Hannah Jepp from Ares Power, part of Kingdom Energy, explores how we can use renewable technology in the UK to accelerate our clean energy revolution

As the world transitions towards a greener future, businesses are continuously navigating the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable energy sources are one way the UK is making strides in the fight against climate change, with renewable technology like heat pumps, EV chargers and solar power increasing in demand in a bid to reduce carbon footprint.

The UK government has set a target to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, this means that the country will need to reduce its emissions to the point where any remaining emissions are offset.

Harnessing the power of heat pumps

Heat pumps are a renewable technology which provide a sustainable alternative for heating and cooling buildings. They extract renewable energy from the air, ground or water and efficiently convert it into usable heat or cooling.

They are renowned for their exceptional energy efficiency, with a coefficient of performance (COP) of 3 to 4 meaning for every unit of electricity used, three to four units of heat are produced. This high level of efficiency translates into substantial energy savings and reduced heating costs for homeowners and businesses alike.

The gas and oil banner ban, which was announced in 2019, means that from 2025 there will be no gas or oil boilers installed in newbuild properties. Alongside this, the government is incentivising upgrading existing boilers to air source heat pumps and other renewable technology heating systems. With the UK government wanting 600,000 heat pumps installed per year by 2028, now is the perfect time to begin utilising the power of heat pumps.

Heat Pump

Accelerating electric vehicle infrastructure

The UK government has set ambitious plans to ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030, and hybrid vehicles by 2035, the adoption of EV infrastructure is critical to support these challenges. By investing in a robust and widely accessible EV charging infrastructure, including fast-charging stations on the UK’s highways and urban centres, the UK can encourage the mass adoption of electric vehicles and other renewable technologies in transport which are related.

Promoting electric vehicles (EVs) and expanding charging infrastructure can reduce dependence on fossil fuel-powered vehicles. In addition, supporting public transportation, cycling infrastructure, and walking can help reduce emissions from transport.

Embracing solar power as a renewable technology

With energy prices at an all-time high, and as global temperatures and sunny weather rises the demand for embracing solar PV and battery storage systems is increasing. Through installing solar PV, businesses and individuals can reduce their reliance on the traditional grid and bring numerous benefits, including cost savings, environmental sustainability, and energy independence.

There are several UK incentives and schemes available to encourage the adoption of solar panels for individuals and businesses, and as more homeowners work from home the demand for energy saving solutions is increasing.

Solar panel field

As the UK strives to achieve its climate targets and transition into a greener future, sustainable technology plays a vital role in unlocking energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.

With increasing performance and lowering costs in renewable technology we can pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future for the generations of tomorrow. However, this can’t be done alone.

The UK needs to collaborate with other countries, share best practices, and work together to develop global solutions to combat climate change. Engaging in international climate agreements and supporting developing nations in adopting sustainable energy solutions and renewable technology can have a significant impact.

To find out how you can play your part in reducing the UK’s carbon emission through supplying renewable technology solutions, visit: www.arespower.co.uk.

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