is present here”
– GenieConnect® User

“It is nice to be able to speak to and see someone. The video allows me to see the user and check that they are in good health”
– Care Manager

“Video calling makes me feel a lot better, seeing mum’s face and giving reassurance that they are okay. I could see mum rather than just a phone call. I can’t always tell how she is with just hearing her voice”
– GenieConnect® Companion

Our industry is ripe for disruption. We are working together with forward-thinking Care providers and Local Government Authorities to shape the future of care delivery.

“In Swindon, we are keen to explore technology that can bring people together and supports them to live as independently as possible for as long as possible. GenieConnect® offers a real opportunity for people to embrace technology, connect with others, and be
supported in a way that encourages and enables independence in a safe and person-centred manner. It also has the potential to facilitate new and exciting ways of delivering care.”

– Angela Plummer, Director of Adults, and Sue Wald, Corporate Director of Adult Services, Health & Housing, Swindon Borough Council.

“Solutions such as GenieConnect® are the future of health and social care delivery. We must actively embrace technology to help close the gap between scarce resources and increasing demand,” said Michael Folkes, Managing Director Caremark Cheltenham and Tewkesbury.

The GenieConnect® ecosystem is leading the remote care revolution by delivering the following:

• Providing never-before-seen data to care providers and commissioners illuminating the “ageing in place” agenda
• Assisting older adults at greatest risk of loneliness with Remote Care services using a digital companion robot and care portal
• Supporting social interactions with virtual video calling via the companion application
• Addressing the digital inequalities with a simple and intuitive user interface
• Preventing acute and long-term care with the help of remote and self-help services across the health and social care sector
• Reducing 91-day readmission rates through the use of Remote Care to regularly check care package suitability

The revolution has begun. Are you ready?

Tackling loneliness is not the responsibility of one organisation, but rather a collective we all can play a part in to shape the future of care for many individuals at risk of experiencing loneliness.

Be the pioneer who wants to shape the future of care delivery. Book a demo with our team today.

*Please note: This is a commercial profile

© 2019. This work is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND.


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