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Home Increasing the battery safety for the renewable energy sector using calorimeters

    Increasing the battery safety for the renewable energy sector using calorimeters

    Here, Dr Carlos Ziebert, head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, explains how the safety of battery storage for renewables can be increased by battery calorimetry

    When it comes to battery storage and use, fire is a notable danger. While there is a one in million chance of a lithium battery completely failing, when there are 10 million or more in one place – those chances become significantly more possible.

    Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, said: “We will create a market for sustainable alternative fuels and low-carbon technologies, while putting in place the right infrastructure to ensure the broad uptake of zero-emission vehicles and vessels.”

    The connection between air quality and population levels of COVID became clear in the early days of the pandemic, as Europe struggled. Subsequently, the Green Deal aims to build back from this precipice sustainably and economically, both in terms of infrastructure and resources.

    Renewable energy is one of the crucial pushes of this century, with global economies attempting to reconfigure their energy sources to deal with the deadlines dealt by the state of the environment. Climate change, escalating rapidly, means that there needs to be a policy and science intersection that creates solutions. Lithium batteries are a huge part of what the future can look like, which means that battery calorimetry is also more important than ever before.

    Calorimetry is defined as the process of measuring heat data during chemical reactions – which allows for the collection of quantitative data required for optimum battery performance and safety. This is an essential part of creating public and private sector trust in this investment, as the EU seeks to shed the image of carbon pollution and step into a cleaner, more sustainable form of transport.

    Here, Dr Ziebert dives into the likelihood of such fires, and how to shut down any opportunity for tragedy to break out among these sources of energy. Lithium batteries, powering Electric Vehicles, are coming more into demand as European Commission deadlines for the transition of vehicle technology come into the fore.

    If you want to learn about the realities of battery calorimetry, look no further.