What are the side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine?

side effects of the astrazeneca vaccine, covid
© Stryjek

Here, we use science to dissect some of the rumours about the side effects of the AstraZeneca and Oxford University vaccine

The Oxford and AstraZeneca vaccine was proven at Phase Three, the final stage of clinical trials, to be 70.4% effective against COVID-19. In practice, it’s actually above 80% effective. Especially when the doses are given with twelve weeks in between them.

And one dose alone holds at 76% efficiency, for three months.

Dr Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, explained: “The best we’ve ever done is measles, which is 97 to 98 percent effective. That would be wonderful if we get there. I don’t think we will. I would settle for 70, 75% effective vaccine.”

To get to Phase Three, atleast 20,000 people must be seen to take and survive the vaccine. The Phase Three trial for AstraZeneca included 24,000 people, from different ethnicities and countries across the world.

This included non-white people from Brazil and South Africa. 

Currently, there are fears circulating about potential side-effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine – or about any vaccine that has been created for COVID. Some people are concerned about the speed of the vaccine, but this is an unprecedented global crisis. Because of the hit on the economies and livelihoods of people across the world, Governments poured money and time into research in a way that has never been seen before.

If we approached every public health crisis like this, many viruses would receive medicines just as quickly.

AstraZeneca expect to manufacture 3 billion doses over 2021.

  1. Will the AstraZeneca vaccine change my DNA?

The answer is no. 

The AstraZeneca vaccine cannot change your DNA or reshape a human cell. Your body just receives instructions from the vaccine, telling you how to create a completely organic defence against the virus. The body then learns what COVID looks like, and creates antibodies that can identify and fight the virus when it comes across them.

It took 14 days after vaccination for the immune system to destroy cells infected with COVID-19, while antibodies were generated within 28 days of the second injection.

Some of the side-effects are just evidence that the body is processing the information given by the vaccine to create a protective shield. The symptoms below mean that the shield is working.

For instance, it is very, very normal (over one in ten people) for someone to feel some negative symptoms after the AstraZeneca vaccine.

These common post-vaccine symptoms are:

  • Tenderness, pain, warmth, redness, itching, swelling or bruising where the injection is given
  • Generally feeling unwell
  • Feeling tired (fatigue)
  • Chills or feeling feverish
  • Headache
  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Joint pain or muscle ache

And some less common but still possible side effects are:

  • Feeling dizzy
  • Decreased appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Excessive sweating, itchy skin or rash

2. Will the AstraZeneca vaccine paralyse me?

Again, the answer is no.

There were viral grouptexts and anecdotes about the vaccine trials leaving people paralysed, then pharma companies covering these alleged incidents up. This kind of story is hard to disprove once people believe it, but there is a scientific truth that explains why this is wrong.

Four volunteers on the Pfizer clinical trial for COVID-19 had Bell’s palsy develop while they participated, which is a paralysis of the face. But due to the thousands and thousands of participants (atleast 20,000 for Phase Three trials of any drug), it was expected that people would develop their own illnesses that were due to happen while participating. However, the occurrence of Bell’s palsy is something scientists are continuing to monitor.

Currently, there has been no proven link between vaccines and paralysis, but sadly life continues to bring people illnesses that aren’t COVID-19.

Think about it this way. If a person has been given a medicine for one problem, would that medicine be expected to solve every medical problem they could experience?

3. Will the AstraZeneca vaccine make me infertile?

Again, the answer is no. 

In December, 2020, a German doctor and anti-vaccine supporter, begun to create a false link between syncytin-1 (an ingredient in the vaccine) and the human placenta. His argument was that they share genetic makeups, meaning that the vaccine could then attack the human placenta and make the body unable to carry a baby.

This argument nearly went as viral as COVID.

It is a strange and impossible idea, as the antibodies created after the vaccine are specifically coded to fight the virus and protect the human body. If the antibodies were to suddenly turn on the human body, this would have been spotted at Phase One, Phase Two and especially the huge Phase Three stage of clinical trials for every single COVID-19 vaccine.

Remember, the vaccine makes antibodies for us before COVID. But when people get the virus without a vaccine, their bodies make those protective antibodies.

If the antibodies created organically in the bodies of 107 million people did not impact pregnancy statistics, then the exact same antibodies created with the insight of a vaccine would not change fertility patterns.

4. Will I get a blood clot if I take AstraZeneca?

It is highly unlikely, roughly a four in one million chance. 

The WHO and UK medicine authority both cleared the AstraZeneca vaccine of blood clot risks – signing off for the vaccine to be safely used across the world.

However, there are new cautionary guidelines for those under thirty. 

In a recent trial of over 30,000 people, the AstraZeneca vaccine was proven to be 100% capable of stopping COVID death. 

There is more risk of experiencing a blood clot related issue from birth control than the AstraZeneca vaccine.

So, what is the main side effect that is real?


Only eleven in one million people will experience this, and your doctor should be able to advise you on what to do about this. This resource explains clearly if you can take the vaccine, depending on other pre-existing allergies you might have.

Read about the side effects of the Pfizer vaccine here. 

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    • If the short-attention span people can’t be bothered to stay focused long enough to read and learn about something as important as a worldwide virus such as COVID 19, I despair.

      • Short attention span does not necessarily equate to disinterest. It can be a debilitating condition that can accompany other conditions such as mental illness, stress and anxiety, intellectual disability, dementia and so on. Please be patient with those less healthy than you seem to be.

        • Very well said Kathy. I have severe depression and anxiety along with type 1 diabetes and my attention span is being affected massively. It’s extremely upsetting the way some people have so much ignorance to mental health, even now. It’s a shame that some people think they have it all figured out.

      • Stupid person! There are people out there that do suffer with shorter attention span for God sake, thick! Or what! Because they suffer with various health conditions and illness never have I read such a stupid comment

        • Even simply being tired can cause a short attention span/loss of concentration. I do not always sleep well so am tired a lot, and so people who suffer from any type of problems that prevent them getting a good nights sleep can then be too tired to concentrate or read long articles.

        • So someone doesn’t understand something and you label them “thick” and “stupid”?! Can’t we all try to be a bit kinder to each other?

        • Abuse and reviling never brings change – it re-enforces bad traits. Remember your child you always called stupid, thick etc?…

      • I have attention deficit disorder and if I hear one more comment to this effect just because you can do things that others find so difficult. My brain does not make the same chemical response to instigate or continue with things the same as yours does. Plain and simple. I wish it would but it doesn’t. It makes being a working, single mum with 3 boys and a house to run horrendously difficult. I am learning new strategies to try and help matters but one thing I can’t magic out of thin air is concentration.

        Your ignorance and lack of empathy for others, who through no fault of their own are unable to do the tasks you do, the way you do, saddens me. I’ve battled against enough self loathing for wondering why everyone else can do things and I can’t, until I understood my inattentive ADD . Would you be as condemning towards someone who had a visible disability?

        No, I think not.

        • Lisa I sometimes have trouble concentrating I’m not sure if I have ADD because I’ve never spoken to my doctor and I feel embarrassed that my friends and family would not understand if I do. So I continue to struggle with probably for the rest of my life it seems to be worse when I don’t sleep well sometime regular everyday tasks are impossible . you take care.

        • Hi Lisa. I know exactly what you mean! It is a struggle especially if you aren’t getting help or your doctors doesn’t believe in the condition.

        • I have attention deficit disorder today ..just had my 3th Vaqccine done before yesterday and I am soo weak that I am not able to read your text to the end:(

        • Well said. My daughter is 47 and people still do not care or understand . She achieved amazing job for years. .Now 7 months of long covid still I’ll no help from NHS. .her job and future married is all in jeopardy now , her mental health is falling too . So added problems

      • Narrow minded much – think outside your tiny box – some illnesses cause short attention span and even makes one have a compromised cognitive side.
        Really shame on you!

    • I had vaccine 9.20 yesterday by 10 so tired no energy to do anything by 2 awful headache so cold by 7 still headache drifting in and out of sleep so cold my body ache all over by 9 had to turn lights and television off couldn’t stand lights was so cold but very hot to touch temp was 37.8 thought it was going to be higher the way I felt shaking all over painful mouth ulcers upset stomach lower back ache couldn’t get warm woke at 2am still ill could walk every step wet myself upset stomach felt sick and cold all night always have breakfast 7 to 7.30 couldn’t eat felt so sick tried to eat porridge and grapes at 10.30 felt so sick 12 still tired and headache no energy but not cold or shaking mouth ulcers gone still have upset stomach and lower back pain so glad no work untill Saturday hopefully be better then not looking forward to second vaccine going to make sure I have few days off work after it.

      • Its now 2.25 and I fell better like nothing have happened so glad its all past got my appetite back headaches gone I think its a good price to pay ill for 29 hours after vaccine .

        • hey. That sounds awful. poor you. I had it at about 3pm today and felt very tired but then I feel quite lacklustre anyway at the moment but then tonight I started to get nausea and was typing an email when I realized my hands had gone numb. I tried to warm up but couldn’t so I went upstairs to get in a hot bath and started shaking. I sat in the bath retching and feeling headachy so I took paracetamol l. My teeth were chattering at one point I thought it was possibly in my head because i’d read the side effects but I think the worst has passed or the paracetamol has kicked in. i put the electric heater on full blast as well as the radiators and the hot bath did initially help but I got cold because there wasn’t enough hot water to fill it. Had there been enough I’d suggest that that did stop the shivering for a bit and I was getting a bit desperate as the shivering got worse and worse once I got out of bed. my hands went numb. i think it is quite cold tonight however. it would have been interesting to see if that had happened in the summer. So i guess I got the common side effects listed. I’ve had no irritation where the needle went in . I hope it will pass by tomorrow but I will update people. I don’t think I was anxious about having the vaccine at all but now my radar is looking for more symptoms which is annoying me.

          • Same as me! Got into the bath, but just couldn’t make it warm enough and was so desperate! Have you previously had COVID? Apparently side effects stringer if so

          • Same here Jeannette. Felt fine for a couple of hours after the injection. Then started shivering uncontrollably. Had to put many layers on to try to stay warm. Felt sick …. and was sick ….. but also the headache was bad and I’m a migraine sufferer so I think I missed my ‘window of opportunity” to take my tablet?
            Terrible night. Almost no sleep. Temp of 39.0 then by morning down to 38.9 but still high.
            Feeling lethargic and unable to do much ….. but, as you say, just one of those things with the side effects and worth it in the long run.

        • Thank you for sharing Gill my partner is going though this now (scary) and I feel better knowing it gets better ….. hopefully your much better now x

        • Glad you’re better, Gill Wood, but I’ve chosen not to have the vaccine as , considering what you’ve been through – compared to the vaccines I’ve had in the past for ‘flu or for overseas travel against ‘foreign’ illnesses – I’ve had no such side effects. What concerns me is the long-term effects. Usually it takes years if not decades for vaccines to be developed. Open to further discussion on this.

          • Hi, I had the vaccine from AstraZeneca on 04/02/2021, and the only sides effects I had is pain at the place of injection and a little cold symptoms.
            I am in the critical category group as well.

          • Hi Ashley,

            I appreciate your reasoning as to why you have opted to not receive the vaccine – I thought I’d take on your invitation to further discussion.

            All vaccines have different side effects, and of course it is worrying hearing about others experiencing them. Compared to the shingles vaccine, Pfizer actually reported lower levels of reports of local pain and redness of the injection site, muscle pain, chills and fever. This is just an example of how some vaccines that have been around almost 15 years still have noticeable side effects, sometimes at higher rates than Covid ones. Just how some people react differently to getting certain infections or bugs, people will react differently to getting vaccinations. The main point is that the protection these vaccines offer (for all diseases, not just Covid) far outweigh any side effects you may incur for a small amount of time.

            I completely agree with your worry as to how the Covid vaccinations were created so quickly as opposed to some other vaccines, it was also a concern of mine. After researching, here are some of the points that helped me understand how it was possible, and hopefully will make you feel safer too:
            – Some vaccines on the market have been developed completely from scratch, adding years and years to the creation timeline. They have been able to tweak existing vaccines as opposed to creating an entirely new one, which has reduced the time needed to ‘create’ it.
            – Vaccines tend to go through 3 phases of testing before being allowed out to the public: Phase 1 of a small number of healthy adult volunteers, Phase 2 of a larger number of volunteers, Phase 3 of a large number of volunteers in the target population (ie. with other conditions, wider range of ages etc). Due to the urgent need for the Covid vaccine, they were given permission to complete Phase 2 and Phase 3 simultaneously as opposed to having to wait for stage 2 to be completed first. This means that no phases were skipped or missed out, it still went through all the testing necessary, just in a much shorter time frame.
            – A huge amount of time within the development of any vaccine is taken up through procedures. This includes, submitting for permission to begin creating vaccine, submitting for finance, submitting to the ethics committee for volunteering, submitting for paperwork to license the vaccine, just to name a few. And this is what takes vaccines so long to be produced, back and forth and many different agencies working together. Because Covid has had such a devastating affect worldwide, you can imagine every agency has made this their top priority, meaning time between steps is decreased greatly. Governments globally are pumping funding towards developing these vaccines, meaning finance is no longer an issue. People around the world are desperate to help and have life return to normal, meaning volunteers are in abundance. As you can see, all of these have the compounded effect of taking an immense amount of time off of ‘the years vaccines normally take to create’

            In terms of long term effects – you’re right. Covid-19 hasn’t been around long enough for us to say with 100% certainty what long term effects the disease and it’s vaccines have. We do however, through science, know a lot about how biologically and chemically similar vaccines have responded to the human body. Unfortunately if this is still a concern for you, then there are also hundreds of other things you should stop / limit such as wifi, bluetooth and screentime just to name a few – none of these have been around a significant amount of time for us to fully say with accuracy that they do not have any lasting effects and yet we use them all daily.

            I think the main point is, the vaccine is what we need right now. It has gone through the same rigorous testing as other vaccines, albeit much quicker, and any temporary side effects are greatly outweighed by the positives to not only you, but to the worldwide population as a whole.

            Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope that this has helped you understand and overcome some of the concerns you had, and I truly hope you feel you are in a better place to make an informed decision when invited to have the vaccine.

          • Hi Ashley. Everybody’s choice to get vaccinated or not. I’m reading some really bad side effects from vaccines on here but I had my Oxford vaccine yesterday at 2pm. Now nearly 18 hours later all I’ve had is a slightly achey arm. I had this done even though I’m terrified of needles to not only protect myself but also my family, and it means I’m one step closer to meeting up with other family members. I felt worse after having a flu jab for the first time last October. The science behind this proves it’s helping to fight this and scientists have worked hard to roll this out.

          • I am not being dismissive of you not wanting to have the vaccine, but the reason it has been developed so much quicker, is that governments around the world funded a lot of the work needed and took all the financial risk away from the companies behind the vaccine. Also if you ha e 24 to 48 hours of feeling terrible due to the vaccine as my wife has, it is still better than the four months of recovery I have gone through from covid. Please, please think again about getting vaccinated. Protect yourself and others who are unable to have protection.

          • It does take years normally. However these vaccines have been developed probably over a year and they have had every penny thrown into it and all the best scientists and Drs I prsume. So what would be dragged along, being left for months in between every stage due to staffing, funding and not being that urgent this has had the worlds concentration and best experts on it. Consider it like this – if you have one man who can afford a spade to dig the biggest hole he can – how far will he get, but if you have 1000 of the best hole diggers with mechanised diggers and all the money to buy equipment who is going to get the best results – and is it fair to compare the two?

          • The vaccine groundwork has been in development for 10 years or at least , so it did not just pop up from nowhere 🙂
            They learnt from other covids like SARS and MERS and discovered the best way to approach making vaccines for it. People should not listen to scare stories

          • If you decide to skip the vaccine that’s obviously entirely your choice. But given we are all taking the vaccine to not only protect ourselves, but the whole of society (especially the vulnerable) I would encourage everyone to take it.
            I hate injections / needles but I had my first jab yesterday. The process was very well managed. Didn’t feel the injection at all. I am suffering from side effects though. Not slept all night. Sensitive skin. Joints and lower back are pretty uncomfortable. Some abdominal pains. I feel a huge headache brewing.
            But, I’ll be better by tonight or tomorrow and that’s me done then.

        • That makes me feel hopeful. After reading your report I’m not too bad after all. If this is how you feel after vaccine, I definately don’t want Covid 19 !

        • Thanks for this comment, I was freakin out because I thought I got ill too fast. Its approx 9 hours after first injection.
          Oh my goodness the achy everything. Bones I didn’t even know I have are aching lol. I am so so so cold, I’m still chattering with heating on and three blankets! But ur right, worth it no matter what.

        • I got my yesterday 27.03.21 4pm feels normally and today around 1pm started side effects head pain from knees to foots I feel to much cold sometimes hand, lover back pain maybe kidneys every hour going make urine , now is around 9pm now my legs feels hot , still head pain , urine every hour , eat normally and drink plenty waters or tea with honey

          • Hi Stefan, I had my first Astrazeneca 2 days ago and suffered similar effects to you but maybe more extreme, being extremely cold and unwell and passing quite a lot of urine very frequently (I dont know where it all came from!) for about a 6 hours. I had such difficultly getting out of bed and walking. But after that 6 hours I slowly improved . I am now very hesitant in getting my second dose. So was wondering did you get a second dose and how did it effect you? . From Margaret (Australia)

        • Glad you are feeling better now. I had only a sore arm however my 61 year old younger brother had pretty much the same experience you had. He plans on taking some precautions including Tylenol for his second shot. It’s a normal response for some even though it’s so severe. I do recommend talking with your MD or public health dept. before getting a second shot.

      • Hi all,
        Had my vaccine, 8.15am 11 hours after
        Got high temperatures and the shakes, felt really unwell slightly nauseous, pain in my joints and muscles.
        Appetite was gone and extremely tired, experienced constipation as well
        But all good after 36 hours,.
        Having said all this my brother had his vaccine yesterday with no side effects yet.
        All good its worth it at least we have some cover from this wretched plague.
        Have a weekend

        • This is all good to hear, I had the jab mid day Sat.
          Been a relatively normal experience, in line with yours that is, the headache however is pretty bad now without paracetamol, in fact most of the other side effects lessened too, once I took 2 paracetamol that is. I’ll keep them handy.
          Thanks for the info, I’m not worried now.

        • Hi I had mine Sunday still feel tired and head ache not my self but arm not hurting any more not really eaten much just feel out of salts I think may be having Fibromaglie has not helped

          • Hi Caroline h ad my AstraZeneca jab yesterday 9.20am was fine all day
            Woke up today with bad headache and aching neck and arm and back and ribs no shaking slight temperature 37.1 hope this goes away soon
            Staying in bed

        • Aah that makes me feel better. 12 hours after the jab I got ill with a temperature of 38.5 . I had cold shivers body aches and weirdly all my injuries flared up . ( hip from running and AC joint swelled up) which makes sense as it’s a inflammatory response. The headache was the worst I didn’t want to see light of hear anything . Cold cloth over the eyes really helped. After 24 hours It was more manageable after 36 It was better. 72 hrs later I had a shadow headache and was soooo tired and out of breath even going up stairs or for a little walk ( I’m very active and fit ) today it’s day 4 and I’m not as tired but I’m still tired and feel drained/ depleted definitely not my usual energetic self. Hoping this completely leaves me soon it’s a little worrying that everyone else seems to be better after 48 hrs .

          • How long before your tiredness went? I’m on day 7 post vaccine and still tired but it’s getting better. Appetite is a bit better too. Process is so slow especially when I read you are poorly for up to 48hrs! I will need some convincing to get my 2and jab.

          • I’m surprised to find I still have dizziness and strong fatigue 1 wk after vaccination. I went to see the doctor yesterday who said that this can still be the case and not to worry. I’m 48 and normally really healthy. It’s just really taken it out of me for some reason. Lots of extra sleep hours needed!

          • How are you felling – how long did it last? I had my AZ vaccine on 20th April. No noticeable side effects other than a sore arm for 2 days. However, evening of 27th April, developed a terrible headache and had it on and off since then (wasn’t noticeable on 18th April). GP has said to treat it like a migraine until it has been 4 days or if it worsens – to get a blood test for platelets and d-dimmer. It’s been 3 days if you exclude Wed. Trip to A & E shortly – to get checked out. Better safe than sorry!

      • I had vaccine Tues am. Had awful sore affects due to having fibromyalgia. Head hurts even more feel worse than if I have the flu..body in so much pain. So know how u feel.
        Had no choice but to get it done due to job but so fed up now with having no energy. Hope you feel better soon x

        • Hi …68 today!!.. Astrazeneca vaccination last Saturday evening…I’m somewhat heartened to find out that others have had similar side effects..at first,I thought it was just me..
          Sunday..began to feel ill…exhaustion.. muscle aches..lay in bed most of day..Monday.. exhausted ..aches..cracking headache/migraine..sick..stomach discomfort… Tuesday..woke up..sat up on bed edge..got up to(attempted to) my feet.. excruciating pain at very specific point at left base of spine..like circular saw going in..let out a yell/groan…at same time,desperate need to empty bladder..but …guess what?..I wet myself..urine flooding down legs, no muscle power to hold it in..glad I’m on my own..embarrassing.. pretty much how the rest of the week has gone..I’m now wearing adult paper knickers(just like lady in the advert who lifts weights
          It’s Saturday again…pain down left side turned to strange numbness..pain.. .still there…might try dialling nhs111 tomorrow,if things don’t improve..I’ve given up with cocodamol & the 15mg codeine tabs..

          • I had the same side effects reported here by so many. Not pleasant but far better than getting the real thing. Five days later I am still very tired and only just getting my appetite back. A word of warning tho. The painkillers you took are powerful opiates and if taken too many times will produce symptoms that will be as bad as what you are trying to alleviate. Also they dampen the immune response your body is trying to build up so you may be undoing your immune systems good work.

          • Four weeks after astra zeneca ive had bad back pain and constipation .still have pain after two weeks hoping my body will react to fight this. Soon

          • Hi Kathryn, sorry to hear about what happened. Have you recovered all right? I’m at approx 48 hours after my AZ jab and just started getting shooting pains in my lower back. Needless to say I’m a bit worried and started googling and ran across your post. Hope you’re ok

          • My too Julie 6days later still in bed full flare up of fibromyalgia 2hrs after getting injection all in all I’m really miserable.Take care.xx

        • I have fibro, ivfeelvyou! 6 days after my Oxford jab im most definitely still very sore, stiff and feeling heat in injection site arm. I am still recovering from covid since December 2020, I was scared to get vaccinated just yet as was already feeling effects of the virus. Glad I did though.
          I’m currently, with GP, deriving a long covid / asthma plan for the road ahead. Shortness of breath, headaches and insomnia just won’t bugger off!! And as you know, fibro does like to exasperate all ailments. *sarcastic “yay” ;D
          Fibro is a daily tough, but covid scares me still. Stay well x

          • Hi Sally, did the insomnia go away. I am 62 and after 10 days of vaccination i have suddenly developed Insomnia which is not going away for last 4 nights.

        • Hi how long did you feel like this i had mine Sunday still getting head ache body pain and feeling out of salts my arm no longer hurts but my shoulders and chest ache this is not pains I don’t get with Fibromaglie I just feel tired

          • Do you feel better now? I have fibromyalgia too. 2 weeks since the jab now and still feel awful. Xx

        • Hi Lisa I feel exactly the same.Five days on i still feel extremely exhausted, I also suffer from fibromyalgia and 2 hrs after the injection I had a full flare up.Im still in bed and I regret having it.Im still very cold, lower abdominal pain and an over all feeling of being unwell.Atm I regret it and will be reluctant to get the next one.Didnt this I was going to feel this bad.Take care.xx

      • I’ve been the same, but I’ve got pain all down my left hand side, pins and needles in my face, headache feeling sick, lower back pain, fever temp 38.6. In and out of sleep. Feel really rotten. Having second thoughts about the second injection,this has made me so unwell

          • i have firbro thyroid hbp i had oxford and heard all horror stories so
            i took hot lemon and honey 2 panadol as as i got in
            i kept drinking hot lemon and honey Panadol every four hours had bit of headache and knackered for 24 hours but otherwise really good. keep hydrated but have the jab if you can honestly im mardy but was fine

          • Me too. I had mine on Sunday and felt quite ill after about 8 hours. My arm is still really painful where the injection went in. Don’t fancy the next one!

          • Hi Julie had my Astrozenica, jab the and only effects were sore arm for a few days but lately have been suffering from awful cramps in toes and legs and also fingers, whether this is due to us moving recently and all the hard work involved is anyone’s guess, but i would not put it down to the vaccine, had mine on the04/03/2021 and felt fine after went to work the next day and no problems, by the way i am 62 with health problems and was not going to miss out on this Great Chance to beat this awful virus.

        • First I’ve read of pins and needles. I had no reaction to the vaccine and then, 10 days later when having a shower, (after a relaxing start to the morning), I experienced pins and needles on the right hand side of my tongue. The sensation spread quickly to my cheek, gums and palate on this same side. Whether my next response was due to anxiety, I don’t know, but I felt a bit dizzy, slightly unsteady on my feet, and wondered if I was going to faint. That passed sufficiently for me to dry and to dress but I noticed, when I call my partner my voice dropped. It seemed I was having a little difficulty with speech. In the mirror it looked to me as if my mouth on the right side had drooped. I continued to feel a little peculiar, slightly unreal and a little off balance for the rest of the day. The pins and needles slowly became that sensation I know after having a local injection at the dentist when it has almost worn off. The next morning I woke feeling back to normal.

          • Roe, I really think you should talk to your GP as your symptoms could be signs of a T I A (mini strike) – at the very least it needs to be documented and your blood pressure and general health checked. (I am a nurse) xx

          • Wow I’m feeling the same symptoms as after dentist , numbness pins needles in face ,as well as all the rest aches pains etc it’s SCAREY I feel like I did when I had pneumonia a few years ago , I’m so emotional, had jab Fri 5th 9.30 am symptoms kicked in big style Fri night I was scared to go to bed as felt so sick and had the runs, it’s now Sunday 8.30 pm still suffering,

          • Just wondering if the symptoms have gone away? I’m 11 days post vaccine and have pins and needles in my right hand and persistent headache with occasional nausea. I went to the GP after 4 days who said to give it time, that I’m “just having side effects”. Initially, the day after the AZ vaccine i had flushed face and facial spasming, numbness in a lot of ,my body including my head/ skull.
            I have a background in healthcare and am quite knowledgeable, there is no doubt in my mind I have had neurological changes possibly due to brain inflammation or stroke. Sadly, the GP had a waiting room of 40 people and probably just wanted me gone, when I in fact should have been sent for CT. Feel helpless now, just have to endure it and hope it goes away soon.

          • I had my Oxford AZ jab exactly two weeks ago and I’m still getting bad pins and needles in my left arm and hand (the side where the vaccine was administered), and I also occasionally get tingling in my lips and face and a tight feeling in my chest (although I suspect that that is just anxiety). Has anyone else had pins and needles for this long? I reported on the yellow card system but now thinking I should make an appointment to see my GP, however, if anyone has had these symptoms for longer and then they eventually disappeared, that would give me some kind of reassurance…

          • My dear Roe, The symptoms you described need to be discussed with your GP. Please call them and don’t hesitate.

        • I had my jab last Friday. I felt okay until the evening, when I started to get mild flu symptoms. These carried on over the weekend. I was very tired on Monday but by Tuesday I was getting migraines. I am a migraine sufferer. Have had on going migraine since then and I am having disturbed sleep. I feel sick and don’t want to eat. I am not sure how long these symptoms are supposed to last but I was led to believe would only be 48 hours and it is almost a week since I had the vaccine. Today, I feel worse than I did over the weekend. I am waiting to hear back from GP surgery but this feels like really bad flu, I am not sure that I will be having the second jab. Very concerned about it

          • Same. Flu symptoms for.weeks.and headsch has never gone away since I received the vaccine. I am on day 32 and headache will.not abate. I never have headaches. Today (32) I still have headache, tiredness and tinnitus.

          • Hi Mandy.
            Did your headaches/migraines go away? I am on day 13 since AstraZeneca and day 9 of ongoing headaches and migraines. Doc says I am ok. Just have to push through it. I want it to be over.

        • Hi.. had mine Saturday…10am the numbness spread across my left side in minutes.. had a panic attack. Pains in my chest within 15 minutes it’s now 4am Wednesday and I cannt sleep arm is heavy leg is heavy still tingly jaw and neck worried I’ve got angina or something.. at 9.55 Saturday I was right as reign. It annoys me they keep saying these conditions were underlying. That’s twoddle! I haven’t felt right since 10 an last Saturday..

        • How are you feeling now Nicola? I had my jab 4 days ago and experienced various things you’ve mentioned but the pins and needles in my hands, Lower legs and feet still remain…

          • How are you feeling now Donna as I had my AZ jab on the same day as you and had pins and needles as soon as I got in the car after the jab. They went down my left arm and hand (the arm that I had jabbed) and since then, a week has passed and they are still going on and moved to my left leg and foot. It got so uncomfortable yesterday that I phoned my GP. He was going to yellow card my symptoms and hadn’t heard of it before. Said it was rare and that it was unlikely I had Guillain-Barre syndrome as both sides are normally affected but it still worries me that it could happen in the future. I will assess how others have got on before I make up my mind whether to have the second jab as I also got a terrible 3 day migraine, swollen lymph glands behind my knees, nausea, no energy, hot and cold, and generally not myself. I was vaccine hesitant and normally take homeopathic remedies for vaccines so had to be persuaded to have the first jab. My husband had his at the same time and was fine!

          • Hi Donna,

            How do you feel now? I have the same symptoms 10 days post- vaccine. The pins and needles are the worst but also have nausea and headaches. Did yours go away eventually?

          • Hi Donna
            Do you still have pins and needles I am 5 weeks post vaccine and pins and needles still remain in my left face, left arm/hand and left foot.

          • Hi Joldine,

            How do you feel now? I have the same symptoms 10 days post- vaccine. The pins and needles are the worst but also have nausea and headaches. Did yours go away eventually?

        • I am getting pins and needles now too. Left leg in particular and pain in my groin like some circulation problem. It’s been 5 days since my AZ jab. The day after the jab i had fever, headache and tiredness.

          • I am having the exact same symptoms for jab april 21 and am now 6 days in
            Are you feeling better

          • Hi Andrew,

            How do you feel now? I have the same symptoms 10 days post- vaccine. The pins and needles are the worst but also have nausea and headaches. Did yours go away eventually?

        • Hi Nicola,

          Have the pins and needles gone yet? I have these 11 days lost vaccine and they’re very worrying. Would love to know if / when people recovered.

          • Hi Danielle
            Did you recover from the pins and needles eventually? I am 5 weeks post vaccine with pins and needles on my left face, arm/hand and lower left leg and foot.

        • Hi – did you go on to have your second jab?
          I had the numbness and tingling down my left arm, both hands, feet and mouth/tongue 4 days after 1st jab.
          Very scared of it happening again after my second! Help!

        • Hi Nicola, just came across your comment and I want to say I have experienced similar side effects to you. I have dead numb heavy left arm for a month as well as lower legs tingling, shape chest pain, inside neck pain for 2 Months, all started on the jab day. Now on month 3, I’m having the tingling around my head, face, tongue, lips…. So still wonder what to do with 2nd dose as GP wouldnt decide what to do and I fear the worst if I do but dont get any medical help afterwards as hard to get help as it is.

        • Hi, I have the same symptoms. Pins and needle on left side of the body and difficulty sleeping. Did it get any better?

      • Follow this simple logic.
        If you got very bad side effects for the vaccine be thankful you got the vaccine. Unlike the majority who shows no side effects to the vaccine, you are a person who had no resistance to the virus and would have most likely ended up in an ICU if you had contacted the Covid. Now your body will build up the resistance and even if you catch Covid it will pass off unsimtamatic.

        • I had nausea and a real bad headache with light headedness but in general nowhere near as bad as some correspondents. I agree it a sign that if the virus had caught me I would have been affected badly. No problem with getting the second vaccine injectopn

        • Sorry – that’s simply not scientifically correct – reacting to the vaccine has nothing to do with reaction to covid – AZ vaccine doesn’t work by giving you a dose of the virus – I have been exposed to at least three people with the
          Virus and never showed anything – I suspect T cell immunity from years in Australia where plenty of corona viruses – but the Oxford vaccine has slated me – what a joke – I only had it to be able to go to Greece – forget the second jab and I wholly regret the first one.

          • The AstraZeneca vaccine is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus known as adenovirus (from chimpanzees). It has been modified to look more like Coronavirus. Although it can’t cause illness, once injected, it teaches the body’s immune system how to fight the real virus should it need to. I understand that for some people the side effects are worse than they are for others but they should be temporary if you are finding they are lasting for longer than 48 hrs or you are seriously concerned contact your local healthcare provider or if you are in the U.K. phone 111 for advice. Please do not be put off having your second dose because the side effects are unpleasant because the effects of covid 19 are far worse than you’ll experience from any vaccine

          • Ruth I feel exactly the same, 6days in bed now feel awful I went in well and now I’m aching all over headaches exhaustion low appetite, only did it as I also wanted to go to Greece, won’t be having the next one.Take carexx

      • I had mild reaction, tiredness, chills day after jab, then again a week later, and now again 3 weeks after jab. This time it was worse than other 2 times. Have been self isolating so little chance of picking up other germs. Anyone else had recurring reactions?

        • I’ve just been for a Covid test after having a temperature, chills, headache and being sick yesterday. I felt very fluey but it’s been 3 weeks since my jab. Feeling better today and wondering if it could have been a delayed reaction to the vaccine? Hasn’t put me off having the second jab when the time comes though.

          • I had terrible sickness/vomiting, diarrhoea and severe tummy pains/ cramps, started around 55 hours after my vaccine. Wasn’t too sure if it was the vaccine or not, but there really doesn’t seem to be any other explanation, especially as I had been pretty much self isolating and only mixing with immediate family who I live with…..

        • I was not too bad after jab, now a week later I am in more pain, just like fibromyalgia. Is it important to have 2nd jab as I think I am not going to bother.

        • I had about 36 hours of slight fever, nausea, light headedness and fatigue the day after my Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccination. I then felt ok again, but on day 10 the tiredness and slight fever have returned. I haven’t been out of the house since December, except for my vaccination so I don’t think I’ve picked up another bug.

          • I had mine Thursday lunchtime. 10 o’clock that night had a pain in my arm. Friday I couldn’t move anything, headache, nausea and dizziness so stayed in bed. Yesterday I was able to get up but pain in arm and tiredness remained. Today is Sunday. The only way I can describe how I feel today is spaced out. Does that make any sense? I feel a bit scared, as if I’m not in control. I’m a little concerned about driving.

        • I had my first AstraZeneca jab almost three weeks ago and I had a mild reaction the day after: just some dizziness, headache and fatigue with a slight temperature, which lasted for about a day or even less. Now, more than two weeks after the first jab, I’ve been down with what I thought was a stomach flu for about two days now: I’ve been feeling extremely tired, with some temperature and a terrible headache. I’m getting the suspicion that maybe this has got something to do with the vaccine?

        • I’m on to day 15 still got chills headache feeling sick pins needles body paining ulcers in mouth although not as bad now I ,can feel pretty much ok for a while at some point in the day then the tiredness hits ,I’ve spoken to 2 GPS they said it’s not reaction to jab it’s a spring virus ,ha they want to read some of these stories, hopefully we all feel better soon ! 2nd jab far from my mind at moment,

          • Hi Margaret, my partner is the same. Never had a thing wrong with him in all the years I’ve known him, not even a cold- genuinely. Received Oxford vaccine 5 days ago and has had dizzy spells, diarrhoea, heartburn, loss of appetite (first time I have ever seen him lose his appetite), weak legs, chills, sore arm, sore head. He definitely won’t be getting the second one. Said if he’d known this could happen to him, he would never have got it.

          • Hi, I’m very similar. Day 17 and feeling dizzy and very fatigued with pins and needles and numbness in my face. I’ve never had covid and I’m fit and healthy. I felt ok for about 4 days then the symptoms came back.

        • Ok think I’m same as you ,I really don’t know what to do next , diagnosed with bit D deficiency after 2 jab of ASTRAZenica ,side effects are terrible tiredness anxiety nausea ect now really worried might catch something else as my immune is probly shot ,I’m taking supplement capsules vit D hoping they work as I now feel terrible ,hope you are getting better I’m in Australia where are you ?

      • Very similar reaction to you Gill. Except I was also physically sick in two separate bouts. I was shaking with incontrollable cold and horrendous headache through the night. Also had bouts of loose motion and lower abdominal pain.
        Haven’t felt as ill in 30 years! It lasted 24 hours but I didn’t feel better until the second day 36 hours after my jab.

      • My son had his AZ jab 1pm – hes 27 but epileptic – was fine till about 5pm EXACTLY the same as your symptoms and everyone on here …he never gets flu or bugs so weird to see him so poorly. Relieved to find we are not alone but now dreading next week when i get mine! Having said that my nephew died of Covid 2 days before Xmas 48 years old no underlying health issues, slim, fit healthy. Worked as a social worker with covid patients. Left 2 teenage daughters so 3 or so days of feeling very ill is nothing if it keeps us safe.

      • I have gradually got worse since my jab on wednesday. Just rang 111 and the doctor was so nice. Thinks its just a bad reaction to the jab.Said if I get any worse to ring back. But just keep taking paracetamol. and definitely not have my electric blanket on. Have violent shaking.splitting headache and feel sick.

      • Got my shot 29 hrs ago with no symptoms except slight fatigue. My wife also got it same time as me. Experiencing similar effects as you people. Headache, chills the first night, no appetite and now just very tired mostly sleeping today. Wakes up says she feels fine but tired so goes back to sleep. No more headaches or chills.

      • Same with me, pain all over my body, like someone beat me up with a stick or walk on me. HBP 180/100, no energy, just laying in bed, no appetite after 24 hours since jab.

      • Thanks Gill
        It was only by reading your post that I realised I would live through it!
        Astra Zeneca side effects – QLD
        Vaccination at 11.20
        Home by 12.00
        Put together leek, potato and chicken soup in the slow cooker
        Made a batch of no flour peanut butter cookies for gluten free friend who arrived at 1.00
        Lovely visit- feeling great
        Friend left at 3 and I made a chicken pie for dinner. Slight sore throat and felt like I had blisters on my tongue??
        Ate dinner at 6.30 – fine
        Sat down to watch the 7.00 news
        7.30 started shaking uncontrollably ( it is fair to say that the news report was all about the Origin game) ! But jokes aside I could not stop shaking- I thought I would break my teeth or bite my tongue and was so worried I schooled myself to take long deep breaths which helped a little. The shakes went on until 9.00
        Crawled into bed – pyjamas, dressing gown and 5 blankets! Took two Panadol.
        Started to warm up!
        Couldn’t sleep but was so grateful that the shaking had stopped I put up with the sweating, excess temperature and headache
        1.30 am -managed to make my way to the kitchen and made a hot water and honey drink, took 2 more Panadol and went back to bed.
        Don’t remember much sleeping going on but dozed and pushed myself out of bed at 8.30
        9.30 Headache , burning up and listless
        4.30 still not great but might try some food
        Hope I wake up tomorrow ready for a good walk!

      • How are you now? I am here because my daughter took this brand vaccine, has her two shots about a month and half now and she is still complaining about headaches and newest development now lower back pains. She was perfectly fine before this vaccine.

    • We had the vaccine last Saturday. My wife was flat on her back for 5 days. Zero energy, Banging headaches, crazy tinnitus and night sweats. Finally got her up a day or so ago but still far from back to normal. Myself I did not seem to get anything apart from a bit of tiredness.

      • Yes I had mine on Sunday and have had headache an tinnitus all week , small price to pay ,may be worth people who work have the jab on a Friday To recover a bit , didn’t even feel the needle go in .

    • All I wanted to know – is an upset stomach/diarrhoea a side effect? On roughly 36 hours since the jab and experienced general fatigue, head aches and muscle ache yesterday and feel a lot better today. However my stomach has taken a turn this morning. Hopefully coincidental or possibly due to the amount of Nurofen I chewed through yesterday. Has anyone experienced similar?

      • yes -my partner. Really not well since he got his 5 days ago. Think he’s got every symptom on here. Also had lower back ache, muscle ache. Away to his bed just down (early evening). First time he’s even done that in all the time I’ve known him.

      • I had no sore arm and no side effects after my Astrozenica jab and was telling everyone nothing to it and I was just fine …went to bed that night and then suddenly about 4 in the morning I woke up with really bad low down pains in my stomach and had to rush to the loo…chronic diarrhoea … for about an hour. Went back to bed … then 3-4 hours later same thing again and then okay all day only to find same thing happened again in the early hours of the morning. After that nothing for weeks. However, after 4 weeks or so I became absolutely covered in excema and chronically itchy all over. I do get it anyway but, never, ever like this. Eventually saw GP and they did urgent blood tests to rule out kidney disease due to my age and other tests due various underlying health issues…nothing showed up. So coping with this crazy itching and excema still and few weeks to go until second vaccine. I also picked up a cold off my Grandchild as did hubby just sneezes and a runny nose…only to find that this weird stomach thing happened again and chronic diarrhoea. So I think it obviously does affect our bodies in some ways.

        • Hi Tracy
          Same here after Astra Zeneca Jab in February my immune system went into over drive and fell ill with sickness and diarrhea for 5 days, then developed a rash all over my body which I still suffer with today in August and to add insult to injury I was rushed into hospital for my appendix removal . Nearly 7 months later I am still unwell and a different person and refuse to have the second jab . People need to know this and hear the truth instead of hiding the negatives and only reporting the positives .

    • I am 23 year old female. I got my AZ first dose on 11th September in my college because we were going to have our final exam. As soon as i got my first jab I felt nauseous and had chest pain but it went away after sometime. Later evening i felt dizzy and at night i had high fever and pain all over my body especially my legs. Next morning the pain went away any my fever was also gone. Later that night my back hurt so much till the next day. On the evening, I got weird headache on the side of my skull I don’t know if it was because of the vaccine or my period. I also found small black marks on my thigh area. The next day today i was fine until my head started hurting again in the evening followed by weird jaw pain with numbness. I also get pain in my chest and sometimes difficult breathing. I am so scared I don’t know what to do and when i am going to feel ok. I need to study for my exam but i just can’t because i feel sick all the time. I am sorry if my English is bad. 🙁

    • Hi I’m a 58 year old male my partner is 56 we both had double vaccinations of astra zenica we both had the jabs around March & may since having the injections me & my partner are suffering from long covid tiredness fatigue chest pains pains in upper arms pains & needles sweating at night jaw ache tinnitus ,we both had a very healthy life been very active until we had the injections we feel the astra zenica has caused some kind of health issues between us we had covid 19 in January but after having our injections we feel that we have developed side effects from the astra zenica injections long covid we have spoken to other people about how they feel after having injections not just astra zenica but other injections and we found some people are saying the same feeling tired & fatigue aches & pains in their body etc

    • Yes, happened to me as well, 12 hrs after the vaccination and lasted over a hour. Felt as though l had flu the next day as well.

      • I had body jerking for about 2hrs and every other side effect mentioned on list. Feel fine 36hrs later but was in bed day following jab.

        • Update- contacted doctor who confirmed shaking caused by high temperature and is known side effect. She had similar problem so put my mind at rest knowing it’s fairly common.

        • Hi how long did you feel like this i had mine Sunday still getting head ache body pain and feeling out of salts my arm no longer hurts but my shoulders and chest ache this is not pains I don’t get with Fibromaglie I just feel tired

    • Yes it happened to me for a few hours about 8 hours after jab. Had 2 duvets over me, thermal pyjamas , thick socks and a hat on in bed. Would have worn gloves if I could gave found them. Was too weak to get hot water bottle. Heated myself up with a heat pad. This was my first jab. Don’t want the second now as it is supposed to have more of an effect. Cant imagine how that would pan out! Still feel weird 5 days later.

      • Just read your after effects from the vaccine..you must have the second dose to fully protect you from the virus. I am a retired nurse an d had the astra zenica today . 2 years ago I had a virus very similar to covid and after 3 weeks ended up in hospital ..you realy dont want to get the virus ..take care.

      • 7 days now and still getting bouts of feeling Icey cold and really bad fatigue
        Muscle aches lessoning now
        Had severe headache first night

        • hi I also had a bad reaction for several days all of the above violent shaking cold very sick dizzy headaches etc
          A lot more people are having bad reactions to the Oxford vaccine than the nhs are telling us it needs looking into. I wanted to have a different 2nd jab next but drs say no so I wont be having it

        • Hi
          Just wondering how you are. I had all the common side effects except the headache. All went away in 48 hours. Then a week later my arm at vaccination site went red and hot to the touch. 13 days later it is the same and I am very tired all the time.
          Wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

          • Hi Annie, I had my first AZ 14 days ago, and 12 hours after I felt as though I had been hit by an express train, with muscle pains, sensitive skin all over my body, chills, nausea, no headache, no fever, temperature remains normal, just could not do anything, fatigue was terrible. All these symptoms gradually disappeared over 48 -72 hours. However, now after 14 days have skin itching all over and pain and itching over the injection site. Still experiencing tiredness but not extreme fatigue anymore. Not looking forward to my second one!! Was my 70th birthday 14.02.21 seven days after the vaccine certainly did not feel like celebrating. Hope all this helps Annie. All the best.

          • Yes me too. Had a large red lump at injection site, about 2 inches across. Two weeks later the redness has gone, but I still have a very small lump. I have also had palpatations and had to go to A/E. Had all the checks and was allowed home after a few hours.

          • Hello Annie. I am 20 days having had my jab and am still feeling truly dreadful. Still feel sick with no appetite. It comes and goes in waves

          • Have a red patch at site of injection. Had a few symptoms after jab. Red patch still there now 14 days on . Just taking anti histimine tablets & paracetamol hoping the redness and soreness goes away eventually

          • Hi Annie ,
            I am on day 7 and have started to get red itchy hot patch in the injection area.
            Still feel pretty exhausted .
            Looked on sites and it seems to be a delayed reaction known as “ Covid Arm “
            Did yours get any better ?

          • Hi, could the red patch be a blood clot they’re now talking about in the news? Worth getting it checked out to be on the safe side.
            I had the jab 14 days ago and while all the flu like symptoms have passed my arm is still sore where I had the jab. With everything now on the news it’s making me concerned.

        • Exactly the same for me Jacqui been getting bouts of insane fatigue of an evening and quite bad chills some evenings. Had this abated for you? I’m not exactly 7 days from taking it.

      • Wish i‘d listened to the advice earlier, which was to take paracetamol if I felt very unwell after the jab.
        I finally remembered to take the tablets and I felt much better .

      • I hope you are feeling better now Frances . I had pretty much the same pattern as yourself . Ice cold . Hot blanket and paracetamol stopped the shivering eventually. Bad headache. Temp high red hot cheeks . Felt I could not move and heavy weighted legs and arms . Temp and head lasted all the next day . Slept well second night and fever broke the next morning. Felt at odds and very fatigued but much better ! No swelling or redness on arm and just a slight ache in the shoulder . Tonight a sore throat and still fatigued. Had vaccine on Tuesday 16th Feb now early hours of Friday 19th Feb !

        • I had my AZ yesterday at 3pm was weird for first half hour then OK until going to bed…woke up in the night around 2.45 shivering and jolting but burning up and needed keep warm I am usually needing window open but last night couldn’t get warm. Temp went to 39 dropped to 38.5 today took paracetamol every four hrs got temp to 37.5 but now rising again with the chills returning. Not moved out of bed today feel like I’ve been in a severe car crash body aches everywhere with my heart going mad and extreme tinnitus. Has anyone else got chest pain too, my head feels like its going to explode and neck pain oh wow! Me too tummy don’t seem right a tad constipated my arm is heavy and sore but not red well not yet. Also low blood pressure anyone else had this?

          • Hello Paula, I had similar symptoms to you after AstraZeneca last Saturday. I was fine by Monday but then Tuesday night woke with tinnitus in left ear, the same side as vaccine. I’ve never had it before, now Sunday and not getting any better, did yours? GP says just a case of wait and see if it wears off, driving me crazy!

      • I agree with the feeling weird part. I had the astrazenca vaccine 2 days ago and ever since I been feeling really weird, as though I am in an out of a trance… Funny enough it seems somewhat haullcinating. I didnt get any cold shivers, but feeling v tired

      • Same thing here so cold for 3 days high blood pressure, loss appetite, shaking constipation
        Normal temperature. Pains in boday as I suffer from fibromyalgia. Nit happy for another dose. Felt weird and suffered nightmares. I have had allergic reaction to other vaccines in the past.

      • I had my Oxford-Astrazeneca Vaccine 2 weeks ago, ever since I’ve a general feeling of unwell and feeling sick…! Been on Ant-Sickness tabs for 2 days now…!

        • Omg me too! Im
          On day 8! The nausea just won’t go away! Keep gettin strange headaches and feel just really unwell! Im actually quite scared now! Anti sickness don’t seem
          To be workin either x

        • What anti sickness are you taking ? I too am suffering with bad nausea four days now after having AZ vaccine but can’t find anything to help with feeling sick
          Hope you’re getting over it now

        • I was starting to think I had caught some other virus since getting my AZ vaccine as I have been feeling pretty shabby since I had mine 2 weeks ago. To start with I was just tired and an on/off headache, but then about 5 days later I lost my appetite and started feeling sick. This also sort of comes and goes but I haven’t felt right for 2 weeks. They mention the possibility (1 in 100) of swollen glands a few days later and this lasting up to two weeks. I was wondering how long I should wait before contacting my doctor. Does anyone have any updates of how they got on with these symtoms.

    • I have had violent shakes about 12 hrs after 1st Vaccination.
      I was very frightened!
      I phoned 111
      And they asked loads of questions
      And at the end of conversation
      Said an health professional
      Will contact you in the next 6 HOURS!!!!
      At the moment the shakes have stopped
      And know one has phoned yet!
      Frightened to death that they will start again!

      • Have not heard of the violent shakes in anyone I know.. and I have a very large circle of friends in their 70,s and 80, s including my husband.. the effects will go and the second dose will add protection from the virus.

      • I had Astra Zenica last Friday evening abd at 3am Saturday woke with violent shakes a d was freezing.A friend had experienced the same so I took his advice and took 2 paracetamol .No more shakes but I just feel shattered.You know though it’s been worth it to see some light at the end of the tunnel.I will make sure I take paracetamol after next jab and would recommend everybody to have it when offered.Only then will we be able to have some sort of normality once the majority are vaccinated x

        • I had the shivers so badly that even my teeth were chattering. I have never experienced anything like it. I just clung to the fact that it was a reaction and I wasn’t actually ill!!!And also felt comforted that they are mentioned as a common side effect on the astra zenica fact sheet. Fortunately, they only lasted the night x

      • Mark…I have had the same but trust me the shivering and the headache from hell do subside, I am in the third day but still in bed taking paracetamol as prescribed..still getting mild headaches and fatigued but apparent those of us that are unfortunate to succumb to the extreme side effects would probably not come out alive if we caught Covid … so small price to pay! Stay positive and strong!

        • I agree with you their. Feeling so tired all the time and pain in whole body. Headache from hell and hot sweats snd tingling in my left hand. Feel like I am being stabbed in heart.

          • Hey Karen, I hope that your feeling better now. I’ve had it all apart from the stabbing in my chest. I’m 4 days in and I’m feeling like rubbish. My hand and arm is now tingling, even putting hand wash in my hand hurt it, how long has your tingling lasted for please x

        • I had the Covid jab, within eight hours I was vomiting and throughout the night violently shaking and so cold. The next day I couldnt get out of bed until late afternoon. The irony is I had already had covid over a period of five weeks with the usual but mild symptons. The reaction to the jab was far worse!

          • Usually the side effects are worse if you’ve had the virus. The body’s T cells remember and mount a string immune response. Totally normal. I’m a vaccinator, it also happened to me. Chills were severe but gone within 24 hours.

      • Hi I had a vaccine yesterday – 06/03/21, My arm was very sore last night, felt very tired and cold with sneezing like a cold. I have started to take two paracetamol since yesterday with a hot water bottle to stop the chills. Feeling a little better than yesterday and could eat food. Try doing the same it might help.

    • I had this too. I live alone found it very scary biggest hassle now is I feel my eyesight been affected but hoping it’s just temporary

      • Sorry to hear that, how are you feeling now? My brother lost his eyesight aroun 24h after the jab. he is okeyish now, still not 100 percent but eyesight back to normal. I’m quite worry about him since he already book his next one and I’m worry that he will not recover from it

        • Dear Kris, I would say that eye issues should be reported to his GP before your borther has the second dose. This is not one of the common reactions. I found the following from official US websites on the subject:
          “Also, seek immediate medical attention if you experience after a few days severe or persistent headaches or blurred vision after vaccination, or experience skin bruising or pinpoint round spots beyond the site of vaccination.”.

      • I had my Oxford jab Wednesday afternoon felt ok then 10pm got terrible headache pain in back and neck shivering temperature 101=4 Took paracitomol every 4 hours next day temperature 99.1. was a little sick after eating a bit of toast headaches so bad slept most of the day kept ice gel on neck did help next day still a bit achy but feeling a bit better hope you all get over it quickly dreading the second one does anyone know if we have to have the second one now that I’ve had the first one.

    • Hi hun I had my Covid jab yesterday 18.2.21 I was ok up until around 8pm went to bed with a nasty head and within an hour my temp shot up and my body wouldn’t stop shaking feel like I’ve got a nasty cold coming now I’m actually sat downstairs as I carnt sleep to restless hopefully with more painkillers it will ease off it’s the really bad head I carnt cope with it feels so heavy and just a nasty headache x

    • Had vaccine at 2pm, about 6pm got pains in hands and feet, went to bed about 11pm, woke up at 3 in the morning, uncontrollable shaking, so cold, couldn’t get warm despite 2 duvets, took paracetamol which helped, temp was 37.6, felt hot to touch but so so cold, 24 hours later feel back to normal, except for very sore arm, actually dreading 2nd shot.

      • I had my AZ 12 days ago. After 4 hours I had pins and needles over lower half of my face which then went numb. Also my left hand pins and needles followed by numbness. I did ring my Doc who said it was a rare side effect. It wasn’t listed in my AZ leaflet? First night I was hot and restless like I had flu but that subsided. I still keep getting facial numbness which is really bothering me, especially after all this time. I’m dreading the 2nd jab but will have to have it.

        • Hi Debbie, sorry to hear of these nasty side effects. Remember you don’t have to have the second dose if you don’t want to.

          Can you tell me if you are feeling any better now? I also have pins and needles and numbness, persistent headache and nausea.

          • Hi Matthew,

            Do you still have pins and needles? I have the same 11 days post jab so am really keen to know when/if they subside.


        • Hi Debbie and Matthew. I had my AZ vaccination two weeks ago and I still have pins and needles and a weird numbness in my left arm and hand. I also have sinus pressure in my face, around my nose and eyes. I will give my GP a call in a day or two and then share the response on here so you can see what they thought. I don’t think I want to have the second dose because of how I’m feeling, although having said that, everyone I know that has had the AZ had very mild flu symptoms for 24 hours and then felt normal again. I guess we’re just the unlucky ones. Take care. I will reply as soon as I get a response from the GP.

          • I too have had pins and needles, a numb left foot, currently have crawling feelings under my skin and it feels as if i have an elastic band around my forehead, dizzy and clumsy, tired, had palpitations, really scary! i had my vaccine 3 weeks ago now! within 10 mins of having it, i went dizzy and felt as if my tongue had swollen, i wasn’t too bad then, but that night, shivered, had pins and needles and awful vivid nightmares but half awake! all worse on my left side where i had the jab.
            I’m worried incase it has done neurological damage, scared to have the 2nd one incase it makes things worse. good to read others have experienced similar effects and i’m not going mad! How are you feeling now?

          • Hello, I received my Astra jab 3 April in my left arm.

            When I drove home had pins & needles in my left arm, an hour later pain in my top left thigh and an about after that pins & needles the whole left side.

            13 hours later woken by a huge pulsating muscle in top left arm with pins & needles whole left side for 2 days.

            Had pins & needles in left arm for a full week, it was intermittent in my lower left leg.

            3 weeks later and I still have pins & needles in my lower left arm and in lower left leg. I’ve now got pain in my foot and finding it painful to walk and I think it’s due to nerve damage. Waiting to see a physio.

            Has anyone experienced this?

          • Hi Mandy
            Do you still have pins and needles. I am 5 weeks post vaccine and have pins and needles in my left face, left arm/hand and left foot. Did your go away?

        • Hello Debbie,
          How is you numbness and pins and needles now?
          I had my AstraZeneca vaccine on 21st March on the next day had a cold left thigh.. i felt floored with tiredness over the next few days off and in.
          Then I started to get pins and needles in my hands and feet.
          They got cold and felt as if they had gone to sleep.
          I went to dr who took bloods and said my inflammatory markers were raised so I had an infection but she didn’t know where and to leave things and see if I get better.
          2 days later I felt as if I had a urine infection and it was so bad I ended up at out of hours ar 4.30am.
          The doctor tested my urine but couldn’t see anything But gave me an antibiotic for 3 days that I think I am allergic too so stopped.
          My blood pressure when I went to doctors was 191/86 and it’s usually around 130.
          I had a particularly bad night last night with an internal vibration inside me like an electric current and needed to go to toilet every 40 mins.
          Has anyone else had this??
          It’s very worrying as I am 61 but very fit. Not been ill or at doctor for years.
          Going to call her again this morning.
          Has anyone else experience this?

          • Hi June, I couldn’t reply to your previous request as there was no ‘reply’ underneath.
            I had my 1st AZ jab on 19th March and am still getting pins and needles in my left arm and hand, left thigh and also terrible numbness and cold in my thigh, fingertips and toes on both sides. Feels like someone is squeezing the life out of them. My GP referred me to see a neurologist today, although it was his registrar and I haven’t got any answers. I may get an electrical test in a couple of weeks as want to rule out Guillain-Barre syndrome. Am not happy and my GP said I made need an MRI so may have to push for that too. I was absolutely fine before my jab and to have the tingling start 5-10 mins after the jab made me wonder if it was the vaccinator hitting a nerve as she went in at the side of my muscle. Am really not happy but am so glad for other people telling their experiences. I am very fit at 63, never take drugs unless I can help it. Didn’t want this vaccine but kind of felt morally I should do but now not so sure. Anyone had the 2nd jab after the same bad reactions after 1st?

          • I’ll try to be brief. My first AZ jab was fine, no after-effects at all. 2nd jab was 20th April. I’ve always been incredibly healthy and active, almost never went to the doctor. Sometime a few days after my 74th birthday on 11 May, I started getting a weird little “glitch” in the very top of my left thigh, painful when I turned sideways. In short it went from bad to worse….symptoms just like “cruralgia”. Total inflammation of my femoral nerve. As NHS help was so critically non-existent through the summer, I went to the Brit School of Osteopathy. Great people, but I realised their help was going to be limited. Many days I could hardly walk at all. Nights are excruciating as even with a pillow between my knees, no position is painless. The pain varies in areas: sometimes from the hip flexor, which “catches”, sometimes deep into the groin area, down the thigh, around the knee, which has been so painful that the Brit School of Osteo tutor at one point thought the problem originated in the knee; he didn’t understand. At worst, from under the knee it goes down the outside of the calf. Going downstairs is not too bad; going upstairs I often have to crawl. I’m using a stick when I have to go out. Taking loads of vitamin concentrations, particularly the B’s, as that might help repair an damage to the nerve sheath. This has been going on for more than five months. My GP put me in for a muscular/skeletal NHS assessment when she saw me on 6th Sept. Still waiting to get an appointment for that. On 8th Oct saw an old friend hobbling like me, and when I asked what was wrong, her symptoms — EXACTLY LIKE MINE — started two-to-three weeks after her second jab. WE ARE BOTH NOW TOO SCARED TO THINK ABOUT THE BOOSTER.

    • Yes. Especially if you’ve had COVID previously. It’s the body mounting a very strong antibody response, having seen the spike protein before

    • Hi their I got the vaccine at 130pm was feeling good all day however at 01.00am I two woke up with extreme shaking temp 37.5 at 5am temp 38 .5 and very hot to touch .I hope it will not last to long

    • Look up rigor. It’s uncontrollable shaking related to a high temperature. Not dangerous, but extremely uncomfortable and frightening if you dont know what is happening.

    • I experienced significant uncontrollable hand shaking 12 hours after my AZ vaccination. It was disconcerting and made me feel very uneasy, but had no other side-effects (to my knowledge). I couldn’t consider doing anything of significance (like driving). I took two Paracetamol tablets and went to bed. The shaking subsided after an hour. I slept well and woke feeling absolutely fine some seven hours later.

    • I wouldn’t If I were you. The side effects were so debilitating. I have never felt as I’ll as this in my life. There is no vaccine on earth that should have all those side effects. This drug has not been tested properly. I will not be going back for second dose.

      • I had my jab Monday at 9.20 straight away my tongue felt tingly by 11 l kept feeling dizzy and my left side off face was numb called 111 they sent ambulance and l was blue lighted to hospital, as they thought l could be having a brain bleed ,was not the case, but a reaction to the jab. As the day continued ,l then got a temperature ,then the rigours,headaches,chest pains,dioreah, kidney pains and wet myself. I have never felt so ill,it is now 2 days later and l am still feeling dizzy and exhausted and my taste and smell are still not right. I will never, ever be having another injection and am now just hoping l will recover from this one.

          • I also had same symptoms as you along with the headache from hell, the fever & shaking & I was in & out of sleep for the whole of the next day. As soon as I’d had the vaccine I felt severe pains in my stomach just under my rib cage & the I got my angina pains. I’m on day four now & still have the headache and pains in my right eye & I really don’t feel quite right. I will see how I am in the morning but might need to check with my doctor. Hope you are feeling a lot better now.

        • Please discuss with your GP. I don’t know where you had your jab, but the NHS centres keep you there for 15 minutes after the jab just incase of a reaction. You say your tongue went numb immediately, – this would have been picked up and there are medics onsite who could treat you and keep you safe. For every one person with a bad reaction like you had, there are thousands who have none at all or nothing worse than feeling a bit fluey for up to 24 hours – same as the been-around-for-many-years flu jab and other vaccines. I really sympathise with you having a rotten experience, but it’s really not a good idea to decide against having your second dose (which may well be one of the other types of vaccine anyway) or any others that may become relevant to you over the years. Bear in mind it’s always possible that you’ve recently had asymptomatic Covid19 without realising – that would result in a stronger reaction to the vaccine. Hope you feel better soon.

          • I took my son up to have his today, he’s epileptic and now having horrendous side effects. We were told didn’t need to wait 15 mins with the A Z only with the Pfizer….no idea why. He’s got all the hideous things everyone’s mentioned and now I’m dreading mine next week. But….48 year old nephew died at Christmas, very healthy, slim, fit, no health issues so we will be taking both doses.

      • Please go back for the second dose. The side effects sound really unpleasant and I can understand you are nervous of it happening again but if you were to contract Covid 19 the consequences could be so much worse. I had my vaccination 3 days ago and after feeling very tired and a bit feverish am now feeling back to my normal self. I am not trying to minimise your suffering but it is only through us all having the full vaccine that we can hope to have any control over this awful virus which has affected so many families

    • NO!!….If thyroid meds were a concern it would be advised by vaccine manufacturers as a contraindication.
      I am hypothyroid and on Thyroxine and Liothyronine. Not a problem.

      • I agree with you entirely having been on Thyroxine since 1979..its no problem with the vaccine.. allergies to medication could be..

    • I am a retired nurse on Thyroxine since 1979 after a thyroidectony for Hadhimotos disease ..an auto immune condition.. the vaccine will not affect this in any way so get your vaccine.. I had the astra zenica today..I am 65..

      • I wonder i you could tell me about having the Oxford vaccine am 71 have a very very weak immune system due to Rheumatoid arthritis , and take 5mgs steriods each day , co codamol as I am in agony most of the time . I am very concerned about the effects . But I have to go reason being My one son aged 42 has severe Ashtma and my youngest son has Adult onsett Stills Disease Likely you have never heard of it as Doctors or consultants Have never heard of it , George Still discovered it in young children a very series disease similar but can be more violent in its reaction than Rhuamatoid Arthritis
        My son has to inject himself every day with a biological drug called Anakinra or. he is well and keeps fit and slim build
        I am terrified for either of my sons having any of the vaccines but they are going for Oxford Astra Zenica, As I am myself .

        There is very little information out there for people with very low immune systems and the likely hood of giving a vaccine to a person with Rheumatoid Arthritis would be extremely low . and the someone with Adult Onsett Stills disease would be as rare as hens teeth .

        So how can a GP. or Rheumatology Consultant honestly tell you to have the vaccine when there is no data available . I am so worried I cannot sleep, I do not care so much about myself I have had my life but the fear I have for both my sons particularly the younger with the Stills
        I will go first to see how bad effects are I should have gone three half weeks ago but had Phlebitis
        which can lead to a deep venus thrombosis.

        Sorry to hear people have had such nasty side effects very worrying as second one has much more side effects .

        Hope anyone reading this somewhat long missive can offer some advice other than
        But as yet I have not heard of a GP or Consultant Of any Medical problems say . <No You must not have the vaccine ,. Is so please tell us all here .
        Thank you for reading hoping someone can calm my fears .
        God bless you all and hope you all get well asp .
        LindaE Jones

        • I have rheumatoid arthritis and have the 5mgs weekly injection of methotrexate. I have had the vaccine.
          I got some side effects, chills and ringing in my ears but only for a day or two.
          I haven’t had it no where near as bad as some of the people on here.
          When I spoke to my rheumatoid nurse regarding the vaccine she said it’s ok to have as it’s not a live vaccine and to leave it at least 2 days before taking my next lot of methotrexate but to time it as to not miss my normal weekly dose.

        • Hi. The Astrazeneca vaccine gave me Stills disease. So be careful. Ive been on Prednisolone for last 6 months. They’re a nightmare as well. Im 49 and was fully fit and healthy before 1st dose.

      • Is it normal 7 days afyer recieving the vaccine I’ve developed a rash located back of neck wich has now spread to my left arm its burning and itchy

        • Hi, I also have a burning hot, red, neck rash, it is a a horrible creeping sensation across the skin, it arrived same day as AZ vaccination. GP said it was a contact allergy. I hope yours has gone by now. Can you tell me how long it lasted? I am Day 4.

    • I suddenly developed a red blodgy rash on my arms ,torso and swelling to my face11days after oxford vaccine. No obvious symptoms untill then.
      Face particularly uncomfortabe . Taking antihistamine and paracetamol.
      Hope this clears soon. Bad for three days now

      • Im the same. I felt fine for about a week then developed pins and needles down my arm and hand. Now have a dreadful burning sesation in my arms and legs, which is seriously affecting my sleep. Shows not sign of abating 3 weeks after jab. Will not go back for a second jab as find no help is available.

    • 7 days afyer vaccine developed a rash wich started on the back of my neck burning and itching wich has now spread to my whole left arm the one I was vaccinated in never suffered with rashes before feel absolutely drained

  1. Had mine yesterday. Woke with a bad headache and aching joints ,headache lasted about 12 hours but still have aching joints. Feeling very fatigued all day.

    • I had vacine friday 15th fine till went to bed had shakes couldn’t get warm had pricking in my legs . Next day felt very tired couldn’t eat my tea felt right off . Felt better next day.

    • My wife had a sore red super itchy rash over her entire body. She really suffered. I ended up getting that chicken pox white cold ointment for her and Piriton. Ended up taking her to hospital and she ended up having to take 8 tabs every morning for 3 days and it slowly went away

  2. My husband had this yesterday at 5.40 pm felt fine but today Sunday 14/2/21 day after been in bed all day even now at 11.09 pm still in bed feels shocking sick freezing all muscles in pain headache and like he has full blown flu also had fluttering in chest . Says he not having second jab no way

    • Understand his concerns but he must have the second dose.. my husband is 80 and has had both doses.. his reaction if it is to the vaccine is severe and you should contact your GP. I am a retired nurse of many years experience.. without that second dose he is putting himself at great risk..its not worth it..

      • This 76 year old had his first AZ injection on 5th February. No flu like symptoms followed but extreme pain in left arm and shoulder. Unable to lie down for any length time . Pain just beginning to subside a little after 5 weeks and now mostly confined to upper arm muscles. If one jab removes the death threat can’t face the second jab which is scheduled for 26th April.

    • I feel exactly the same way Kirsty and also had flu-lik side effects for 3 days including palpitations and dizziness. How they can be listed as “minor” by the NHS I don’t know. It’s put me off having the second vaccine too, especially as reaction is supposed to be worse than the first. It’s all very well for others to dismiss these side effects and insist on a 2nd jab if you’ve experienced them then you certainly don’t want them again. I’m listening to my body and it’s telling me no, no, no.

    • I’m feeling shit today had mine Friday ,have a rash on legs and arms ,cant stop going toilet ,stomach really upset and feel very weird ,its putting me off second jab scary shit

    • Had my vaccine 12/02/2021 at 5 pm .
      Went to bed with headache and body aching
      Saturday felt ill with same symptoms plus very itchy skin .
      Poor appetite feeling nauseous plus Palpitations.
      Felt afraid but took paracetamol and stayed in bed
      Sunday was a better day but here we are Tuesday still not feeling great
      Dizziness and tired still taking paracetamol.
      Will however reluctantly have second dose

    • Yes I had all of the above and was scared as I live alone and was saying to myself no way going for second one but then as I’m on day 3 feeling better each day I’m now thinking well if that’s a hint of what might be if I got covid I will go for second but I expect to chat to doc beforehand as I have asthma so need appt soon

      • Hi Fiona
        Thanks for your post. I also live alone and had the Oxford jab this morning at 10.00 am. Felt some soreness in arm as soon as I had the jab. Didn’t feel too bad until early evening when I started to feel achey, headachey and nauseous. Also felt really cold and was shivering. Got into bed with hot water bottle and now I’m really, really hot with palpitations. Took bottle out and now sat up cooling down and doing some deep breathing to calm down. Feel really yukky but the doctor on site said you could expect to feel poorly the next day. I also have asthma and in the past have had terrible chest infections but no reaction to the flu jab. I’m just trying to stay calm and as you say far better to have the vaccine than not. Hope you’re doing OK.

    • I had Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccin as vulnerable with asthma this week on Tuesday 10:00 am day 1, I felt fine until 7:00 pm where I started to shiver all over my body, I was getting hot so I decided to put a cool flannel on my head, my right upper arm was painful to the touch, temperature, a slight headache on my right side temple which became so painful on the top of my nose as if someone was hitting me on it for hours, my face cheeks were boiling, the shivering lasted over 10 hours, some paracetamols taken, I fell asleep after getting myself warm, my feet were iced, along my own body, so hot…Day 2, my right upper arm was still painful to touch, muscles aching, I woke up unable to move my neck on the right side, still the same at 17:00 pm, I feel so tired… Am I having vaccin 2? , not too sure. I know, the symptoms are like the flu but it is so painful and exhausting.

      • Well said Sally! People come on here to read if their experiences are similar to others and to feel reassured – no need for unkindness is there- stay well – stay safe!

    • Please don’t insult people. I had terrible side effects that really frightened my husband. He had no side effects, but he has said he doesn’t want me to be i n that much pain again, and wouldn’t blame me for not wanting another dose.

    • I have been with my hubby 24 years he has never had a days illness in all that time
      He has been ill since January will multiple problems following the astrazenica:

      Two weeks before the vacc he was drilling out reinforced concrete mantels and hanging very heavy blinds on his own.
      Fast forward 2 weeks and 2 days after vaccine:

      Sudden onset very high blood pressure: now being controlled with medication but no explanation of a cause
      Reduced heart rate
      Chest pain
      Tingling and pins and needles
      Flushed face
      Pain in kidneys with scant and cloudy urine
      Pressure cooker headaches
      He has had several blood tests: all normal
      An urgent brain scan: normal
      An urgent appointment with a cardiologist: all normal
      Treadmill in cardio dept: normal
      Eye appt with additional test to look into the back of the eye: all normal
      He’s now awaiting an urgent appt with a neuroligist

      The medics are puzzled but have not ruled out a severe reaction to the jab.
      The worry of all of this has been immense. He never complains and has never been ill in his life so the situation we are in is jus terrible. Needless to say he won’t be having the second dose.

      • Hi daw your poor husband is suffering everything I am,had Astra zeneca on the 13th of march.i also have no feeling all down my left side can’t see properly out of my left eye also lost hearing in left ear.dizzy spells high blood pressure Now on pill’s ended up in hospital taken by ambulance.they thought I had a stroke but had brain scan and no stroke.im still waiting for neurologist but there is a long wait.my doctor’s have been good and the optician’s I saw was more knowledgeable about the vaccine and what it can cause then anybody else I have seen had to have to New pairs of glasses so not only have I suffered its been costly and yes I have had covid which probably explains why I had such a bad reaction.hopefully one day it will Go away but I very much doubt it.hope your husband improves soon.wendy.

        • Sorry about your husband ,I’m in Australia ok after 1st shot ,second shot I have nausea shakes, body aches ,body jerks similar to electric shock plus puffy feet,had blood test discovered I now have very low vit D ,which is a worry !! It’s been 2 mths since 2 shot ,I’m 68 very worried as I already have asthma COPD ,don’t think I shud have had vaccine maybe with low vit D ( enemies ) good luck everyone.

      • Hi Daw Baker,
        I am really sorry to hear about your husbands condition.
        I am currently experiencing the same things but not getting any help from my doctors, I got told to call back 4-6 weeks time if it continues. My ECG, X-ray and blood test came all clear but have burning, tingling and numbness in my left leg, travelling through my body, my tinnitus has gotten worse too, I have no energy at all and some days I can’t lift my head up from my pillow.
        I am confused and worried not knowing what’s happening with me. I was wondering how is your husband now, has he recovered? Sorry if I am invading your privacy or his, I haven’t came across another forum to be able to get any answer for my situation right now. Just very worried and seriously not thinking about having the 2nd vaccine after all this.

    • Good on you George Tuck me too, had all those symptoms, had vaccine yesterday morning felt like you know what, worst thing had leg cramp in calf mucle today wasnt expecting that, took a while to straighten it out, better than having Covid19 thougj

  3. 12 hours after the jab I have had the most uncontrollable violent shaking, headache from hell & nausea! Must admit it has put me off having the second one… 2 duvets, thick pyjamas, socks & housecoat did nothing to stop the shaking..even wrapped the housecoat belt round my head to try and ease the pain…2 days later still not 100% but TG the shakes and bloody headache have subsided…

    • Did you have a temperature? Sounds like you did if you felt cold. If so the shaking are called rigours and just the bodies natural way of cooking you down. Covering your self under lots of layers would of made it worse. Regular paracetamol would of helped.

    • Sounds like you had a temperature if you felt cold. The shaking are called rigours and just the bodies natural way of cooking you down. Covering your self under lots of layers would of made it worse. Regular paracetamol would of helped.

  4. I had mine 11.02. The following day in the afternoon the arm got painful, the forehead with a mild ache and a general luck of interest in life. The same happened in the afternoon of 13.02. Everything disappeared after a tablet of paracetamol and a takeaway from turkish kebab house. Very happy with the vaccine, feeling enthusiastic and full of hopes of freedom.

  5. I also suffered with uncontrollable shaking, shivers, freezing cold….wore two jumpers, wrapped in two blankets, thick socks, fur lined slippers, hot water bottle and lounge was over 23 degrees. This all happened 8 hours after jab. Feeling better today.

  6. Had vaccine Thursday, still feel funny 4 days after. Headache, dizzy, also 12 hours after the jab, felt really sick with very high heart rate. Thinking twice about getting the second one.

    • Dont. The second dose is essential. To give you full protection..without it your protection will slowly diminish.. I had a virus similar to covid 2 years ago and ended up in hospital very ill.. trust me you dont want to go there..

      • Hi,I had same thing as yourself 2 years ago.was pretty ill.got through it at home.did you find out what it was.have had my first vaccine yesterday.just had flu like symptoms.

        • Had mine on 14th Feb.felt great but have had dizziness from 4 days after.apparently its the vaccine getting into your system and starting to work.

          • Likewise had my jab 14th..by the evening really bad, head felt like a band being tightened around it & servere pain around sinuses..cold, body aches all over..loss of appetite..went to bed as as it started ..hot water bottles etc..taking paracetamol ..now feeling much better after 2 days in bed… still have the fatigue but this is a very small price to pay compared to getting covid or those that have lost loved one’s..yes 2nd dose might have the same effect..but better to be here than not.. we all need to do our bit for those that have & still are working so hard to get this awfull virus under control..

  7. Had my vaccine yesterday at 10, Oxford, felt ok up until 6pm then had a shocking headache, felt very very sick with urging. Had the same as everyone above, couldn’t stop shaking!! So cold! Body ached and felt very tired. Not so bad today just no energy at all.

  8. Had mine, no side effects other than a warm spot at the injection site. No worries about the 2nd jab. Believe side effects will be even less likely following the second jab.

  9. I am wondering if people who have had Covid have a worse reaction. Among my friends it looks that way.
    I had vaccine at 11.20 am yesterday. So far feel ok. Just a bit hot. Had a slight dizzy spell. Hope that’s it!

  10. It has been a week since I had the vaccine . Felt the side effects 3 hours following the injection . Went to work on day 3 but on day 4 all the side effects returned . My headache and muscle ache are unbearable. I’m feeling terribly noxious . I phoned 111 for further advise. I’m now waiting their phone call .

  11. I had mine yesterday, no real symptoms, Runny nose and just feeling a little tired today. Having a restful day so no problems really, can’t wait to get my 2nd in May.

  12. I can relate to having most of the common post-vaccine symptoms listed below this paragraph of mine and that are referenced in this article and that I have previously read are the case. They began during the evening of the afternoon that I received the AstraZeneca injection. Although they are quite unpleasant, as advised, paracetamol reduced it all and I’d like to think that these reactions simply mean that my body has reacted quickly to the instructions that it’s received. I’m feeling so much better today: the day after the following day of the injection and so I’m hoping and thinking that the vaccine’s side effects will lessen and the way I feel can only improve from here on in. I still feel fatigued, but my arm is only painful if touched at the injection site or I move it up and down whilst typing – before that it felt like a dead weight that was really hurting. My Dad, who’s just over 79.5 years old, was a lifelong pipe smoker and stopped that only to change over to vaping for some years ( and that he continues to), received the Pfizer BionTech one in January and had absolutely no side effects from it at all. However, I’m not recommending one type of vaccine over the the other; I think that due to individuals having different health backgrounds and conditions this means that their reactions will not be the same.
    Tenderness, pain, warmth, redness, itching, swelling or bruising where the injection is given
    Generally feeling unwell
    Feeling tired (fatigue)
    Chills or feeling feverish
    Feeling sick (nausea)
    Joint pain or muscle ache

      • Me too had my jab 17 days ago keep feeling weak and dizzy hopefully this goes away soon , but I will still have my 2nd jab .

        • I am also on day 17 and I can’t shake the weakness and dizziness either. My first symptoms was what I can only describe as nerve pain down my arm which seemed to hurt more at the elbow. Then the dizziness and complete exhaustion and I have been like that ever since although my arm is getting better, I am not sure about the second one yet. I will wait and see what information becomes available and will decide nearer the time.

      • I had the Astra jab 3 weeks ago and had the side effects mentioned. Then yesterday, I became really tired and had to go to bed again. Not looking forward to the second jab. Take card all

      • Hello Dave, I had mine 2 weeks ago and feel nauseous on and off still, did this improve for you? Been wondering if I should contact GP

        • 3 weeks since I had AZ vaccine – I am still getting the nausea and headaches, stiff neck with some visual disturbance. I feel lack lustre and dull. 12 hrs after the vaccine, I had the worst sore head I’ve ever had in my life and I think this has done something to my nervous system. Been to the Dr and she done blood tests that came back as normal. I hope I feel normal again soon. Oh and since I had the vaccine, I wake up with the driest mouth ever and tingly tongue.

  13. Had my jab on Friday afternoon. Side effects came on gradually through the evening. Had severe shivering and headache and nausea all night. I didn’t eat but was sick the next morning after cup of tea. Stayed in bed most of the day feeling awful.
    Gradually wore off during Sunday and feeling reasonably ok today Monday.
    Realise I need to have second dose but not looking forward to going through that again.

  14. Had shakes, freezing cold then a fever. Headaches no appetite
    Bad tummy 3.30am in the morning.
    Lasted 5 days but feeling better today,
    It helps to hear others are experiencing side effects like me.
    I felt very frightened. It started 8hrs after the vaccination.
    But we need to get the 2nd jab to protect ourselves from covid
    It is better to have a few days discomfort than die from this
    terrible virus.

  15. I had Astra Zeneca Vaccine on Saturday – 6hrs after felt very tired, 12 hrs after shaking, aching body all over, pounding headache and sickness. Didn’t know what to do with myself. I had Covid back in Oct and the vaccine side effects were worse than having the virus!
    Now Monday, feeling sick but not been sick, feeling weak as decreased appetite but just thinking it will pass!
    Lots of fluids and paracetamol every 4 hrs has helped but just got to ride it out. Can’t say I’m looking forward to the second dose but got to be done!

  16. I had Oxford astrazeneca vaccine almost 3 wks ago. Still having side effects. Feel on fire of a morning and anxiety levels up.. Felt like I had flu at the beginning, but these latest effects still with me. Doc sending me for blood tests to see if allergic to ingredient.. Doubtful having 2nd jab. Can’t go through this again…

    • I had my Astrazenecca vaccine on Tuesday 16th Feb 2021, I had palpitations, chest tightness, flu like symptons
      terrible headaches, now have a sore throat, feel slightly better.. I have been filling the daily diary in on the Zoe
      app and they now sending me a COVID test to do at home,nib was fine before I had the vaccine.

    • Hello I’m norma. I’m 69 and after 3 weeks of having had the jab I still feel awful. My GP has also sent me for blood tests but they aren’t until 11 march.
      How are you now?
      I’m scared to have a second jab

    • Hi I had my jab 3 weeks ago Astra zeneca. Had some immediate side effects, chills etc but sorted with paracetamol.
      2 weeks ago started with swollen gland right side of neck opposite to injection site. Feeling anxious, cold and sweaty – also feel tired and by the end of each day feel like I am fighting something off. Surely this can’t go on. Its making me wonder about the second jab.

      Has anyone else had similar symptoms

  17. Had mine on Friday afternoon Oxford one woke up 4 o’clock in morning uncontrollable Shaking Teeth uncontrollable Chattering Freezing cold don’t no how got out the bed to put more warm clothes on throught I was going to die Head Splitting Neck Paining Buzzing in Ears Pains in Ears Pain in Muscles Bones All of Aching Sick to Stomach with Pain

    • Hi Teresa…are you feeling any better? I had the astra zeneca yesterday 4.30pm… by 2.30 am I was awake shaking, shivering, freezing cold but high temp, headache, dizziness and feel sick. I have felt like you and literally don’t know how I managed to get out of bed to use the bathroom! How are you feeling now? Have the effects wore off yet?

  18. I had my jab on January 16th and three days afterwards I experienced hotness and headaches. On the fourth day I had really sharp pain in my lower back for which I took paracetamol and Anadin extra . These barely worked and I could not sleep and I could not sit down .This went on for four days and I still have discomfort there and it is now four weeks.
    If I have the second dose , I’m worried that I will have the same pain on the other side of my back, and I’m not sure that I can take the chance, although we’ve been told that we should. I had no underlying health issues before having the jab have I now got a problem?
    We discovered today that yet another country is not giving Astrazeneca to their elderly.


    • If you’re not feeling 100%, we highly recommend that you have a chat with your GP about it. About your second point, both the WHO and EU have approved use of AstraZeneca for older populations after examining the data.

    • I have similar sharp pain in lower back on day 5. I’m 33 years old. I do have histamine intolerance to foods, so take antihistamines.

  19. I had mine on 13th Feb. Went to bed very tired, had chills and fever. Woke up with a racing heart, contacted 111 who sent an ambulance. A&E did lots of tests, no cause other than response to vaccine. I’m a healthy 43 year old. Still feel odd three days later. I’m sure all the side effects have not been realised yet as A&E professionals were surprised it caused this reaction. Advice: take paracetamol after the jab even if you feel ok.

    • I am so pleased to find another person with the same side effects as myself, I had chills shivers later woke burning hot with a racing heart which went on for ages, this has worried me, as I am 66 and heart disease runs in my family. I feel that I must have my second jab, I expected chills etc but not racing heart, reading the other posts it is not a common reaction. I have experienced a racing heart caused at the dentists by a local anaesthetic, with no lasting effects.

    • I also had this experience during the night of my first dose. Supposedly it may be prevented by drinking plenty of water and eating magnesium rich foods, and after a chest X-ray, EKGs and a blood test I was told I was otherwise healthy.

  20. I had the Astrazenica jab more than 3 weeks ago and am still chronically tired every day. Is this normal. I am 77 and have had none of the violent reactions others complain of, just chills and this chronic tiredness. I am normally active and do not sleep during the daytime. Since the jab I can’t stay awake. Has anyone else had such chronic fatigue for so long?

    • Hi i had astra zeneka on 8th feb felt bit fluey on 9th & 10th then felt ok gor 3 days on the sun 14th nearly passed out very dizzy /migraine shaking icy cold itching all over swollen mouth & lips red hot swollen ears flashing in ny eyes blurred vision couldnt keep awake didnt get dressed for 4 days as too cold & dizzy havent eaten much fod 8 days no appetite + feel tok sick & no energy csnf evdn wash up a few cups as fod 2nd dose probably not been fit & well for 11 months this vaccine had floored me

    • My mother is 97 had her first jab 2 weeks ago. Chronic tiredness, aches and pains everywhere and an arm that feels like lead. How much longer will this go on for ? Feeling anxious for her

    • I had astrozenica jab on 7th February. I am 73 & normally very active but it is just this week I am able to make it through the day without going back to bed. I still have a rash at the injection site and though I wouldn’t describe it as painful I am aware of it. I had some violent reactions beginning in the early hours of the morning the day after the jab. I feel very doubtful about putting myself through that again

    • Hi I’m 71 had my AstraZeneca 8thFeb only had a very heavy arm ach couldn’t lift my arm above my shoulders and feel a bit lathargic just easing still hurts but I am confident that it is the right thing to do and will have my 2nd jab when called.
      Stay safe.

  21. Suffered every side effect listed and some. Jab Friday pm exhausted and feeling awful for 3 days straight. Wish I had refused. Not having another. Underlying health problems worsened by this. Blood pressure dropped really low. Dizziness and sickness on top of migraine from hell and freezing hurting body. Not told which vaccine, nurse came to house but didnt leave any paperwork.

    • I am now on day 5 after the shot, and I can barely function my blood pressure is so low. The fever and migraines have subsided, but the random chills, low blood pressure and sore throat are still here. I so wish I had received Sputnik V. 🙁

  22. Seconds after receiving the jab on Friday 5th Feb ( I fall into immune compromised and allergies, carry an epipen, never had flu jab problem, just NSAIDS and some antibiotics). My small index finger started tingling, pins and needles then going numb.
    This spread over the next 10 minutes. Throughout my left hand across all fingers until it reached my thumb.
    With the Astra zenica jab they do not keep you to wait for any reactions. Luckily my doctor was the one on at the vaccine centre and said to wait if I wanted to. Which I did. After 10 minutes of really bad prickling/pins and needles in jab hand then it feeling numb. I called a worker over who got the nurse/doctor.
    They took me into side room and monitored my stats for 10 minutes waiting to see if it travelled up my arm or to any other part of the body. They had not seen before and were confused by it.
    They said they didn’t think it was an allergic reaction. However I have heard of 3 people this happened to that I know.
    On getting home. Had slight prickling in my arm then nothing until 14 hrs later at 3am. I like others above had violent chills in bed for couple hours. Very scary as put electric blanket on and nothing stopped it. Then the most severe headache Saturday morning. Thought my head was going to explode, then raised temperature to 37.8 for the weekend.
    Today, still atigue and a bit of nose bleed, which I still have 2 weeks later but all other symptoms are gone.
    Worried about 2nd jab but will have (in the UK wait is 12 weeks). But do not think the doctors would have the answers anyway as it is so new and they don’t really know.
    Just my story on 1st jab left arm.

    • I have just had my jab and came looking for others who experienced hand numbness, it’s not listed in the literature i was given, but I’m definitely experiencing it

      • I am also experiencing numbness/weird clumsy feelings in my hands , its still going on and i had my jab a week ago.
        Are you both still experiencing this?

      • i had that tonight. I felt very tired and anxious then nausea and headache, then I noticed my hands were numb. Couldn’t get warm. Got out of bed to go have a hot bath and had chattering teeth and shaking. The paracetamol has helped but i feel a bit flu like and weak. It must be scary if you live alone i live with my parents as I’m bipolar type 3 but I think my parents thought I was attention seeking( I think they think bipolar is made up too!) which makes me think it’s all in my head and I am overreacting. I’m glad I came on here now because I was unsure if I was imagining what was happening to me. I’m going to show this to them tomorrow so they understand that I wasn’t alone in my reaction but I’m worried about them having this vaccination now so I don’t think I will show them just for the sake of proving that I wasn’t over reacting and paranoid.

      • Hi, I also hand numbness in my middle fingers about 5 hours after the jab, then the 37.8 temp, shaking, headaches,pains everywhere etc followed by violent vomiting the next morning. However, 2 days after I feel fine again. Its a bad dream which you will only have to relive once more but at least we will live to tell the story.

    • My husband had the nose bleed as well.I rang doctor she said as long as it wasn’t heavy and stopped after a few hours it would be ok.
      He also couldn’t stop shivering. I came through it with mild side effects .A bit of heart burn and a some shooting pains that disappeared quickly. 4 weeks ago we had the astro zeneca vaccine both are good now.Will have second dose.

  23. I’m feeling shit today had mine Friday ,have a rash on legs and arms ,cant stop going toilet ,stomach really upset and feel very weird ,its putting me off second jab scary shit

  24. I had my jab yesterday. I was fine during the day but when I went to bed I started shaking uncontrollably freezing cold had no control on how my body was behaving. I try to keep my arm still but it was impossible to stop the horrendous jerking. Still got a banging headache and spent the rest of today in bed just drifting in and out of sleep .
    It really scared me never been so frightened.

  25. My dads 96 he had vaccine on 11th jan and was ok for four days. Then he became exhausted, couldn’t sleep at night, kept having nose bleeds, 2 a day sometimes or during night in bed.
    He can’t get up in the morning he’s so tired and it’s been over a month now. He’s fit otherwise and was totally independent and had a routine but since the vaccine he’s weak , no appetite, can’t sleep at night and has nose bleeds two or three times a week.

    • This is the response I was looking for. My husband had his vaccine last week and has had two nose bleeds, which he has never had in his whole life before. He is 70 . I was sure it was a side effect of the vaccine

    • Alison, how is your father now? I hope he has improved. My father got the AZ vaccine a couple weeks ago and has had two major nose bleeds in the past 4 days. He never gets nose bleeds.

      • I had nosebleeds on and off all night after my first dose of the AZ (10th March). I felt very ill and having had my vaccination at 8 am I just couldn’t go on any more by 6.30pm so went to bed. As soon as I got in bed my nose started bleeding and as I say continued to do so on and off all night. I had considerable pain and discomfort in my sinuses. I have actually put in a report on the Yellow Card website about the nosebleeds as I had never heard about them being a side effect and thought it was unusual.
        Maybe not.

        • Hi,
          I had my Oxford Astazenca vaccine on 11th March and felt very unwell, nose began bleeding this morning. I’ve scrolled this site to see if anyone else had that symptom.
          Keep safe.

  26. Had my jab 12th evening by midday 13th I was in bed for 2 days no appetite. Aches and pains, headache, sickness, fever then freezing. Heart flutters rash where jab given and Hives.
    Starting to feel bit better but still
    Very muzzy head . Definitely worried about 2nd Oxford jab .
    My mum is 85 had both Phizer jabs no after effects at all .

  27. Had my injection Thursday felt tired and went to bed early. That could have been because I was out all day. Ached a bit on Friday, again , I live with muscle aches and pains with my arthritis. I am 73. Feel very healthy and looking forward to my 2nd jab.

  28. I started getting dry mouth after 8hrs then after 12hrs got fever 38.2 this was ongoing for about 4hours then I went cold and my whole body ache! Didn’t scare me as common sense tells me my immune system is doing a goid job! Day 2 headache felt tired and chills still but not too bad within 40 hours all gone and feeling good again. Please people do not get concerned it is still better than covid.

  29. I had the oxford vaccine on 13th feb 8 hours after my injection i had rigors for several hours paracetomol helped this i also had very fast heart rate which was really uncomfortable for several hours i completed a yellow card report about it

  30. I had the oxford vaccine on 13th feb 8 hours after my injection i had rigors for several hours paracetomol helped this i also had very fast heart rate which was really uncomfortable for several hours i completed a yellow card report about it

  31. Had AstraZeneca vaccine yesterday. About 5hours later , got pins and needles all over . Body aches , headache and nausea. Feel really unwell. Definitely not haven’t 2nd one if going to feel this bad.

    • I share your feelings. I had Covid in January and the Astrazeneca vaccine is far worse in my case. I know we have to have the 2nd shot so I’m planning to try and get GP to prescribe something for the nausea in advance of the next vaccination. If we have to have this every year like the flu vaccination I will definitely try to have the Pfizer job, not Astrazeneca. Don’t know anyone who has had Pfizer who has had troublesome side effects whereas everyone I know who’s had Astrazeneca has been very poorly.

  32. Had jab 10 days ago and continue to suffer after effects. The two days after the jab I spent in bed as could hardly walk for weakness in my legs, had pain in my limbs, headache, palpitations, nausea and no appetite. Since then exhaustion and weakness has overtaken me on many days. Felt so ill yesterday that I went to bed in the afternoon and I’m still in bed this morning – aching limbs, dizziness, nausea, you name it. Normally I’m a very active person, but this has taken over my life. I will have the second jab as at least I’ll know what to expect and can’t imagine what having Covid must be like if this is how the jab has left me. Public need to be informed in an honest way about multiple side effects.

    • Hi it’s norma
      I am the same as you only I had my jab 20 days ago. I still feel dreadfully sick and a headache. GP is sending me for blood test on 11 march. I’m 69 with no known health issues x

    • This is almost a carbon copy of my problems after AZ vaccine, it is now over two weeks and still not too good. How are you now,?

  33. I got the injection last fri and my headache is unreal still 4 days later it’s awful pain killers are even taking the edge off it any one else ?

  34. 18 days after covid jab .. still feel rough .age 77 . Immediately after jab ok until evening when I felt as if I had been punched allover . Paracetamol not much help very tired stayed in bed . Day 2 awful yellow diarrhoea, body pains persist no appetite twitching lower limbs . Day 3 balance poor slight headache body pains , intermittent diarrhoea , no appetite , feel slightly nauseous . Sleep most of day and night . Day 4 onwards sore throat , cough body pains lethargy heart palpitations sleepy no life in me . Feel I should make my will because I still feel so weak . In bed most of the days haven’t dressed since day 1 . The cats love though ,I feel like one of them now sleeping most of the time iI can only say at least the vaccine is working and I will have the second one. At least I am still
    Ialive I felt similar in march last year and again in December and wonder if I had the virus then … odd the symptoms are similar
    GP did not know what was wrong with me then . I am suspicious now !

  35. I also had a severe reaction to the Oxford vaccine given at 5.00 pm. By 11 pm same evening had severe uncontrollable shivering( chills) bad nausea and sicked up my dinner and headache. By 5.00 am next day was stabilising a bit but felt terribly washed our and still pretty nauseous so much so I couldn’t stand to use any milk at all. This gradually wore off over the next week only to be replaced by getting a sore arm near the injection site about a week later. This is continuing with pain and stiffness in the arm and shoulder even down to the lower arm for which I’m taking paracetamol which helps as long as I take it but only slight resolution of this 8 days after it started and still occasionally feel a bit nauseous. Am deliberating whether to have a second vaccination as potentially could get worse symptoms. Reluctant to go with the RNA vaccines as some evidence that you can get a very bad delayed immune response if you have repeated exposure in the future. I don’t think anyone knows the full effects of these vaccines and probably won’t for some years. Do I risk Covid or risk the effects of the vaccine-I don’t know!

    • Hi Judith,

      The mRNA virus approach has been used widely since atleast 2010, to pioneer new drugs against difficult cancers. Professor Bekeredjian-Ding (Head of Microbiology at the Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, in Germany, said: “This technology was very good for the oncology field, because you can develop patient-specific vaccines because every tumour is different.”

      It has been previously used in the human body.

      If you are feeling bad, please consult with your GP ASAP.

  36. My wife had the Astra covid jab yesterday morning. Early this morning she had a full tonic clonic seizure. She is classified as mildly epileptic and is on medication. She has not had a tonic clonic seizure for over 3 years. She was taken to A and E and the Doctors there said that it was possibly caused by the vaccination. Having witness her seizure and the gasping for breath afterwards I won’t let her have the second jab. I had no trouble with my Pfizer Biontec jab.

    Surely, warnings should be given to epileptics before any decision is made. No one asked her whether she had once had a stroke which caused her to become mildly epileptic.

  37. I had high temp and felt flu like day after jab. Evening of jab I developed pins and needles/tingling feeling in the soles of both my feet.

  38. I started having adverse side-effects about 8 hours after the jab. First feeling exhausted then the awful shivering started. I had to go to bed wearing my dressing gown and socks but still was shaking. An hour later I began vomitting. I took a travel sickness tablet and managed to get to sleep. Next morning I woke up with a bad headache. I’m still taking paracetamol 48 hours later as I feel as though I have flu. My husband had his jab at the same time as I did and is fine. I filled in the Yellow Card which we were asked to do if there were any bad side-effects. On the form I was asked my height and weight. I am quite slim, 5’6″ and 8st 10lb. I wonder if BMI is a factor in the severity of side-effects. I have found this forum very valuable knowing that I’m not alone in suffering in this way.

  39. I had Astra Zeneca last Wednesday
    On Thursday pm felt chilly by evening body aches joint aches muscles aches
    Two Paracetamol and aspirin overnight
    Friday felt normal continued 2 paracetamols daily
    On Monday felt Dizziness and fatigue
    Still same now today after 6 days dizziness and lethargic in bed most of the time
    My mum 84 years she had Pifzer no side effects

    • Your experience is similar to mine with AstraZeneca. I had violent chills the first night after the jab, but basically ok for the next three days, then felt so weak and tired I had to go to bed for a couple of hours. Two days of mostly resting, but today, a week after the jab, I’ve been so tired and dizzy I’ve been in bed all day, but unable to sleep. I spoke to the doctor this morning who advised me to rest and phone on Monday if I’m still unwell or worse, and phone 111 over the weekend if I need to.

  40. After 8 hours following my first vaccine (20/01/2021), within minutes I became unwell, shaking, freezing cold, feverish, felt sick, heart racing (this only lasted about 10 minutes though), tired, generally just awful. The next day I did feel a BIT better but for 2 or 3 nights after I kept waking up so so sweaty to the point I had to get up and get changed (and I never sweat). I’d like to know, what are the chances of having similar (or worse) side effects following the second vaccine? I am very worried. Obviously I will be having it but I would still like to prepare myself on how my body is likely to react to it (especially given that I live in Essex and have to travel to London for the vaccine as that is where I work).

  41. Has anyone else had a sky-high temp? When I had Covid itself last March mine went almost up to 40 and tonight (second day after Oxford jab, it’s up to 39.5. Having said that – it’s not pleasant but I’m keep what food I’ve eaten down and not in the pain some of you were… but no one seems to mention very high temp.

    • Hi Alice, I had my AZ jab on Feb 8th am, had shakes in the evening, needed to pee about 6 times overnight & next morning had temp of 39.1 .

  42. Well, after reading all this I have decided not to have the vaccine. I am alone, no family, no one I call upon, and the idea of suffering some of these side-effects, the violent shaking etc, when I’m already a very anxious person suffering with high blood pressure, palpitations etc, I just can’t face it.

    • Hi Suzanne,

      Please talk to your GP about your decision. The side effects pale in comparison to the vicious nature of the virus, which is getting stronger by the day.

      • 24 hours after Astravenica jab I had a bad headache, aching back and legs down to my feet. Then on the 4th day a pea sized lump appeared in each armpit, followed by tingling in one hand and both feet. Felt weak, tired and unwell. Now on day 5, still slight tingling in feet, but ok in myself.

    • Hi Suzanne, I had the astra zeneca vax on the 5th February, I have had no bad reactions apart from a small rash on my arm which appeared this week, I am 69 years old and have copd and other medical problems, there is really nothing to panic about, every one reacts differently, but speak to your GP if you have any concerns and Good luck, the vax is better than getting covid.

    • My friends have had only arm ache but they never had the Oxford one so give that one a miss if you can as I had the Oxford cone and had the same side affect as others I wish I had the other one now

    • Hi, I know a lot of people who had the AstraZeneca vaccine (as well as myself) and had side effects, but I also know a lot of people who had the Pfizer one and they have all been fine (only a sore arm in some cases). So maybe look where is giving this one and go for that instead. Even after side effects (quite badly) from the first one, I am still willing to have the second one (although not overly happy about how I will feel but it’s worth it to get back to a normal lifestyle and protect ourselves and others). Keep safe and well 🙂

  43. I feel for all those who have had such unpleasant side effects. I am 82 and had the AstraZeneca jab on Jan 13. I’ve had absolutely NO side effects whatsoever and no paracetamol taken. I hope you will all have your second one as getting the virus would be much worse. At least you know to expect some very unpleasant and frightening after effects, but they pass and the virus, if you got it, might not. I wish you all an easier journey second time round and maybe take paracetamol immediately after.

    • Thank you for posting this, I feel slightly more reasurred. I had the Astra zeneca have on Saturday and was very worried reading of so many developing awful side effects weeks later. I’ve been ok so far, but it has only been three days since I had it.

  44. I had mine on Saturday, all the above, shakes, headache, joint pains and yesterday, i had symptoms of Bells Palsy, with pins and needles in my head and side of my face not good

    • How are you feeling now, Raja? I had my AZ vaccine on 10th March and I’m still getting pins and needles in my arm, hand and face, but blood tests and checkups at hospital have found nothing.

        • Hi Danielle, I’m 14 weeks post first vaccine and have only just started feeling ‘normal’ again. I still occasionally feel the numbness in the left hand side of my face, but that’s all, thank goodness. I’m still not sure whether to have the second dose, what did you decide? How are you feeling now?

          • Hi Mandy I had my AZ vaccination on 31st May and stared experiencing pins and needles in my hands within the first week post vacc. Although it settles spasmodically, it is still there. Are you still experiencing this side effect?

  45. I am being rang to have the vaccine, but am reluctant reading all your comments as suffer from Fibromyalgia and have fatigue most of the time, so wouldn’t want it more! I think the likes of people posting Whip, is disgusting. So far we are a free country and we should not be made to feel bad if people express their reluctance to have the vaccine. After all we have rights as human being to make life choices.

  46. My local surgery called me yesterday to give me an appointment for the covid jab. I have refused it. The one and only time I had the flu jab a few years ago, it made me poorly. I haven’t had the flu jab since, and I haven’t had flu either! There is no way I am risking getting the side effects being talked about on here. I’ll just take my chances again thank you very much.

    • Hi please reconsider. I too had flu jab and caught flu was really poorly. Don’t usually get jab or flu.
      I have fibromyalgia, inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis am 63. I had the Astra zenica jab on the 17th of February.
      I am always on pain exhausted and foggy headed. Get migraines sometimes cause numbness down one side. Have colitis and tinnitus.
      Since the jab I have just felt my usual symptoms of chronic illness.
      Maybe a slightly increased level of fatigue and pain. But I am so glad to have had the jab as it’s a life saver. I hope you have the jab.

      • I’m the same I too have Fibromaglie but I think alot if ppl on here like my self are just worried and scared and its making us all feel worse we all had the jab we can’t take it out no its in but im deff not haveing the 2nd one I don’t feel my self out of salts but fighting against it like I fight fibro daily I didn’t want the jab but I’ve been locked away since last January thought it would give me some kind of life back by having the vaccine all I’ve done is worried since the second it went in my arm and I think we are more likely making our selfs feel worse but deff not taking vaccine 2 be strong all of you sending hugs

  47. Had my vaccine 13/02 at 11.40am. By mid afternoon felt sickly and tired with headache, laid on sofa and ended up going to bed really early. That’s when the shivering and teeth chattering started, have never felt so cold I am normally always too warm in bed. I ended up encased in 2 dressing gowns, hot water bottle , socks you name it and still freezing cold. My headache was unbearable and still comes and goes 4 days later. I also feel not quite with it, that’s the only way I can describe it. My arm has been fine no skin reaction. I do suffer from Fibromyalgia which has been much worse pain wise with deep aching everywhere. So all in all I am far from happy at the thought of repeating this when the second injection is due. I wonder if a different make of vaccine would be possible? I had the Astra Zeneca. I am female 66 next month.

  48. I have the astra zeneca on the 6th of feb in the afternoon woke up at 3am shivering and like my head was in a vice, this was followed by aches pains , headache cold sweats and nausea and on day 3 I started to experience being light headed and nearly passed out in asda , weird sensations in hands and feet( like tingling that goes cold when goes away), feeling vacant just not myself I’m on day 10 and the flu like feelings subsided on day 3 but I have these feeling faint episodes with feet/hands tingling, brain fog feeling every day they can last a few hours has anyone else had these?
    I have blood tests booked for Thursday im a usually very healthy person , never ill or one to moan but these episodes are making me feel horrendous.
    I’m so worried, and need an answer before my 2nd jab to what is going on.

    • Yes I have these symptoms even 18 days after having this vaccine . I am 77 years old and have MEand multiple health problems . The vaccine has deinitely made me feel much worse ,and I am wondering if I will ever recover

    • Yes. I am 65 and normally in very good health. I had Covid in January and thought that perhaps the fact that I already had some antibodies from that had made the reaction to the first Astrazeneca shot so severe (just about everything mentioned in the posts on this website, plus some…). Will ask my GP to prescribe anti-nausea meds prior to second jab but hope if we have to get vaccinated every year to avoid Astrazeneca, it seems particularly unpleasant.

    • interesting-I am on day 4 and after showering felt like i was going to collapse then strange sensation like my whole body off balance and felt i was being pulled backwards x so scared now and dont want the 2nd does x i can cope with body aches, headache etc but this is so frightening x already have cfs

    • Hi Joanne, how are you feeling now? I had my AZ vaccine on 10th March and I’m still getting bad pins and needles in my arm, hand and face, but blood tests and checkups at hospital have found nothing. I’m feeling awful and wish I hadn’t had the vaccine. Won’t be getting the second one!

      • Hi Mandy, I feel similar to you, day 17 and I’m really tired, dizzy and had pins and needles and numbness in my face. My heart was ok last week but racing again today. Blood tests taken but don’t think they’ll show anything
        It’s very unpleasant

        • Judith, I am 14 weeks post first vaccination and although a lot of the bizarre symptoms have gone, I am STILL getting numbness and a cold feeling in the right hand side of my face, lips, arms and hand. One minute I feel okay and decide, right I will actually have the second dose, but then the symptoms come back with a vengeance, so at the moment, I have still decided not to have it. How are you feeling now?

        • Hi Judith, Mandy hope you guys are still active on this thread. im on day 17 as from getting the az, my right face feels numb at times on and off and my right ear feels hot i also feel there is a pressure behind my right eye and behind my right head. Im very worried ill do a ct scan tomorrow hope they find out whats wrong with me

  49. I found this thread by searching “Astrazenica violent shaking.”. I had mine on Sunday 14th and felt lethargic and achey all day Monday. I’ve had lots of jabs in my life (66) but the very sore arm was similar to one I had for Yellow Fever 40 years ago. I woke in the night early Tuesday morning and had uncontrollable shakes.. it was as if my whole body was vibrating. I didn’t have a temperature and can’t say I felt particularly cold.. I managed to get back to bed and calmed myself until it stopped. Dont let this put anyone off.. I feel relieved that I will have protection.. A small price to pay.

  50. Hi I am 37

    It’s day 7 for me , from day 2 I feel dizzy and tired, i lost my appetite, i am just praying this shit to go away, I am definitely not having the second dose, and I hope all side effects will disappear shortly? I’ve got 2 small children to look after and I can’t because I am constantly feeling dizzy… I am so disappointed and regretting I had it done..

  51. I had the jab on the 12th February and I was fine until I woke up on the 13th. I had body aches and shortness of breath, and feeling very tired. I am still taking paracetamol. Yesterday the 15th I developed flu like symptoms with headaches, nasal congestion snd slight dizziness and abdominal pain. I called my GP today, because I have COPD as Well, and he has now prescribed an additional enhaler to help me with the shortness of breath. I feel so ill and have never experienced all this at once. I do not have any energy at all. I am very hesitant in having the second jab, I’m 60, my husband who is extremely clinically vulnerable, only had shaking on the 19th as he is diabetic, and also has COPD, and a headache for one day, and he is fine. One would expect him to have more side effects than what I’m going through

  52. “Will the AstraZeneca vaccine change my DNA?

    The answer is no. “

    Really?? How about occasional integration in the human genome? Rare events, probably yes, we do not really know exactly. Or as rare as getting cancer after low doses of radiation? Do we want another Chernobyl (which arguably costed Gorbachev his post), how many thousands will get sick in 10 or 20 years after this vaccine will be given to millions? Or rather stick to safe Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer?

  53. Had mine on 21st Jan. Had a seizure 12hrs later. Ive never had a seizure in my life before so a bit of a shock. Reported on yellow card .
    Left me feeling rough for a few days and still have tingling in hand of opposite arm to injection site. As a nurse working with Covid patients I am pro- vac but will not pretend it hasnt worried me about having 2nd one.

  54. I got the vaccine last Sunday. I felt slightly dizzy after it for a while and that was it. Last night though at the point of injection my muscle started to twitch constantly, this morning it’s still twitching crazily, it’s not painful but it’s very uncomfortable.

  55. Has any one had a severe migraine i have been in bed for 2 days and I had the vaccine Monday. Monday night my arm was twitching alot where the vaccine was injected and I had a few chill s but that was it, now I just have a migraine I can’t shift.

  56. I had the astra zeneca jab on Sat 13th. Next day had headaches and brain fog. The next day, swollen glands and felt like I had the flu. Sneezing, headaches, swollen glands plus aches still today Feb 17th. In bed most of the day sleeping. Hope it passes soon. I am a 73 year old female with fibromyalgia and arthritis. I will still have the second jab as wouldn’t want covid if this is how I feel after the jab.

  57. Like so many, I woke up 6 hours after the jab shaking and freezing cold, weird flashing aches in my joints, went on all night. Woke up with a thunderous migraine and started projectile vomiting which went on all that day and into the following day when finally, got through to my GP. She advised it was OK for me to take my normal migraine med which is Naratriptan. Also took anti-sickness tablets under the cheeks. All worked like a miracle. GP also said take a Covid test because it could be that, awaiting result. But 4 days on I am still dizzy, weak and nauseous. Determined to have my 2nd jab though because why go through this for nothing . Will be better prepared next time.

  58. Had my vaccine yesterday afternoon, felt ill immediately with headache, couldn’t sleep, swollen and painful arm, swollen throat and tongue and lips, in morning also swollen lymph nodes feeling quite ill today, hope it doesn’t last long

  59. Had mine Monday, by Tuesday had to go back to bed, a rare occurrence for me. I can weather most illnesses but this floored me. Not sure if I’ll go ahead with the 2nd jab, it’s surely put me off. I had pneumonia in 1996 and I really thought it was the start of it again. Same heat, sweats, chills, shivers, headache arm was hot red and swollen, and still is. In and out of sleep most of Tuesday, and felt as if I was hallucinating every time I woke up. I don’t think I can do that again, I was quite frightened.

  60. Had the vaccination on Monday 15th February 2021 that evening I felt cold went to bed I had the chills and shivering so badly I ended up having a panic attack then my husband started asking me questions which I could not answer my memory had gone blank its all ok now but it has left me shaken. I will have the 2nd injection

  61. I had my jab yesterday at 5pm. Felt absolutely fine. Woke up this morning with a headache that only lasted an hour. Drove my son to the dentist and then went and did my weekly shop still felt fine. At 3pm today I started to feel really dizzy to the point where it felt quite an ordeal to stand and cook dinner. I’m still feeling dizzy several hours later and I’m so pleased I didn’t feel dizzy doing the shopping as I wouldn’t have felt safe to drive. I’m feeling cold so I’m wrapped up in a blanket and my fingers feel like they have pins and needles but it’s bare able. I’ve kept hydrated with cool boiled water and sliced lemon. I don’t think it’s bad enough to take paracetamol and it’s a small price to pay. I will be having my second dose as I’ve grown no extra limbs and nothing worse than a mild flu feeling.

  62. Yes I have these symptoms even 18 days after having this vaccine . I am 77 years old and have MEand multiple health problems . The vaccine has deinitely made me feel much worse ,and I am wondering if I will ever recover

  63. I had the astrazenica vaccine. Am 63 and reasonably healthy. Pressure headache after a few hours went away with paracetamol. Sudden bout of vertigo the following day lasted a few hours. Poor sleep with many dreams for some nights and still feel completely exhausted from the moment I get up a week later., Dragging myself through each Day and keep needing to lie down to rest through the day a week later. Chesty cough developed and cold symptoms day 6, while that could be coincidental infection this is very rare for me. It’s a heavy one but then the actual virus is so much worse and a few days feeling yuk is better than covid-19 for real.

    • hi yes i had my astra jab on 8th feb felt bad on 9th & 10th felt ok fod 3 dsys sun 14th neatly passex out . Migraine eyes flashing very cold heart racing felt like bad flh virus sk ill rang gp t times nof much joy endex up csllinv 111 senf 3 paramedics as had pins & needles on injection arm ” xhoulder vety high blood pressure very dizzy still 11 days later + eont know the long term effects on ou our bodies im 74 in good health but this jab has floored me + sleeping so much had bad stomach felt sick running to the loo for days had the bad shaking palpitations etc i wish id not had the vaccine . Im very reluctanf to have 2nd dose ive kept free of any illness for last 11 months i feel like we are guinea pigs

    • Rachel, how are you feeling now? i had similar reaction to what you had but only lasted 1 evening and after that I recovered.

    • Hi Rachel, my partner got the AZ jab 12 days ago. Was a bit hot, first couple of nights but that passed. Day 5 and still ongoing, pains in both upper arms, going through chest, helps if he stretch s, but miserable, on and off pains, no signs of stopping. Anyone else feeling like this?

  64. I had the Astra Zeneca vaccine a week ago – for anyone who is not keen on needles, I can assure you that the vaccine is painless, I didn’t even realise the nurse had done it. I felt very drowsy straight after and was driving home alone, so had the window down all the way and it was snowing! When I got home, I took 2 paracetamol as I had a headache and my legs were shaking, then slept for 9 hours! Woke up feeling very flu-like with extremes of temperature from freezing to boiling hot and I ached everywhere, even my skin hurt to touch it. 2 hrs later I felt much worse, so went back to bed and woke up at 1 pm the next day still feeling ill but I did feel much better by the evening. Day 3 I felt more like myself and today a week later I feel back to normal. I am 70 yrs old and have an underactive thyroid and asthma, which I was asked about before I was given the vaccine, I was not worried at all about having this vaccine as for me it was the most sensible thing to do and the side effects only lasted a couple of days so it was worth it!

  65. I found this post by accident- clearly lots of people must get after effects- i was pleased to get a jab 2 weeks ago astra Zeneca as a mental health worker – apart from mild dizziness for one day no side effects from the first jab – i just posted this no to cast doubt on the many who have side effects but just to balance the comments as i guess the people who dont post if they get no side effects – ie no news – but some people may notice all the side effects comments and be put of or worried by them.

    • Thank you for your comment. I had the astra jab on Tuesday and I haven’t had the same side effects as I have read on here.
      My arm was quite sore and in my shoulder but I’m told that’s because I have fibromyalgia, that was only for one day, but I have had the feeling of not being quite myself, a bit vacant, I’m only into day 3 so I’m not doing too bad.
      I will be having the 2nd jab, at the end of the day it’s a life saver and it has to be done.
      I hope everyone else is soon feeling better but please don’t be put off having the jab.

    • Thanks Danny. I’m due to get my first vaccine on Monday and after reading these comments I’m not sure I want it

    • Hi Danny
      I appreciate your comment . I think I was one of the first to respond to another lady .
      I was feeling pretty unwell and searching for information about side effects .
      This is the only site where I found others experiencing them . I found it very comforting to know my reaction was not unusual . I will have my second vaccine as I want the maximum protection . However I do feel it is important that we have a forum to share our true experiences in a ‘ human ‘ way .
      I also fully understand that you are redressing the balance for others who may feel wary . Very important from both perspectives

  66. Had the Oxford jab this morning at around 10am felt quite spaced out after and tired legs and opposite arm felt a bit achey but that was it.

    Then at 10pm at night my arm was very painful and could only just move it, I had cold chills a tummy ache and feel sick. Been awake all night but sounds like some people have had it a lot worse! I’m in my late twenty’s hoping tomorrow it will get a bit better.

    • Hi, I had the astra jab on Tuesday and my arm and shoulder was quite painful the next day, I’ve had no other side effects apart from feeling not with it, a bit vacant.
      I’m on day 3 now and feeling ok, I’m 68 with COPD and feel good about having the 2nd vaccine.

  67. I had the Vaccine Tuesday at 4 pm Slept for 15 hours after it is now Thursday am – all the mild symptom have reared their head but I am very tired and sleep a lot and the worst thing is the stomach cramps, my temperature is higher than normal and uncomforatable Just wonder if I can expect anything else on day two – will let everyone know!

  68. I had the AZ vaccine and experienced side effects approx 8 hours post jab. I experienced chills, shakes, temperature, fatigue and palpitations. However these were improved with paracetamol and ibuprofen. The worst of it was over in 24hrs, felt a bit achy the day after. I’ll have the paracetamol at the ready for the 2nd jab. It wasn’t pleasant but if those 24hrs are anything to go by, I’m certainly thankful I haven’t (and now hopefully won’t) ever end up covid 19.

  69. Like a lot of you I had my 1st jab at 10:50 am on Sunday 14th February. Got home and within an hour was very fatigued. Slept for three hours. By Monday 15th was having muscle pain,fatigue and headaches. Rested by Tuesday in bed all day going hot and cold muscle and joint pain and fatigue. Started getting back to normal by Wednesday afternoon and today working from home again. I am hoping that it is not as bad after the second jab. I think it is still worth the few days of feeling yuk to get COVID under control.

  70. I had the Astrazeneca jab on Feb 14th. No immediate side effects apart from sore arm. 2 days later headache, took paracetamol and slept it off. 3 days later woke up with dizziness, sweats, bad tummy and nausea. Also had tingling sensation in hands and feet. Aged 31 with no significant underlying health conditions. Hopefully, that’s the last of the side effects.

  71. I had the jab on Tuesday 16th Feb at 3.30 and feel so much better this morning Thursday the 18th. I came down with a high temperature, felt nauseous, headache, fatigue and couldn’t sleep on the Tuesday evening.. Slept much better on Wednesday evening and woke up feeling much better.

    Very good point made about taking paracetamol which I will take after my second jab.

  72. Had the Oxford vaccine 10th feb , 8hrs later began to feel unwell, raging headache, tiredness , cold hands and feet and shivering. went to bed, woke up at 2am with heart racing at 120 bpm, still shaking and cold with short sharp aches in joints, quite a scary night but after resting the following day and taking painkillers felt almost back to normal by the evening. 48hrs after jab all back to feeling ok but just lacking some energy. Taking second jab in April so painkillers from the start next time , not many have mentioned the increased heart beat rate that concerned me the most.

    • I also had the raised heart rate (160/170). 111 sent an ambulance. I was taken to A&E and given fluids. The doctors in A&E had not seen anyone else with this reaction after the jab. I wonder if we will hear more as more people have it. I’m scarred the second dose will have a worse effect. I’m 43, and no health conditions ( had due to job)

      • I have suffered with high BP also week after jab. Doc said on phone was anxiety! also dry cough..said should isolate and do test….it was negative.

        • I have had high blood pressure week after Astra vaccine ended up in a & e, it was 200/110, now on medication but tablets are making me feel ill so I’m hoping this is temporary feel shaky all the time too and can’t settle, it’s all a bit weird.

    • I experienced very high heart rate 7 hours after AZ vaccine. 120 at rest but 150 on moving around. Really scary and almost called 111. In fact 111 on line stated Call 999 immediately! But I didn’t want to do that. It settled after another 6 hours but that one thing has really put me off. And I’m still feeling fatigue on day 4 and now worried after reading all these reports of what still could be in store days from now! Probably won’t have the 2nd shot

  73. I had my vaccine on 14th feb & had terrible shivers on the following night, though I had a temperature but didn’t it read 37.5, terrible headache, aching all over like flu symptoms, all I wanted to do was lie down.couldn’t sleep all night, yesterday Wednesday felt a bit better, still pounding headache, arm swallon, red & aching from vaccine, today Thursday arm still red, swallowing & aching me, paracetamol not doing its job. Put ice on it & seems to ease off a bit. Tomorrow another day, I was told the aching arm could last a week to 10 days!

  74. Had my AstraZ vaccine on Monday 16th after 2 hours aches in shoulder, neck, then in kidney area all on entry side. Woke up fine next morning until I had a nasty dizzy spell after breakfast which turned out to be more than dizziness, it was horrendous and scrambled my brain to it’s limits with pain. It was like someone torturing me. I couldn’t take any more of the pain but suddenly it all stopped and I collapsed in a heap on the sofa. Shaking and scared. I didn’t pass out but was very weak after the experience. Luckily that was the only bad thing that happened to me. I’ve suffered aches and pain in my kidneys for two days continuously and felt weak and tired since vaccination. Each day I get up feeling fine but a few hours later I’ve got aches again but not as severe. Tiredness all the time and can’t rustle up any energy. I’m a reasonably fit 65 hr old. I’m dreading my next shot. My husband had his yesterday and he’s experiencing nothing so far! Lucky him!

  75. It’s been 2 days since I had the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine and all side effects are gone. Very pleased I had it done. Also my elderly parents have had their COVID-19 vaccine . My mother had the Pfizer vaccine and my father had the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine and neither of them experienced any side effects at all.

  76. Everything about Covid at the moment is a first, we are still learning and like the above comments I have had many of the side effects after you first vaccine, I was fine after 36 hours. I have just read an article that says the 2nd dose (although early days) seems to be much milder so fingers crossed we have now had the worst of it, please be brave and and protect yourselves.

    • I had dizziness the evening after I had the vaccine , went to bed early but couldn’t sleep. It’s been over a week now and still can’t sleep much and when I do I have weird dreams. Anyone else experienced this?

      • Yes – I’m in the UK – experiencing exactly the same. The weird dreams I get are more pronounced after even a small amount (like 1 drink) of alcohol. But I think I may have an immune reaction to alcohol so recken its just triggering the immune system – no idea how / why the AZ vaccine is affecting my dreams / information processing though. It’s been 5 weeks since I had the first jab.

      • Hi Sue,
        I had problems sleeping after getting my AZ vaccine. After my first dose, I thought it may have been stress and didn’t think much about it and it went away aafter 3 weeks. But had my 2nd dose a month ago and the same thing happened. The 1st 2 days, I had pains and slept really well but then a few days after that I’ve been having trouble sleeping where I”d lie awake until 4am or all night every alternating evening.
        Are you sleeping better now?

  77. I had my first AstraZeneca vaccine on 7th February. The day after my left arm became very sore and achey and since has become increasingly more and more painful to the point where moving the arm at all now is excruciating and getting dressed is extremely difficult. The pain goes into my shoulder, my upper back and under my collarbone, all on the left side, I have headaches, chills and sweats too, plus I had some dizziness after a few days but that seems to have passed. Generally, I feel quite unwell. I hope it passes soon. I’ve been told to just take painkillers. I am 67, have an autoimmune disorder, fibromyalgia and asthma.

    • Hi RA,
      You are the first person to mention the pain in shoulder and collarbone. I have asthma and also allergies. I checked everwhere before hand and they said to go ahead with AZ. On the day, just moments after the vaccine I flared all across my back, neck and arm. I had immediate jaw pain. They made me wait 25 mins and then walked me to my husband waiting in the car. The purpley red arm was very apparent so I took antihistamines and it resolved. I had no flu like symptoms at except a searing headache for 36 hours and dizziness . I thought I had got away with it all but on day three my shoulder became unbearable and three weeks later after many chats to 119,111, and GP I just keep being told it will go but the pain in my collarbone and up the back of my neck on the side of the injection have caused me to eat every painkiller over the counter known to man. I have been told it is anxiety but I know damn well it isn’t. Can I just ask, has your shoulder movement and collarbone upper back ache resolved because I can’t find anyone else acknowledging this type of shoulder pain? It is exactly three weeks tomorrow since my Oxford vaccine and I am feeling so angry.

      • Hi Bev,
        I too began to experienced dull pain along my neck, jaw, collarbone/shoulder on the side of the injection about 2-3 days after the AZ jab. My neck and jaw feel very stiff. May I ask if your pain in these areas ended up going away/received any diagnosis?

      • Yes, Bev, the same friend who confirmed that her second jab gave her a terrific problem with the femoral nerve running all the way from her hip down to her foot on the left side, —same as me — told me her problems started with exactly ax you described in her shoulder after the first jab. Both of us had our jabs now more than five months ago and still having major problems.

  78. My partner has had pretty unpleasant side effects (migraine, fatigue, sore arm, nausea), but reading through all this it looks like these are all effects of the actual virus. The big missing item though is that no-one’s talking about respiratory system or lungs, and that’s the killer. Nobody wants a migraine, but far better that than the appaling scenes we’ve all seen on our TV screens of people gasping out their last… Anyway, anyone with side effects can (should?) fill in a Yellow Card report; this should be better known, as it gives the researchers something to work with. The form is at coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk.

  79. Twelve hours after my AstraZeneca vaccination I began to feel very cold (no temperature), with a very mild headache, it lasted about eight hours. The following day, the vaccination site became really itchy and tender and has remained so a week later. No rash but the localised itching is intense….. similar to a mosquito bites.

    • Thats sad as there are many people, myself included who experienced very little discomfort afterwards. The comments of those who have suffered bad side effects must be balanced against the vast majority who do not and the protection you receive against Covid. Good luck whichever way you decide to go.

  80. Had the vaccine two weeks ago, did not feel anything for few hours a friend warned me that I might get side effects few hours later like her mum did. Middle of the night came down with extreme chills and shivers but no temperature, body aches and pain, flared up my rhinitis and had fatigue plus very painful injection sight. Went on like this for three days. Only thing that helped was paracetamol and hot drinks and lots of pineapple juice.I am 46 and it floored me for few days but knew this was happening cause my body reactions to the vaccine and showing that it was fighting back .Had fatigue for 1 week. I knew this would happen cause I dont tolerate the flu vaccine well. But will go ahead with 2nd dose. Phoned the chemist to ask if I can take Ibuprofen he said not recommended since it can lessen the vaccine efficacy by reducing bodies response to the vaccine., but said if I had very high temperature which paracetamol was not helping then I could take it as last resort .Please be careful every one lost my mum to covid-19 she was 86 and other family friends.

  81. I am a retired nurse and had my vaccine 2 days ago. Seems to have followed the same pattern as most people on here. Felt fine for the first couple of hours then this sudden fatigue hit me like I’d had a heavy duty sleeping tablet. The first night I felt hot and sweaty, headache and kept needing to pass urine exactly like what happens with me when I have a cold. Second full day I was in bed as I felt awful, every side effect listed. However I am a health professional and one of my current jobs is to follow up our patients who have had either vaccine here in the UK and there seems to be no difference to the side effects for either vaccine (some are saying that the AZ gives worse s/e than the Pfizer) but that does not seem to be the case. What is happening is that some patients are getting no effects at all at any time whereas others are completely “wiped out” with it. For me nothing can be worse than when I got the old style typhoid and cholera vaccs back in the 80s to go to the Far East. It was the worse reaction ever and nothing has come close so yes, it will be a second jab for me this time.

  82. I had the AstraZeneca vaccine on 1st February. I woke at 3am with uncontrollable shaking which settled down so was pleased to read that other people had that too in the comments above. The next day I had projectile vomiting all day and my husband was so worried he was going to phone 111. It took me several days to get back to normal. I am in my 70s and concerned about getting the second vaccination. I have had all sorts of other vaccinations in the past, but never had a reaction like this. I spoke with my GP who advised having the second vaccination as my reaction was not an allergic one. I don’t think he understood how violent the vomiting was all day. and I had to push to get anything to help with the vomiting should I get the same reaction with the second vaccination, tablets even though I couldn’t keep down sips of water. I will have the second vaccination as covid can be far worse and I think the vaccination programme is excellent, but am dreading it. I hope that someone will take notice of all of the accounts of side effects people are making on this website.

    • Dear Ella I was quite envious of you having projectile vomiting at least you didn’t have to put up with projectile diarrhea the mess and the stench and the cleaning. The headaches going and I keep downing the paracetamol pills. I feel terribly tired I feel I wake up in the afternoon I feel like a zombie most of the day. I just about manage to eat some soup but then I feel nausous again and my bowls and intestines groan and make strange noises. Its when you want go out but you can’t because there are no public toilets.
      My life is has gone out of me and down the drain litreally. I am wasting away I think this pandemic has aged me by about ten or fifteen years. I am a skeletal frame and a shadow of what I was a year ago. I am wondering will have to be vaccinated every year for Covid?

  83. I took the 1st injection in the morning. By 10pm I started to get the shakes and tired so I decided to go to bed. I was tossing and turning also had a headache. By 2am I was wide awake thinking it was 6am couldn’t go back to bed because I felt unwell. I took two tyonl pills and was able to sleep till 10am. Ohh yea my arm where I got the injection was sore. Let’s see what happens tonight.

  84. Thank you all for posting your experiences – it’s comforting to know I’m not alone in these awful side effects of the AZ vaccine!!! I’m day 3 post jab – the dreadful headache happened first after 16 hours. Now it’s excruciating abdominal pain, nausea, wretching (but I haven’t eaten anything for 2 days) fatigue & heart pounding. Arm doesn’t hurt at all. Normally a fit, healthy, active 61 year old but a cancer sufferer hence getting the jab before my time. Wouldn’t wish this, or COVID on anyone, but will go for 2nd jab armed with more paracetamol.

  85. Felt totally fine the day of the jab only slight soreness from the injection site on the first day.

    Second day whole body ached and I had all the side effects from the very common and common section of the leaflet given but taking paracetamol helped.

    however I seem to have the so called Covid Arm with the AZ vaccine.
    the little red swollen patch has grown in size and its now the size of tennis ball. started off the size of a 50p.
    Hopefully it will be less painful and fade soon.

  86. Amazed by the effectiveness of the MSM to not cover the side effects reported both in the UK and in the US with regards these emergency use vaccines. Research is easier on the US data as you can see the whole adverse effect data entries, the UK data is pre summarised so you can’t tell age distributions or specific details such as how long after vaccination did the problem present itself. Based on my research using these databases I won’t be risking the vaccine any time soon due to reports of high impact auto immune events not explained by background case rates. Also there are other options on the horizon (vaccines and treatments) and of course there can’t be any medium/long term data on the currently available ones. It’s all about risk management for me.

  87. I had the astraz on 10th Feb. Felt fluey soon after so went to bed after a lem sip. Still felt the same the next day so took Anadin for the rest of the day. 2 days after I felt ok but with slight headache. Felt fine for another 3 days and then started getting short of breath with shooting pains in my abdomen on Tuesday 16th. Now feel fluey again and now with loose stomach. Could be worse but feeling fairly grim. Sending good vibes to all.

  88. I had the vaccine 10 days ago. No soreness of the arm but had palpitations, headaches, aches and pains and waves of nausea on and off for several days. Spent a couple of days feeling weak and exhausted. Today I have a very sore abdomen with tenderness under my ribs, I have very little appetite and just want to sleep. I feel the symptoms are getting slightly worse as the time passes. However I decided to share these symptoms to put people’s minds at rest as I feel they will pass soon. We are lucky to have this vaccine and it is a small price to pay for survival. I know of no other people with adverse symptoms and will have the second jab.

    • How are you now June, I am 18 days in and still have racing heart, weak, shaky, tired short of breath. Pray it will go. Never felt so ill

  89. Had Astra on 13th Feb. I’m 49. Went in fit as a fiddle. Immediately.. strong taste in mouth, sick.. Later.. violent teeth chattering and raised temp. Horrendous headache. Kidney pain. Numbness/tingling in hands feet. The feeling of utter exhaustion, spaced-out, leaden limbs and not feeling fully in control of them.. staggering somewhat -“seasickness” – all still horrendous 6days later. I may not be a doctor but this seems a) an unacceptable level of aftermath and b) neurological, which is scary.
    After the chills and fever I was going to brave the 2nd dose. Now I’m struggling to move around I feel it has done some harm. Until it gets better, fingers crossed..

    • I have exactly the same, so do a lot of people it seems, the spaced out feeling terrified me, day 10 and arm painful sometimes but all other se seems to have gone thankfully, absolutely terrified me

    • Nicola I am going through the same thing. It is really horrible. And acutally frightening.
      Everyone said they barely felt the jab. Mine felt like a ball of fire getting bigger & bigger. I fainted. 3 days later fainted again.
      No appetite, feel dreadful.
      I know people who had covid who went through less!
      I don’t want 2nd jab, but much pressure from husband. His response to my distress, ‘Rest, you’ll get over it’ It’s meant very kindly!
      No choice but to rest. Too weak to walk downstairs!
      I really hope you feel better soon, you’re not alone.

    • Hi Nicola,

      How do you feel now? I have the same symptoms 10 days post- vaccine. The pins and needles are the worst but also have nausea and headaches. Did yours go away eventually?

  90. Very mild side effects after the jab yesterday before 5pm. Just achy legs, feeling a bit tired (I went to bed 9.30pm — ridiculously early for me). Latterly, a more all-over very mild achiness and that strange feeling you get when you’re ill when everything is an effort and you’re in something of a different mental space. A slight bruised feeling where the jab went in. Nothing to be concerned about: just having to give in to go back to bed in the morning … and the afternoon. I’m now 24 hours on and just feel a bit lethargic. Mind you, I’m only 65 and fit & healthy.

  91. Had first jab at 2pm on 18 Feb. Was OK until midnight then was red hot to touch but I was freezing cold with the shakes. Shakes lasted a few hours but then took paracetomol, stayed in bed until 12 noon and then got up with aching limbs. Have no appetite as such but now limbs have stopped aching. 2nd jab comes along on May 10.

  92. I had this vaccine on the 17th Feb, I felt fine directly afterwards just a bit of an achey arm where the needle went in. 28 hours later I started with the chills and violent shaking and teeth chattering and felt very sick. Had to go to bed and pile on blankets and use a hot water bottle. Woke up the next day with a flushed face and struggled to lift my vaccine arm. Now just very achey and leaden limbed! I’ll have to book time off work after the second dose.

  93. I had my AZ jab yesterday at 11.15 and was fine until about 1 pm started with headache then the chills and weakness, paracetamol helps but now got stabbing pains in head and stomach pains and palpitations, I was really happy when I knew I was getting my jab but had no idea I would feel so ill

    • Hi Jane How is your head now? I also got the stabbing pains in side of my head. Well still have them 4 days after vaccine. Hope yours have gone now.

  94. I had nasty effects. Okay first day. Didn’t feel injection site no soreness. Felt very tired next day and nausea no appetite. Temp not high but blood pressure uncontrollably high. Freezing cold couldn’t get warm with blankets on sofa and hot water bottles. Extra jumpers abd head feet cold. Skin felt cold to touch and body felt cold through clothing. Pain between shoulder blades and slight headache, fast heart rate. Nose bleed, constipation. Felt dehydrated despite drinking huge amounts of water and other fluids. Felt sleepy woke up shaky and dreadful nightmares. Not keen on having second one of these. I have fibromyalgia and nodular prurigo also suspected wegeners Granulomatosus and other allergies. Contacted GP who told me to take blood pressure medication when I have second vaccination. Other GP said it sounds like a reaction to vaccination. Not happy about this at all although a relative fighting Covid in hospital at this moment in time.

  95. I had first dose of Astra last Saturday 13th February. My arm felt like a red hot poker had been jabbed in. On the Sunday, I felt a bit ‘spaced out’ with a mild headache. By Sunday night, my food tasted a bit strange and I was feeling very chilly. On Monday, everything I ate tasted vile, and my body was aching all over. On Monday night, I experienced the worst headache I have ever had. My legs were twitching and I was sweating uncontrollably. Me head felt like it was in a vice being tightened, with someone drilling into it. Was literally screaming in agony. It was so bad I made my husband repeat my wishes about spreading my ashes, should I die. Took so many painkillers, it was ridiculous. On Tuesday morning when I woke up, the headache had gone and food tasted ok. Wedenesday my arm finally stopped hurting. I only agreed to have this vaccine in order to travel to our second home abroad. Looks like I’ll be staying in England, as I just don’t want to go through that again. I really darent’t have the second one, and I am worried about long term side effects appearing later on.

  96. I’m a fit female 49 with type 1 diabetes. (Well controlled). I’m relieved to read Imall these comments because I felt the most ill I have ever felt last night. I was scared. I had the first Astra jab yesterday at 5pm – was fine then 8 hours later – bang – uncontrollable shaking , freezing cold- all the layers I could find plus two hot water bottles and blankets in bed- still freezing. Teeth chattering , splitting headache feeling sick. Dizzy unable to walk. Then boiling hot- temp went to 38/39 and then vomiting. Intense symptoms subsided by morning though and I’ve spent day in bed with a headache and fatigue. I am dreading second jab too but as someone commented earlier, it is short lived (fingers crossed) and it doesn’t seem to affect the respiratory system which is the killer.

    • How are you now? Re short lived I’ve got seemingly permant neurological damage and wobbling gait and giddyness and hand weakness (to name a few) where I was a week before the vaccine looking at hiring a hall to run a dance class! Am seeing a neurologist week after next. Who guarantees AZ is safe? Nobody, legally speaking, actually.

    • Hi Annabelle,

      I had the exact same reaction as you. Just wondering… have you had your second vaccine? I’m really nervous about getting the second one now. I’m 30 and fit but I suffer from migraines.

  97. I had the Astra Zeneca jab on 17/02/21 at 10:30.
    By late afternoon I began to feel very cold and developed a headache and nausea.
    During the night I felt feverish, very hot and couldn’t sleep.
    The following day I felt weak and nauseous.
    I took paracetamol every four hours and went to bed in the afternoon as I was feeling exhausted.
    By the evening I was feeling much better and have had no further side effects.
    I am due to have a second jab in 12weeks and will go ahead with it, although I will start taking paracetamol as soon as I get home as it seems to be very effective at lessening the side effects.

  98. I had the Astra Zeneca jab today ( 19th Feb. 2021 ). I developed severe arm pains almost immediately after the injection and now have a high temperature and shaking badly. I am of Black African origin and now wish i had paid attention to my friends who advised me against having the vaccine. Please !!! If you are of the BAME community in the UK do not have the vaccine. I am suffering very badly with the side effects.

  99. Got the astra zenica vaccine friday am started to feel a bit tired by lunchtime by 5pm i had flu like symptoms terrible aches and pains and thought my head was about to burst i could hardly move i took paracetamol every 2hrs from midnight inhad a very sleepless night by the next morning most of the aches and pains had gone but still felt groggy

  100. I had astrazeneca on 5th at 10.50 by 1.15 violent shaking felt like my jaw was so tight was going to crack teeth, it was like my body had lost control, started throwing up in hands couldn’t make it to tiloilet
    Pulled a thick doubles blanket over me.
    Next day got up and was still throwing up temp 38.9 so goodness knows how it was during night.
    Thumping headache couldn’t even keep medication i was on down.
    Nose bleeds after about 2 days but only light.
    Sunday night was starting to feel like I was amongst the land of the living.
    Urine infection on Tuesday.
    Rash and raised lumps about three inches by 5 inches on day 10, just feeling im over it and seriously thinking of not getting second.
    But clinically extremely vulnerable. Caught between devil and deep blue sea.
    Scared the second could be worse if that’s a tall possible.

  101. Reassuring in some ways to hear same experiences. Had my Astrazenica jab Tues early eve. Woke at 12.30am to all my pain receptors on high alert( suffer from fibromyalgia etc) chronic neck/ back pain. Then felt cold briefly before sudden violent muscle tremors throughout body. Couldnt control them. After about 40 mins they subsided followed by a temperature. An out of hours doctor told me he hears this everyday! Next morning a severe vice like headache with sinus like pain. Severe headaches over last few days and feeling tired. A lot of increased pain. As though vaccine has triggered all weak points of fibromyalgia. I will probably have second dose but can see why some people are thinking of not having it. Which is very worrying. I feel strongly these side effects need to be publicly discussed but without scaremongering. Then people can be advised how to handle them and not be scared. Hospitals and GPs can then also support patients with them. I have filled out a yellow card but not sure if anyone will take notice. Any ideas anyone how these side effects can be aired constuctively?

    • Hi Sarah you raise an excellent issue for public to be made much more aware but think they just do not want to risk any more people not being vaccinated. Far more sensible to put everyone’s mind at rest and publish that there are a lot more side effects than the usual fatigue slight sore arm and feeling feverish! Maybe programmes like Good Morning Britain etc would highlight this discrepancy throug their advice Doctors.

      • agree with this x i expected to maybe feel abit rough for a couple of days but have had some scary symptoms x yes it may have put me off but if they had said they’re not nice but not dangerous that would have helped, feel very upset and wish i didnt have to have it but whats the alternative?

    • Had my first jab in march, next day could not walk on my ankle . Got slowly better after 6 weeks. Went for my second jab and now have massive pain in my hip this has lasted 8 weeks now, can hardly walk. Been to the Dr’s and 8 secessions with a Chiropractor !! getting worse day by day 🙁

  102. I’m 51. I had my first AstraZeneca jab at 8.40am today. 2hrs 25mins later, my left arm and hand feels like it doesn’t belong to me and I have just been hit with “EXPLOSIVE DIARRHOEA”, I am currently glued to the toilet in Tesco’s. I only came in for a newspaper. I was so excited to get the jab, yet here I am, my dignity in the bin along with my knickers. I hope I’m not in here much longer as I’ve been in here 20 mins already.

  103. I think to have 192 comments saying how people reacted to the Astrazeneca jab.
    should now be brought to someone’s attention,
    I’ve suffered for 2 weeks, it has been horrendous and only reading what other
    people have experienced, is the one thing that has brought me through.
    I am worried about having the 2nd jab, but know it is the right thing to do
    to get full protection from Covid. I think if this was brought to light , people would
    know what to expect and could help in some circumstances. I should like to point out
    That until you experience these awful side effects you cannot understand the effect it
    has on our well being.

    • I totally agree these problems need to made public, had I not found this forum I would have thought I was the only one having these awful problems. I had first AZ on the 23rd Feb and am still not right, improving but still fluctuating between not bad and pretty unwell, just praying it will sort itself before the second jab which I am very worried about!

  104. I decided to fill in the yellow card reporting the intense pain in my head reaction as it wasn’t on the list of side effects we had been given. I’m feeling much better today for the first time since my jab on Monday but with less energy.

    I wish you all a speedy recovery soon.
    I will have my second jab but think I will speak to my GP before I do if I don’t hear any feedback after reporting. The jab is probably the best of two evils!

  105. I had the AstraZeneca on15/02/21 @ 12.10pm & woke at 2am shivering cold.
    I took paracetamol but couldn’t get back to sleep until 4am
    I awoke feeling ok apart from a sore arm but since then I am constantly tired & have no appetite whatsoever.
    I slept from 6pm yesterday till 10.15am today
    & again from 2pm till 5pm
    Is anyone else experiencing this?

  106. Yep I have all the side-effects I had my vaccine yesterday at around 3 o’clock and I was fine until bedtime and I started feeling feverish and achy and developed a migraine type headache I couldn’t have looked at this forum yesterday because I couldn’t do anything literally I’m still in bed today and had to cancel work. I absolutely do not blame the German health workers for refusing this vaccine if some of her colleagues had the side-effects there is absolutely no way you could work feeling like this I’m hoping I’m okay to work tomorrow and catch up on the marking I should’ve done.Still have a headache my spine feels tingly and inflamed I have no appetite I have the racing heart as well. Obviously this is much better than catching the virus but I would not describe these as mild side-effects this is like full blown blown flu.

    • My side effects to a tee!! Also had mine at 3pm and it all came on at bedtime – 72 hours later – feeling bit better but still have nausea and stabbing head pains.

  107. Hardly felt my injection with oxford vaccine. No side effects at all. Just didnt go to sleep on my left arm the 1st night as tht seemed sensible. Sue

    • Me too – my knees and hips were very painful initially, now subsided, but extremities (particularly fingers and wrists) are still very stiff and painful. I had my AZ vaccine on 16th feb and had all the nasty side effects everyone else has listed for around 3 days then was left with ongoing nausea, no appetite, painful joints and fatigue. I do finally feel that it’s resolving slowly but still not looking forward to dose 2 even though I know it’s a must!! I’m 41, no underlying health condition but had vaccine due to work (also believe I had COVID last March) and I agree that conversations should be honest so people can at least be prepared for both doses.

  108. Never felt as ill as I have all week. I have Sjogrens and Raynauds. First reactions began while I was driving home, within 30 mins of vaccination. Next came the most violent shaking with chills. Took my temp on two separate thermometers it was 35.1 c on one 95.2 f, way to low, blood pressure I knew was very very low. Literally could not stand. Then my fingers started turning dark blue, same for my feet. Then the really scary stuff happened, my lymph nodes swelled up , within 30 minutes my face and neck looked like I had mumps, my armpits looked like tangerines were growing under them, tightness on right side of chest knew this was a lymph issue, could barely sit, again lymph issue. Honestly not sure about the rest of the evening I was in and out of it. Finally got to bed about 3 am, woke early hours I had wet the bed, and I was drenched in sweat. Could have put my head thru a door and it would not have hurt so much. Monday and Tuesday was throw up and the runs, where you sit on the commode with your head in a bucket. Head ache still 8 days later but not severe, just a dull pain. Still get odd moments of chills. NO I will not get second shot, I was scared when I realised Sunday that hours had gone by, and I had no idea what had happened. No one lives with me, no one to make sure I’m ok.

  109. I was sick the morning after AstraZeneca and since then for nearly two weeks I’ve had good days and bad. Some days I feel I’m over it and back to my normal self and the next I can barely get out of bed as I’m so weak. The number of different reactions has me puzzled. Are we all getting the same vaccine? Are we all getting the same dose? I am 70, no medical problems. Never had a reaction to immunisation before and have travelled widely so have had a lot. I reported my initial reaction on the yellow card but not sure about re-reporting the fact that my reaction is still ongoing after 12 days. I’m in the UK.

    • Hello. I’m the same as you except I still feel ill after 20 days on. I’m 69 with no health issues. I’m worried. This jab didn’t come with all these warnings did it. X

  110. Hello everyone, I’ve had Long Term Covid symptoms now since late July 2020 when I caught Covid. Living hell is putting it mildly, I’m 69 years old and as I had been nowhere but the supermarket for food all year. The symptoms come and go, my longest break from them has been 11 days and then they’re back with a vengeance! So……….I thought I’ll get the Covid vaccine and hopefully it might help my immune system along abit. No such hope,,,,,,,,,,,it’s now been 13 days and I fell ill just 10 hours after having the vaccine (Astra Zenica) . The chills , aching joints and retching to the point of wanting to vomit, was just as bad as having Covid. The palpitations, breathlessness and shaking is aweful, the dizziness frightens me as I’ve been trembling now for the whole 13 days on and off throughout each day. I’ve had nightmares and hallucinations too, my arm is red slightly swollen at injection sight and itchy. What bothers me is having had Long Covid for such a time now over many months, why are the symptoms of Covid and the vaccine side effects so similar? Of course only the red sore arm is the only thing that is different, the exhaustion never seems to go away or get any better. My husband did not get Covid and had no side effects to the vaccine whatsoever. I pray the 2nd vaccine will be better……………my poor body is worn out after all this hell which has gone on for 7 months.

    • Hi Valerie, I’m suffering vey similar symptoms to you, in agony with pain in my right hip and side for the last two days and feeling nauseous again, and this is 3 weeks since my first jab. It’s made me wonder whether I’ve had Covid in the past without knowing it. I’ll have a day or two when I’m fine then I wake up feeling like I’ve been trampled by a horse again. I’m 70 and normally very fit and well and very pro vaccine, but this is worrying me. I do hope we both start to feel better soon. I’m certainly having second thoughts about having the second jab and wondering if it might be possible to have a dose of the Pfizer jab for the booster rather than the a second dose of the AstraZeneca.

  111. Mild cold next day following vaccine lasted all day. Took paracetamol in the morning then for bed. Woke up perfectly well. No problems since….My hubby was fatigued day one and mild cold day two. Then fine since .

  112. I hope someone high up is reading these comments. I felt nauseous for two days. Felt like i had a temperature but it was normal. Had constipation for 4 days then mouth ulcers.

  113. Please can anyone advise me – had Astra vac last Thursday and had slight headache slight nausea and chills etc . I feel I have coped well compared to some of what I have read but yet again I have not slept.
    My concern is burning tingling and constant pins and needles in feet, does not bother me when walking or standing as much but I am getting no sleep and by now am worn out. I have searched high and low to see if others have had this.
    Filled out yellow card….waiting to speak with GP but what can anyone do, it sounds mild but it is driving me mad.

    • AstraZeneca Vaccine is deactivated COVID-19 it is a virus vector not an MRNA like a flu vaccine or the Pfizer vaccine. It is a non dangerous form of getting COVID-19. The tingling has been noted a rare related symptom of COVID-19.
      “Doctors are paying close attention to trends that could be associated with COVID-19 as the list of coronavirus symptoms continues to grow.

      While neurological experts say isolated tingling in the hands and feet is probably not a common symptom of the virus, it is a symptom of a rare disorder that may be associated with COVID-19 called Guillain-Barré syndrome.

      Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare disorder where the immune system attacks the body’s nerves, according to the Mayo Clinic website. Weakness and tingling in the hands and feet, medically known as paresthesia, are usually its first symptoms.” It may go away or it may be permanent, your doctor will be able to help you with possible treatments.

    • Hi Jools,
      I have that too.
      It gets worse when you try to sleep..
      It seems to disappear when you are moving.
      I have internal vibrations like an electric shock going through me at night too and feel
      I have a Urine infection.
      Are you getting better?

  114. I had Oxford AZ vaccine first shot on Friday 19 feb (3 days ago). I do notice some effects- ,my arm is fine, but I am rather headachy, ‘flu-ey’ , tired, a bit zonked out. Exactly has with a bad cold or such 9as I’s expect- immune response). It is unpleasant but tolerable and I keep reminding myself that at 65 my risk of serious illness or death from COVID is not negligible. I wonder if the variation in side effects between people is related to prior immune reactivity (eg those who already have autoimmune diseases- and there is a lot of variation in how individuals react to common infections- I never get stomach upsets and have not had that now, but always get slight chest tightness, and have that now).

    And yes 200 reports is worrying for the people who have written in but given that there have been 100s of 1000s if not millions now vaccinated- it tells us little about the overall rates of effects – only possible to tell in trials.


    • Had the AstraZeneca jab nearly three weeks ago now. Around 18 years ago I used to get cluster headaches every year, then one year they suddenly stopped and haven’t been back since…until the night of the jab. Since then I’ve had one every day since (just like the bad old days :-(). I’ve been prescribed sumatriptan to try to ride it out, but it’s not really helping TBH. How long did it take for your headaches to wear off after the jab?

      • I am experiencing exactly the same thing … and have done for the past 15 days. Have your settled yet or have you found anything effective for the cluster headaches? I can’t keep doing this and doctors have not been at all helpful.

        • Hi Julie

          I’d say their intensity has reduced a bit, but it’s still not great (I’m getting some level of cluster like, one sided headache every night). I was woken by one last night at 2am, but the sumatriptan nasal spray (“Imigran”) I was prescribed on Tuesday stopped it after ~20 minutes (first time I’d tried it, actually), so I could get back to sleep at least. Before that I was taking Neuromol (ibuprofen & paracetamol combined) in the evening after dinner (to try to stop them happening in the first place) with limited success. I’ve also tried oral sumatriptan with the Neuromol, but I’m not convinced it was any better than the Neuromol alone TBH.

          I’m currently waiting for my GP to get back to me after he’s spoken to a neurologist (hopefully tomorrow)

          BTW, I signed up to the ouchuk (Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headache) forum where there’s a thread on Vaccine and CH. Might be worth doing to same (although they do charge for the privilege!)

          Hope you feel better soon

        • PaulR & Julie.
          I know first-hand how terrible cluster headache can be. I sincerely hope they have ceased for you both — assuming they have, how many days did they persist for?

  116. 15 mins after injection 0935 on 20/02/21 had low blood pressure and low heart rate. Paramedics called, ECG showed irregular heartbeat. Transferred to A&E. Further ECG test showed a return to normal. Developed flu like symptoms in the evening. Fatigue, high temp 38.8C, sweating, shivering, headache. At 0600 following morning heart rate fell to 32bpm. I am a fairly fit, 63 yr old male with mild asthma symptoms and have annual flu injection. Headache taken care of with paracetamol. Awareness of slight confusion and hesitation in speech for following 24 hrs. 48 hrs after vaccination I think I am back to normal. GP considered it was hypersensitive allergic reaction to AZ vaccine. Advised me not to take 2nd vaccine. I am not anti vaccination. My contribution here is for information to others who may have suffered the same side effects.

  117. I had my vaccine on Friday 19th Feb. By the evening I had a crashing headache and was aching with my joints hurting, and a heavy feeling in my arm with some tingling in my hand. The injection itself hurt, usually any injections I have don’t hurt me. By Saturday I felt like I was coming down with flu. And my upper arm around the injection site was swollen and a bit warm. Felt very unwell, tired, no energy and very cold. No fever. My lower back felt like it was going to break.
    Sunday the headache eased off and the aches subsided felt very washed out with no energy. Today (Monday) I still have a mild headache, my back doesn’t hurt but I just feel weird. By this evening I feel like I’m still recovering from a huge exercise session but my arm is still swollen, but today has gone warm and about a two inch red patch has now appeared my arm and shoulder still hurt. I suppose this is normal but I have to be honest I’m not keen on getting the second dose now. I have felt really rotten since Friday, couldn’t sleep properly either. Hopefully it will all subside soon.

  118. Had the Astra Zeneca jab on the 13 February. First couple of days slight fever, fatigue and hallucination like experience. Couldn’t think properly. Had trouble remembering where the tomatoes were in Sainsbury’s. Today (22nd) totally exhausted. Kept nodding off and still having vivid dreams. As not working at the moment, not too much of a problem. In the first few days of the jab, I noticed I got angry in arguments over silly things. Luckily I realised what was happening and stopped the rows. Concern that for some people this could lead to violence, especially if people are not expecting it. Mental effects are not listed on the possible side effects. Clinical trial is not the same as three or four people stuck in the same house already stressed out with the current crisis.

  119. I had my Covid jab 6 days ago. At 67, I already have comorbidities, so was a little concerned.
    Had Sepsis back in November and that really is grim. But this time within hours of injection, I had temperature, headache, shakes and nausea. I took paracetamol as directed and over 48 hours improved rapidly.
    I felt incredibly lucky, as I have a few other things medically problematic. The really weird thing was, on waking on the third day, I felt unbelievably well. So much so, that I it felt miraculous. I had this perfect 24 hour window of feeling better than I had in 20 years. Whether it was psychosomatic or what, I have no idea. The following day I was back to my old self, achy joints, and lots of other minor problems, all totally unrelated to the Covid jab.
    Since then I’ve not had any further side effects or symptoms. I feel very fortunate indeed. I’m definitely looking forward to having my second dose, when my time comes. It’s the only way we can go forward. P.S. I’ve been taking Vit. D. tabs for nearly 9 months now, I truly think this has helped.

  120. I should have added that I also have auto-immune issues (three) which are normally well managed. I wonder how many people who are experiencing really strong side-effects are auto-immune and whether this vaccine is really suitable for us. I’d like to know if auto-immune patients were included in the study cohort (I think they weren’t, apart from well-managed Hashimoto’s but I may be wrong)

    • I posted earlier as I have autoimmune, managed to keep it under control for years, after vaccination it all went into hyperdrive. I did write a yellow card, and spoke to two doctors. The response I received was, “you do realise the vaccine was voluntary, sounds like you had a bad reaction” that was it, I’m dumbfounded by their responses. I felt they believed I was calling to complain, I was calling, as advised in leaflet I was given when being vaccinated. I am not sure anyone is hearing us. I’m 67, female, very fit. I’m trying to look at it from the point of view, I now have 10 1/2 weeks to see if the after effects diminish, before I have to decide on round two. I am reading extensively all I can on the Oxford vaccine, and see no trial data on auto immune patient data.

      • I had a day of projectile vomiting (the worst vomiting I have ever experienced) and my husband was going to phone 111 as he was so worried. I rang my GP a few days later to discuss whether or not to have the second vaccination and I got pretty much the same response as you, its your choice whether or not to have the vaccination. He said that the local practices have an algorithm and only those with severe allergies would be advised not to have the vaccine. He was so unsympathetic that I am wondering whether to change GP practice. I had to persuade him to give me anti-sickness tablets for when I have the second vaccine. I had completed a Yellow Card. Yes, Covid can be life threatening, but the medical profession should be taking on board the severity of side effects being reported by people. If all they are using these days are algorithms, then I am as capable of using a computer algorithm as they are. I am very disappointed in their response.

  121. How are the latest Astra Zeneca vaccine efficacy figures obtained when we are in lock down. Every one who has had the first jab
    is still in lock down. Maybe there are new trials with elderly people taking place so can somebody please enlighten us.

  122. 9 hours after receiving the AZ vaccine I suddenly developed a very severe, intense, persistent frontal headache. It felt like my head would explode and lasted for 24 hours but felt like an eternity. This has gradually subsided but I now have a low level headache. I also started to have waves of nausea every 20 minutes. When I tried to take paracetamol and water I started to retch badly so unable to take fluid with concern about dehydration. Was unable to get out of bed. My husband contacted our GP after about 15 hours who prescribed anti nausea tablets to dissolve in my mouth: this helped. I still have mild nausea which has effected my appetite. For many hours I had a burning sensation over my skin without a high temperature. I also had painful muscles and shins. I had one night of complete insomnia with restless legs even though feeling very tired. I continue to feel thirsty, exhausted, sluggish and spaced out 5 days after the vaccination. The whole experience has been horrendous and terrifying. I went for the vaccination healthy and fit and have been reduced to a quivering wreck only coming out of it after 5 days. As we are all being encouraged to be vaccinated for the greater good there is an issue of informed consent which is fundamental to good medical practice. Only after I was given the vaccine was I given a leaflet describing possible side effects which are listed in a rather bland way without indication of the degree of severity. If 10% of people have the side effects described and it is given to 10 million people that means a million people will have a reaction, even if 10% of those have a severe reaction as I and others have described that means thousands of people have been seriously effected by this vaccine. Why are people not informed before being vaccinated that there is a chance that they could become seriously unwell? Are the authorities afraid that if it became commonly known it would put people off from having the AZ vaccine?

    • Me too! I had it on the 17th and I spent 4 days in bed feeling awful! Exactly what you described. It was horrible, painful and really don not want to imagine having to go through the same for a second time

  123. I am so glad that I’m not the only person with dreadful side affects due to the vaccine. I had the jab on 2nd February and still feel very unwell. I won’t go into details, but I hope to feel better soon, every day it’s an effort to even do light housework.

    • Susan Greer i had my jab 13 Feb . I was so unwell I was sent to a and e. Checked heart as I had racing heart, shaky weak attacks and arm hand neck pain. All fine ecg and bloods. That was the 19th but still feel breathless at times, tired heart racing. Weak and shaky Hospital said they had seen others like this . Dreading second jab but feel it is absolutely necessary Just pray this goes.

  124. Hi, I’m 42 and I live in Poland and I was vaccinated yesterday 22 February as a teacher (now AZ is used only for teachers). In Poland officials do not say about side-effects which are in UK but here we have some schools closed because of unhealthy teachers after AZ jag. So I found this page just to get know how it really looks like. After reading so many posts on this page I just wanted to give up and not to get vaccination. But my husband, let’s say “forced” me. And I’m really grateful him for this. The only side effect was just a bit higher temperature than usual at night but in the morning it dissapeared No headache, shakes or any side-effects. I called my friend-teachers and this is the same with them. 11 of us had vaccintion and only 2 had some stronger symptoms. So don’t give up. It’s not so bad and not all suffer from vaccintion, I’d say more.. Most of people have really light symptoms, they just don’t write it and no post it. Keep warm and healty everybody

  125. I had my jab on 26th January and had pretty much the same as people are saying on here. Here we are 4 weeks lateR and the injection site now is very painful and my arm and hand hurt , I’ve been given antibiotics. Has any one else experienced this please. Just as an aside I think my GP gave me the jab too high up in my arm and caused something called SIRVA.

  126. Just wanted to add onto the list of experiences people have described above. I found this page reassuring when I experienced symptoms so wanted to share too. I’m a healthy 31 year old female and received the AZ vaccine at 2.30pm on Monday 22nd February 2021. Note, I’m a carer for someone highly vulnerable which is why I received it despite my age and health.

    I felt absolutely fine for all of Monday then at 10pm I was hit with chills, shivers, fever of 38.4 and my legs felt numb/disjointed from the rest of my body. Couldn’t sleep due to the fever and weird feeling in the legs then was hit with a massive headache from 3am along with major nausea and vomiting. Couldn’t sleep till about 7am when I was able to drift in and out for a few hours. The above slowly started to subside over the next day.

    In all, after the vaccine I was fine for 7.5 hours, experienced horrible symptoms for about 12 hours, continued to feel weak/ill for a further 12 hours, slept for 7 hours and woke up on Wednesday 24th February (today) feeling absolutely fine!

    • I am also 31 and have had exactly the same reaction. The leg numbness/pins and needles was most concerning. The headache is really bad and have had visual disturbance with very painful eyes. Sweats and fever to 38.6 (my normal is around 35.8-36.2). I am glad you recovered and feel fine, especially within 48 hours. I had the AZ vaccine yesterday, 11th March 2021. Based in Australia – oncology nurse. So 24 hours to go I hope!

      • Reassuring to know that someone of a similar age has had a similar experience! Hope you’re feeling better by now. I left out a couple symptoms in my original post being that my skin felt highly sensitive and that I had an elevated heart rate of 134bpm though I was lying down from about 10pm to 5am (fat burn zone). I got quite scared when my heart rate wasn’t returning to resting pace so used my Fitbit to monitor myself.

        I should say that despite the above, I fully intend on returning in 8 weeks approx. to receive the second jab. I’d be interested if anyone who posted here before experienced symptoms upon receiving the next jab.

  127. Hi I had Oxford vaccine 11am 18 February felt fine till 7pm I have MS then freezing cold, couldn’t stop shaking I couldn’t move my legs & little movement in arms. Felt hot had temperature of 102 & heart palpitations of 145 bpm had to call paramedics because scary stuff. Paramedics gave me 1 gram paracetamol slept & got leg use back 4am next day. Have had palpitations twice since & generally wiped out it will be 7 days from jab today & still recovering. Bladder & bowels working overtime too!

  128. Since having az jab had side effects 7 hours after headache, feeling burning up on inside lasted for 24 hours, but now three weeks after I still get hot flashes….like I did with the menopause…..

      • Hi Isobelle/ Sandra,

        I had mine 1 week ago and still having hot flashes. The symptoms are not as bad as the first 2 days, but energy levels are not as high as usual.

        How are you symptoms are they totally gone now?

  129. Reading these postings it appears that the majority suffering bad side effects are women. Is this a gender related problem or is it that women tend to post comments more than men

    • I agree as I had my vacine on the 8th march I had the headaches couldn’t hold my head up felt sick very lethargic dizzy fast heart rate and I had a TIA a month ago slept for 48 hours shivering and cold my husband had no side effects only cold when he went to bed I think as a retired nurse the dose needs to be sorted out I dont want the second one because of the side effects and I’m no whimps

  130. Interesting reading people with auto immune diseases seem to be reacting really badly, I myself have Pernicious anemia and have had side effects for over a month now , a colleague with thyroid problems also suffered really badly .

    • Had AZ vaccine 23rd Feb, have arthiritis and asthma, still feeling unwell now. 5 days later. Could be true that people with underlying health conditions do suffer more.

  131. Great to say this is the first day from the 2nd Feb that I have felt well. I’m still tired but able to do some housework. All I can say….keep your hopes up…..it will get better.

  132. I had the Oxford vaccine almost 3 weeks ago, I had both joint and muscle pain but none of the other symptoms reported here. My symptoms lasted almost a fortnight but have now disappeared so I’m happy. My husband had the same vaccine and had no symptoms at all, neither did my sister or best friend. Temporary discomfort is a small price to pay for protection from the virus, and the recent real world results of the vaccine’s effectiveness have made me very glad to have had it.

  133. Wondering if the people who had bad reactions to the vaccine had COVID in the past. My wife had a really bad reaction and she said the symptoms were just like what she had last March in New Orleans when she joked that she probably had COVID already.

  134. Glad I found this post as was worried I was only suffering long side effects. Had AZ jab at 4.00 pm Saturday 21/02. Woke up in night shivering and shaking violently. Managed to get back to sleep then woke up in morning feeling like I had flu. Temperature 38.7 for most of day, no appetite and just laid on couch. My husband had it at same time he was a bit off it next day with raised temperature but then felt well enough to go to work Monday. On Monday I woke up with bright red itchy arms that lasted till next day. Tuesday still tired and dizzy, not much appetite. It’s now Friday still feeling same as Tuesday. Dizziness more a shakiness now and pins and needles in left arm and leg. Really worried I’m never going to feel right. I’ve known a few people off it for 2/3 days but hadn’t come across anyone feeling ill longer till read this. Incidentally I put in shaking as symptom and this came up. I’ve read that the AZ one can have side effects with first jab (hopefully not 2nd) and Pfizer seems to have more side effects with second. I think I will have 2nd but am going to talk to GP first though suspect they will be no wiser than me as to whether I will suffer next time.

  135. Had th AZ jab on the 11th February. Freezing cold hands and feet, but a moderate high temperature in my ‘core’ (very odd feeling) after about 6 hours. Lasted 8 hours then felt fine.. Over the next few days I had considerable abdominable bloating and palpitations. The doc thought it was IBS and anxiety, which I have had before, but I am having an ECG to check. I think the vaccination induces some psychological symptoms which seem to persist – two weeks on I still feel vaguely ‘virusy’ and quitedanxious. My wife had the jab at the same time, and she reports that she is also feeling very strange, waking at night with her mind racing and feeling really washed out.

  136. Had my AZ vaccine 23rd Feb. Woke up 24th feeling very unwell, very much flu like symptoms as I have suffered flu in the past. My controlled arthiritis has flared up all over my body. 5 days in and the site where vaccine was administered is very painful and hot to touch, the pain is actually moving around my arm. Still having sweats, just feel generally unwell. Unsure whether I want the 2nd AZ vaccine. Can they be mixed? Possibly have Pfizer next time round.

  137. I had 24 hours of unpleasant flu after AZ jab. I’m 55 & healthy. So now I’m inclined to agree with German policy of using for under 65s only. By the way in a German hospital 37 out of 88 staff reported sick the day after having AZ jab.

    Still, if it’s best we’ve got we’ve gotta all take it please for general good.

  138. My husband (50) had the AstraZeneca vaccine yesterday afternoon, last night he started feeling really cold (had a fever) then diarrhoea and was then sick a few times. He’s wiped out this morning and just keeps napping. Not nice but as long as it protects him from COVID then still worth it.

  139. It seems to me that quite a few people suffer from the side effects of the vaccine.
    Are there even more serious side effects unreported?
    We are told that many people do not have any ill effects from Covid itself and that the chances of contracting the virus in the first instance is quite small. We are advised to go home and isolate if we think we have Covid symptoms which places it alongside the flu in terms of how serious the virus is.
    There are many scientists questioning the validity of the pandemic and the risks attached to the vaccines. Until the mainstream media openly and fairly debate the pros and cons of the vaccine we will continue to be cautious about taking it. I would question which group of people should be labelled ‘Covidiots’. The people seeking more reliable evidence regarding the safety of the vaccines or the people willingly rolling up their sleeves to receive it
    I’m opting to give the vaccine a miss.

  140. Having read many of the preceding comments thought I would post my experience. I had the vaccine on 13/2/2021 at 2pm. That night had a mild fever for a few hours and the shakes for about 30 minutes.

    The following day had mild headache and felt fatigued. 2 x paracetamol cured the headache. 36 hours after the vaccine everything back to normal.

    My comment would be “One day of pain for a lifetime of gain”. Stay safe!

  141. I had my AZ jab on the 17th of February, and couldn’t go back to work until the 22th.
    I have had the worse 5 days of my life! The intensity of my headache, hands and feet extremely hot with the feeling of my whole body “levitating”, not being able to sleep at all due feeling so sick, loss of appetite, shivering… Words can’t explain!
    I just want to give courage to those whom are on their “way” to the vaccination center. You might not get symptoms at all but better be prepare and ready! You can do it!

  142. I had my vaccination last Thursday at 3pm, was fine to 10pm, and then my skin start burning was on fire for 2days and 39.8 fever, headache, ached,sweating, feeling sick,can’t eat, no sleep, joint pain, neck pain, and now 3 days chest pain. I’m so scared to going for the second one.

    thanks to post your experience with the vaccine. I feel not alone now

  143. I am healthy person in 60’s. Never been in hospital in my life. Try and keep myself healthy. Got oxford vac yesterday within 5 minutes my face started to tingle, my chest tightened, a small headache. 3 or so hours later, i started to feel weak and woozy, lost my appetite, my legs gave way and I had to lie down for a few hours. Developed the most terrible migraine which would not shake with pain killers, horrendous sweating, feeling ill with stomach upset. This morning a bit better but still have tingling and terrible tinnitus.

    In contrast my husband who has had years of illness in hospital in past 3 years as emergency with life threatening illness, (he recovered) and has osteo arthritis, and other health problems on medication. He had the Pfizer vaccination last week, not a single side effect, nothing.

    I do so regret making my appointment at a Pharmacist who incidentally did not keep people for 15 minutes afterwards and 2 staff not social distancing properly. I wish I had gone with my husband to doctors and got Pfizer one. Luck of the draw I guess, but I am pleased it was me ill not him. Also, we think we had covid in spring of last year before face masks were advised. The symptoms of that were nowhere near as bad as this.

  144. Three weeks ago I had my vaccine (Astra Zeneca) and now 2-3inches from the injection site my arm is badly swollen my bicep region and all around was slightly red and warm to the touch painful ache when I loft it, been put on anti biotics for infection, apparently I’m not the first with this reaction

  145. Thank goodness for this website and knowing that other people have suffered side effects from the Astrazeneca vaccine.

    I received my vaccination on February 7th and the day after felt dreadful and for the next 3 weeks have not felt so ill in all my life.

    I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis, my CPR Markers have been way too high since my jab and the side effects have been, aches and pains, extreme fatigue, night sweats, nausea and loss of appetite, sinus problems, a sore tongue and sores at the corner of my mouth.

    I fully understand that these vaccines are new and we can fill in a Yellow Card to advise of our side effects but my Doctor and Rheumatology Team appear to be not taking all this very seriously, how much longer will I feel like this – I am really having second thoughts about the second vaccination.

  146. I have just rad all of the above comments and never having been on any forum or chat room in my life I must now express my thoughts as following the vaccine I have had six many days of being unwell with dizziness, random but severe body pains but worst of all have had a very large red swollen arm. I cannot let clothes tough it and on the odd occasion that I can personally touch it with my other hand then the pain is excrutiating. The lump was as large as a tennis ball but now maybe a large sausage shape under the skin. It is so tight that I keep physically looking to see if there is a tight band tied around my upper arm. I telephoned GP to explain that I had nearly called 111 in the night but knew that I was writhing in pain so much that I would have been unable to explain myself or even give my details and a Nurse Practitioner called me back asking questions but said you seem to be in control of the situation so just dial 111 if things get worse. Please don’t get me wrong – I am more than grateful to be given the chance of this vaccine but will need reassurance that the second dose won’t react the same or indeed worse ..Day 6 today and the redness has paled and turned grey so maybe healing but still very painful.

  147. I recently had the astra zeneca vaccine, which was given instead of Pfizer, as I have suffered with anaphylactic reaction. I don`t normally have the flu vaccine owing to many allergies I have. Unfortunately, I came away with tingling in my face and my lips were swollen and this worried me as I wonder if I was going to have a major reaction. Fortunately, it subsided, but in the process I had many of the side affects … headaches, achy muscles, nausea and had to go to bed. It has lasted for a day or so. However, I would rather have side effects for a day or so, instead of contracting this terrible illness that many have had to deal with. My mum`s friend has passed away with the virus. As is the case, many of us will have had someone we know suffering with Covid or experience a passing.

  148. Had the Oxford vaccine yesterday I took a mild reaction after administration lip and tongue swelling and tingling. This settled after 24 hrs and lots of priton. I had a headache a couple of hrs after vaccine that hasn’t left me 36hrs later. I had cold sweats overnight spiked temp 38.5 that wouldn’t come down with paracetamol. My skin feels sore even clothes are hurting me. I have muscular aches and pains all over. Feeling weak and very tired. No appetite at all. Slight cough developed and feel a little breathless. I have no energy or strength. Occupational health in work sent me for a test incase I had exposure and was positive prior to vaccine but asymptomatic. Awaiting the results. I have never felt so floored after a vaccine. Reading the comments here has made me feel I am just having bad side effects and hopefully they will settle soon. If anything I will def make sure I book off work after the next shot.

  149. I had my first AZ jab on Feb 12th and had no physical effects apart from a slight ache in the area of the jab. Until last Thursday 25 th Feb everything was fine but since then I have experienced severe night sweats so much so the bed sheets have been wringing wet together with the pillow. At he same time and since then during the days I have been very cold and unable to keep warm. Thus is totally the opposite of normal. I have also been very tired, not eating as normal and not wanting to do anything. Hopefully this will not last.

  150. Hi,
    Thank you for everyone leaving comments. It’s reassuring to read how everyone has reacted. I am sorry though that most have been unwell and I hope you all make a full recovery very soon.

    I had the Oxford jab at 2pm (28-2-21). I took 2 paracetamol 10 minutes before. I went home and just sat on the sofa watching a movie with my kids. Had a roast dinner and waited to feel unwell. I felt a little tired at 8pm took some more paracetamol (Just in case. ) Was asleep by midnight. I woke up 1:38am freezing cold. I couldn’t get warm, I was shaking and shivering. I have never felt like that before – it was not nice! DH got me a hot water bottle which eventually helped. I fell asleep But at 2:40 am woke up and I was boiling to touch. I took more paracetamol. It’s now 4:30 am I have barely slept and I feel really alert but also hot and achey and really dehydrated. I feel so alert – like I could fight a bear. Has anyone else had this high alert feeling!? There’s no way I can sleep. I worry I will feel exhausted tomorrow. I have to homeschool kids, have a uni online lecture, my house buyers are visiting and the dog has a vet appt. DH is working… I’m ok and can just grab an early night tomorrow x

    • Hi Amy – I had very similar reactions to you. I was fine for about 8 hours after the vaccine and then became teeth-chatteringly cold with 3 layers on. Eventually went the other way and became really hot and headachy. Like you however, I felt wired all night and didn’t sleep a wink. Finally went to sleep the next morning, feeling much better when I awoke in the afternoon. It’s the next morning now and I thankfully feel back to my normal self again after a good night’s sleep. I can’t say I’m looking forward to the 2nd vaccine at all, especially as I’ve heard that the effects may be worse than the 1st, which I’m hoping is really not the case! I wish everyone well soon.

  151. I had the AZ vaccination, two days after I developed a server skin rash all over my back with sore lips and puffy fingers, 3 weeks later I still have the rash, very painful which interferes with my ability to sleep. Tried soothing creams but they only have a limited temporary effect. I have had allergic reactions before but none of the symptoms have lasted this long.

    • I had AZ vaccine 5 days ago … had the normal flu like symptoms and joint pain. Today I have bright red skin all over, feels hot but I am cold .Hands swollen , sore mouth and cracked lips. I hope this doesn’t last for 3 week!

  152. After my first jab I had 24 hours of flu like symptoms. Took paracetamol and went to bed mid afternoon for the night. Now feel fine. I have diabetes and COPD. My husband also flu like for 24 hours but my brother nothing and a few friends didn’t even feel it , let alone have any side effects. We are all in the 60 – 70 age range. My son (in his 30s and hospital worker) had the Pfizer jab and got a very painful arm for 2 days but nothing else. Just goes to show it affects different people in different ways. However, I do want to stress how important it is to have this injection and even more the 2nd dose. These side effects are nothing compared to the real thing and not getting protection is being very selfish. We need to stop the spread of this virus and protect the vulnerable and everyone should be working towards that goal and ignoring false news theories. It’s a small price to pay for normality.

  153. Age 59 and contracted Covid March 8th 2020, not a bother, vaccine on Saturday 27th March 2021, still not a bother. Not the healthiest or fittest person so feel pretty lucky.

  154. Your lucky Philip. Had Vaccination 1/2/21 had bad reaction, freezing,headaches,sickness,terrible back pain.
    Had to go to Doctors last week as Kidneys hurting, diagnosed with Kidney infection,still feel poorly I am going to forgo the 2nd Vaccination ..

    • I had mine on 6th Feb. Never been so ill for so long in all my 70 years. I’m usually very fit and well. Still have pain down my side and abdomen, seeing my doctor this afternoon. I feel like I’ve been Novochocked! No way am I having the second dose which is very upsetting as I’m evangelical about vaccines!

    • I was the same as you Eileen after the jab – freezing cold, headaches, sickness etc. I had the vaccine on 4th March and I am now on antibiotics for a kidney infection too (so I developed the kidney infection roughly 3 and a half weeks after the vaccine like you too!).

  155. Hi – I had my first (Oxford) vaccine 8 days ago. I’m 46 with Type 2 Diabetes.
    I suffered with progressively worsening headaches that became a migraine so bad that I lost a day’s work (3rd day after jab). I had some flu-like symptoms – feeling hot and cold and some tiredness too. But after about 5 days that had all subsided.
    This morning I woke up with intense pain in my little finger in my left hand (same arm I had the jab in), radiating from my wrist all the way to the tip of that finger. The side of my hand is aching too. Painkillers haven’t helped and I’m pretty sure that I haven’t done anything that should have caused it to hurt – No DIY, heavy lifting, accidents etc. It feels like some one has tried to crush my hand/ finger. There is no bruising/swelling whatsoever…. yet.
    No idea if it is related to the vaccine, so I just wondered if anyone else has had that. I have searched the comments and seen that others have reported pins & needles in extremities, but this feels more like an attempt to break bones in my hand, and the wife swears it wasn’t her 🙂

  156. I am from Grenada and I got may Jab on the 23rd February 2021:
    1.Feeling Chilled.
    2.Felt tired.
    4.Not that bad enough to take paracetamol or pain killers.
    5.Did not missed a day of work since taking it.
    6.Had diarrhea on the seventh day.

  157. Hi everyone, I stumbled upon this page while searching to see if the side effects I experienced were normal.
    I had the Oxford vaccine on 27.2.21 at 2:55pm. I took two paracetamol before bed as I felt a bit nauseas but went to sleep quickly. Until 2.20am on 28.2.22 when I woke up with a raging temperature but feeling freezing cold. I didn’t know whether I wanted to be under the covers or on top of them. I also had a bad headache and felt sick. My heart was faster than normal but not to the extent some of you have experienced. Mine is normal between 56bpm and 67bpm when sleeping and it was between 84bpm and 93bpm – this could have been due to the temperature spike. I took regular doses of paracetamol throughout 28.2.21 but towards the end of the day I started with itchy skin and that has continued today. My face looks flushed too. Has anyone else experienced itching skin/flushing 2 days post vaccine? I’ve read others who have experienced this days after. The itching is not localised to my arm and tends to be my legs, torso, back and face.

    • Hi Lou, yes itchy in general felt like Baloo, using corner of chairs and all sorts, must have been after 3rd day too ill to of been able to do anything until Monday pm, had AZ Friday am, then 9 or 10 days later ended up with large re rash and blisters around injection site, had antihistamines still got a small pach left, hope that helps.

  158. I had the Astrazeneca jab 2.15 yesterday and apart from a slightly sore arm I am FINE. I’m glad I didn’t read this before I went! I think these side effects are the exception not the rule, I don’t know anyone who’s had the vaccine and been this ill. Please get the vaccination, it’s better than risking death from Covid.

  159. Yes, had all the above effects, 12 hours to the minute, at 11pm after AZ jab. Felt so feverish I could not remember or work out if I’d taken the Paracetamol, so waited for four hours, wide awake wired and shaking violently, weak muscle control in bladder, but had drunk lots of water, Wet flannel on face then took Paracetamol at 4 am and slept till 11 am next day. Felt shaky but more or less OK next day. Still getting weird pains in neck and various places, but soooo happy to have some hope and not just to be making plans as if I were going to die alone in hospital. Diane 69 x

  160. Had the vaccine, painless, felt fine. 12 hours later I was in bed for the night and felt sick, exhausted, weak, had headache, stomach pain and shooting pains everywhere. Too weak to get out of bed till the afternoon, managed to make a hot drink then back to bed crying with weakness. Fell asleep that night about three hours earlier than usual, still exhausted. And next morning woke up feeling fine!

  161. I had the Oxford- A/Z jab over a fortnight ago and noticed no ill effects until about a week ago when I felt a little weak after walking up a short, steep hill. The feeling passed after a minute or two and I have walked the same hill daily since then during which time
    the slight feeling of weakness has diminished almost to the point of non-existence. I am a 193cm and 105kg 67 year old man who is occasionally moderately active. I hope that my experience might be of reassurance to others.

  162. I had the astrozeneca vaccine 2 weeks ago. After 9 hours, I was sand-bagged – extreme exhaustion, headache, nausea, fever, earache. Couldn’t move even to get paracetamol. Slightly better the next day but now, 2 weeks on, I’ve developed a cycle of 2 days of being mostly ok, followed by a day of disabling light-headedness, racing heart, and breathlessness. The yellow card page for reporting effects doesn’t work. I am concerned that a second dose will exacerbate these symptoms, and very concerned that they might become permanent. I realise that having Covid would be far, far worse, but my daily life has been affected.

    • I am exactly the same, had first AZ jab on 23rd Feb, the last couple of days far better but very up and down, pretty good one minute, exhausted, in pain, breathless and nauseous the next, quite concerned about the second jab

  163. Please if you have suffered side effects after your Covid Vaccination fill in the ‘Yellow Card’ – many of the questions are ‘optional’ but it will assist the Authorities and help others to understand why they have been affected by side effects.

  164. Now wondering if I have nerve damage, had lots of weird side effects including the most terrible migraine, I do not suffer from headaches at all, and am fit and healthy with absolutely zero health problems. Last time I had a check up, told text book case of health, blood fine, blood sugar, heart etc.
    Went to a pharmacist in a tiny place to save time and wanted to get the vaccine over with. It was very, very painful when jabbed, never had pain before with vaccination. My arm later felt I had been kicked. Had lots of side effects, tingling in face and hands that diminished but 3 days later returned, frightening. Had migraine for 24 hours, and very ill in bed and laying down for 2 days.

    Ok now but just the tingling in hands and face, still got wooziness. Had terrible pains in spine which have now gone, terrible muscle stiffness nearly gone. My jaw feels weird like it is going to clamp, go stiff owing to the awful tingling in my face. Found to my horror I may have been injected too low down in my arm and it can cause nerve damage.

    I had Oxford one, husband insisted he wanted to go to doctors medical centre to get more info, he was right, he got Pfizer vaccine and has had zero side effects. I do so regret going to pharmacists, as it was unpleasant. They did not keep people for 15 minutes afterwards only if you were driving. I had symptoms start up within 5 minutes of leaving. I am now booking appointment next week to see doctor about this tingling in my face, and hands as it is unbearable.

    So anyone not had the vaccination yet, do please research where the jab should be in your arm and maybe even ask beforehand where they are going to place it. I just trusted the person and never thought to ask.

      • Hi Dino

        I am 32 female and had my vaccine two days ago. Apart from the standard side effects, i now also have tingling sensation on my legs which is very worrying. Did your gfs symptoms go away or does she still have them? I really appreciate your reply.

  165. Hello, I had my az vaccine 28th feb. All was fine after I had it and then 12 hours later I had headache, temp, shivering, dizziness, hot and cold and very painful arm. It has now been four days and I still have a painful arm and feeling a bit weird. My doc told me and I read online earlier with the first dose of the az the side effects are worse but should be better after the second dose and with the Pfizer the side effects are worse with the second dose!! I hope everyone is starting to feel better now x

  166. I had AZ yesterday at 12.30, on the drive home ( 40 mins) my hands and arms went cold, then they went pins and needles.
    Got home, seemed ok, later in the evening I felt really dizzy and light headed.
    Went to bed, absolutely frozen! Had to put dressing gown on, couldn’t sleep!! Thought it was the morning and it was only 2.45. Must have gone for a wee about 8 times!! Had to get into spare bedroom as I keeping my husband awake.
    Very tired this morning but feel ok. Husband had jab the same time as he and he seems ok.

  167. This really makes me question the safety of the Covid vaccines. I would never in a million yes expect reactions like these from a vaccination. Maybe a bit off-colour but not violent illness with symptoms which are extremely worrying.. Unless, of course, these are false posts from the anti-vax movement?……

  168. My comment on this website was factual – I would hope that Anti-Vaxers were not using it and fake reviews not included as the comments have been very helpful for people suffering with worrying side effects.

  169. Had this Vaccine yesterday afternoon at 3:30pm was okay until about 12am got bad shivers with a headache, I felt thirsty and needed a wee all through – out the night, Today I feel really run down as if I have the flu with a heavy full feeling in my head with headache on an off all day! hope I feel myself tomorrow.

  170. I had my first Oxford at 4pm Saturday 27/2. Felt fine that evening. Woke up twice in night with sweats and slight headache but not too bad. Finally woke Sunday morning feeling like mild hangover. Thought I’d cracked it until about 11am where I started feeling extremely queasy, weak and light headed, didn’t feel like doing anything so just crashed on sofa. Threw up at 5pm but felt slightly better but still very weak. Zero appetite and still a bit queasy. Monday the toilet issues started! Really upset tum and several trips to loo. Still feel lethargic with zero appetite. I’m now on Friday. Lots better, still a bit weak, toilet habits slowly getting there and appetite starting to finally return. Dreading 2nd dose. Of note, I reacted EXACT same way after only ever flu jab I’ve ever had which was 10 years ago. I’m Coeliac which is classed as auto immune disease but so is my mum and she was fine after Oxford.

  171. Had my shot 7 days ago. Still feel tired, a bit nauseous, and don’t have appetite. Will skip the 2nd shot for sure.

    • Had my first jab on 2/3 felt ok for a few hours then face started to tingle mouth was burning and tongue was tingling. Next day had headache from hell and fever with no appetite and so incredibly tired. Am worried about second jab

  172. My husband and I had our Oxford jab yesterday.
    I immediately felt very itchy all over, after about an hour incredibly tired, shivvery, nausea and dizzy. Today I have had a pain in the left hand side of my chest, a thick head, muscle pain and continue to feel tired, nauseous and dizzy.
    My husband has also been feeling incredibly tired, shivery and displaying symptoms of a head cold.

  173. Hi all, I’m Darron, I had the vaccine yesterday morning at around 1030am. Felt fine until around 7pm when I started shivering and all my joints started aching. Had to stand in the shower to warm up I was shivering so much. This worked until I stepped out. Straight into bed with dressing gown on and eventually nodded off, took some painkillers prior to getting in bed.
    It’s 0520am and woke for a wee ( 55 years old and diabetic 😛 ) ….took temperature, 37.8C. Feel slightly nauseous as well and a mild headache. Blood sugars raised ( 10.5 mmol ) to be expected really.
    Just got to ride it out.

  174. I’m really scared….. 🙁 I’m having high temperature over 38, really achy whole body, feel like inside I’m on fire, but outside I’m shivering! Had my AZ vaccine yesterday 2pm, day time. Now it’s 7am morning. I’m not getting better only worse, I couldn’t sleep much at all, took 3 paracetamols during the night time, but it’s not helping much… my arm is really painful to touch. It’s Saturday today so can’t call my GP. What to do?

  175. Ok. Let me tell you my experience with Pfizer. I am a 36 year old, 5 times/week active type 1 diabetic (controlled diabetes, no complications). I had my 1st shot, everything was ok until exactly 8 days after: I felt extremely bad for almost a week – dizziness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, nauseas, tiredness, left cheek rash, nausea. I thought it was because of my diabetes. Went to do lab work, visited my diabetic doctor, neurologist, urologist, results were just fine. After this, I was completely normal for the next week. Then came the 2nd shot, after exactly 8 weeks, BAM! again, same symptoms, just milder. For another week. Then felt perfectly normal for another week, then today some of the symptoms came back, only they passed. Anyone else got symptoms which went on and off after some days? I wish you all the best!

  176. I am a month on now from having my AstraZeneca vaccination, still not feeling well, have lost weight due to nausea feeling and loss of appetite.
    Tiredness is still there, one morning will wake up thinking I am feeling better then later back to suffering from fatigue and sickness.
    I do suffer from an Autoimmune Disease and this vaccine may have caused a flare-up, never felt so ill, still taking Paracetamol several times a day to ease aches and pains.
    Now awaiting more Blood Tests results for Aneamia.
    Thank goodness my second vaccination is several weeks away, as I can only receive it if I am feeling better.

  177. I had my first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine on Thursday morning. I felt slightly odd immediately afterwards, but not ill. Unfortunately by 3pm things had changed – I started getting shivery, with goosebumps all over and couldn’t get warm even with two hot water bottles and two duvets. Within a couple of hours I felt like Satan himself had come for me – it was like the worst flu I’ve ever had. The night was truly awful – I woke up about every half hour, boiling hot AND freezing cold, soaking wet with sweat – I had to swap pillows around as I was actually able to wring out the one I’d been sleeping on. I was partially hallucinating and found myself wide awake, crying uncontrollably at 3am and feebly singing Abba songs to myself. The next day I drifted in and out of consciousness until 3pm, still sweating madly with raging tinnitus and a stabbing headache. Things improved gradually – I managed to eat a bit, stagger into the living room and watch a bit of TV. Last night wasn’t quite so bad – only two insane sweating episodes, and today I’ve been up and about a bit more, though now my arm really hurts as well and I now have a cough and slight shortness of breath too, which are not listed as potential side effects. I feel like I’ve been hit by a small transit van now, as opposed to the HGV of Thursday night, but I still feel very weak and tired, both physically and mentally.

    But… horrendous as it has been, I don’t regret it. However ill I’ve felt over the last couple of days, it’s nothing compared to how ill I could have become if I’d caught Covid, and although I’ll be dreading it as the side effects seem to be worse with Round 2, I will still get the second one. I just wish I’d been able to choose the Pfeizer one, which my mum had, and had ZERO side effects.

    My only gripe is that we aren’t warned about this. I know not everyone gets side effects and of those who do, a lot are only mild, but I can’t help feeling slightly betrayed that we aren’t told that the side effects MIGHT actually be severe and highly debilitating for a few days. I understand that they don’t want to scare people or put people off getting vaccinated, especially with so much false information circulating, but I do feel that especially for people with commitments, be they family, work or special occasions, we should be made aware that there’s a chance you MIGHT feel like the grim reaper is tapping you on the shoulder afterwards, so that you can make contingency plans just in case. As it is, my mum’s having an operation soon and if I’d had the vaccine one or two days before that, I would not have been physically able to drive her to the hospital, or collect her afterwards (I could barely operate my phone, let alone a car!) which would have created all kinds of problems. I DO trust science and I DO believe that I’ve done the right thing by getting vaccinated, but I also think that honesty about the side effects would actually make people trust the vaccines more, rather than those of us who get a nasty surprise and feel that to a degree, we’ve been lied to or worry that there’s something wrong with us when we experience severe side effects which, from reading all the comments above and from speaking to people I know, all of whom are pro-vax, are actually not all that uncommon.

    • A lot of what you describe i feel i have experienced somewhat similarly and i too feel that the side effects have been downplayed and indeed for good reason as we all want to feel we are happy to be vaccinated or order to feel protected and protect others. Half an hour after the first dose i felt chills and although it was a cold day i knew it was not the weather. I tried to shrug it off by going for a short walk and indeed felt much better on returning home. Then 12 hours later in the middle of the night i experienced shivers, nausea, palpitations and intermittent chest and leg pains and it was alarming indeed however it subsided about 12 hours later but i continued to feel sick and with headache and totally wiped out for 3 days. The rest i have written in another comment and although reluctant to jump to conclusions i feel very much inclined to putting all these weird physical reactions down to vaccine side effects.
      I came across this site whilst trying to find out how long it takes the body to clear itself from the toxins that are in a vaccine and was surprised to find so many have reacted similarly which makes it even more likely to be part of the side effects of this vaccine. I wonder if the same has occurred for people having had the Pfizer one.
      I know it is not recommended to mix vaccines but wonder if the AZ vaccine is indeed far less pure than the others and indeed quite a lot rougher since It appears to be a DIY version of the Pfizer and Moderna ones.

  178. Come on folks !!

    We all need the two doses of vaccine to get the maximum and best antibodyprotection ( which is better than having the virus) and the more symptoms you get the better the response. And we will most likely need to start again this Autumn(Fall) if the more resistant strains dominate.

    Remember none of us know whether Covid will make us a continuous cough or a continuous corpse.

    I`m 70 and survived mild/moderate Coronavirus January this year . I had my first Astra Zeneca jab last Sunday ( 41 days after my covid positive test )

    It seems that those of us with previous exposure to the virus are three time likely to get symptoms from the vaccination.

    Within 6 hours I experienced a mild set of a few Covid symptoms ( tiredness, joint pains in ankles feet, wrists, upper arms and lower back, and one episode of abdominal colic and diarrhoea and all these have lasted 6 days so far . Today I feel much improved. I will certainly be getting jab No 2 in May even though I`ll hate it.

    So all i can say as a retired NHS Registered General Nurse with 40 years experience in medical nursing, is get yourselves properly vaccinated to save yourself and others around you.

  179. Hello,

    Very interesting to read the experiences of other.
    I’m a 50 something with underlying health issues. Took the Oxd- A/Z last Monday. 2:00 am Tuesday woke feeling that I had been hit by a car; all joints felt inflamed, stiff and gave off such pain when I attempted to move.
    This went on for a couple of days along with, nausea and disorientation, cognitive confusion, severe headache and light sensitivity, cold symptoms, severe perspiration, gastro intestinal upset. Also lymph glands, tonsils swollen and painful, and increased pulse and heart rate .
    Most features subsided after 3 to 4 days but I remain very fatigued and left lymph node remains inflamed indicating my body is fighting an infection ?Had to take time off work, will not be taking the 2nd jab !

  180. Had my jab at 15:15, no sore arm was feeling normal no side effects then by 19:00 the head ache started and only way I can describe it ,fizzy head lol, by midnight I was so cold shaking uncontrollably and I mean shaking,I just could not get warm and went to bed .I slept for 12 hours and felt like I’d been kicked all over,once I got up and started to move about it was ok ,it’s now completely gone.still not looking forward to second shot,but will take it for sure.

  181. Had my jab at 15:15, no sore arm was feeling normal no side effects then by 19:00 the head ache started and only way I can describe it ,fizzy head lol, by midnight I was so cold shaking uncontrollably and I mean shaking,I just could not get warm and went to bed .I slept for 12 hours and felt like I’d been kicked all over once I got up and started to move about it was ok ,it’s now completely gone.still not looking forward to second injection ,but will take it for sure.

  182. I am still suffering with side effects of the Vaccination I received 4 weeks ago.
    Having another Blood Test tomorrow to check why with my Rheumatoid Arthritis it has flared-up just after my jab.
    Maybe people with Autoimmune Diseases are being affected more with the AstraZeneca Vaccine.

  183. Had Astra Zeneca 3 days ago and thought i was one of the lucky ones with just a mild headache after. Jump forward 3 days and feel like ive been run over by a bus! Full body aches and extreme fatigue. Thankfully no fever. Trying to stay positive that will feel better soon, but reading the comments it is so different for everyone.
    I still will be having the 2nd vaccine, as feeling unwell for however many days it may be , will be a better outcome than if i caught covid. It is also a responsible thing to do for the protection of yourself and others and the only wày to stop this pandemic causing harm all round the world.

  184. I can absolutely assure you that I am not an anti vaccine person. I am glad that I have had it done but did not expect to pretty much have each side effect on the leaflet. My mum had the vaccine a few days prior to me and had no side effects apart from a sore arm. Out of the 11 of us from work that had it on the same day, 2 of us had very similar side effects.

  185. Has anyone recovered from horrible side effects . Like fatigue , dizziness and generally feeling ill . I’m on my 5th day now . I’d like to know if you fully recover after very bad symptoms ?

    • I am in the 7th day and a bit better, but still have fatigue, dizziness, feeling ill, some nausea… I have the same question — when will this end? I am not sure if I will take the second dose….

  186. I am 64 years old. I had my AstraZeneca first vaccine on Tuesday 23 February 2021. My friends had it the day before and recommended taking paracetamol straight after which I did. I felt bit woozy but went back into work. I was a but tired when I felt got home and felt hot but when I checked my temperature was normal. Because I felt ok I mistakenly did not take any more paracetamol before bedtime. I had restlessness night and my body felt it had been punched all over and I had a headache. Next day on Wednesday 24th February I was tired with legs feeling very heavy and had a constant niggling headache even through the paracetamol and my left arm felt very bruised where I had the jab. Took paracetamol that night. I woke up on Thursday 25th February no headache, nothing else apart the left arm feeling bruised. Its now 7 March and the left arm still bit tender. Second vaccine is on 7 April. So if you can take paracetamol I recommend do to alleviate the effects. My friends took it half an hour before the vaccine and had minimal effects.

  187. had my astrazeneca jab about 3 weeks ago in the morning by evening i was freezing shakiing high temperature my whole body hurt nausea fatigue chest pain and crashing headaches sinus and teeth pain it is not getting any better scare to have 2nd jab i am 62 i have chronic myeloid leukemia fibromyalgia and hypothyroid getting desperate now as pain relief does not work headace is constant feel spaced out still feel sick sinuses are agony chest hurts and knees hurt teeth are really painful and sleep lots wish i never had vaccine as this is awful basically doctors are not interested how bad you feel you are just left to get on with it

  188. I had the Astrazeneca on 04/03/21 at 9.30am by 9.00pm I was ill…freezing shaking my temp dropped to 35.7 …then during the night went to 37.8 up and down. I was floored – I felt so ill during the night/the next day…. everything everyone has said on here – nausea, headache from absolute hell, leg/muscle aches, fatigue, dizziness, pain under ribs, chest pain etc. etc. Yesterday (06/07) felt a bit better….today still got the headache from hell and still feel generally unwell all over. Also, the pain at the site of injection is worse today. Hopefully, feel more normal tomorrow 🙁 Not sure if it makes a difference but my niece had the injection same time as me – she didn’t feel it going in at all, I did! She has got no symptoms. Another friend who had it the same day is like me (and felt the injection going in) is like me ill!

  189. Having had the az / Oxford vaccine I got quite ill 12 hrs after the first dose, with shivering, fatigue, muscle and joint pains, and a headache. I haven’t felt that bad since I quit heroin cold turkey, but it only lasted for 6 hours, then it went away.

  190. Had my AZ jab at 2 pm within the hour I felt a bit weird. By teatime my heart rate was very fast lasting for around 18 hours, was awake all night! By morning I felt very hot with chills. Gradually my heart rate returned to normal but it was very frightening.

    Then I began feeling extremely ill with pain in my back, hips and neck and had gastrointestinal issues. I started feeling better after a few days.

    I didn’t have any side effects with the flu vaccination, just a mildly sore arm. I am very worried about having the second dose of the AZ vaccine.

    Apparently only 3 people out of 1000 have reported side effects and they are supposed to be the same as the flu vaccination!!

  191. I got the Oxford vaccine on Thursday 4/3 -8:30. I was fine after it just a sore arm came home and slept till 7pm had dinner and by 10 I felt like I was dying! My body was aching from everywhere my head hurt my teeth, back, joints and I was so cold! I went to sleep 12ish and woke up at 5am feeling like nothing had happened! Fell asleep again at 9am till 1pm. I’m sleeping so much more now I can’t help it I’m just so tired it’s been 4 days! I have asthma and autoimmune disorder (celiac disease) can’t help but wonder if that’s been triggered because this is how I used to feel before tested. I can’t get any college work done because I’m just sleeping or got a headache! Should I get the second dose? I hate feeling so tired after just a few hours of being awake!

  192. Amazed to see a comment section after this article. I have never taken a vaccination against a flu. Where I come from, a doctor can exempt you from wearing a mask. I contacted thousands of people. Came to the Phils a few months ago. Swab test. Positive. 79 out of 85 people tested positive in the hotel they kept me in were asymptomatic just like me. We call that false positive. No wonder. The inventor of the swab or PCR-test said clearly that his invention can not detect whether you are ill or not. Our quarantine was proof that he was right. Did he need a proof?
    I feel sorry for all those that from now on can guess what long term side effects will turn up for them. Glad that so far noone has tried to put pressure on the general population concerning a vaccination. Thank you for allowing my comment. Hope it will not be swallowed by the popular cancel culture.

  193. I consider myself a healthy person, with no problems with blood pressure, diabetes or other modern health problems. No known allergies. I am 63 years old, I am an active person.
    I had Covid in January and the only symptom was a slightly elevated body temperature – around 37.2 C.
    On Saturday around 9:30 am I received my first dose of AstraZeneca. No side effects until 6pm.
    Then there was a high temperature, about 39 C, and convulsions. Putting your leg out from under the duvet can only be compared to putting it in the ice hole.
    All I could hear at night was the blood pulsing in my ears and the loud, fast heartbeat. Probably the BLOOD PRESSURE WENT UP OVER ANY ACCEPTABLE LIMIT FOR LIVING. It was obvious that if my heart couldn’t do it, it was over. I didn’t fall asleep for a minute.
    In the morning: the throbbing of the blood in the ears faded away, but there was a sharp pain in the head and eyes. I was still sweating like a dog.
    Everything was back to normal on Monday.
    Good luck!

  194. Had vaccine yesterday not long after midday. 9:30 nausea, thought I’d over eaten, followed not that afterwards with chills (teeth chattering) could not warm up under electric throw over. Went to bed early with hot water bottle.. Hard to make up hot water bottle and get into PJ’s, took paracetamol, again hard to get from bathroom cabinet. Made no difference at all. Head muggy, felt so I’ll. slept until about 4 am I a state. Went to loo, wet myself, thought have I a bladder infection? But no, have read others wet themselves. Worried about how I was going to phone in work next day for being off sick as could not see how I could physically do that. Took me a good hour or so to get around to obtaining mobile phone from charger, text my boss at around 5 :30 am or so (couldn’t really tell what the time was to be honest as so out of it) to say I’d had adverse effects from vaccine and to phone in sick for me as I knew I could not do that myself. Slept until 2 pm next day, temperature subsided but could not face much. Paracetamol taken in night as well but no effect it seems. A couple of hours later was able to get my head around texting people/boss. Had some porridge with cherries and sat on sofa. Started to feel bit better. Oh yes also in the middle of the night felt unsteady on my feet going to loo and weeing everywhere and worried about obtaining more water myself as felt too ill to get it myself – live alone – had to get that when I got my mobile phone about 4 ish in the morning. Feel better but not up to getting my head around a work day tomorrow, shall sleep well tonight, decided not to have 2nd dose as that can have worse effects than the 1st dose and if any worse I would die literally. Think I was delirious in the night. All I know that it’s important to have 2nd jab but I cannot go there living alone. I’M NOT! Oxford jab I had. Can’t see vaccines being effective. A lot of people won’t even attempt to have it, a lot won’t go back for 2nd jab if they’ve had a bad experience. Some say 2nd jab won’t be as bad – am I going to find out. No. I’m afraid Covid is going to dominate our lives for much longer due to people not wanting vaccine or not going back for 2nd jab. Once you’ve suffered like I have judge it for yourself

    • Totally agree with you. I had awful side effects. My husband said he doesn’t want me to go through that again with second dose.

  195. I had the vaccine on Friday at lunch time, Friday evening about 9pm started to ache all over and shiver, then got an headache. woke up around 3am Saturday morning sweating from head to toe. Stayed in bed Saturday watching TV and was still aching, got up about 4pm started to feel better. had pain in arm where I’d had the injection until Monday morning, but that wasn’t that bad.

  196. Really pleased to have found this website as have also had worrying effects since AZ jab on Feb15th.
    8 hrs after jab developed headache and mild chills, nothing too bad fir 24 hrs, but, the headache has not gone away and I’m now experiencing odd tingling to arms , legs and face and BP is higher than usual. Also odd waves of lightheadedness and some stomach pains. I’m 67, pretty fit and symptoms are not stopping me doing things. Did see Dr yesterday , he’s stumped , but I will tell him of this website when I follow up next week . Let’s hope we all get over these bizarre symptoms

  197. Had my vaccine yesterday, felt fine but that night got very cold and sweaty, didnt sleep at all all night 🙁 my heart rate was racing no matter what i tried. people say you expect it, but ive been sleeping throughout the day. I doubt ill have my second jab if this is what the first one did to me!

  198. Had my AZ jab at 5:30pm yesterday and everything was well until last night. Such sickening pains developed in my right leg which felt like nerve damage. Then all day today, same excruciating pains and dreadful fatigue. Now feeling cold (but not in an ill way) and am wrapped in a blanket trying to warm up

  199. It’s been 18 hrs after my jab, & I did not feel anything —- minimal pain during injection, then no soreness, no redness, no tenderness at all, no fever, no colds symptoms, no body aches, no tiredness.
    No nothing! I’ve been trying to touch & put pressure on the injection site, no tenderness at all. I decided to write this to balance off all the very negative reactogenic effects I have read earlier to encourage others to get the vaccine. To date this is the best bet we have against COVID-19. Vaccines save lives not just our own but those around us!

  200. Had mine on Monday 8th March, and have been having out of body feeling, like I’m going to faint, 3 to 4 times a day I’m really worried …is this the Vaccine ?

  201. I had my jab on Sunday morning (7th March). Nothing at first, just a sore arm, felt pretty much ok. Different story by the morning. I was crippled with anxiety. I could hardly breath and seemed to be gasping for air. Slept as much as I could.
    Dry mouth, aching bones, headache, shivers, sweats, heart palpitations and panic attack. Absolutely awful – these symptom’s lasted 2 days. Today, day 4 post ​jab I almost feel back to normal.
    I have survived though. Unlike the thousands of people who have passed because of this illness. Please have your vaccine.

  202. Omg I thought it was just me !i had the vaccine at 6.30pm 2 weeks ago and woke 3am feeling really ill my blood pressure was 199/106 and stayed high all day so rang doctor who put me on blood pressure tablets still on them now ,had awful muscle pain could hardly put my foot to the floor through leg pain ,one day I was very sick,muscle pain comes and goes,had weird feelings in my face and weird noises in my ears ,5days ago my mouth swelled up under my tongue and I had nasty red blisters and bleeding-went to the doctor and he said he thought trauma to the mouth alli had eaten that day was a honey sandwich so that was not so,felt bitbetter for a day or so but today awful -muscle day,chest pain and dizzy feel like I might pass out -really scared how this has made me feel seems to be getting worse with time instead of better just hope it passes off,why were we not told some of the people in test must have had similar reactions!i am unsure now about next jab .

  203. Sorry indeed to see so many having trouble. I can at least reassure worried people reading all this that, at age 67, I’ve experienced zero problems with the Astra Zeneca jab and didn’t even notice the actual needle going in, such was the gentleness of the administrator. Hope you all recover very soon.

  204. I had Covid Jab at 9;45 yesterday, was fine until 14;30 when headache started but by 16:00, I had uncontrollable shivers, head pounding, couldn’t stay awake. I’ve had to get a relative to come round to look after my kiddies which I’ve never had to do before. Even today still have a pounding headache and body aches, still a it dizzy when get up, very very sleepy, again my relative taken my children to school, picking them up and looking after them for this evening.

  205. I also had high temperature of 39.1 when mine is usually about 35/36, all skin was very hot to the touch, no appetite, very dizzy when got up to go to bed. Got my second vaccine in May…

  206. I got my injection last Friday and I was fine up till Wednesday then I woke up with a dead are,the rest ov my arm is fine now but my elbow joint is really sore,is this normall 5 days after ?

  207. Had A Z jab two weeks ago. Felt pain when neeedle went in. Sore arm and tiredness couple of days later. However two weeks later arm still sore and feels stiff and all of shoulder joint now feels painful. Has anybody else suffered long term pain in arm and shoulder?

  208. I had my AZ vaccine yesterday with my brother. All OK until my brother wakes me up shaking like a jackhammer! He had a temp of 35 Degrees. I wrapped him up and whacked on the heating. He then went into fever mode with a temp of 39 degrees. Gave him a couple of paracetamol and that brought him back to a normal temp. I thought I must have been lucky, however, when I woke up it was my turn! I felt cold but no shivers. For the remainder of the day, I’ve been cold and sneeze a lot, runny nose but mentally feel super sharp for some odd reason. What did help me is a cup of Lemsip. I’ll take the second jab no matter what, although I really am not looking forward to going through this again, I have to park up my negative experience and crack on. Stay strong peeps. Btw, I’m 40 years old, my brother 39, neither of us has underlying health conditions.

  209. I am 70 years of age and never had any adverse reaction to any vaccination except a slightly sore arm the next day. That includes AZ, vaccine, flu vaccine, etc, I guess people like me do not normally bother to comment on forums such as this. So it is quite difficult to get an objective idea of how widespread adverse reactions are from forums such as this. Personally I am more concerned about the dangers of catching Covid and ending up with dehabilitating “Long Covid”.

  210. Hi, I had my AZ covid jab on Tuesday at 9am 9th March 2021.
    At 5.30pm I started to feel bad. I was feeling very sick, needed to vomit and about to faint.
    My temperature rose to 102.6 F ( approx 39.3 ) Whole body burning up.
    I had a high pulse rate of 100 ( normally 52-65) and very low blood pressure.
    I got an awful metallic taste in my mouth and I am told my breath was vile.
    I was shaking ( which was the worst thing I’ve experienced) and got pins and needles in my arms and hands.
    I had a stuffy nose and a sore arm and sore back of my neck on the side of the injection.
    Also had a pounding headache.
    My husband phoned 111 at 10pm and because of the temperature they said for me to go to A and E!!
    Something I wanted to avoid. I decided to ride it out and at 2am my temperature was 100.6F. ( 38.1 c) Started to feel calmer, no shaking.
    Overnight my blood pressure and pulse slowly came more within range and my temperature started to fall, by 2pm Wednesday I was back to normal. What a reaction!!
    I have no underlying conditions. I am a 60 years old female. I am allergic to penicillin. My injection site was painful for 5 days.
    I have reported it on a yellow card.

    It is somewhat reassuring to read of other peoples reactions and I wish every one well. I hope our voices are heard.

  211. Hi all, I had my Oxford vaccine on Friday 12/03/21 lunchtime and have only suffered a bit of a sore arm when I lie on it. I would plead with all the anti-vaccers to rethink. Myself and my husband had covid in January, very mildly, but felt dreadful for a week. Please think of others as well as yourself, don’t be selfish. Have the vaccine and protect yourself and those who can’t have it. Rant over x

  212. I had my astrazeneca jab a week ago. My arm hurt for a few days and I was a bit headachy, felt a bit poorly for a day, but I’ve been suffering from dreadful dizziness ever since. Has anyone else had this? I can’t find any comments about it.

  213. I have just found this site after researching AZ side effects.I had AZ vaccine 01/03/21. All ok until about 18 hours after, severe flu like symptoms, fever, chills, nausea, agonising joint pain, migraine, hot, gritty feeling in eyes and sensitive to light. Strange sensation I was being stung by bees! Took parcetamol and slept. Next day developed a rash over chest and torso, odd scablike lesions that bled. Very itchy for over 2 weeks now. After 3 days had swollen glands, terrible earache and ulcers on throat, tongue and even my nostril. I hadn’t been this ill for years. In fact I haven’t been ill at all until I had the jab. Also I still find it difficult to swallow and even water seems to get stuck, its quite painful, as if my oesophagus has narrowed. I can understand I’m unlucky to have such a reaction and can deal with the flu as it will pass but the most terrifying thing is that since the vaccine I have had breathlessness and a racing heartbeat. For over a week I couldn’t climb the stairs without being breathless and can’t have a conversation without gasping for breath, I am 65 year old woman, very fit, slim and active.I have naturally low BP and HR, about 60 bpm but now its up to 80 bpm. I run most days(or did) but now I feel I’ve aged 20 years. Have reported all this on Yellow Card and even emailed them as I’m so concerned. They said they will contact me within 10 days. Flu symptoms I can deal with but being left with an elevated heart rate and breathlessness is terrifying. I feel it is getting better but still not back to normal. Has anyone else had these issues? I can’t put my body through this again so doubt I will have the second dose. But I’ll go to my GP to ask for advice.

    • Almost identical to you. Fit 67 year old, never had any vaccinations due to allergies, was told to have AZ as less likely to have issues!!
      Had the jab lunch time on 23rd Feb, all pretty good just a bit light-headed until 3 in the morning … then sound just like you, really awful for about 4 days then things started to improve but other symptoms came along. Now still far from right, breathless, fatigue, palpitations and today severe cold/ like symptoms and blocked painful right ear. Just praying things will improve soon

    • I’ve started getting palpitations and shortness of breath 3 weeks after my vaccine which is scary! i’m 54. my pain side effects were and still are, pins and needles, dizziness, crawling feelings, fatigue, light sensitivity, palpitations, anxiety. i’m getting out of breath going upstairs too!
      How do you feel now?

      • Similar timeframe here as now just over 3 weeks since my AZ jab. Suffered from vice like headache, light headedness, nausea and fatigue for about 10 days after my jab. Then it all went away for about 4/5 days and I thought that was it but a week ago the head pressure came back together with the wooziness, nausea and brain fog, and I feel quite anxious. Also not able to walk far without feeling weak and unsteady on my feet (I was fine before the jab). Everyone else I know who’s had the jab has sailed through with minimal side effects.

        • I am pretty similar, had the AZ vaccine on 20th April. Ok for 7 days, now got pressure headache, extreme tiredness, eyes and head are heavy, a lot less energy – I too cannot walk far without running out of energy – can’t even muster up the energy for a lengthy conversation. I was fine before, doing 20k on my exercise bike. Now can’t walk 1k without feeling tired.

    • Hi Debbie I took the vaccine on the 9th of March. For 48hours I had the normal slight temperature and body aches. About 48 hours after I had to be taken to the ER because my blood pressure spiked 177/77 with rain heartbeat and anxiety. Today I still have feeling s of anxiety but not as bad as before; however it is still noticeable. Hope this passes soon

  214. I’m on day 10 and virtually unable to get out bed. Extremely weak with constant feeling of severe flu plus dizziness/vertigo. Been through the shivers/chills, swollen glands and had one slight better day (day 5) when I didn’t feel so weak and managed to get up but then went downhill again rapidly to feeling v unwell. Doctor not remotely interested. Just said ‘you’ve had a vaccine I can’t unvaccinate you’. Anyone recovered completely after this time?

  215. I had my vaccine last night, woke up with a headache and still have it now at 14.21 , feeling very tired and sickness feeling is terrible.
    I dont like the feelings I’m having but still happy I’ve had the vaccine .

  216. I had my Astra-Zeneca jab last Saturday. The injection itself was painless, although immediately after injection I got a strange hot feeling in my stomach, coupled with a slight feeling of nausea and weakness. This subsided after about 20 minutes. A couple of hours later, I noticed a slightly sore throat and runny nose. I was not worried until I looked in the mirror, and noticed my runny nose was in fact a slight nosebleed – and I never get nosebleeds.

    A few hours later I became cold and shivery with my teeth chattering, everything hurt but I was not too bothered about this as I knew this was within the realm of expected side effects.

    However. When I got up to go to the loo after a few hours of discomfort, I felt something wet coming from my back passage, went to wipe and there was BLOOD coming from my back passage. I was now very freaked out and worried I might be having some sort of hemorrhage.

    Fortunately I got through the night without further symptoms, but the next few days I suffered more bleeding from the back-passage as well as symptoms corresponding with those for haemmorroids, although I have never experienced that before. A few days later, I ALSO developed cysitis symptoms with blood in the urine and ended up having to get a prescription for antibiotics after three days with no improvement. Now a week and two days after getting the vaccine, I am now feeling normal again. It seems very strange that I should get all of these digestive symptoms and bleeding immediately after getting the vaccine, when I have never had them before, and wonder if anyone else has experienced these things?

  217. Me and my partner had our Oxford jabs on the 6th of March we both in our 30’s we had really bad side effects from this jab as to which I’m still suffering with. We both had a really bad fever for about a week my partner’s lymph glands had swollen to the size of a cricket ball, which has gone down now but is still very painful. I however broke out into another fever last night, so I’m still suffering me personally don’t think this vaccine is safe and I regret having it more tests need to be done. This vaccine was released way too soon for me and partner to still be suffering with side effects is not normal and say this is evidence that more tests need to be done. And for an actual health professional saying that they’re having complaints of people in my age group suffering the same. So now I’m terrified that I’m going to suffer long term from this I already have health issues I don’t need anymore to worry about. Be cautious and ask questions would be my advice before having it.

  218. Me and my partner had the Oxford vaccine on the 6th March we are still suffering from side effects. My partner had his lymph glands swell up to the size of a cricket ball, which has only just gone down and he’s still in a lot of pain. I keep breaking out into fevers and having very little energy and extreme pain. I am really worried that I’m going to have long term repercussions after it I regret having it and would advise caution and ask questions before having this vaccine. More tests need to be done on it because a health professional we spoke to actually said they’re having a lot of complaints from people in our age range which is our 30’s. I already have health issues I don’t need anymore to worry about. It’s too late for us but for others more testing needs to be done on this vaccine.

  219. 56 years old. Had vaccine first dose March 13, 12 hours okay, then fatigue and difficult to sleep, mainly aches and pains for 12 hours, then headache for 12 more hours and cold, but slept as much as possible. So, pretty much cleared 36-48 hours after shot. I have heard the second dose has less reaction than the first does. I advise to rest as much as possible 12 hours after the shot.

  220. I had my jab on Feb 11th, and after the initial days with fever and body pain, the only thing i still feel is my memory is not good at all….i tend to forget simple stuff, and cant remember basic chats had 1 or 2 days ago.
    Bit scared to be honest.

  221. I’ve had my vaccine on March 10th at 11:55am. Was sad to hear I’m getting the AstraZeneca vaccine when I got there, but I hadn’t done much research. The injection went it okay, felt a scratch, and blood came out, was told it sometimes happens, and on with my day I went.

    Side effects didn’t hit for 5 hours, only the deep pain in my arm, however 5 hours after the vaccine they started to hit hard. I was shivering, skin was sensitive, yellow vision, temperature, sore throat, general flu symptoms. I went to bed, shivering, with the electric heater on full. I woke up, the next day, and felt worse, could not even get out of bed, same symptoms, amplified. Day 3, the symptoms eased, but were still there. Day 4, eased a tad more. Day 5 (as I’m writing this) majority of the symptoms gone, except the arm pain, still there, and very slowly easing. My mom who also got the oxford vaccine 6 weeks ago said she still feels arm pain! I also get random effects like leg shaking for 10 seconds+, randomly throughout the day.

    I know a few people who’ve had Covid, and the oxford vaccine, and they have actually said the vaccine is worse. My sister was lucky to get the Pfizer vaccine, and she had some side effects, but is fine after a couple days. I wish I had done my research first, as we can see in the news today, the oxford vaccine is banned in 15 countries, and is not in use in many more. It’s made from chimpanzee virus, and is only 50% effective. Many people have blood clots from it, and a few died from it. Pfizer vaccine, is made using actual Covid virus, and is 99% effective, you have the correct antibodies in your body to defend yourself from Covid! There are still side effects, but generally ease after a couple days. Oxford costs our government £2, each dose of Pfizer is £15, and Pfizer has to be stored at -80c, whilst oxford has to be kept in the fridge. It seems that the government are now prioritizing oxford across the UK, and can’t make decisions about it, as it was produced here.

    I’ve now cancelled my 2nd dose, and even if I feel all ready for it, I won’t be getting it I’m afraid. Some may say that I’ve made a bad choice, or I’m wasting resources, however, I was excited to get it, and chose to get it. I still experience side effects from it, which could be lasting forever. I’d rather not get something too, which 15 countries have not banned, if only I could have got the Pfizer one!

  222. I literally can’t sleep and I’m beyond cold like I’m trying to sleep and nothing is happening I don’t feel tired although I’ve almost been up 24 hours, my feet and hands have gone num I’m having to sleep in socks which I never do.
    I’ve had covid before quite badly so is this why the symptoms are weird?

  223. I had the AZ vaccine at 4.30pm today, 15 March. No soreness around injection site and no other side effects until about 4 hours later. I began feeling intestinal disturbances, rumbling and as if gas were building up. I also had a strange sense something was not right but I could not put my finger on it. Ignored bodily sensations but they would come and go with varying frequency. At about 9.30 I knew something was up and it was probably the vaccine. The gastrointestinal symptoms were now pretty constant but bearable and I was not too worried and thought that if this is all I get than I’d be okay with it. By midnight I needed the bathroom and suffered a heavy episode of diarrhoea. Somewhat perturbed I went to bed hoping nothing would occur during the night. Once in bed, I noticed my feet and hands had become very cold and clammy and I was beginning to shiver a little. At the same time I sensed and all over dull ache in my muscles but especially in my legs. This is when I thought I could be in for a rough night. I fell asleep and awoke abruptly at 5.30am with flu-like symptoms and a pounding heart (110bpm), but I was not panicking or feeling anxious. Immediately I noticed a hot and cold sensation accompanied by pins and needles pass from head to toe. I felt dreadful and my heart was thundering. I then checked my blood pressure with a BP monitor and it was 193/95 – pretty high for someone with no hypertension condition at just aged 50. I wondered what was happening and what I should do before deciding to sit it out for 10 minutes to see what would happen. More diarrhoea and painful gastrointestinal disturbances. Fortunately my BP and heart rate began to fall and I am now left at 6.45am with muscle and joint aches and pains, a hot feeling face but curiously no fever. The gastro symptoms for me are the most continuous and they seem to accompanied with palpitations, nausea and no appetite whatsoever. I hope this is all over by today as it is worse than I was expecting. I have to say. Not sure about the second dose right now at all.

    • My symptoms are exactly as yours and I had my oxford vaccine a week ago today. BP off the radar and gastro and palpitations seem to go together. Plus muscle aches, headache, sinus pain, the list goes on. I’m 55 and have fibromyalgia but never ever have felt like this, I walk everyday, am not overweight and live a healthy lifestyle but this has floored me, I hope things improve soon for everyone with these awful side effects

  224. I feel that with the AstraZeneca Vaccination the research has not taken into account all the side effects. I fully understand that this is all new but for the Authorities to keep confirming the vaccine is safe with very few side effects if any is NOT telling the truth, just look at all the comments on this Forum and talking to friends, some have suffered too. Now several Countries have stopped giving the AstraZeneca Vaccine while more tests are carried out. Yes, I have completed the Yellow Card with all the side effects I suffered and I am still not feeling well, also spoken to Doctors and Nurses who don’t appear to be taking all this seriously or have they be told not to comment. Please anyone commenting on this site who hasn’t suffered like many of us not to be flippant with your comments.

  225. I had my AZ injection Sunday 12:20. I got home, thought I’d rest for a while and fell asleep for 4 HOURS. I went through the muzzy, flu head symptom and had loud tinnitus (as I’d had when I had COVID-19 last March (2020j. I felt palpitations and shivery and my core felt very warm. Despite taking multi fits and minerals daily, I had a strong craving for orange juice! I just listened to my body and drank 1/2 bottle and an orange! I get hay fever and mild asthma cough and the mild asthma cough has come back I am now on Almost 46 hours after and feel exhausted, have lost my appetite and just want to sleep. I am so happy my body is reacting like this as I know that my body is building good defences against corona virus. I am happy to be able to protect myself and others as not doing my part and knowing I could possibly pass it to someone else who could potentially die, is the worst feeling , especially as I have a past history of care work. The nausea has been the worst symptom for me, as I don’t like feeling sick. The rest, I can just sleep through or go along with as I know it is such a positive outcome. Thank you to everyone who has worked on this vaccine for us. Please reconsider having it simply to build up our immunity to it and to prevent passing it on if you are a carrier. Who knows, as well as building some immunity to this , we can actively prevent who knows how many others from suffering death or long COVID. . If you feel you don’t want these side effects, you would not cope with having COVID . A couple of days at a safer level of discomfort far outweighs the struggle to breathe and gasping for air… Thank you for this vaccine.

  226. Had my covid jab yesterday at 13.45 is now up at 1am 12 hours ish later feel worse than I ever have done aching arm pain which expected anyway but head ache sweating hot cold can’t sleep dizziness very thirsty due to being wrapped up when cold had to ring in work ,always said i was not going to have it but Iwork in care and felt its somthing had to do to protect my family and others but did not expect to feel this bad in usually fit health bike work do 12 hours on my feet bike home four to five days a week so when people say o your young and fit that’s aload of rubbish hope anyone who felt bad or feels bad has had or has a speedy recovery

  227. i had my first astra zenca jab on 5 march.
    zero side effects.
    yesterday 15 march night – had stomach upset, vomiting and mild fever.
    just slept it off
    Today feel absolutely fine and fit !!!!

  228. I had terrrible side effects . 2 weeks of sluggish slow thinking and slow movement with no energy. Acute migraine first with all the other reactions such as fast heart rate, numb hand , chills , aches , loss of appetite etc . Dont think Ill be having 2nd jab.

    • Pretty much like you Jean but 3 weeks on, symptoms fluctuate but pretty bad most of the time. Praying things improve soon!!

      • Lets pray they do ! I still have trouble with brain processing words . Scary. I’ve booked a Covid Antibody test at the Hospital just to see if I had covid before Jab . Maybe that’
        s why my body as gone into total combat mode. No 2nd jab yet for me.

  229. I had the AZ jab on Monday 15th. After two hours felt extremely tired & weak. Next day, tired again, headache all day and going from cold to hot, sweating during the night – no high temp though. Today, very very dizzy, cannot shake it off. Hope it goes soon.

  230. Had the AstraZeneca on 12th March @midday. tiredness started to set in gradually as the afternoon went on. Went to bed about 23.00 just to drained and tired to stay awake. @2am i was burning up and freezing at the same time. It was a very long night . Saturday night went to sleep @ 11pm High temperature (Fever), woke up soaking wet from sweating. So the first two days are pretty miserable . Just get the Lem-sips and paracetamols at hand. I was fine by Monday. I will definitely be prepared for the second dose!

  231. Had my oxford vaccine last Wednesday and like everyone else 1st day was ok, 2nd day little sore on arm 3rd day all down hill. Stomach ache and I cant stop sleeping, I go to work ,come home(dont feel like eating) and go to bed. I feel shattered all the time. I hope it gets better soon.

  232. If anyone checks in here again to follow-up: it would be useful to know of anecdotal cases of after-effects following first AZ vax that persist > 10 days/2 weeks. As an interested scientist (zoonotic epidemiologist) I’m starting to record cases of post-vaccine ‘long-haulers’ as I’m not actually convinced that MHRA are analysing Yellow Card notifications in a practical sense. Thank you all

    • Emma I am delighted somebody official who knows what they are doing is looking into these side effects as the powers that be seem to be either unaware or keeping it quiet.
      I had my jab on 23rd February, was very poorly for 4 days with various symptoms but sadly am still not back to ‘normal’ although much better than I was. Hopefully things will get better soon.

    • Hi, Emma. I am still in pain, nearly six weeks after having the ist dose of Astrazeneca. Feel free to PM me if you need further info.

      • Hi Pamela

        So sorry to hear you are still having problems so long after AZ vaccine – I can’t find a way to PM you but if you (or anyone else effected) wanted to drop me a quick email message it would be very useful please: emmalewis2@mail.com. Is the pain you mention localised to injection site/arm/lymph nodes or more generalised? Any further background info anyone could provide would be helpful (IE: underlying health conditions/comorbidities, age range etc).

        Many thanks and I really hope your condition improves – Emma

        • HI I am 58 – normally healthy – had chills after 1st dose AZ – urgent urination. Things got better although I felt sweaty constantly. Also my IBS (undiagnosed)has been exaccerbated. Had first dose 26 MARCH. Over Easter weekend I noticed swollen gland R throat area – jab in left arm – no problems there. Since then I am fatigued with pains under ribs – still sweaty – brain fog – anxiety and still swollen gland. Digestive problems still apparent. Not good as I am now back in school on a full time basis. Had a well hidden panic attack first day back. Colleagues of a similar age are also reporting odd symptoms including nose bleeds and palpitations. What is in this vaccine – I have not officially tested positive for virus but was very poorly with a really bad chest in Feb 2020 so am wondering if I have had Covid and that the vacc has therefore given me worse symptoms

    • I had Oxford vaccine 26th Feb, I am still suffering dizziness/nausea. These symptoms started a few days after the vaccination and don’t know for sure if it’s side effects or perhaps caught another virus.

    • Hello Emma I have posted on here and was about to fill in the yellow card ,had az 5th march 9.30 am by 8pm I was shaking chills running to the loo feeling sick pins needles in face ulcers in mouth numb feeling as been to dentist headache dizziness tiredness and it goes on I’ve spoken to 2 GPS and first thinks it was initially side effects but probably picked up another viral infection the second GP yesterday not anything to do with jab ,but we will do some blood tests which carnt be done till 6th April ,I’m on day 15 of feeling terrible reading these comments has in a way reassurred me as I’ve been so scared ,my eyes are also blurry, thanks

    • I had the first jab on the 12th February and had very unpleasant reactions such as shivers, nausea, headache and what felt like nerve pains In legs for about 12 hours. They nevertheless prevailed less intensely and wiped me out for at least three days. About three weeks started having intermittent chest pains, weird tremors and now almost six weeks later horrible stomach pains accompanied by diarrhoea and cannot help but feel it is all due to the vaccine.

      I am very rarely unwell and this is very out of the blue. My only exercise is to i go for solitary walks along the sea front and have hardly felt like doing since the jab.

      I put down a ticklish throat to pollen and which i seemed to get about 10 days after the vaccine dose. As a rule I don’t usually get that kind of hay fever so cannot be sure about anything however since i felt alright in myself i didn’t think it was worth worrying about until 2 days ago when the stomach upset, nausea and diarrhoea came into play. I truly feel that it is all related to the vaccine and it’s getting almost impossible to ignore that likelihood since i was feeling perfectly fine and although no spring chicken cannot remember when i last felt ill.
      I was trying to look up how long it takes for the body to clear itself of the vaccine toxins as wondered if that was what was going on .

      I feel very reluctant to go back for the second dose and yet feel i must since i need to be traveling to a country in Autumn, where covid-19 is still pretty rife. in fact, this is the primary reason for opting for the vaccine since otherwise i might well have considered riding it out in a privately enforced lockdown of sorts.

      Thank you for your concern, i do not feel there is enough monitoring going on.
      Can we apply for the yellow card or how does it work?

    • Thank you for reporting these details – I really hope you all feel fully back to normal soon.

      Whilst I don’t want to see further cases, I would urge anyone still suffering for extended post-vaccination periods to comment here if possible please. Whilst it obviously isn’t exactly a scientific trial, it may enable the data to show if any specific patterns exist, in terms of symptoms & those affected. Many thanks – Emma

    • Vaccinated February 14th with AZ., thirteen days felt like death warmed up. Never been a headache sufferer, now its almost constant behind the right temple. Right eye blurs. Injection site every so often will start to ache, following is an intense feeling of being cold, but not like the violent chills for a few days after the initial shot. I do suffer with varicose veins, but a new one appeared about a week after the vaccine, that is so different, runs up shin of left leg, and ends in a really painful bulge on outside of knee, looks like a cyst. not saying due to vaccine, just don’t know. Also add, for about 10 days after vaccination, veins on hands looked like blue mountains. I have Sjogrens and Colitis. Worst thing after vaccine was the lymph node swelling, over entire body, even to point where sitting was painful, the acute drop in blood pressure, and for me was the dramatic drop in body temperature. Finally have the Colitis back under control as it went into overdrive for a couple of weeks post vaccine. Eleven in my family have received the Pfizer shot, no one had any issues, except one brother sore arm for 24 hours. I am the only one to have AZ and can honestly say still not feeling back to my normal. I will get the 2nd vaccine, dreading it though. Will be interested to check back in mid April to see how those receiving 2nd dose fare. Finally, this is not fear of vaccines, I at 67 years old, signed up for vaccine trials, and was so relieved when i got notification to be vaccinated.

    • Hi Emma,
      I have been having quite severe symptoms following my second jab 7 weeks ago. I’ve been reffered to neurology in August. If you’d like to DM me please do.

  233. I wonder if those who had severe chest pain is the result of blood clot within lungs/heart which the other countries are referring to. I had my AZ injection on the morning of 12 February. I was okay all day but woke up the next day with sever chest pain/tightness as if a car ran past my chest. It cleared by midday. I also had groin pain on both sides for 4-5 days. I checked that is probably because of lymph nodes running on both sides of the body from neck to the legs reacting to the injection.

    I did not contact my GP about the side effects and maybe there should have been a reporting/monitoring mechanism for every single patient injected with the vaccine. I wonder how Germany and others are diagnosing blood clots. I suspect I might have had the blood clot among many other people as well which went unreported.

  234. Went for my jab on 7th March but was refused it as apparently allergy to penicillin was a contraindication for Pfizer. Had my AZ jab 11.00am Sat 13th March. By 9pm I was in bed shivering uncontrollably, teeth chattering, couldn’t get warm. Spent the night either freezing cold or burning up and soaking the sheets with sweat, with a temp of 39-40 C. Temp finally dropped a bit on Tuesday but didn’t go back to normal until Thursday. Have been in bed all week and feel absolutely exhausted. Still have no appetite, aching muscles, mouth ulcers, sore eyes, sore tongue, swollen tonsils, still occasional bouts of shivering. Previously I felt fit and well before the jab, I am slim, fit and healthy generally. Absolutely dreading my second jab, as the last time I felt this bad was nearly 35 years ago when I had glandular fever. Wondering when my energy will return as I have children to look after and a full time job to get back to. I knew there was a chance of side effects for a few days but considered it was worth the risk to support more vulnerable people and help us all get back to a more normal life. I did not expect to still feel this bad a full week later. Wishing everyone with these longer lasting side effects all the best and a speedy return to full health. Thank you for sharing your stories as I hadn’t heard much about people suffering for longer than 2-4 days and it is reassuring that I am not alone, even though I’m sorry more of us are out there! I have reported this on the Zoe app and was told I could have a covid test (negative) and have also reported via the yellow card site.

  235. The first day after the vaccine I had typical symptoms as mentioned in the article: fever 38.5, feeling cold, body tenderness, loss of appetite and headache, at times including eye pain. My fiancé had vaccine together with me and he had the same effects. At night we both sweated a lot and the next day all the symptoms disappeared, apart from continuous headache and sporadical flashes of heat accompanied by sweating. Then about 48hrs after the vaccine all my muscle started to feel very tense, this included tenseness and heaviness in my chest and I started to feel anxious. I sat down trying to relax my body, but muscle tenseness turned into uncontrollable violent shaking. I was not feeling cold, and my temperature was 35.5C at that point. Heart beating normally. The shaking stopped after I got covered with blanket and drank hot tea, but my body remained tense and I had some more heat flushes. My fiancé felt ok on day 2, but the night after it was his turn to shake even though he didn’t feel cold. I read all the comments to this article related to body shaking and that’s great relief as it was not communicated to us as a possible effect and I got really scared when I experienced it, I thought I was going to faint or something else very bad was going to happen to me. I hope my comment will also help others.

  236. It’s now been over a week since my AZ jab and I’m still completely exhausted and in bed, although my temperature is back to normal after 3 days of 39C and 2 further days of our fluctuating before it settled back properly. I’m finding it hard to get enough air into my lungs. Covid test came back negative but I feel like the virus can’t have been much worse than these side effects. I was fit and healthy before the jab.

  237. Had AZ 3 weeks ago.
    Horrendous side effects. These lasted 48 hrs. Shivers and muscle aches. Headache like iv never experienced before. Thought my head was going to explode. My lower back was agony and it hurt to move. Felt sick and weak.
    My husband had covid and was floored for weeks by it.
    So as much as I’m scared to have jab number 2, I do think im going to have it.
    Husband had his 1st jab yesterday and and now has the shivers.

  238. I had my AstraZeneca vaccine on the 20th of February. I had a slight temperature the following day and it was okay until day 4. I felt dizzy,numbness on my left leg and arm where I had the vaccine. Also had a migraine, high blood pressure, heart palpitations fatigue as if my heart was giving up.All these lasted until yesterday 19th of March. I feel much better today with all side effects gone.. I even ended up in A&e on the 15th of March. Just to reassure you all going through all the side effects it does get better.

  239. I think the first comment to this article was that it should be shorter for people with shorter attention span. I’ve been feeling so unwell for such a long time that I’ve read all the comments these 2-3 days, while crying nonstop. I just put all the comments in Word and it says 277000 characters, which is 150+ (regular translation) pages. So, you can imagine how bad it is and how bad I need some comfort.
    I am 42, no chronic illnesses, healthy, doing sports… I had my AZ jab on March 1. Had 38 fever, headaches… and horrible arm pain first 3 days, which was totally ok and normal. I said – ok, at least I know I got vaccine. Then I was sort of normal 3 days, and then then the never-ending suffering started. Still hasn’t passed, every single day is the same. My main symptoms are heavy heavy sleepiness during day, despite sleeping full 8 hours during night. My head just falls down, my eyes close, cannot stay awake. The second symptom is shaking of head, limbs, whole body, like I am at the edge of fainting, like having current through my body.
    I was afraid of some clot or whatever, did head MR (perfect), EEG (perfect), complete blood analysis (perfect), was even sent to urgency centre for heavy symptoms. Both private and state doctors, after days of me trying to get help – we don’t know what to do with you, analysis are good, we don’t know anything about vaccine and its side effects, we simply cannot help you, bye. I have nowhere to go anymore to ask for help.
    Most of the commenters are from UK, as far as I see. I am not, and I would like to ask, because none of the comments mentions it:
    1. Has anyone of people who had it for weeks recovered? Can anyone tell me – ok, after 25 days it was magically gone, it started getting better and better, now on 30th day I am better than on 25. Anyone?
    2. Has anyone got any help from doctors? did any doctor say, for these symptoms similar to mine, ok, you need to take that and that to treat, and you took it, and it helped you daily? Or where you all just shooshooed and left to suffer? Did they localized dizziness, sleepiness, tiredness? Found source?

    • Hello Ivana, I am 45 fit and healthy and run regularly and since my vaccine on 26th February I have been unwell. For about 3 days after the vaccine i was tired and sore head on and off. I then felt ok for a few days before waking up with a lot of mucus, sore throat, dizziness and nausea. As of today I still have the dizziness, nausea and tiredness which comes and goes and prevents me from doing any exercise as i feel quite awful most of the time. I spoke to a Doctor on 19th March who said it might be side effects or possibly picked up another virus. He prescribed me anti nausea medication and I am going to see a doctor in person today and I will let you know what they say.

  240. How long can these side effects last?Still feeling rough after 2 weeks.Wondering if something else is causing symptoms.Very like flu

  241. I had my Astrazeneca jab in my left arm on the 13th March 20021. I experienced over night chills and sore arm, which are stated as known side effects. However, its now the 22nd March 2021 as I’m typing this and my arm is not right. Its like having constant muscle ache. It hurts to sleep on the left side and I get pain lifting my arm up. Not enough to stop day to day activity but enough to be aware of it and enough for it to a concern. I do bruise very easily so I’m trying to convince myself the pain is some internal bruising from the injection.

    I have filed a yellow card report and will try to speak with my GP but in all honesty this has put me off taking the 2nd dose. At the time of writing this and considering my arm pain I feel like this vaccine is a double edged sword and if there are lingering side effects for some of us, how long are they going to last!

  242. Had my Astrazeneca jab on 20th March. The following day I started having tinnitus, believe only the left ear. It has been constant since. According to this document I found online there have been another 376 tinnitus reports:


    I noticed others reported the same here, has the tinnitus stopped for anyone or will I have to learn to live with this? Thanks

  243. I had been nervous about getting the vaccine, as I suffer anxiety… but I had my AstraZeneca jab on 21st March , I was fine for 12hrs, then had some chills but nothing too bad, the following day I had a sudden onset of fatigue and feeling spaced out, that lasted couple hours and was quite a scary feeling .. but these side effects are nothing compared to covid itself, my mum died of covid 10 months ago, and believe me it wasn’t pleasant, so I will get my 2nd jab, and put up with any side effects. My husband had no real side effects, just a bit drained and a headache for couple days.. My father had no side effects at all.
    Remember at present we have been in lockdown, so minimal risk of getting covid, as we are not socialising or frequenting pubic places, but from April ,when shops start opening again etc, our risk of getting covid increases if we don’t have these vaccines to help protect us .. I want to be able to get back to some normality of living again after so long in lockdown, so I would say go for the vaccine when you get offered it.

  244. Had my AZ vaccine on 12th Feb. Would say I was pretty fit 68 yr old. Swim, cycle play tennis . 9hours after jab felt cold,shivery awful headache. Never felt so ill. Couldn’t get out of bed for 2 weeks. Still not well , extreme fatigue, painful legs ,headaches. Haven’t been able to do any activities .Had blood tests and checks but all clear so obviously the vaccine. Made me very depressed as don’t see an end to it. Very frightened and not sure about second jab…

    • Hi Cathy
      I am suffering similar symptoms to you for over a month now and am wondering whether you are now feeling better.

  245. I had some of the side effects after the AZ jab but the injection site wasn’t sore or red. A day after though my muscle felt like it was damaged and now it hurts to use it a month later. Anyone had this?

    Raising my arm above my head hurts or holding my arm out to the side to make a T shape. It’s not getting any better or worse, although it does tend to hurt more in the morning. I feel like the muscle is bruised or something.

    • I posted the same problem on the 22nd March 2021 . I had my jab on the 13th March 2021 so I’ve not had a sore arm for as long you. I called 111 who called through to my GP. We had a chat on the phone and I explained that it felt like the pain was in my muscle and its like I’ve got deep bruising, although to look at my arm its fine. No redness, swelling, etc. I didn’t expect this over a week after having the jab. I’m seeing the GP face to face tomorrow 24th March 2021.

      Mine hurts more throughout the day. Its also started to itch now. Its not so painful that it disrupts my day to day activities but my arm was normal before the jab. I hope this is not permanent. My second jab is due in June. If my arm is still the same by then I’m not having the second dose.

    • My upper arm is still slightly achey after 10 weeks – reducing though. After a week it started hurting when I got dressed or reached for something. Just had 2nd jab in the other arm, and the nurse said yes it could ache for some weeks but just watch out if there was tingling or numbness.

  246. I have taken A Zeneca on 5th March, next day was a bit sick with muscle pain for 6hrs. Then a week after felt shivering and couldn’t warm myself.. next Morning till today 12 days later I’m in bed most if the time I am not even able to move my toes or fingers… pain all over, head, jaws, my tounge hurts even to swallow water.. hands, back, legs every where… sharp pain in ribs…doctor gave me Catafast to ease the pain, but got a bad Rash all over my body, reaction with AZ as I used to take Catafast before.
    I also contacted AZ internationally but they only took my symptom details.
    Now this fever doesn’t want to go away

    I hope this passes as no medication seems to help me 🙁
    I’m 41 yrs health mum of 4 with Fibromyalgia. If 2nd dose is like this nightmare, I doubt to take it… I never felt so ill ever..

  247. my side effects (age 44) were – AZ jab at 11am Fri 12/3/21, from 11pm that evening to about 11am (so 12 hours to 24 hours in) fever symptoms. achey/hot/cold, duvet stuff. woke me up during the night at about 3am. slept again at about 9am. Saturday evening relatively ok

    a few days later I notice my left ear seemed blocked. I didn’t straight off associate this with the vaccine. some wax remover didn’t clear it, and it occurred to me it co incided with the vaccine. some googles and “not many people” reported congested ear/eustachian tube blocked. it’s still an educated guess, but the (left ear only) blockage co incides very very well with the vaccine. so the vaccine was 12/3/21, so yes almost 2 weeks later and still ear blocked. no pain to speak of, just very little hearing in that ear. any other ears blocked? can I edit this once submitted?

    • I have exactly the same problem with my ears, had my first AZ jab 23rd February lots of problems started 12 hours later went on for 4 days, ear problems didn’t start until about 6 or 7 days after jab (never had any ear trouble before) right ear still completely deaf/blocked, using Otex but still not resolved! Had jab in left arm, right ear is affected although left ear not 100%

    • Sorry I have seen this so late. I (male 49, relatively good health) suffered feeling of blocked ear. 10/5/21. I wasted a few days thinking it might be hay fever or an ear infection that would go away. Eventually googled and found that sudden hearing loss (which generally happens in just one, not both, ears) should be treated as a medical emergency.

      You should see a Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist immediately. They will check for ear wax and external infection. If neither of those is the problem, then a course of high dose steroids is the normal procedure. It is vital that these are administered as soon as possible after the onset of hearing loss – within 72 hours, but sooner is better. The steroids reduce inflammation in the inner ear.

      The exact causes of such inner ear inflammation are not know, but recent viral infections (e.g. even common colds within the previous month) are though to play a role. High blood pressure (hypertension), which I have, may be an aggravating factor. The conjecture is that small blood clots, or clots from some other substance associated with the body’s response to a virus cause inflammation and damage to the sensitive blood vessels within the ear.

      I now have significant and permanent ‘sensorineural’ hearing loss and tinnitus in my left ear.

      Please do not delay, like I did, and insist on seeing an ENT as soon as possible.

      I had my first Astrazenica vaccine at the end of March. I suffered fever and chills the following evening after the injection, but had no other immediate side effects. Over a month later I suffered sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Given the amount of elapsed time, I am not sure whether there can be any connection between the vaccine and my subsequent loss of hearing. However, as a precaution, I will not be having the second dose of the vaccine. I say that as someone who is generally in favour of the vaccines – I would take the first vaccine again if I was fit and healthy, but now that I have a hearing issue, and having read more about possible connections between hearing loss and both the COVID virus itself and COVID vaccinations I am inclined not too. That said, from what I have read, there is stronger evidence of a connection between the the COVID virus and hearing loss, than between the COVID vaccine and hearing loss. So, there is no easy choice – I may regret not getting the second dose of the vaccine, if I subsequently catch COVID and end up with a further deterioration in my hearing.

  248. Hello everyone, I had the Oxford/Astra vaccine at around 11.30am today. By 8 pm I was shivering so bad and had a fever, improved after 1g paracetamol but came back after 2 hours even worse! Also have bodyaches and for some reason my asthma also has flared slightly possibly due to the inflammatory response. Have just taken another 1g paracetamol and feeling better. Surprisingly none of the other people I received tye vaccine with had these symptoms, only slight headache, sore arm and very slight chills. But crazy how bad it can hit some people. Hopefully will be better tomorrow, have a long day at the clinic!

  249. Paul
    I had the astrazeneca vaccine on Tuesday 23rd March and all I have had is an ache/tenderness in the injection site, I have my 2nd injection sometime in the next 12 weeks, doctors said they would contact me, I hate needles but never even felt it go in nurse was excellent, I feel for people who have severe side effects but it’s better than Covid, stay safe everyone xx

  250. Had my vaccine (Oxford) yesterday. Im 29 and have no underlying health problems. My husband is 36, he had his at the same time and experienced no side effects. I am regretting having it. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this unwell in my life. Headache, chills, fever, aching all over my body and shooting pains in certain places. I have 2 young children and can’t look after them as I’m so ill. Thankfully my husband is OK so he can pick up the pieces. Honestly regret getting it and dreading how long I’m going to feel like this.

    • You should feel better in a couple days, I had mine 4 days ago, I’ve had aches in joints and headache, but am ok now.. my mum died of covid, so I feel getting the vaccine is a must, it’s not worth the risk, as I’ve seen how horrendous covid is and for some it can be fatal.

  251. I had Astra-Zeneca vaccine on 4 March. Felt faint after having it, but this passed fairly quickly and no other side effects felt. Fast forward 10 days later, woke up middle of night with rapid heart beat and most awful sensation of vibrations internally, (not shaking) and pins and needles, tingling around lips. Very frightening. Rang docs in morning, given appt for 2 days later for ECG and blood tests. Reception rang 2 days later and said they had been told to make me appt to see nurse 7th April best they can do! No idea what’s going on. Breathing feeling bit difficult! Help! Has anyone had the internal vibrations? Worse in morning when I wake up.

    • Yes, Jill, I had the internal vibrations, for almost 20 days. Last several days they have toned down, have “just” extreme sleepiness symptom. They also hit in the morning, pass by afternoon.

  252. I’m 45 years old and had my first AZ jab on the morning 19th March. Within a couple of hours I felt extremely tired, flu-like and hot, which I was expecting as this happens with the flu jab (but side effects from that jab last around 36 hours). By day 3 I had sore and stiff muscles/joints and the dizziness set in. Now almost a week later I feel constantly nauseous, weak and exhausted, I get heart palpitations and the brain fog is debilitating, I’ve not been able to work my full hours all week and today I gave up at 10.30am and had to go back to bed. I’m also thirsty all the time despite drinking at least 2 litres of water a day (which I’ve always done). My temperature has been normal ever since the jab. It just doesn’t seem to be getting any better and the heart palpitations and dizziness / brain fog are the most scary. I do a covid test twice a week along with my school aged son and they’re always negative (so far!).

    I contracted a mystery viral infection 3 years ago that bore a strong resemblance to covid, resulting in me being unable to work for 5 months afterwards and left me with post viral fatigue syndrome/ME/CFS. In the last 12 months I’ve managed to get myself pretty much back to full health but I think this vaccine has triggered a relapse of the ME/CFS – I just hope it’s not permanent.

  253. I had my az jab 10hrs ago now I got sudden groin ache and left teste is aching I hope this is a side effect and nothing more serious. Just a coincidence that this has started after az jab

  254. An update. My V day was March 9th. I’m one of the unfortunates who had the very nasty side effects. I won’t list them all, but in addition to awful pain in my arm both during the injection and for 11 days after, I had many systemic problems, my husband listed 9.
    I am still unwell, improving certainly, but still weak, tired all the time, pins & needles in left hand constantly & sporadically elsewhere. Headache. Throat still a bit sore. Dizzy. Migraines at double normal rate. This is after 17 days.
    I have never, ever felt so terribly ill. I had flu which kept me off work for over 2 weeks when I was in my 30s, a picnic compared to this.
    Please don’t tell we sufferers of these appalling side effects that ‘ covid would be worse’ . You don’t know that. And it is not helpful!
    What we do know is that probably half the people who have covid don’t even know they have it. Many others are only mildly ill.
    We have not been mildly ill.
    I was felt as if I were dying. I begged my husband not to call an ambulance as, if I were to die wanted to die at home.
    I reminded him where my will was.
    I only know of 2 people of similar age to be, in good health, who have had covid as badly as I have had side effects.
    The thought of a second jab, with the possibility of even worse side effects is frankly terrifying.
    No one is able to tell me what happens to those of us who fared so badly first time round.
    A leading vaccine researcher at the Mayo Clinic explains why the bodies’ response to the second dose is more dramatic than to the first.
    I am scared silly about it.

    • I haven’t had my jab yet as very unsure. I have trust issues. These comments are very unnerving. I hope everyone has reported they’re side effects to the mhra yellow card system it is very important that everyone does.

  255. Cant taste sweet food!
    I know this sounds weird and I also know that COVID can cause a loss of smell and taste but I’ve definitely not got COVID, around 10 days after my AstraZeneca jab I’ve noticed that I just can’t taste anything sweet. Has anyone else noticed this?????? For example if I eat chocolate I can initially taste it and then when I eat more, there’s no taste whatsoever. I feel like I’m going mad. I had most of side effects, the nausea and fatigue lasted for around 3 weeks but this taste thing is just weird. I can’t find any info about this as a side effect. Anyone else experiencing this?

    • Yes I am, fine after jab but 12 hour later started experiencing a variety of awful symptoms, went on for 4 days then started to improve but others including taste alterations started, I can just about make out the flavour of things when I put them in my mouth but then the taste goes, when I am not eating I have an unpleasant chemical/metallic taste in my mouth, also one of my ears is blocked and deaf and using Otex and oil is not sorting it out. So hoping things would get back to normal, it’s now over a month since my AZ jab!

    • Hi Sally, my father has just been vaccinated with Astrazeneca. After two days he noticed that he couldn’t taste sweet things, too. Has your sweet taste change normal? after how many days?

    • I’ve lost my sense of smell for roses, peonies and lilies — sounds quirky but they’re in bloom right now so that’s what I’ve noticed. I had my AZ shot in early April. No other effects from the vaccine, however.

  256. Had Oxford Zeneca at 4.30pm on Thursday felt ok no pain in the arm. Almost 24 bours later started to feel bit spaced out! My family asked if I had been sedated as I had been to the Dentist, I hadn’t. Then the shivering started, was soo cold and couldn’t warm up! Had a bath and kept running the hot water but just couldn’t get it hot enough! Temperature of 38.5 and felt awful! Took paracetamol as soon as I had had the vaccine, now on cold and flu tablets! Went to bed at 9pm and woke at 3am as temperature back but not as high, 37.8! Cold flannel around face, neck and wrists also helps! Face flushed and arm soar. Hopefully will pass in a day or so! I’d rather this temporarily than COVID. I did read the younger you are the more likely you will have symptoms I’m 47 with no other health issues! if you have already had COVID, symptoms seem to be worse! Stick with it guys x

  257. I had Astra-Zeneca vaccine on 27th March at 4.00 PM and felt diarrhea from early morning (5.00 am, 28 March), Is there any connection or is it side effect of vaccination?
    If so, cloud you suggest me what should I do?

  258. I too have had the pins and needles problem. Some of the others I know who have had the Astra Zeneca jab with no reaction or a slight reaction first time have had a reaction, or worse reaction for the second jab. not the pins and needles reaction, but some that sound a bit odd. On the back of all that I won’t be risking a worse reaction with the second jab.

  259. Hi
    Its good to hear that the side effects vary, I am in the clinically vunerable group with non hodgekin cancer of the lymphoma, age 64 I was tested positive with covid on Feb 22, having had covid I was determined that as soon as the 4 week period was up , come hell or high water I would have the vaccine There is no way i will risk covid again, I do not believe I would survive and I have too much living to do
    When I was having Chemo and Radio I found that using Floravital and accupuncture certainly helped and I believe taking flora vital again is helping with the tiredness (too soon for accupuncture) its not a silver bullet but anything that helps to combat the tiredness is worth trying, along with co emzine q10
    I hope these comments help , and although I feel under the weather (my jab was 28hrs ago) for me It was the right decision

  260. Had the AZ vaccine on the morning of 26th March. Just after the injection I experienced warmth traveling from my arm to the back of my head (especially behind the ears). Felt ok though, then gradually felt sick later that evening.

    Got so cold before going to bed, shook uncontrollably for quite a while and didn’t sleep well. The next day had headache and raised temperature, but the head pain wasn’t too bad. Slept for most of the day and felt better that evening.

    Now on the 28th I feel ok, but my temperature goes up from time to time and my head gets a little sore, but pretty much feel as normal.

    Apart from the sickness, chills and headache I’ve already mentioned, I’ve also experienced a slight tightening in the chest, pins and needles, sweating and still got a tender arm at the injection site.

  261. Has anyone been left with tinnitus? I had the temperature and chills the night after the vaccine, that lasted about 24 hours. Felt fine for 2 days then started with tinnitus in my left ear, same side as I had the vaccine. That was over a week ago and still have it.

    • I had my first jab on 23 February, I still have occasional tinnitus in my ears but my right ear is completely blocked and almost deaf, have been using Otex but still not sorted.

    • I had Meniere’s disease including tinnitus prior to the first Astra Zeneca vaccination on Feb 1st and I had projectile vomiting all the following day. I stopped taking the Betahistine prescribed and haven’t taken it since, that is for two and a half months! My Meniere’s seems to have miraculously disappeared except for a very slight tinnitus. This is a very unexpected benefit of having the vaccination! I hope yours resolves too.

  262. I had AZ vaccine on Friday 26th March 11AM. I drank half a litre of water and I went to have vaccine.
    And I took more water throughout day. I only had little food so that my body fights the virus with full potential.
    I was OK till 11 PM. I went into sleep and woke up with little body aches and chills.
    Then I could not sleep in any position for long. I could not have proper sleep that night.
    Next day fever was controlled , but still little body pains.
    I keep my mind thinking about some thing interesting (movies etc) so that I wont focus on these pains.
    I felt tightness in chest and back too. On 3rd day, my aches are gone. But my tightness in chest still there.
    I will definitely go for 2nd vaccine. I believe drink plenty of water and take less food and eat fruits after having vaccine,
    help me not to have more side effects with the vaccine.

  263. Hi all,
    I was very scared of having the jab because of the side effects, but I decided to have it anyway because I have a family, asthma and some hereditary heart issues so did not want to risk having Covid. I recieved my AZ vaccine on Friday morning, 26.03.21. About 15 mins after having recieved the vaccine, I felt slightly dizzy and nauseous, but it wore off. Then, at about the same time, my left arm (where I had the injection) started to tingle and feel cold. This spread to my left jaw, then the arm and the left side of my face felt cold, stiff and numb. This mostly wore off over night and was replaced by a dull pain in my arm, which I cannot use as normal, it feels weak and somehow alien. It still feels cold and I also have the pins and needles feel in my arm and intermittently in my left hand. My neck feels stiff, also on the left side.
    I did not have any fever or shaking (yet), it is Monday evening now. However, since Friday, I can’t sleep. I feel like I had drunk far too much coffee, all wound up and I have palpitations. I also have no appetite, headaches and feel slightly unreal (which last may also be caused by the insomnia). Mainly I am watching for signs of heart reactions or thrombosis. I agree that, although I feel that all scientists at Oxford have done their best, the side effects are being played down by the governments in Europe generally. It is purely in their interest, and in that of economy, I may add, to carry on with the opening strategies that will get cash and normal life flowing again. This is why I think it is essential for people to share their experiences, so that we as a community know what may be in store for us and make an educated decision. No doctor or official platform has ever mentioned many of the side effects shared here, as I see people were simply told that what they were going through was extremely rare, or made to feel stupid. The collection of comments here show that they are not. Having said that, I would still decide to have the vaccine, simply because I have a colleague (teacher) who had it last year, nearly died and is still fighting long Covid. I was so relieved to find this platform, to see that I was not turning mad.Thank you, all! So please, carry on sharing your experiences, discuss the doubts you have and let’s talk about it. I think it’s the best we can do.

    • Hi, im 44, female, with similar experiences. Got my jab March 4th. Within an hour tingling of the right temple, cheeks etc. Drank water and it went away. The first days where okeish, some groin pain, feverish, muscle pain. After a few days, weaker and weaker, pains travelling around neck and jaw, sensation as if i can feel blood in my whole body, inner tremor, pounding heart, hard to breathe, as if panic attacks, pressure up. It all culminated with a day on ER after fainting nad falling on The head. CT head ok, said it was orthostatic
      but since then pressure ofen too low, like i have to drink a bottle of water to return, heart jumping out, dizzy at times, and probably A lot more. Tests: ekg echo bloodtests fine. The only thing i caught out is suddenly ionized calcium dropped by 20perc. I happen to have got it tested in Jan so can compare. Ddimers about 700, They say it is not a clot. The heart has been better recently and the BP but right now i have developed very sore shoulders and uppr spine and neck.
      Among friends- splitting headaches, clot in the leg, long lasting fatigue, clogged ears, back ache, thyroid outof control, and more,it makes me laugh when i read the official side effects, it is simply untrue.
      About the second jab- have you had it yet? I still am going to, for now, but would be most grateful for sharing, esp from those for whom the first jab Was complicated.
      Best wishes to all!

      • I’m waiting for second jab results from az, I was one of the first to comment on site, had severe side effects for about six weeks.
        PLEASE POST SECOND JAB INFO, I know I need jab but I even get my head around it being same or worse.

      • Magda, I thought it was only me, but i also have a clot in leg, you can see the vein run up the shin to outside of knee, and the bulge stops there. Also got some very strange red spots on calf and upper leg. Started about 4 days after AZ shot. It is so painful now. I wrote a yellow card and they said to talk to GP, he said write back to yellow card.

  264. Had my first Astra vaccine on 19th March, 10am. Immediately felt as though it had gone to my legs like a strong wine. This lasted for about 10 minutes and then wore off. Felt fine for the rest of the day until about 9pm when I felt so cold. Was fully clothed, wrapped in a duvet but still felt like all the hair on my body was standing on end. Went to bed, woke up the next day with the most horrendous headache which subsided in the afternoon after taking paracetamol. For the week that followed I had stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhoea, fuzzy feeling in head, flashes in eyes, weird dreams, pins and needles in arms and face. I felt as though I could not face any dairy products. All mild but quite alarming. Last night I woke to go to the loo and felt as though my left eye was not seeing properly, it was as though I had a patch over it but this morning it was fine. Had an eye test last year which was fine. I am usually in fairly good health apart from being on thyroid medication and I don’t suffer from headaches or long bouts of cold or flu. I have had many vaccinations over the years and have never had adverse reactions to any before. I wonder why they appear to be so bad for many people for this vaccine.

  265. Had fist jab 20th March, that day felt fine next day , cold /chills / then temperature etc. as and sooo tired just slept all afternoon and night, on the Monday developed cold symptoms and then the headache came and stayed with me for 3 days, managed it all with paracetamol etc. had slight nausea for a week and dizzy (about a year ago i had vertigo and this felt the same) but for me the very worst thing was the pain in my arm where i had the injection and all the way down my arm to my hand ached, to the point i couldnt sleep through the pain, after day 6 this eased but now on day 11 i still have a “hot” feeling arm and a lump that i can feel under my skin where i was injected. I will have my second jab but i have to say i am very scared

  266. As I posted earlier I developed tinnitus following vaccination which I reported on the Yellow Card website. Today AstraZeneca called me and emailed me a form which I completed and returned. They will follow this up with my GP. I urge everyone who had a side effect to do the same.

  267. I Haa astra venica jag on April for 2 nights I suffered the shivers but was sweating mad on the 3rd day I got out bedwetting to brush my teeth to find my mouth was drooping I couldn’t blink and pain down the right side off my head,I was parayed down the right side.I contacted doctor she sent me straight to hospital ,when I asked my g p and the doctors at hospital if caused by vaccine they avoided answering ???I’m just getting over it now 4 weeks later I had to tape my eye shut at night the pain was excruciating ,I have to go for brain scan ext week .I was healthy before it but now I seem to be tired all the time .I’m due my second jag in a couple weeks and cant find any I’m formation about this happening again from g p or hospital doctors don’t think they can answer the question !!!! Do not let this put you off as I’m msyby one unlucky person out off millions ,so get your vaccine as it saves lives

  268. My brother lost eyesight 12 hours after vaccination. It’s all back to normal, at least eye sight because he is not feeling himself 12 days after injection. I’m scared that he still having his second one in June and I don’t know what to expect

  269. My wife and I received our AZ vacs on 25th March. I had the usual cold symptoms / achy limbs / headache which lasted about two days. However, my wife has been ill ever since and is not showing much sign of improvement, with constant nausea, occasional diarrhoea and shingles-like skin pain. One week on and I have gone through the yellow card procedure on her behalf this morning. I think there is enough evidence on this site alone for the powers that be to warn people of these side effects so that they can make an informed decision. I understand that they want as much take-up as possible, but these are real people suffering debilitating consequences of receiving the jab. My wife said she would not have had the jab knowing what she knows now.

    • UPDATE 4 WEEKS ON. After almost 3 weeks of nausea and exhaustion my wife began to improve but then came out in a shingles rash with stabbing pain. This is now improving after more than a week but she is still feeling very tired. She has had shingles before so knows the symptoms very well. We both believe it was brought on by the AZ jab and although she spent the first 3 weeks swearing she would not have the second jab, we have heard there are much fewer side effects with 2nd AZ jab so she is reconsidering. It would be very interesting to read 2nd jab accounts of people who have posted here.

  270. Update after jab on 13th March: it has taken 3 weeks but I feel much better, still a bit tired, but nothing like the exhaustion of the past few weeks. Thank you to everyone for sharing your stories, as I didn’t know anyone else who’d had severe side effects, and this site was very reassuring (although I’m sorry there are a lot of us out there with more than just 24-72 hours of discomfort). I’m still planning to have the second jab to help minimise the risks of covid spreading and mutating, and just hope the side effects are less extreme next time. Good luck to everyone, hopefully you will all feel better again soon!

  271. Cases are decreasing in most parts of the country, but they are still high. The mix of high case counts and growing vaccination levels makes an epidemiological soup that is primed to breed new variants that are resistant to the vaccines. We definitely don’t need that hurdle at the end of the race, so please keep taking care to protect yourself and your loved ones.

  272. Is anyone else suffering side affects from AstraZeneca weeks on? I am 63 slim and active. Have some heart issues and controlled thyroid and diabetes. Had jab on Feb18th.
    felt fine for 3 hours , walked dog for an hour and then it hit. Terrible feeling of low glucose, which wasn’t, breathless, dizzy, pounding heart and more palpitations than usual.
    Feelings of high anxiety and nasty headache and nausea. Couldn’t sleep that night and had sweats. Started monitoring my pulse and blood pressure next day and heart gone very sluggish and blood pressure kept spiking ie 169 over 82 then fifteen minutes later 115 over 80 my usual type of reading.
    Arm slightly sore.
    Almost 6 weeks later still so unwell. Headaches and nausea gone but still got night sweats , blood pressure spikes, heart issues, breathless, had hoarse voice for weeks. Exhaustion and extreme dizziness with exertion other than pottering. Cant walk the dog. Still got feelings of high anxiety. Last week had an ECG , bloods and chest X. ray and waiting for urgent referral to Cardiology. My last well day was day before the jab. I am worried the vaccine has worsened my heart problems.
    Scared of getting the next one.
    My hubby had AZ 5 days before me and no probs, not even a sore arm. He has no health issues. Our daughter has multiple health issues, had two Pfizer doses 21 days apart and fine, apart from a sore arm.

    • Sorry to hear that Carol. I had AstraZeneca over 5 weeks ago and I’m still not ‘right’. I’m 63 and was absolutely fine before the jab. Had terrible migraines for days with all the other side effects like numb hand , racing heart, fatigue , chills and aches. The other reactions gradually went but after migraine I was left with tinnitus, fuzzy head and trouble with words . Still the same now which is very worrying! I will not be having 2nd or 3rd jabs.

      • Sorry to hear you are still suffering so much Jean . It’s all very scarey isn’t it? I got cluster headaches, had them years ago. So glad I didn’t get the the chills and raging temp and gastric probs. I did get some muscle aches about 24 hours after but only for 6 hours or so and not too bad. 3 weeks after I got glands up in my neck and underarm on side of jab.
        Cooking dinner now to re heat later as by teatime I am exhausted but had to sit down quick as I have suddenly gone so dizzy and tired. Keeps happening. Get all test results tomorrow. Take care everyone suffering.

  273. Oooh goodness …
    I wish I had read these before having my vaccine on the 1st of April …
    Being very needle phobic I thought I may be very weary afterwards due to the stress …
    However within an hour of arriving home my glands had swollen, I had a rash on my forehead, my arm felt like lead, headache, was vomiting and couldn’t walk …
    This continued for 2 days –
    Felt slightly better the 3rd and 4th day, but still very weary and High blood pressure – unable to drink coffee or wine and totally unable to do anything physical ( even putting the washing on the line is to much !)
    I wish I had never gone for this vaccination – I certainly won’t be having the 2nd one – I think it would kill me !!
    I’m hoping I can resume my usual active lifestyle soon – I’m not good at sitting still !!


  274. I’m so sorry to read all you are going through. For a moment, I lived under an illusion that it was only a prolonged panic attack, all my symptoms… Does anyone know anything about the second dose? Like I wrote above before, I\ve had a lot of awful side effects for weeks now. They say the first dose is problematic, and the second is not. Or do they not any more? Do you have any knowledge anyone about whether one who goes through so much should take the second dose? I talked to my doctor, but she said she didn’t know. What about getting a second jab, but from a different company, eg Pfizer, would that be safe? I am in a bit of panic, I have no idea what to do…

  275. I feel compelled to comment. I had my vaccine two and a half weeks ago. Since then I have had rib pain, crippling exhaustion and gastric issues. Some night sweats and just feeling unwell generally. I probably will have my follow-up one but I wish I had been forewarned. Lots I know have been the same.

  276. I was hospitalised with Covid pneumonia in January and suffered ‘long covid’ as a result. After the AstraZeneca vaccine given by someone from the army on the 10th March (which hurt twice and bled), I felt euphoric and energised for about an hour. Perhaps it was a placebo effect, because I awoke the following day with many of the side effects listed. For the following 10 days, it felt like having Covid again, except not as severe but with an increasingly swollen, painful arm. Medical advisers basically admitted they had no clue when it would improve but by the 3rd day, the red patch was 5″ wide and spreading. Paracetamol helped alleviate some of the aches but not the arm swelling which was now hard as a rock. A family member suggested antihistamines as I’d had rashes during Covid. The patch continued to spread but thankfully, began to fade in the centre within 48 hours of starting antihistamines. It’s 4 weeks since the vaccine. Although there’s still a small lump under the skin I can now sleep on that side and raise my arm. My breathlessness from long covid has improved but still remain exhausted with a cough and brain fog.

  277. I had Astra zenica vaccine midday in January and then at 2.00am I was woken by very violent shaking, my temperature was 37.5, I felt dreadful and the shaking continued for three hours. I felt totally fatigued for several days afterwards and also lost my sense of taste and smell which I know is a symptom of covid. I have never had such an experience before, it was very scary.
    I arranged a test kit and the result was clear so I really don’t know what to do about the second jab which I am now due to have in a few days.
    I can see on this web site that many people have had similar horrible experiences and yet the two gp’s and one Professor that I have spoke to about it have all said they have not heard of any reports similar to my own , which is very concerning.

    I haven’t seen any reports on this website saying how those with violent reactions similar to my own got on when they had the second jab. I have read online that there are fewer side effects the second time but I have also read that the effects can be worse , so I am worried and would like to know if anyone can provide any information regarding their experience with the second jab.
    I was so pleased to find this web site because prior to doing so I thought I was the only one to have had the horrible experience.

  278. I had my first AZ vaccine at 2pm on 29/03. Day 1. Fit and well beforehand, well controlled thyroid issue but nothing else. 50 year old female. Regular walker and runner. Felt absolutely fine until about 10pm when I started to get mild flu-like symptoms. Bit achy and fatigued. Went to bed. Had a fairly disturbed night, felt very jittery and restless like a caffeine overload. Otherwise ok. Worked on day 2 (from home) and had a couple of pretty nasty headaches that went away with regular painkillers. Arm started to feel heavy and sore. Felt increasingly tired and cold but had a good normal sleep that night. Felt similar on day 3, a bit headachy and cold and hungover, arm more sore, but was expecting all of this so not too bothered.
    Went out to do my regular run on day 4 and found that nothing felt right as soon as I set off. I felt exhausted, achy and only managed a very short run before giving up and going home. Since then I have not managed to run at all (just the thought of it is exhausting) and find even walking is making me a little short of breath and feels tiring. I don’t feel unwell otherwise, I am eating normally, sleeping normally, no other odd symptoms, but I am now on day 12 and just feel utterly lethargic and drained. Small chores are exhausting me. My arm is still tender at the injection site.
    I asked around amongst a few friends and several have reported the same exhaustion/fatigue for up to 3 weeks. Although they did say it went away. I can only hope so. I am really fed up.

  279. I had my AZ vaccine on the 13/3/21 and was OK for about two weeks then I got pain in the groin area, then after another few days cramp like pains in various places in left leg then right leg. I then got right-side back pain which felt like sleeping on something. That then went in to my side and then stomach. Spoke with GP who said it was unlikely to be the vaccine that caused it and to take paracetamol. How he can say that I don’t know there is not enough evidence just to dismiss it.
    Today I got up fuzzy head, feeling sick, tired stomach gurgling.
    Utterly fed up and no where to turn too.
    Hopefully we are all not just an experiment.
    Anyone else had similar after 4 weeks

    • David, I had my first AZ vaccine on 10th March, so three days before you. I had a rough night, but then felt okay for two days when I then started getting really bad pins and needles in my left arm and hand, the arm where the jab was administered. Things got worse, like a brain squeeze feeling and pressure in my arm, and face and tingling in my lips. I eventually got to see my GP who said that due to government guidelines regarding the reports of rare blood clots, GPs have been advised to refer patients to A&E as a precaution, so I took myself off the hospital, where I had blood tests done, blood pressure checked and a few other sensory checks. The blood tests came back normal and the doctor at A&E said unfortunately they had already had four other people in that were presenting similar symptoms to mine, and although mine appeared worse, they felt that they couldn’t send everybody off for scans as they realised that they were probably going to start seeing a lot more people now, and he, unlike your GP, did suspect that these side effects were down to the vaccine. I totally understood this, but came away from hospital slightly concerned because my GP had actually requested a brain scan! I am now 33 days or so and have started feeling pain in my groin and back, as well as the other symptoms I’ve had all the way through, like the debilitating pins and needles and pressure feeling. I’m fed up too and really scared and really don’t know whether to have the second dose. Do you think you will have it? Nobody knows how to help us and it’s so frustrating.. I’m so glad I found this site – if I’d found it before my vaccination, I don’t think I would’ve been so keen to have it. I’m happy to chat with you; it’s good to share experiences even though there’s not much we can do. I hope you’re okay.

      • It sounds like you have had it a lot rougher than me.
        I still have back pain, stomach and leg pains.
        I will probably have the 2nd jab.

      • I’ve had pins and needles too in hands and feet. A had a skype doctors apt and she said to go to urgent care. But I phoned urgent care and there is a 4 hour wait inside. I am afraid I’ll get covid there.

      • Mandy and David, I had my first AZ just over 6 weeks ago and am still suffering with pins and needles and numbness down my left side in particular although my right foot is also numb. It feels as if someone is squeeezing the life out of my left thigh and feet. My GP referred me to a neurologist and I had motor tests done; nothing was found. Then I had an MRI and still waiting results. I am a very fit 63 year old who hates taking drugs and avoids vaccines generally but felt I was doing the right thing to have CV jab. I hope you both are feeling better as time goes by. I found that it gets worse some days and feels as if I’m starting all over again! I wonder whether we are allergic to something in the vaccine that attacks our nervous system as I reacted within 10 mins of having the jab. We are just guinea pigs as these vaccines have not been around for long enough to know all the side effects. I wish they wouldn’t say this is a rare effect as there are thousands who have reported it in some way or another on the yellow card system. I cannot risk a second jab as would hate to think this would be permanent.

        • Eight weeks in and I still have pins and needles and numbness in my left arm and hand, I have a bizarre tingling on the left side of my face and tingly lips and the front of my legs feel stone cold. I sometimes get the brain squeezes that I had in the first weeks of the jab. My partner had his Oxford dose the week after me and is feeling the same but is adamant that he is going to have the second one, whereas I have decided that I am definitely NOT going to have my second vaccination, I can’t go through any more of this. I’m terrified too. I know we keep getting told that the benefits of it far outweigh the risks, but I have been left drained and not the person I was before. I agree with you, I think we may be allergic to something in the vaccine and it has affected our nervous and/or neurological systems. Thinking of you…

  280. I never write on these but after reading everyone’s comments I thought I’d share my symptoms.
    I had my vaccine on Saturday 10/4/21 felt fine all day then woke up next day feeling like I’d been in the ring with Tyson, head splitting, arm numb and sore and weird pains going up and down the fronts of my legs (shins) and really sore back pain!
    Still don’t feel very good today so I’m just taking paracetamol every 4 hours which has helped slightly. I had the AstraZeneca . Nice to read everyone’s comments, I hope you are all ok

    • Im Elizabeth. I had mine last Saturday too at 1pm. Woke at 4.30am with aches and headaches. Fatigued since and splitting head and fatigued 7 days in!! 40 and healthy. What!!!????

  281. Just wanted to chime in. My spouse was in the AZ trial in the US. It has not been approved yet here. After the second vaccine the spouse developed tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, facial numbness, and debilitating headaches. This has been going on for 3 months now. Everything has been ruled out including blood clots, guillain barre, brain tumor etc. It is not getting better and making my spouse’s life miserable. All the neurologist can say is it is likely from the vaccine — we don’t know why or if it will go away. Would like to know if anyone had this and has it gotten better?

    • Raj, I had every single exact symptom! I had the vaccine on March 23rd here in London. I still do not feel normal. Tingling and numbness still continue. A&E told me it’s most likely the vaccine, after having thought I had suffered a mini stroke with partial facial paralysis and extreme migraine… This is not good – and nobody is talking about it… this needs to be aired!
      I had “real” covid back in Feb 2020 and it was nothing as bad as this…

      • Claudine, Thank you for sharing. I’m so sorry to hear that you are suffering from this as well. It is indeed terrible. Are you planning on going back to get the second shot or was the vaccine on the 23rd the second one? My spouse has been talking with AZ and the trial doctor-being very aggressive about it. They claim they have no reports of this kind of reaction. But one doctor my spouse sees said it’s likely the company would not share info about similar patients due to lawsuit concerns. I hope you feel better soon.

        • Hi Raj,
          So sorry that I’ve only seen this reply bow! I had my second jab on June 7th. It was much easier. I felt flu-ish for about two days after and very tired. Only mild tingling of fingers and toes this time, but they have indeed continued in a milder way for up to 3 weeks now. I would far have preferred to have had a second jab of Moderna/Pfizer; anything! But I was refused. I’m over it and fully jabbed but this was not an easy ride. I have absolute sentiments that AZN are aggressive and trying to oversell their vaccine and downplay the side effect… no doubt about that!

    • Raj Ive had forehead numbness for 4 months now, since AZ vaccine #2. A BP patient but am otherwise healthy, My doc has no idea whats happening. Refuses to believe its the vaccine. Along with numbness I developed a cold that did not go for 40 days

      Does ANYONE OUT THERE have the numbness for this long?

      • Hi Kris,
        I got my second jab 9 months ago and i m still suffering on and off headaches. Just after the 1st and 2nd dosages i had cold like symptoms along with muscle ache in my neck and shoulder for 2 months.

  282. I had my first AZ jab on 18 March. I was absolutely fine until 2 April. Since then I’ve felt sick most days. The feeling is not enough to stop me eating, but it’s there in the background most of the time, and gets stronger at certain times of the day. I’ve also been experiencing odd pains in the abdomen and a lack of energy. I’m definitely below par and am wondering when I’ll feel back to normal., since it’s been nearly four weeks since I had the vaccine. I’m assuming it’s some sort of delayed response, that will resolve in time. Let’s hope that’s the case for everyone who has commented here.

    • Hi Mark, I had my AZ vaccine on 12th Feb 9 weeks ago, I’m still feeling sick now & again, headaches often, never felt as tired in all my life, this is everyday. I’m just wondering if I will ever get back to my old self. My daughter had her AZ on 8th March, she’s always had plenty of energy, now she feels lethargic, a lot of nausea plus headaches some days these headaches are more like a migraine (which she never suffered with headaches before) she always says she feels jet lagged but she’s been no where. Don’t think I’ll be having my 2nd vaccine.

  283. This forum has been very helpful – thank you for your comments. I’m day 21 post the AZ vaccine. 33 year old man, mild asthma, used to running or cycling 5 times a week. First couple days had fairly standard side effects – fever, fatigue. The fever cleared up but have suffered persistent muscle aches and severe fatigue ever since. It comes and goes in severity but have moments of total exhaustion where staying awake is a challenge. In general have absolutely zero energy. Walking 15 mins leaves me achy and tired. Had a couple of bouts of dizziness on day 14-16. Dizziness now gone, just left with total fatigue. I read a lot of similar comments on this forum but not many on how long it too to improve. Does anyone have examples on when this prolonged fatigue and muscle aching started to improve? My concern is this could be something long lived. I suffered glandular fever very badly over 10 years ago, which took years to fully recover from – just hoping I’m not in the for the long haul! Any stories on people who did eventually get back to normal gratefully received!

  284. Hey everyone, I want to share this with you all because I want you to know the second dose of the astrazneca vaccine. It’s easier than the first one. I got my first shot on february 16 and for 36 hours I felt awful, I panicked, I didn’t want the 2nd shot in fear that will be worst than the first – it may kill me. I have a friend, she was worst from the first shot than me, she needed to be taken to the hospital with an ambulance but 9 days later she was good. She had the courage to got the 2nd shot to be able to travel to her daughter. I was curious how she felt after the 2nd shot and she was perfectly fine without any symptoms, so I did my 2nd shot too yesterday afternoon at April 13. I don’t have any symptoms, only my arm is a bit sore from the shot but nothing else. I was so afraid to do it I had a panic attack, now i am so happy i have done it and everything is ok. I hope to reassure some of you because i searched and nobody posted anything about the second dose, so i wanted to be helpful.

    • Thanks you Ember for sharing your experience with the second vaccine. You gave me a hope and a little more courage. I was vaccinated on March 28th with AZ and before the usual symptoms appeared (temperature, chills, headache etc), several hours after the shot I developed high blood pressure 150/90 (never happened before), and numbness on my face and arms. I was very scared. Luckily, in couple of minutes, everything returned to normal. However, the constant pins and needles feeling in my hands and fingers is something that bothers me a lot. I have an appointment next week with a neurosurgeon. I will write here again to let you know about the examination and what advice I will receive.

      • I ended up at A & E 5 days after my AZ jab with be at 200 over 110 it’s now 5 weeks in and I still feel wiped out, headaches, ground pain, fatigue and generally not with it. I won’t be getting second dose of this vaccine as if this is an immune response I surely don’t need a booster ??

        • Hi Claire, how do you feel now? How long it took to recover from the headache? I also have had headache and flu like symptoms for 5 weeks so far.

    • more than helpful, thank you for posting. I get mine May 2nd, and will come back to post. it really settles my mind to hear that it may not be as bad as the first.

  285. This thread has been so helpful. Had AZ jab on 13 March. Like many had the 12-36 hour sweats, flu symptoms and headache. By day 3 felt OK, likewise day 4 and day 5. OMG day 6 I felt like I had been punched between my eyes by Mike Tyson and someone was squeezing my brain. Symptoms went on for two days. Painkiller did not help. Had intermittent stabbing pains in legs and stomach. Called 111 on day 2 due to no subsiding – like above comments Dr called back after four hours. Caller very kind but doing things by phone is not reassuring. Referred back through GP who called a further three hours later. By then I was past caring whether I lived or not! I am a regular sufferer or migraines but this was something else. Thankfully started to ease after two days but feel there is lack of support by NHS to reassure and respond to peoples symptoms and this will put people off getting second dose. Would I get back in ring with Mike Tyson? One month on – still no appetite, having blood tests taken this week. I think before you have the second jab you should have to have a medical review on the symptoms you experienced from the first vaccine.

  286. Hello!
    I share my story also and hopefully getting some answers along with it.
    I had my first dose last Saturday (April 10) and the following night was pretty awful. Mostly it was bad because just the high fever, but it was still bad. Couldn’t sleep cause of it for the whole night, i finally could get some sleep when the sun was rising, i think it was around 8 AM. I woke up later the afternoon on Sunday (April 11) and had a bad headache, like after a hangover. I took a med for it and it passed away pretty fast, it helped. The rest of the night went fine actually, finally i could feel myself better, but at Sunday night i felt some numbness, pins and needle feeling in my legs (down from the knee) which was pretty uncomfortable. Today (April 14) still have the feeling, but i don’t feel these, just only if i touch my leg. For example with my hand or when i take my pants on. When i sleep or sit i don’t really feel these feelings at all. I called my doctor who said the reaction was normal, if it’s get worst like i see legs getting bigger, warmer then call immediatly (it didn’t get any bigger or warmer actually, but i understand why she said that, cause of the blood clot news).
    Did anyone else get the same reactions or know anything about it? Is there something to be concern about?

    • Yes. I had the same reaction and had my jab on 21st March.
      It is now starting to calm down and yesterday I felt almost normal,
      Today it’s back slightly but nothing compared to what it was.

      • Hey June!
        That’s good to hear your symptoms fading away slowly. Although i had the first jab just 1 and a half week ago, it’s pretty uncomfortable to work like with this feelings in my leg. I guess i’m just impatient about the slow process of healing.

        Also i have little update: i went to take blood samples from me two days ago. I called my doctor to show my results. She said everything is perfect, the test included D-Dimer results and it was actually really low, so no signs or starting signs of blood clots at all. She recommended me to take Milgamma, which is basically a vitamin B supply. Its good for neurological symptoms like we have. I’m 2 days in, feeling no difference yet, but obviously it need some time.

        Even we have this symptoms, i consider myself lucky “just” having leg problems after reading the whole comment section. I hope everyone is getting better or already feeling well!

  287. I want to share my experiences over the last couple of weeks in the hope that it will help others.
    I am in my late 40s, fit and healthy and I was very positive about receiving my first AstraZeneca vaccine a couple of weeks ago. Since then my symptoms have varied from day to day but have been scary at times.

    I had typical flu like symptoms for a couple of days but then I experienced low blood pressure (feeling faint); night sweats; headaches and a very sore arm. Of major concern has been the pins and needles in hands (particularly fingers), arms, calves and feet. My hands and fingertips have felt numb and cold to the bone.  
    I have also had tremors and strange light headed/dizzy moments when it has been hard to focus. Plus strange nerve ending feelings when I touch my skin and circulation problems.
    Until I discovered this thread I felt very alone. The weird nerve ending sensations and tremors have been particularly disturbing.
    I do want to offer hope to people that after nearly two weeks, my symptoms are definitely improving. I have less pins and needles and the dizzy spells and tremors are more infrequent.
    I do worry though that these more extreme, longer lasting reactions are not well documented and are probably more common than we are led to believe. I hope more information will become available.

    • I have had almost identical side effects to you Claire M, with the constant pins and needles, nerve ending tingling, lightheadedness and cold toes and fingertips. Plus total exhaustion. It’s incredibly scary. I’ve had racing heart and palpitations too.

      I am a fit and healthy woman just turned 50 with no underlying health issues. Had the AZ vaccine at the end of March and the pins and needles symptoms still aren’t going away. I felt very ill for 2 weeks after the jab and had no help at all from the 2 doctors I spoke to. They just said it was side effects and to wait it out. 3 weeks later and although I feel less like I have flu, the tingling and numbness continues. It’s very frightening, especially as it doesn’t even seem to be recognised side effect.

      • Hi Carrie, very similar to you and Claire with my symptoms.
        I feel better having found this site as no one I know is experiencing these symptoms.
        I had the AZ vaccine in 2nd April, had a week of nausea, shivering, fatigue, racing heart and no appetite. On day 5 the tingling started in my face and lips plus neck pain
        I felt better for a few days then the symptoms returned. I usually do exercise classes and walk a lot but have no energy at all
        My normal BP became high and I’ve been very dizzy and had numbness in my face. Just had bloods taken by my GP but don’t think it will show anything.
        There should be far more information shared on the real side effects of the vaccine and how long they may last. I completed a yellow card but will that make any difference?

        • This all sounds similar to me. I had the 1st AZ jab on 13 April ( 5 weeks ago). The following morning I felt as rough as anything but struggled through a day of working from home. The next morning I felt fine. Since then however I’ve experienced increasing bouts of Raynauds (I’ve suffered from occasional attacks previously so it could be oure coincidence) on an almost daily basis. Went to see my GP last Friday who couldn’t find anything else wrong (blood test, heart rate, blood pressure all OK). On Sunday I went out running and found part way round that I had a tightness in the left side of my face and something didn’t feel quite right with my left leg (nothing serious enough to stop me running, but a little disconcerting).

          Two days later I still have the tightness in my face and have had a couple of bouts for full body shivering/tremors today (not from being cold). which has been quite scary (and probably drives an element of anxiety which won’t help!) I don’t feel ill in any other way and it could again be coincidence, but I’m almost never ill so I have a suspicion it may be related to the vaccine.

  288. Gosh, I’m so fed up with no one responding to these reactions. All we hear about and read about are either the clots, which sure enough are absolutely terrifying and important, or being ‘chilly, some muscle pain, bruising on the arm for two days, max three’. What about everything else that is happening? I had my Astra on the 5th March and even today, as I walk uphill, I can’t stop my heart and stomach from pounding, something which had never happened before. I cannot sleep and am woken in the middle of the night by these strange automatic gasps for air, have no idea what it is. I am literally afraid to go to sleep because my pressure may go so low again. A friend of mine, also Astra, the same time, cannot manage her asthma, which after the jab got totally out of control despite strongest medications, regular visits on emergency, etc. Are there any tests one can do? Are there any procedures concerning the second jab for people like us? Time is passing and … nothing. Why are they being silent about these side effects? Moreover, can I ask, from your experience, does it happen after Astra only, or other vaccines as well? Do you know, anyone, people after Pfiz. or Mod. who went through similar sh…t? Excuse my language, but I feel like I’m at the end of my tether now, I consulted a good few doctors, stopped counting, different specialties, respected experts, and no one can tell me anything that makes sense! Is there any official info what you do with the second jab if the first happens to have ruined six weeks of your life? Please, someone, if you know of some official info, let us know.

    • Magda,
      Oh goodness I can relate to you. I have been really frightened by my AZ first vaccine experience.
      I went to see my GP who was excellent and has taken blood for analysis. The main thing was he totally accepted all of my symptoms and never tried to fob me off.
      He told me that now the vaccines are being offered to younger groups, more and more reactions are coming to light (in various forms). My main concerns are dizziness, tremors and pins and needles.
      They are getting easier (after over 2 weeks) but I am so worried about a second vaccine. I know coronavirus is terrifying too but I never expected to be dealing with odd neurological issues.

  289. Does anyone have visual problems and headache over a month later? I had my Astra Zeneca jab on the 25th of Feb. I had a strong reaction with headache, sore throat, etc. After a week my headache never went but calmed. That said I continued to have some fuzzy head feeling and then started getting a more migrainefeeling consistently, rib pain and numb tingly hands and light hurt my eyes for some reason. At the end of March I had a sharp head pain and my vision went funny like I was cross eyed in one eye and I thought I would faint. I lost vision for like a second in the one eye and ever since I can’t focus well out of the one eye. I feel headachey always, neck hurts and vision is double if I focus to long or blurry for both at times. They hurt as well, my eyes. My GP wanted my head scanned and bloods, so I went to A&E, who sent me to urgent care instead, who spoke to a covid vaccine headache person. They told her it was past 28 days, so it’s just migraine. Absolutely rubbish, rather AZ or not, I still need help. They sent me away in tears to get migraine pills, which aren’t working. I don’t know what to do 🙁 .

    • Hi Penny, I had my Astra Zeneca jab on the 17th of February. I suffered terrible headaches for well over 4 weeks. I had pain in my teeth and gums, muscle aches, and my eyes were strange, almost like a heavy feeling. I also felt dizzy. I would like someone to reply to our posts, just to put us at ease about all these side effects. Have already reported this on the yellow card, haven’t heard back.I am not sure I want the 2nd jab!

      • Hello,
        I had my jag on 21st March, exactly 28 days ago today.
        My sight has deteriorated and my eyes feel strange behind them.
        I have inflammation within the nerve endings throughout my body that started with cold leg, pins and needles in hands and feet and then hot needles all over my body.
        Head and face too goes hot and tingly and it’s extremely scary and uncomfortable. No sleep during this. Exhausted.
        Blood pressure went to 191/100 pulse 88
        I do not normally have high blood pressure.
        Awaiting ct scan and to see immune neurologist.
        There is the intermittent odd day when I feel normal and my
        Blood pressure returns to 129/70 pulse 60 ish.. it then comes back with a vengeance.
        I am forever hopeful each time that I might be on the turn.
        I am 61 and was an athlete who was very fit and very rarely attended the doctor.
        Hope this helps someone know that they are not alone if they are experiencing similar symptoms.

    • My wife had the same as you Penny, she never had muscalar pain but now she suffered terrible neck and rib pain that causes migraines, leg numbness and left arm numbness (she had the vaccine on the right arm), so bad that her whole head hurt and she is in agony when, for example, brushes her hair. She had a strong reaction to the vaccine AZ for like 7 to 10 days and then on day 30 this started. Painkillers prescribed for now and the GP says it’s musclar, we find it hard to believe that for no reason, no exposure to cold or injury her neck would be in such pain. Still though, she is going to take the 2nd shot and me too when offered.

  290. Deaf all, I wanted to share my story as I have had many of the same size effects as I see posted for the past 6 weeks. I had the Astra Zeneca vaccine on the 6th March 2021 and it is now the 17th April 2021 and six weeks after having the vaccine I am just starting to get over all of the side effects and a severe headache. In the first two weeks I had a swollen face and pain in my eyes and blurry right eye it was suggested that I could have had an allergic reaction to the vaccine chemicals which induced a tension headache and the swelling in my face, my GP called it Bell’s palsy, which can take between 1-2 months to resolve itself and has so far has continued for six weeks. The pain in the vaccine arm and the body pains all went after the first three weeks of getting the vaccine but the constant pain in my head continued. The constant headache was concerning so I went to my local London hospital emergency department for a check-up. The hospital emergency staff did blood tests ECG, and blood pressure tests and other cognitive tests which showed no signs of anything unusual going on. I sent a yellow card to the MHRA as they advised patients to seek medical advice after four days if headaches continued and in my case a headache was continuing 4 weeks after the vaccination. I am a perfectly healthy person and never been on any kind of medication or prescription before in my life and have no underlying medical conditions before taking the vaccine when I immediately felt the side effects which I did expect but I was not expecting the fatigue and a headache for six weeks. The Hospital medical team after their investigation of my results think that I had an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the vaccine which my body rejected and this triggered a tension headache and Bell’s palsy as well as the normal side effects from the vaccine, and this is why I was affected for so long with the pounding headache. The hospital staff have been very supportive and they arranged a CT scan which came back fine to ensure that there was nothing else like blood clots causing the headache and they confirmed that my scan was clear and the headache would eventually go away. The hospital staff also informed me that they are now starting to see lots of people like me going to their A&E department with side effects from the vaccines which are continuing for several weeks, so this means that there are lots of us out there who suffer from the vaccine side effects longer. My GP has also now started to inform other patients about my experience so they know that the vaccine side effects can go on for much longer and that they should prepare for this possibility. As I do not take any medication and I did not take any pain killers as they also give me side effects, so I used natural remedies to manage my headache which I found worked for me, I used head massage and hot towels on my head daily and cut out all caffeine and just drank lots of water each day which seems to have helped to flush out my system and reduced my headache pain from 10 intense to now zero but still fuzzy after six weeks, so the good news is that the side effects do eventually go away after about 2 months, but the pain and discomfort in between is great and why I reported this to the MHRA. Based on my experience, I will not be talking the second AZ Jab. I think the six weeks to 2 months side effects in my case may be that the chemicals stay in the body for six weeks to two months when the immune response then fully kicks in, this is just my own observations as my body rejected the COVID vaccine chemicals. My GP has advised me not to take the second AZ jab or any other COVID vaccines due to my allergic reaction to them as all of them have similar chemicals and my body has rejected the chemicals so I will always have a negative reaction. I wanted to share this story with you all who are still going through the AZ vaccine negative side effects that there is hope. Hearing all of your stories really gave me hope so I hope that you will also gain hope from my story. Based on my experience, there seems to be 4 groups of people who are emerging from this process.
    Group 1: People who do not have any side effects after taking the vaccine
    Group 2: People who only have side effects for up to 4 days after taking the vaccine
    Group 3: People who have long term side effects which can last between 4 weeks to 3 months after taking the vaccine
    (This seems to be our group and all GPs and the MHRA need to be aware of us)
    Group 4: People who may have very rear side effects after taking the vaccine which can be lethal, they say this is a very small group

    • I never post anywhere but feel I have to add my thoughts here. Reg, your comment could have been written by me! I had the AZ vaccine on the same date – 6th March – and I have had a similar pattern of symptoms.

      (I am a 42 male and got the vaccine earlier than I should as I lost half of my right lung due to cancer about 6 years ago. Given the fact Covid attacks the lungs and I don’t have a full set, I thought I would be mad not to get the vaccine. Apart from my cancer a few years back I am fit, healthy, sporty and don’t suffer from any of the symptoms listed below)

      Here’s how my symptoms progressed:

      Day 1: chills, aches, sweats after vaccine – felt like a heavy flu. It lasted 12-24 hours then I was over it. I spent the next day recovering from it.
      Week 1+2: I felt completely back to normal. No symptoms during this 12-13 day period.
      End of week 2: Thursday 19th March, I woke up with a throbbing headache, which is unusual for me. It wasn’t so bad I needed painkillers, but it lasted all day.
      Weeks 3+4: The day after my throbbing headache, I woke up and it had gone, but was replaced by symptoms that have continued now for a few weeks:
      1. regular shooting / jabbing pains in my head (rather than a constant headache)
      2. a numbness or feeling of ‘weight’ in my forehead, right eye and occasionally on the top of my head
      3. brain fog – concentrating and managing busy or stressful situations was a lot more difficult as I don’t feel I was at ‘full speed’. I was quite slow at doing some of my normal day to day activities.
      These symptoms were fairly low level (I haven’t taken painkillers) but they were constant all day, every day, and made life more difficult and quite miserable. I’ve not experienced anything like it before (I don’t suffer from headaches, migraines, fatigue or brain fog).
      Weeks 4+5: The symptoms decreased – the brain fog is clearer, the shooting pains are less regular and less painful (but not completely gone yet) but the sensation of numbness in my forehead and right eye is still there.

      Some notes on my dealings with doctors over these symptoms:
      – My first GP didn’t seem too concerned and told me to take a painkiller, check blood pressure and avoid screen time. I think she doubted it was linked to the vaccine.
      – My follow up GP appointment was interesting: when I described my symptoms he said that a number of people had called him and described the exact same symptoms which began a week or two post-vaccine. If this is the case for my small GP surgery, there must be thousands of people suffering with long term symptoms or delayed on set of symptoms right now! He said they were discussing it in wider medical groups and they don’t know what the cause is. He said he would consider sending me for tests if the symptoms don’t clear up but did state that some patients had already been sent for blood tests and CT scans but nothing shows up (this matches up with what you have said Reg – and other posters on here).

      Reg, I would be interested to know what exactly they thought it was that you were allergic to in the vaccine? Did they give details? And did they give you advice on how to proceed?

      Some quick questions to other people who have posted on this page:
      – For those of you who were vaccinated with AZ before early March and have posted regarding ongoing symptoms, have you noticed your symptoms decreasing or changing in any way in recent weeks since your last post?
      – Do any of you have updates re: doctors- has anyone gained useful advice or explanations as to what is going on? My great fear is that the symptoms will never go away completely so it would be good to hear if people who are further down the line in terms of post-vaccine date have seen their symptoms gradually diminish (I suppose I need to take heart in Reg’s story and the fact my own symptoms are improved despite the fact they are still there).
      – Do you know of any other site / social media page where people who are suffering like this have come together? This was the only page I could find?

      I really hope that these awful symptoms clear up for all of us very soon and that we get to the bottom of what is going on. I imagine that we’ll be reading a lot more about this very soon…

      • Quote:– Do you know of any other site / social media page where people who are suffering like this have come together? This was the only page I could find?

        Try Reddit, covidvaccinated-side effects, it’s not only about AZ, but also the other vaccines, might find more information there.
        Good luck, and I hope you will fully recover soon ,<3

        • Hi. I found a Facebook page that’s quite good. It’s called Astra Zeneca side effects ( over 4 days ) discussion

    • Hi Reg

      I am having same symptoms as u have mentioned. I want to know are u perfectly fine now and all side effects have gone?


      Please do reply back.

  291. Had my 2nd jab on Friday, so for those of you who are wondering if side effects are same, I am delighted and very relieved to say that I had NONE. After the first AZ jab, I had violent shaking, chills, etc, and a day of projectile vomiting and was unwell for the rest of the week. I am so glad that I decided to bite the bullet and go for the second jab! The nurse told me that people who had a strong reaction to the first jab seem to have less of a reaction second time round. I hope that this is helpful. 🙂

    • Thanks for posting this Ella; I was offered my second jab for today so went through this forum again before going to see if anyone who’d experienced issues the first time had their second jab yet. Your post reassured me so I went ahead with the second jab today.

      I never really go on forums or post anything, but this is such a useful webpage to seek reassurance so I’ll aim to post in a couple days after this second AZ jab to give an update 🙂

  292. I received my AstraZeneca Vaccination on February 7th ’21, the next day, usual flu-like symptoms but then more and more side effects which continued for 6 weeks.
    Also, my Rheumatoid Arthritis flared – up at the same time, never felt so ill in all my life.
    I have filled in my Yellow Card to advise of all the side effects – also spoken to my Rheumatolgy Team, and several Doctors who told me there was nothing to worry about.
    My Red Blood Cells and CPR readings are way off where they should be, I am now Anaemic and have just had an Endoscopy and Colonoscopy to confirm no internal bleeding to cause the Anaemia, so now 3 months of Iron Tablets, and regular Blood Tests.
    Today, at last, my Rheumatologist has confirmed that several of his Patients have suffered with Rheumatoid flare-ups and struggling with day to day life. Thank goodness the Medical Profession are starting to agree with side effects of the Vaccinations.
    I have been advised to have my second jab in May (dreading it as I do not feel well enough to go through more side effects) but would definitely not want Covid.

  293. Hi
    I have been following this thread for a few weeks now in search of answers . Anthony and Reg I am feeling the exact same. I received the astrazeneca vaccine on 25th of March. I am not in a vulnerable category I work in frontline healthcare setting and worked throughout the pandemic so was offered the vaccine .
    A few hours after I experienced the usual symptoms that are expected , chills, sore arm, sick tummy and general unwell feeling
    I woke up the following day feeling awful and had little or no appetite for a few days . I expected my symptoms to subside however this has not been the case .
    Since then I have been suffering with ongoing symptoms such as a tingling , wet heavy sensation in my forehead that moves sometime to my scalp and certain points on my face. I have had a break out of hives in the same location on my forehead that appear every now and again and is extremely uncomfortable.
    I am suffering from throbbing pain behind my left eye . It is not constant but can occur at any given time. An OCT scan showed no abnormalities although im aware this doesnt show the full picture. I have woken up on occasions during the night (3 or 4am) with pins and needles in my leg and/or arm (side of vaccine) .
    I have brain fog, moments of extreme fatigue and extremely sore joints and muscles. My ribs are sore to touch and feel bruised . My tummy has not been great either I get cramps and general sick feeling.
    I attended a&e on 2 occasions as I am a healthy 35 year old woman with 3 children and it was worrying me . They took bloods, ecg chest x-ray and blood pressure – all okay. I would have liked a CT scan however it was not offered to me. I am asking my gp to refer me for this as I am concerned and would like to know what is going on.
    While I am not much help as my issues are ongoing and later than you both, I just want you to know that I’m in the same boat. I hope things start to get better for us all soon. It’s wonderful to see so many people feeling okay afterward but for those who are suffering weeks later , we do need answers and shouldn’t be ignored .

    • Hello Lynn,

      Thanks for posting. I am now 5 weeks+ with my symptoms though they are better than they were a three or four weeks ago. I went to see the nurse at the GPs today and she said that I was the third person today to call about lingering post-vaccine headaches. It must be more widespread than we think. She mentioned a few of her nursing colleagues had similar problems after the AZ jab and one had a headache for about three months before it faded. She did assure me that eventually it would go away.

      We were warned that headaches and other symptoms listed in this thread could be a side effect, but they stated that they would be short term. Is 1 month+ short term? Maybe it is – I’m not sure of the medical definition! What was strange with my case was that after an initial 24 hours of flu-like symptoms after the jab, I was completely fine for two weeks before this all started (though, again, the nurse said they’ve had a number of cases where symptoms begin a week or two after the vaccine).

      I encourage everyone to keep posting and letting us know if your symptoms are improving and how long it took. I’d also be interested if anyone has received an explanation to why this is happening and what can do about it (other than take painkillers and wait!)

      Good luck and good health to us all!

      • Hi Anthony, how do you feel now? How long it took to recover from the headache? I also have had headache and flu like symptoms for 5 weeks so far.

  294. Hi
    I too have been following this thread for a few weeks and wasn’t going to post anything until I felt completely back to normal but as I’m not sure when that will be I’ve decided to write today. I was a fit and healthy 60 year old with no underlying health conditions. Hadn’t been to my doctor for anything in over 10 years. I had my AZ jab on 6th March. After nearly 7 weeks I am feeling a lot better in the last few days but still way off completely normal. I have never felt so unexplainably ill for so long in all my life.
    About 10 minutes after having my jab I felt a strange tingly feeling on my tongue and a chemical taste in my mouth,, I then felt a bit light headed when I got home and a few hours later I had most of the usual symptoms for 24 hours, although I didn’t experience and haven’t had the tiredness or fatigue or pain in my arm and thought I was on the road to recovery. How wrong I was!.
    After 24 hours I then developed lower facial numbness, tingling in my left arm and hand, a shooting pain from my neck into my head on the left side, a shooting pain from my left foot up my leg and then a really stiff neck on the left side, palpitations, change in taste, I rang my GP after 5 days as I was concerned about the numbness . She said she hadn’t heard of anyone else with the numbness side effect and she would ring me back a few days later to see how I was. I then had a strange hot tingly feeling come over my face and the numbness went. It then came back 2 days later in my chin and lips. I’ve had a few weeks of feeling sick on and off. I haven’t felt sick now for 2 weeks so that’s good.. I’ve had weeks of feeling unbalanced and dizzy. This subsided a few days ago. I hope it doesn’t come back.. I did have the odd days in the past 6 weeks when I felt almost normal but this never lasted.
    My brain had been foggy and my head was feeling like there was a lot of pressure inside. It still feels like a tingly numbness on and off and this feeling moves about mainly on the left side and sometimes feels like I have a heavy weight on top of my head When I sleep I have to lay on my back. If I try to lay on my left side it’s as though there is too much pressure on the left side of my head and after 30 seconds my forehead gets very wet even though I’m not hot. The same thing happens if I try to lay on my right side and feels as though what ever was on the left side is falling slowly to the right and my forehead gets wet. I still have this weird head feeling now but it is slightly improving very very slowly. I do hope I don’t feel like this forever.
    When the GP rang me back I explained how my head was feeling as I was worried about what was on the news about blood clots and asked if I could have a blood test to check platelets etc. She agreed although she didn’t think any of my symptoms were anything to do with the vaccine! All the tests came back normal which was a relief but she didn’t have any answers and said that it was a new vaccine so we would have to wait and see.
    I still have a very stiff neck. my jaw on the left doesn’t feel right . I feel like I have a popping sherbet sensation in my sinuses., I’ve had days when my eyesight isn’t right. Every so often I feel a different weird sensation in my head and my eyesight goes back to normal and my stiff neck goes away and then after a couple of hours my eyes aren’t right and my neck hurts again. This weird sensation happened again on Sunday and I was so pleased that I felt so normal again and it had lasted for longer than a couple of hours. I didn’t want to go to bed that night in case it didn’t last until Monday morning. It did last overnight and I was pleased that my eyesight had returned to normal. I hope it stays that way. Behind my eyes still feels strange and when I wake up my eyes feel as though they’ve been shut too tightly all night and over the last 3 weeks both my eyes are permanently puffy underneath as though I’ve had no sleep. Another strange symptom I have is that most of the time I have a freezing cold nose inside and out, even if I’m outside in the sun and I’m warm, although it’s not bothering me as much as the other symptoms.
    I can’t wait to feel back to normal although I have a feeling it will take months.

  295. Thank you to everyone who has posted about their experiences on this site. It has really helped me to try to understand my own symptoms and to realise that I am not alone.
    I had AZ jab on 12th February. I am 67 and normally v healthy, on no routine medications. Just minor problems with non allergic rhinitis. I lived in India years ago and have had vaccines for Rabies, Yellow Fever, Japanese Encephalitis etc etc. Never had any problems before beyond a sore arm.
    Reaction to AZ vaccine was in a league of its own.
    Night of vaccine: shivers, temperature, aches all over, all expected. Took paracetamol and slept well. Felt better next day if a bit off-colour.
    6 days later woke with the most incredibly intense headache. Pain in upper right temple. Not relieved by 2 paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen, the most you can take at one time. In tears so my husband rang dr who said he thought it was the vaccine. Advised to rest, take analgesia and keep hydrated . Analgesia useless but intense headache went after 2 days. Then had intermittent headaches for 7 weeks. Other strange symptoms. Pain at base of spine. Woke up one night with abdominal pain. Vomited and had diarrhoea. Maybe not related to vaccine. 2 x nosebleeds (which may have been my rhinitis but never had 2 in one week before.) Palpitations sometimes waking me up in the middle of the night.
    Very frightened when news about blood clots emerged. I worked as a staff nurse on a neurology ward for a year in the 1970s so saw lots of strokes etc.
    Have spoken to 2 GPS since both very sympathetic and patient but said I should have second dose, although one or two retired doctor friends have said maybe better not to on balance. If I lived in Europe I suspect they would offer me Pfizer for second dose. This option is not available in UK.
    I am terrified and almost certainly won’t have second dose of AZ.
    After 8 weeks of palpitations and headaches I now feel completely back to normal .I have even got the colour in my face back as went a bit grey for a while. I know Covid is worse , but I would rather just isolate until more research is done into these side -effects. I am lucky that I am retired so can do this.

    • Hi Alison, how do you feel now? How long it took to fully recover from the headache? I also have had headache and flu like symptoms for 5 weeks so far.

  296. Thanks to all of you who have posted – it seems that many of us have very similar symptoms that have lasted for weeks. The big fear for me was that my symptoms (which I listed in a post a few days ago) would last forever and the vaccine had caused permanent damage, so it’s good to hear that for some of you the symptoms started to fade away albeit after 2-3 months which gives me hope. I am now in week 7 post vaccine, but as my symptoms didn’t kick in till week 2, I guess I’m only 5 weeks into the side effects so may have a while to go. I do think my own symptoms are improving very slowly though it’s ‘two steps forward, one step back’ – yesterday was probably the best I’d felt – almost no headache at all and a small area of numbness in the right eye. Today the headache is back, but a low-is level and I still have this sensation of numbness in the right eye and feeling of pressure on the right side of my forehead…though this is nothing compared to some of the things I have read on this thread!

    Currently I am waiting another GP appointment and they may send me for tests though, as I was told in my last call with doctors, ‘they most likely won’t reveal anything’ – as they said other patients in my surgery had similar issues and were sent for bloods and CT/MRI scans which came back fine. As I noted in my last post, my GP said that a number of people had been in touch with these symptoms which often started a week or two post vaccine and they were discussing it in hospital groups so it seems they are aware that something is going on but it seems they don’t know what’s the cause. I feel that they need to warn people of these these mid-long term side effects…if someone had told me that I may get headaches etc. for a number of months after the jab, at least I would have known to expect it.

    I would encourage people to keep posting regarding their symptoms and whether or not they were improving (and how long it has taken to improve). I’m also keen to hear if any of your doctors have offered an explanation for what’s happened and have come up with solutions / treatment which have helped get rid of the symptoms.

  297. I wrote a post a while ago about my after AZ pins and needles. After more than 3 weeks, I still feel them in my arms, but not as frequently. I visited a Neurologist yesterday, he did a regular reflex exam etc, and he decided not to do any further analysis for now. He only advised me to take NEUROBION (Vitamin B1/B6/B12). He is of course hoping that symptoms will go away and that I should take the second dose of the vaccine when it is scheduled. Has anyone else being advised to take Vit B? Did they help?

    • Hello Maja!
      Yes, i have the same pins and needles (in my right leg mostly), and yes, my doctor recommended vitamin B supplies, called Milgamma to be more specific. I just started to take them 4 days ago, i don’t feel anything different yet. I give it more time though of course. I also gonna take magnesium supply. My doctor didn’t said that, but i know that’s good for leg cramps and other problems like we have too.

      I gave a bigger update in my last comment, i share it shortly here too: I also had blood tests and others on 19th of April. Everything came back normal, basically perfect actually. D-Dimer levels are absouletly normal also. Some personal note i put here, but i’m not a doctor obviously so i’m just guessing: as i saw my lymphocyte numbers are little bit higher which means my body still fighting against the “infection” which is obviously the vaccine. That’s why i still have this side effect after 2 weeks later and everyone else here.

      As it looks now, we have the live with our symptoms and waiting for it to fade away. I’m positive it will go away for all of us, we just have to give more time.

  298. I have suffered with Fibromyalgia for many year and had my first AZ vaccine 9 weeks ago, which caused my Fibromyalgia symptoms to flare up like never before, with lower back pain, leg pain and numbness, nausea, blurred vision, dizziness, headache, plus deafening tinnitus inside my head. I have been hoping and praying each day that I will get some relief from these debilitating symptoms, but no luck.

    • I had my AZ jab 23rd February and am still not back to normal, my Fibro and other conditions have all flared up big time, so miserable just wish things would get better and all the things you mention Paul I have as well!

    • I had my AZ jab 23rd February and am still not back to normal, my Fibro and other conditions have all flared up big time, so miserable just wish things would get better and all the things you mention Paul I have as well! Dreading the next jab but people do seem to say it’s not as bad as the first?

  299. sooo…. is there any record of ear wax build up from the vaccine? an ear syringe later and…sounds….mm! age 45 not 44. NHS, gracias

    hope people are coping ok.

    • Yes, I’ve had tinnitus, ear wax produced and popping in ears and decreased hearing in one ear, had them suctioned still not quite right.

  300. I have had lots of ear problems since my vaccination. Blocked ears and an infection which still hasn’t cleared. And one ear is so blocked with wax that no amount of ear drops seem to be able to clear. I’m one month on.

  301. Sorry to read of so many suffering and no one addressing these issues. Still the same old list of side effects pedalled out there. This is my second post. I am 63 Got Ehlers-danlos, diabetes, heart issues, UA thyroid but all controlled and I am usually well and active. Had AZ on Feb 13th
    and over last nine weeks have suffered anxiety, night sweats, severe dizziness, nausea, worsening of heart probs, with more palpitations /pounding heart than usual, glands up in neck and underarms, blood pressure spikes, cluster headaches, mouth ulcers,
    Unable to exercise as it brings on dizziness, even walking. Lost my voice for 5 weeks and felt breathless. At time of last post doc had referred me for heart tests, ECG, bloods and chest X ray, 24 hour heart monitor, echocardiogram and cardiology appt. Bloods and chest X ray clear, ECG was normal for me.
    Still waiting for Echo, tape results and appointment.
    Doc was working on premise of heart probs worsening rather than what vaccine might have caused. Pleased to report, to give some of you hope, most symptoms have resolved but three weeks ago started with pressure in head, sometimes with a headache. Feel like a band is being tightened around my head, worse at back of head. Then last Wed, after 9 weeks, my eyes felt they were being squashed and got pressure in my face too and vision went funny, along with head pressure. This is new and is now happening after being being active. Anyone else suffering this and weeks after vaccine? Due next jab very soon and getting worried. Is this vaccine or coincidence and I have another prob. Would welcome any feedback.

  302. Hello everyone!I wrote the day after my 2nd dose of AZ,and i told you that i didn’t have any side efects,becose the first dose whas terrible.It’s almost 2 weeks since the 2nd dose and i can tell you that i did not experienced side efects days after the shot neither.I wish you all to go through the vaccine withouth complications.

  303. Hi, 6 weeks on from having the Oxford , I have tingling soles on my feet and hands are always cold which I have never had before
    As people always remarked how warm my hands were .
    So a bit worried that this has been going on for the past 3 weeks .

    • Hi Steve I had my AZ vaccination 8 weeks ago, pins and needles began a few days later, intermittently and gradually seemed to lessen but now have returned and are much more intense plus I have cold hands and feet. How long did this last for you?

  304. Thank you so much for letting us know you were okay with second jab. That’s three people reported same. Will give us frightened sufferers some confidence to go for the next one.

  305. I posted this above as a response to someone but thought I would put it down in the regular feedback as an update so no one misses it.

    I posted above regarding my spouse who was in the AZ trial in the United States and is having many of these symptoms that a lot of people are complaining about. The spouse is going on 3 months with the following:
    1) constant pins and needles in in hands and feet.
    2) sometimes feels like whole body is buzzing
    3) terrible debilitating headaches that are as bad as migraines — pretty much 24 hours a day
    4) sometimes teeth and jaw ache with pain
    5) tongue has felt numb at times

    My spouse had NONE of these problems until after the second vaccine. It has gotten better but it’s hard to say if it’s because of using gabapentin every 8 hours along with a tricyclic antidepressant. The spouse had a nerve/skin biopsy. It showed small fiber neuropathy so there is clinical evidence of damage.

    They don’t know why the vaccine is causing this (it could have caused some kind of inflammatory response in the body) or if it will entirely go away. The neurologists we have seen have said they are in forums with neurologists around the US and world. All are reporting all kinds of weird things post vaccine, especially neurological problems. Then again post COVID is also causing neurological problems in people.

    I hope that everyone else having these problems recovers soon.!

    • Also meant to add a few other things. Spouse’s headaches often seem to be around one eye, or sides of eye. Also the spouse has been suffering from weird rashes for weeks. Not sure if that is related.

      • Raj, thank you for all of your input on this thread. It offers valuable insights for those of us suffering from similar types of reactions, my sincerest thoughts and best wishes are with you both.

  306. Hey lovelies, congratulations on taking steps to get protected from this dreadful worldwide virus. Sorry to hear so many of you have been through the mill suffering adverse side effects. I too experienced really severe side effects. I’m in my fifties & received my first dose of AstraZ 4 days ago. I booked at a hospital coz I thought I’d get Pfizer so was shocked when they said it’s AZ. When I told them I wanted Pfizer they said there was a shortage & they’re only giving Pfizer as a second dose or to under 30’s. So reluctantly went ahead but was pleasantly surprised when I felt perfectly fine straight after. However, after 8 hours felt absolutely dreadful! Took ibuprofen. Couldn’t sleep, burning up, shivers, pins & needles, thumping headache, restless. Took another dose of ibuprofen middle of night & paracetamol in morning. Awoke exhausted, Stayed in bed for 2 days with flu like symptoms, paracetamol, ibuprofen. Tinnitus worse & now 4 days later painful mouth ulcers in roof of my mouth, stuffy nose, still can’t sleep on my arm & feel so tired. Defo won’t be having 2nd dose, luckily I’m not currently working or looking after grandchild coz there’s no way I could commit. Gonna pay for antibody test instead when I’m due 2nd dose then decide.

  307. I had my first vaccine late February and I still feel unwell. Symptoms started about a week after the vaccine, but don’t know for certain if it is due to vaccine or just coincidence. All I can say is I am a usually healthy, mid 40’s, regular runner/exercise and never get anything worse than a cold.
    It started when I woke up with what I can only describe as a bad hangover (I don’t drink) dizziness nausea was persistent from this point, although it comes and goes and sometimes worse than others. Later I got pains in my abdomen, sharp pains but nothing very painful, just random pains in different areas.
    I have been to medical centre twice, had general check up and urine test which came back ok. Doctor did mention that they are hearing of more people with effects from the vaccine, more so in the younger people. Still getting pains, dizziness and generally feeling unwell, I have been for 4 runs in the past 8 weeks when usually it would be over 30 in that time. Going for blood test today and 2nd vaccine due in 5 days. I would stress that I don’t know for sure if this is related to the vaccine or not and I plan to get my 2nd dose.

  308. Hi again to everyone who has has such bad side effects from astrazeneca as I did! which i previously posted and on yellow card.
    I and so many others are waiting for SECOND VACCINATION SIDE EFFECTS TO BE REPORTED ON
    I don’t know how but I did manage to get in the door before running to have my second vaccine.and glad I did, I was petrified!.
    No violent shaking, no projectile vomiting, no noise bleeds, no thumping headache, no infection, or six weeks to get over it, I thought I would give a little bit of hope to those of you out there who is saying no not again , I just can’t! felt so scared! and has been worried every day since the first jab , about the second. So far a walk in the park in comparison to the first astrazeneca injection for me.

  309. Update from my previous posts on April 1st and 8th.

    Had the AZ jab 15th March (I’m a fit, 51 year old man BTW). My ‘cluster’ headaches reported in the previous post have died down (thank god!) but I’m still left with a dull, pretty much constant headache (worse at night/when lying down) behind my right eye/nostril. I *never* had this when I used to get real cluster headaches 20 years ago; back then the cluster headaches would would ramp up sharply out of nowhere and disappear again between (going away for an entire year once the cluster was over).

    Last time I spoke to my GP they were far keener to treat it as the return of my old cluster headaches rather than look into any potential underlying issue caused by the vaccine.

    I’m (really) hoping the remaining headache(s) will fade over (even more) time as although it’s tolerable, it’s far from ideal. I’ve not been offered a second jab yet, but I won’t be taking it until it does.

    It seems like quite a few people are suffering with long term headaches. While not life threatening, I think this should be taken more seriously than it appears to be currently (judging by the media coverage at least).

  310. Hi everyone, an update to my post from mid February. I had my 2nd dose yesterday morning and so far I only have a mild headache and fatigue. Just wanted to reassure everyone that the 2nd dose will hopefully be much, much better! I also suffered badly for around 7 – 10 days first time with every side-effect listed plus more and it took lots of courage to get me back to that vaccination centre yesterday! I hope everyone else has a better experience second time too.

  311. 1st AZ Jab 4th March,
    2nd AZ Jab 1st May.

    44 year old, healthy (ish) male.

    1st Jab left me fatigued and listless for 3 or 4 days. Like a bad hangover. Dry scratchy skin for a few weeks afterwards, maybe related, maybe a coincidence.
    2nd Jab lots better. Slight tiredness, weird lucid dreams, but hasn’t really affected me.

  312. I’m 10 days since the vaccination. I do suffer from anxiety so it’s not helping my mindset. On day 2 I started feeling tingling in my face (on the side I had shingles last May), burning lips and fatigue. Now I have heavy legs and arms, still the tingling but in different parts of my face and fatigue.

  313. Just wanted to add my experiences here because I’ve had a hard time of it and it’s so difficult to find information about people’s experiences.

    First jab was awful. Freezing cold and fever for a couple of days, and an absolutely raging headache. Then I thought I was OK but suddenly started feeling nauseated on Day 3 and then was really fatigued. A light sinus infection turned into a huge one. I felt like I never properly recovered from this – like I wasn’t ‘sharp’ any more, kept getting really hot if I tried to exercise, bouts of tiredness, pain in my arm, tinnitus.

    Second dose- fine on the first day, up and down on the second with horrible nausea and tinnitus, then felt like I’d run into a wall on the third day. Nauseated, really drowsy, feeling kind of ‘limp’ even though I wasn’t, no real energy. Day 4 was similar, struggling to keep my eyes open or to focus on anything. Day 5 (today) felt like I had a temperature when I first got up and now feel very fatigued and like my head is full of cotton wool. I can’t wait for this to be over – I’ve never had a vaccination make me feel unwell in the slightest. I don’t know whether I should be reporting it or speaking to a doctor but I’m guessing there wouldn’t be anything they could do. I get migraines so it could partly be that but it just feels like the life has been drained out of me both times.

    • First dose was a living nightmare. Kept reading where 2nd dose no issues. We may be the exception, who knows. I have to admit no where near as bad as the first. I did not get the shaking chills again, but this is day eight and the feeling of being freezing cold, I’m living under an electric throw blanket. Terrible diarrhea, every morning, but not throwing up this time tho. Ears hurt all the time. I have finally made appointment with a private vein doctor to try to get to the bottom of why the veins on my legs look like a range of mountains, and so painful. Dr gave me Naproxen for inflammation and told me to wear support hose. My main issue both times is the pressure on my abdomen that runs all the way to my feet. I do suffer with auto-immune Sjogens, Raynauds and Colitis, and all are in overdrive again.

  314. I had my first Oxford dose on March 9. I have previously posted about the terrible side effects, you name it, I had it, the headaches,violent shivering muscle pain, sore throat, weakness fainting, joint pain, pins and needles, And more. 8 weeks in, I still have pins & needles in my left hand. I am still weak, legs give way, still fatigued.
    Exactly 8 weeks to the day after 1st, I am told to book 2nd jab.
    I have not fully recovered from 1st and have no intention of even trying to force myself to make a second appointment until I am over the first dose.
    I very much doubt I will have the courage to go through with having a second dose.
    I have only been so ill once before in my life. That time I was hours from death. This felt as bad, I genuinely thought I would die during night 3.
    The vaccine has ruined my health.
    Please, what is happening?
    I called it Long Oxford.
    What is happening to us does not officially exist. So I cannot get any honest info about the likely effect of a second dose.
    I know some prople who have had a far worse reaction to 2nd Oxford dose.
    Basically, I am terrified.
    I am under pressure to get the second jab as my husband works at sea and insists I accompany him.

    • Hi kris
      I am exactly same as you and no one seems to understand how ill it makes you feel when having such a reaction. I will not get my second one as I am worried it could be worse but I feel bad not having it so either way round I’m stressed about it. I hope you feel better soon and fingers crossed the vaccination will be looked in to and improved if we need to have them on a regular basis.

  315. Just to add to the data incase this is helpful to know, I had Oxford astra zenica vaccine 3 weeks ago at 2pm by 7pm had chills couldn’t get warm, v tired , mild headache, went to bed v cold piled on blankets woke in night hot and could not get back to sleep. However felt fine next day. Since then over last 3 weeks felt periods of dizzy light headiness, periods of unusual fatigue and twice had sore throat and stuffy nose and headaches. Today feel unusually tired again but is it vaccine side affects or high pollen count which does affect me each year with stuffy nose, sore throat and headaches, hard to know? However, I still feel vaccine important to get as it helps create immunity in my body so I will go to next one when invited. I hope these symptoms pass for me and all those who have been experiencing this and worse, sending my best to everyone and wishing health and happiness to you all. I try to eat healthy balanced meals fresh fruit and veg daily and keep exercising mainly walking and gardening I am trusting how our amazing bodies and their mechanisms to fight bugs internally, hopefully it’s just that they sometimes take time a bit longer to do this.

  316. Dear Kris. You wrote: What is happening to us does not officially exist. So I cannot get any honest info about the likely effect of a second dose. My thoughts exactly. So many people with such problems, I described mine above before, and we cannot get any professional advice.
    I am writing from outside UK, but in the UK, is there not an Oxford authority who ever assumed an attitude to the problem, advised what to do?
    I have my second jab registered for in a week and I am confused as to what to do.
    Moreover, may I ask: does anyone happen to know, is it better to get the second jab after 12 weeks exactly, or 10 weeks and 12 weeks does not make any difference?

  317. I have EDS and POTS. 1st AZ and had really severe joint pains everywhere. Severe stiffness, didn’t know what to do with myself. Lasted 36hrs. Chills, temperature and nausea. 20mins after jab numb tingly hand same side for 24hrs. Now have permanent stiff little finger.

    2nd AZ. 5mins after same numb left hand but not as severe and disappeared after an hour. Slightly achy all over but nowhere near as bad as the first. However this time, severe fatigue, weakness, breathlessness. Also had a sudden strange panic attack which I never get 26hrs after, nausea, 2 bowel movements. An hour later it all disappeared. Still fatigued, weak breathless on 3rd day and feel a bit strange, difficult to describe.

  318. Also ongoing dizziness/vertigo/brain fog 2 weeks after the first dose, along with pins and needles in leg, numb toes, and numbness on one side of my face. After multiple doctor appointments, it’s just wait and see if it either resolves or gets worse (and would need to go to the hospital immediately).

  319. HI all,
    Further to my previous post I wanted to update you because I am now noticeably improved.
    I had 24 more hours of horrendous nausea and anxiety and a super-distended stomach which was hard to the touch. Then over the course of a few hours into the evening it all just settled. Following morning a bit nauseated on waking but definitely better, morning after that a bit less (and I was actually actively hungry), exercising and feeling obviously better 24 hours after that. No signs of a temperature. Even the soreness in my arm is lifting. All this for the first time since the first week of March!
    I have no idea why having the second dose would do this but just in case anyone else experiences the same, you are not going mad!?

  320. First dose March 18th AZ vaccine.
    Fine until about 7 hours later.
    Bad headache, high temperature, shivers and shakes and a very fast heart rate for an hour or so and sinus pain.
    Took paracetamol but was poorly most of Friday 19th.
    Felt better on 20th apart from an odd pressure/pain feeling in head and dizziness vertigo. On and off symptoms, dizzy and tired for weeks.
    GP advised dizziness vertigo possibly attributed to BPPV, various manoeuvrers (googled online videos) to try and alleviate it. Seems to be helping.

    April 27th Dreaded the second dose but went anyway. After a chat with the doctor went ahead.
    Took 1 paracetamol when I got home and another before bed, slept sound and woke feeling better than I have in weeks. It’s now almost 2 weeks since and still ok.
    Husband had no symptoms from either dose apart from slight tender injection site.

  321. I reported the symptoms, after my first dose, on 26th February – temperature, bloating and palpitations – it took a good three weeks before I really felt better but then all the symptoms cleared very quickly. I had the second dose on 29th April, and while the immediate side effects were much less severe, I must agree with others on here that you seem to feel distinctly under the weather and exhausted. Also like others I have experienced strange feelings in the face on the same side as the vaccination – like it was twitching, but with no actual velication – and rather similar feelings near the vaccination site itself. The overwhelming feeling after ten days is one of tiredness, unsteadiness and anxiety.

  322. First dose in February. Had fever, chills, joint pain, nausea, no appetite and extreme exhaustion. Couldn’t make a cup of tea without having to lie down for an hour. Slowly improved after about three weeks. Needless to say I was very anxious about having the second dose. However, had it three days ago and apart from a slightly sore arm I had no reaction whatsoever and feel absolutely fine.

  323. Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences. I found this thread after trying to find out about the side effects i’m experiencing 5 days after having the jab on 6th May, that weren’t listed on the leaflet.
    I’m 42 and pretty healthy apart from controlled asthma.
    Initially when i had jab i got the common symptoms – headaches (although not terrible and shivers like coming down with flu) . Then yesterday before bed I noticed a swelling on my leg (no injury and never had anything like it before) and as per leaflet info i rang 111, after elevation for 1/2 hour swelling went down. I got a call back from doc 8 ish hours later and told to go to a & e to get checked (swelling gone by then but started to get mild pins and needles sensation particularly in left (jab) arm. Bloods taken and all came back fine, blood pressure etc fine.
    Pins and needles in my left arm have got worse and not gone away also experiencing pins and needles mildly in legs.
    I’m really glad i found this thread because this side affect doesn’t seem to be listed and its a scary symptom to have because of connection to heart issues.
    Hoping this strange symptom will subside, and i will post an update when/if things change. Like others i’m rethinking having second dose.
    Good luck and health to you all!

  324. My first AstraZeneca Vaccination was in February, dreadful side affects lasting for nearly 3 months – completed the Government’s Yellow Card, very important to do as side effects need to be recorded.
    Have now received my second vaccination and again it has caused a flare-up of my Rheumatoid Arthritis.

  325. I had my first dose on 2nd March. Since the 18.3 I have suffered numbness in face and this sometimes spreads to other areas of the body, to date this hasn’t gone away. I still feel coldness in my body, not shivers it’s inside and have occasional bouts of diarrhoea and cramps in leg and groin. I have had numerous drs appointments and really have just been told wait for it to go away. I will be requesting a neurologist referral at my next appointment. I have reluctantly decided not to have my 2nd dose, I can’t risk it with symptoms not going away from 1st one. I wish everyone else suffering all the very best.

  326. Have posted on 5th, 7th 24th and 26th April. Following first AZ vaccine on 18th Feb. Was ill for 10 weeks afterwards. Had lots of tests, esp for heart. Braved second jab a week ago. Just want to let everyone know I am fine, few mild symptoms that haven’t lasted. Bit breathless, few palpitations, headachey, bit dizzy , vivid dreams, tired and woolly headed . A week on can walk the dog and do all usual activities although the woolly headed feeling comes and goes.
    Such a difference from first time when I was bed or sofa and completely housebound with debilitating symptoms, especially the dizziness and headaches and heart probs. You will recover from first dose but it can take weeks. I spoke to a medical advisor at AZ. before getting second dose. Please don’t worry everyone who is like I was, scared of second dose. It is much milder and I am glad I got it . Feel safer now. Hope this reassures.
    Good luck and best wishes to everyone.

  327. I had the Astra Zeneca vaccine here in Spain nearly 4 weeks ago. The next day I had thge usual pain in the arm, but 3 days later I had numbness on the left side of my face, my left arm and hand, with pins and needles in my fingers. This is ongoing. I have reported this to my doctor and am awaiting a further reply.

  328. Am still suffering from disabling palpitations after my AZ vaccination on 2nd of April.Used to swim regularly now can’t walk in the garden without getting runs of ectopic heartbeats.Have tried to speak to my GP but they aren’t talking to anyone who has had side effects from the AZ vaccine which tells me that they areoverwhelmed with people who have had side effects from the AZ but it’s not really much use to people like me is it.
    I put up with the muscle twitching which also still hasn’t abated and the twelve days of flu symptoms and the ectopic heartbeats uncomplaining but when l reached the point l felt l. needed help l tried to get it the door was slammed in my face.
    I understand vaccination is important and l am not an anti vaxxer ,obviously,as l took the jab but l do feel that people who have reactions having done the right thing should be helped not dismissed.l also feel that l did not make an informed decision as a lot if people are getting side effects that are not listed in the advice sheet.
    I will not be getting a second vaccination until my symptoms ahave abated and until l have had a grown up discussion with a health care professional,l understand that they do not have all the answers but this does not mean that they can abdicate all responsibilities.lf l had had a reaction like this to an antibiotic for example l wouldhave been seen straight away,vaccination s are drugs and should be treated similarly.
    I also take exception to people who haven’t had a bad reaction claiming that people who have are just wimps or neurotic.l also know people who have had no reactions to the jab ,
    they are lucky,not morally superior.l personally would not presume to understand someone else’s experience unless l too had had that experience.

  329. Had My first Astra Zeneca vaccine on 23rd March and still feel unwell. Got the feeling that something was in my left eye 12 days later and was referred by my optician to the hospital, who prescribed Herpes virus in my left eye. I was prescribed antiviral ointment and thankfully my last tests at the hospital showed it hadn’t spread to my optic nerve and there was no scarring. 4 days after my left eye diagnoses I developed a rash down the centre of the back of my neck, jutting off to the right and left and my left jaw became stiff and sore. I was diagnosed with Shingles and prescribed antiviral tablet and painkiller . I got bilateral shingles, effecting both sides of my body, which is rare. After my last blood tests 2 weeks ago, I was told no further medication/action was needed. I still have my shingles rash and this morning, I woke up to it being worse, as it appears redder and larger. I am so worried about it spreading to my left eye. I have booked another appointment at my optician and sent photos to my GP of my rash. I am 55 years old and have some autoimmune conditions, including an underactive Thyroid. I feel that the AZ triggered this response. I am terrified to have the 2nd dose and don’t really know what to do. I reported my side effects on the yellow card system. I feel annoyed when people say this is safe as they had it and were ok. It is clearly not safe for everyone as not enough research has been done yet as it is a new vaccine that has been rushed through. Some concerns were raised about blood clots, which is awful but It is rare to hear about other side effects people are reporting, such as mine, and many more, which I have looked into. Denmark have banned the AZ, Australia will only give it to the over 50;s and now UK have raised the age group to over 30. How can all these differ so much?

  330. Carol ,how did you get to speak to a medical advisor at AZ?And thank you for posting this positive news.l am glad that you have recovered.

    • Just googled AZ UK sites and contacted nearest to me. Medical advisor documented my symptoms, couldn’t obviously give personal medical advice about symptoms other than to say it may be best to complete cardiology tests and maybe some neurology tests to reassure me before second vaccine. Didn’t have the time frame for this. Did say they believe the second vaccine is milder which is the info I was after.

  331. Had AZ today. Tinnitus after a while and getting louder. Went to sleep for a while.
    Woke with taste in mouth and feeling spaced out – weird. Legs feel cold.

  332. I had my AZ 1st dose on the 30th April. I think I had a mild allergic reaction to it within 5 minutes but it subsided on its own and I felt fine. I had the usual symptoms for the first 3 days, headaches, joint pain and fatigue. Now I have mild pain (1-3 out of 10) in my right leg. the leg pain comes and goes but is not severe and I don’t need pain killers. I also feel like I am being bitten by a mosquito or insect on some parts of my body ( it is very intermittent and only in 1 individual spots a time). Is this pins and needles?

    I also have an occasional mild tooth ache and a metal/salty taste in my mouth at times.. In general I have very mild and at times no pain. I have a lot anxiety now though and worry it might get worse. I really want to get better. I hope I recover and this passes. Please update if you improve. I am a 28 year old male with no underlying illnesses.

    • Hello Bart!

      First of all, do not get worried. The symptoms will not get worse. If you look back, there’s plenty of comments about this pins and needles feelings. It’s not AZ vaccine specific, every vaccine can do this weird side effect unfortunately. I get my first AZ on 10th of April, so i will be on my 6th week of this pins and needles and leg pains. I’m 29 years old male, so not far away from your age and i don’t have either any illness, in fact i think i had my last cold 3 years ago, didn’t had any sickness then.

      I did tests, everything came back perfect. I dig deep on this. I saw people reported these side effect on 2009 back then, when H1N1 vaccines were started to use. I asked doctors and other people who suffer from this until i think i found the answer. One of the doctors had the same patients with these feelings and he started the search about this cause it didn’t let him sleep that he doesn’t know what this is about. He found out it’s most likely the inflammation of the nervous system or neuritis. He said it can cause by vaccines. He also said vitamin B supplies can recover the damaged nerves to recover faster, but it’s not sure. Only time will help and the symptoms fade away slowly.

      As i said, i’m on my 6th week, but it’s better than my first week where i barely can wear my tighter jeans cause it was so uncomfortable. The pain is rollercoaster. Some days it’s better, the other day it comes back.

      So all in all, stay strong. The pain won’t get worse and have to give time to go away.

      • Thanks a lot Norbert. You really helped lift my spirits, having an idea of what may be going on with me and that it will get better really helps. I will be getting B supplements ASAP.

        Wishing you and everyone else a speedy recovery!

      • Official MHRA data (up to 5 May):

        6227 Yellow Card reports of pins and needles (listed as paraesthesia) for AstraZeneca vaccine

        1435 Yellow Card reports of pins and needles (listed as paraesthesia) for Pfizer vaccine

        Approx. number of total doses given (first or second) as of May 5:

        AstraZeneca: 32 million
        Pfizer: 19 million

        The data also shows significant differences in rates of serious neurological reactions.

        What we cannot see in the data are differences in duration and severity of reactions (clinicians have told me that, based on their observations, Pfizer reactions tend to be less severe & AZ more)

        This is not to say that we should be excessively afraid of AstraZeneca, or expect side-effects to last indefinitely.

        It should be noted that Covid-19 can cause severe neurological illness. And also Long Covid which I have seen become a life-limiting condition in friends.

        Vaccinations are essential and could be made even safer if we had greater transparency and better support protocols for adverse reactions.

        This data is in Annex 1 here:


        Updated dataset published each week (next is tomorrow, 20th May)

  333. The SECOND DOSE
    I have posted previously, last time about May 5th regarding awful, long lasting adverse reactions to Oxford jab on March 9.
    All the many symptoms were dreadful, very bad for about 5 weeks. Left with fatigue, weakness & pins & needles.
    Although absolutely terrified, I hadthe 2nd dose on May 11th.
    A very different experience! I was so scared, even worse than for jab 1, shaking with fear & couldn’t remember my date of birth.
    But this time the jag was just normally painful, not the burning, spreading agony of the first shot.
    Although wobbly, this time I didn’t faint.
    The flu-like symptoms later that day were much milder than first time and lasted about 5 days, rather than weeks and weeks.
    I still have pins & needles in my left hand, made worse after 2nd jab, but tolerable.
    I get headaches & migraine, just part of my life. But since jab 2, headaches are worse & longer lasting. Also vision is affected,, blurry sometimes. A great feeling of pressure with the headaches, which affect back of head and my neck, as well as forehead & eyes.
    But despite this, it’s nothing compared with effects of my first dose
    (My anxiety about first dose was due to a long standing phobia of vaccine. When I was 8, my younger brother was in a coma following smallpox vaccine ( a completely different vaccine to Oxford) & 50 years when ago, when I was 13, I was forcibly vaccinated against TB, being held down by 3 peple while a fourth vaccinated me.)

    I thought, my fear of vaccine is just a phobia. All in head. So get it done.
    Now I sincerely wish I hadn’t.
    But, for those of you wondering and worried about dose 2, I can honestly say, although I had side effects, it wasn’t nearly as bad.
    I won’t be risking a booster in Autumn though!
    Good luck everyone.

    • Hi Kris, I am having the same symptoms 12 days after my first vaccine – the worst being the pins and needles in my arms and feet. Can I ask if your pins and needles improved a lot after the first vaccine? I’ve had blood tests and all came back OK but of course that doesn’t show everyone.

      Many thanks!

    • I have the headaches as well, I would more migraines. I cannot function, it’s ruining my quality of life. It’s not great, but good to know I’m not alone in this. 4 weeks of headaches since jab and counting and lost a hell of a lot sleep and hopefully not my sanity because of it.

  334. Thank you for this feedback. I am petrified to have second dose of AstraZeneca as I ended up in A&E after first dose with partial facial paralysis, numb limbs and pins and needles for about 3-4 weeks which nearly drove me mad.
    I literally thought I was going crazy. No doctor or GP and not even A&E could help. I have been referred 6 weeks ago to a Neurologist for guidance but they have not yet contacted me despite 3 repeated and urgent requests from my GP. I am too afraid to get jab 2 until I get a conclusive response and a guarantee that I will not suffer the same reaction, yet nobody can’t provide this. Does anyone know if we can mix vaccines? I’m more keen to have Novavax for jab 2 as the side effects are far fewer. Many thanks to anyone in the know that can advise me as I only have 8 days left to take/miss my 2nd AZN jab…. At this rate I think I will skip it. Oh, and by the way, of the many GPs and A&E staff that I have talked to about this; NOT ONE knew about this website or even wanted to know about it…

    • I hope some of these suggestions might be helpful:

      1. Helplines of medical charities. There are helplines dedicated to many different conditions. Choose one or more that pertains to your reaction. For example there are helplines for allergic reactions, brain and spine issues, arthritis, and anaphylaxis. Many are extremely well informed on adverse reactions and second dose protocols.

      2. Chapter 14a of the Green Book (in particular pages 22 and 23):


      Examples of circumstances in which an alternative vaccine may be advised:

      (1) Anaphylaxis or anaphalactoid reactions.
      – If you were treated for one of these conditions (eg with epipen or other epinephrine injection) you should be advised against a second shot of the same.
      – If you had a severe adverse reaction within 2 hours you may be advised against a second shot unless a certified allergist has given the go-ahead.

      (2) Any history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia / thrombosis

      (3) ALL healthy people aged under 40 years whose first dose was AZ are to be offered an alternative vaccine as the preferred option

      Notes to (3):
      – under-40s with significant underlying health conditions whose first dose was AZ are not eligible for an alternative vaccine. However they may still mix and match if AZ is contraindicated for specific medical reasons.
      – MHRA says to expect some increase in general flu-like reactions with mix and match (but not severe adverse reactions).
      – Mix and match substitution of AZ for something else is tightly restricted due to the limited availability of Pfizer/Moderna vaccine supplies at present.

      3. Advice and medical investigations from consultant/specialist/GPs. Specialists in particular may instruct a substitution if they consider your initial vaccine to be contraindicated.

      4. Opticians may perform an exam with dilation and/or scan if your vision is affected. They can write a report if they find problems such as elevated pressure.

      Above all even if you delay please don’t skip having a vaccine. I totally appreciate your position. The mRNA vaccines have a good safety profile. If you live in the UK think Pfizer or Moderna, Novavax is yet to gain approval and has been hit by manufacturing delays.

      The protection given by a second jab helps to guard against the severe risks from COVID-19. COVID can produce neurological reactions (some severe, including transverse myelitis) as well as severe respiratory system damage. Gain advice, and help your clinicians to build up the evidence base to authorise a different vaccine if you cannot proceed with AZ. Bear in mind that doctors and other medical staff are working tirelessly under a massive caseload, so do persist.

  335. Can anyone who had pins and needles as a side effect confirm if and when they got better? I have these 12 days post-vaccine (first one) and am very concerned seeing all the posts saying they have lasted over a month. Would love to read a positive story.


  336. I posted on here a few weeks ago after suffering from debilitating headaches and tachycardia which lasted for about 8 weeks after having the vaccine in mid February.. Also had nosebleeds and other strange side effects. I thought I was better but then got another bad headache just before second vaccine was due. I had almost decided not to have it but then went ahead a week later as we (hopefully) have a daughter’s wedding in the summer.
    To my great relief the second vaccine did not give me any noticeable side effects although I am still getting occasional headaches.
    One GP did admit that if I went to her now with the unbearable headache I had 6 days post 1st vaccine , she would send me off for blood tests but they knew little about clots in early February. They too are learning all the time. She was sympathetic but said second vaccine was in the end my choice and they definitely could not offer an alternative vaccine for the second dose.

    I know two people personally who have had really bad reactions, one who is quite ill with clots but it is difficult to prove that these were definitely caused by the jab.
    Strangely, there is not much in the press generally but Eric Clapton allegedly had a bad experience. This was reported in the LA and Toronto press. He says it affected his hands.
    My 93 year old mother and husband had AZ and were fine. Thankfully our three children have been offered Pfizer as under 40 and have all been fine after 1st dose of that.

    I really hope everyone who has posted on here gets better soon. It does seem to take some of us a while to feel really well again and I can understand why some may not want an AZ booster in the autumn if offered.

  337. I had jab on 27 April and after feeling really lousy for 4 days thought I was picking up but headaches hit and have been hitting every day since. I never normally get headaches. I haven’t worried about clots particularly as they come and do but they are only partially relieved by painkillers. I finally phoned doctor today because it’s impacting my ability to work and look after children and he said I couldn’t be offered an alternative second dose. He said he’d come across one other person with long lasting headaches and suggested they were inflammatory response to vaccine. No idea when they might settle down. I said I wouldn’t have a second AZ jab and he didn’t disagree. I didn’t feel brushed off which I was convinced they’d do but I haven’t been offered any kind of appointment either.

    There’s a real media clamp down on reporting vaccine effects because no paper wants to be seen as anti vaxxer. (have heard from friends in newspapers).
    Has anyone succeeded in getting Pfizer second dose rather than AZ?

  338. Regarding pins & needles.
    After 1st jab, 9 March pins & needles were very troublesome. I was so ill with other symptoms that I just sort of added them to the list of problems. They began in left hand, ( vax side) , and have stayed there ever since.
    Within 24 hrs of jab I had p& n sporadically in both hands and both feet. At times quite severe. Felt like a cross between the feeling you get when bashing your elbow and grabbing a handful of stinging nettles.
    Gradually the p& n were just in left hand, usually just a tingle.
    After 2nd jab on 11 May, they grew worse again & started in right hand too.

    But they are improving (about time!) & are confined to hands now.
    I think, therefore, that although a distraction, the pins & needles are nothing much to worry about. I am good at worrying & have p & n down at 297 on list.

    Joking apart, I’m not a doctor, though, so if yours are worrying you, maybe talk to your GP.

  339. I posted about my 1st jab back in February. I was so ill. Terrified of going for 2nd jab.
    Well I had 2nd jab last Monday (5 days ago) and apart from slight sore arm I haven’t had any other symptoms yet. Will post again if I do have any delayed reactions.

    • Wow you are brave Kas. I had my first Az on Feb 6th and was so ill for so long that I just can’t bear to risk being even worse with the second one. I’m so glad it worked out ok for you.

  340. After my first AZ jab I had some joint pain in my knees and wrists, also some pain in my right calf and thigh, but thankfully both went away within about a week. Unfortunately after my second jab I’ve had much worse symptoms which have now lasted almost 5 weeks. The first few days I had only the same joint pains as the first time, but then I developed a bad headache and nausea which lasted for a week. I rang the doctor, he went over a list of symptoms that could have pointed to a brain blood clot but decided it wasn’t likely to be a clot, just side effects of ordinary headache. Thankfully the nausea wore off, but the headaches lasted another week. Then I had almost a week of no headaches which was wonderful, I thought they’d gone for good but no such luck as the next week back they came, also I had hissing sounds in my ears which I hadn’t had before. Over the past fortnight I’ve had a headache most days and the tinnitus hasn’t let up at all which is very annoying. I’m hoping all this will eventually sort itself out or I’ll be very loath to get the booster jab in the autumn in case it makes things worse. Come to think of it, even if the headaches and tinnitus go away I’ll probably still be loath to get the booster jab in case it brings them back. Sorry for everyone else who’s suffering these maddening side effects, I hope you all get relief soon.

    • Hi Isobel , how do you feel now? How long it took to recover from the headache? I also have had headache and flu like symptoms for 5 weeks so far.

  341. First AZ jab 15 March, no side effects at all. Second AZ jab Saturday 22 May. I was pretty confident I’d sail through again, but no. Feel like I have a baddish hangover – fatigue, bloating, wind and diarrhoea (which imodium doesn’t sort). No other reason I can think of other than the jab. On the plus side no sore arm, no fever or chills, no pins and needles and no headache (and I’m a migraine sufferer). So overall am glad I had the second. My mother (age 85) had the pfizer jab and no side effects. My sister (57) had a moderately bad time after her first AZ jab and has yet to have the second. Anyone else dealing with the stomach issues? What worked for you?

  342. I had 2 doses of AZ. First dose didnt give any side effects but second dose gave me pressure headaches, sinus headache, deafness and tinnitus. I dont have a history of these .Went to AE 3 times and they only focus on platelet count, if its low they will do a scan otherwise back home. So 3 times my platelets were normal. The tinnitus was driving me mad, sometimes ringing noise sometimes rustling noises. I also had ESr done since it was temporal headaches and they thought thought its giant cell arteritis. But all inflammatory markers came normal. I am now confirmed that this vaccine is causing slight degree of nerve inflammation like neuropathy particularly nerve endings. So after trying all the diclofenac gels plus paracetamol, ibuprofen I decided to go to acupuncture. Now after 3 weeks of second dose the only thing which has helped me is acupuncture which I am having in Chiswick. The second session of Acupuncture relived my headache and my tinnitus faded away. I have now decided that i wll continue until i become symptom free . But please got to a specialist acupuncture who deals with migraine and headaches .

  343. I had my AZ jab on May 1st. First 3 to 5 days feeling off with sore heaavy arm, nausea, some tension headaches, but it seemed to peter out until the headaches came back full force. I the symptoms are very similar to migraine somedays and other days like a tension headache. Either way, they won’t let up. I have been unable to get on with things – can’t exercise, cant function or do anyhting properly with this pressure in my head. There might be the odd 3-4 days of no headaches at all, then bam the tightness returns, the pressure, the zaps…

    Doctors were all bla bla, that it’s not anything serious and suggested ibuprofen and paracetmol, both of which took the edge off a little , but can still feel the pressure especially when in bed at night. So my sleep has been disrupted for weeks. When am I going to back to normal? It’s been a month now! It’s ruining my quality of life and some days I just cry. It’s torture. 🙁

    • Hi Carmen,

      I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through. I highly recommend going to a different doctor or going to a hospital, and asking them to run tests on you. Please do not give up on accessing medical care.


      • An update. Still dealing with these horrible headaches so took my concerned self to A&E where they tested my bloods – normal platelets and generall everything good, ecg good – even got a brain scan and all fine. So, begs the quetsion will there be an end in sight? Or is this something that I will live with for the rest of my life?

        I wonder if there are any home remedies that help as ibuprofen and paracetmol aren’t cutting it anymore. My 2nd jab is due on 3rd July and if these headaches don’t let up I’l be reluctant to take it and I’m staunchly pro vax, but if I’m not feeling good I’ll need to know what the next best course of action is before accepting the 2nd jab.

        • HI Carmen how are you feeling now?
          I’ve had a throbbing headache post second AZ jab too, nothing lets up apart from the GP prescribing amitrityline, that has taken the edge off the headache but I worry about the underlying cause and if there is nerve damage there? I’m paying privately to have an MRI to rule out anything serious

  344. second jab (AZ), 24/5/21 12pm. so I’d say the following 24 hours, were about 20% as bad as the first jab (ie, not as bad). this time I knew I could take anadin, which I did, that *might* have helped. it’s always been a bit weird between me and aspirin (and/or paracetamol – I should probably learn the difference between aspirin and paracetamol). so medicine is supposed to do something. a placebo is something which doesn’t, but you think/perceive it does.

    – aspirin (or parac) for me, is real medicine but I’ve never noticed it making a difference – it doesn’t cure headaches for me. so it’s
    the opposite of a placebo. but I take it sometimes because even tho I don’t notice it doing anything, it’s medicine, so maybe it does actually do something, even tho it doesn’t seem to

    left arm slightly sore (just at shoulder), a small degree of general muscle ache, could have been the anadin or not, but not as bad as the first (12/3/21) dose. slept thro the night ok on 24/5/21. 2pm 25/5/21 – feeling ruff (general muscle ache), took another anadin, which, probably helped? generally alrite by the end of the week

  345. Hi
    After I had my first AZ jab in February I felt very ill and had most of the reported side effects, the worst being a racing heart for 18 hours. I was pretty scared to have my second jab, although I felt I needed to have it.

    Doctor’s advice was to have an ECG and blood tests to rule out any heart problems. They came back normal. I decided to go for the second jab in the belief it wouldn’t be as bad, as some people have found. How could I know unless I tried it. I had to be brave.

    Within the hour after having my second jab I started feeling weird again. I thought oh no I’m in for it now. But the racing heart I was so worried about DID NOT materialise. I felt so relieved and glad I had made the decision to have the second vaccine.

    However I am still wary of the AZ vaccine and other vector vaccines and think the Pfizer one seems to have less side effects and better protective results from what I can gather. We shouldn’t have to go through all this worry!

  346. 2 weeks on since my second AZ jab. I felt fine after the first one. Now I’m feeling dizzy all the time. Do they know about this? I’m obviously terrified of clots in the brain.
    Has anyone felt dizzy and had the platelet count done?
    Has anyone’s dizziness gone away? How long did it take?

    • Hi Sarah, I was dizzy after the first and had very high BP. This only appeared around 10 days after the vaccine and disappeared after 24 hours. However I had lots of other symptoms over a 3 week period

  347. Hi
    I had exactly the same symptoms as Carmen. I had my AZ jab almost 14 weeks ago at the beginning of March and it’s only in the last couple of weeks that the pressure in my head has improved. I’m now having head zaps, especially when I lay down or try to do anything that involves leaning over with my head down. These zaps only started around the time the pressure in my head started to improve. GP can find nothing wrong and bloods were all fine so will just have to hope things get better.
    I cancelled the appointment for my second jab due last week as I’m worried I may never fully recover from the side effects of the first one.
    I hope we all feel back to normal soon!

    • Same here Sue. I had my first AZ jab on 19th March and have suffered with daily tension headaches (especially at the base of the skull and temples), head pressure, weird nerve sensations, dizziness/off balance and nausea ever since. Also notice the dizziness and zaps have been worse recently when leaning my head forwards. My sleep has also been very poor ever since my jab and I’ve had to reduce my working hours because my brain is struggling to function because of brain fog. I’ve been to the doctors a few times and had full bloods and D Dimer levels tested, all came back normal. Doctor has tried to fob it off as anxiety related but I know it’s not. I felt fine and healthy right up until the day of my jab and been feeling rotten ever since. I have my second jab booked for next Thursday but I’m scared to have it given I still feel horrible and may put it off. Like you say, I’m also starting to worry I may never fully recover from this.

  348. Just back from my second jab after a horrible time with nasty headaches following the first (see my previous posts). I would say I was roughly 90% recovered before going for the second jab today, which meant I was really 50/50 about going through with it on the way to the vaccination centre .

    Was advised by the clinician there that it’s ultimately my decision, but generally the second jab is less problematic than the first. I took a couple of ibuprofen before I went and will take a couple of Nuromol before bed later. I’ll report back in a couple of days, but finger crossed…

  349. Hi, I’m a 68 year old male.
    I have permanent Atrial Fibrillation and take beta Blockers, Blood thinners & statins.
    Had 1st AZ jab on 28th Feb and felt absolutely no side effects at all.
    Four to Five weeks later Tinnitus started a swollen feeling in head with intermittent pains in head, mostly top righthand side of skull. The head pain is not constant , just have twinges about 5 times a day, head does not feel right.
    Had 2nd AZ jab on 25th May again with absolutely no side effects at all.
    As of 3rd of June I still have the intermittent head pains, Tinnitus and a full feeling of fullness in my head.
    Hop it goes away soon.
    Good luck to all.

  350. So 4 days after the second jab, I’m now pretty much back to where I was before it (ie. infinitely better than I was this time after the first jab)…which is a massive relief.

    The day after I was very fuzzy and had a headache (nowhere near as bad as the ones after the first jab though). FWIW, I did take ibuprofen speculatively before the jab & after (morning/evening) for a couple of days. Other than that, the second jab was fine for me. So now it’s a case of waiting (*very* patiently) for the lingering after effects of the first jab to disappear completely (12 weeks and counting…)

    Hope that helps someone and good luck!

  351. Hi all, quick update after having had jab 2 of AZ a week ago. First jab was grim – took me 6 weeks to feel normal again with persistent aching, fever, fatigue, dizziness. I was fully recovered ahead of jab 2 but took several weeks. Side effects from jab 2 were v mild – 48 hours of mild fever and then back to normal. Huge relief!! Thought worth mentioning for those nervous of the second jab – side effects for me were very minor compared to first.

  352. Hi All

    I’m currently 3 months post AZ vaccine and still struggling. Initially, I had fever, shakes, chills, headache and flu like symptoms approx 8 hours after the vaccine. I’m 42, triathlon train 5 times per week and very fit with no underlying health conditions.

    10 days post vaccine, I was having terrible chest pain, increased heart rate (resting usually 48-52 bpm and increased to 121)! I also developed constant and intense pressure type headaches with visual disturbances, lightheaded and fatigue. I struggle to concentrate and feel like a shadow of my former self. I’m 3 months out and no better. I’ve tried acupuncture, chiropractor, vitamins, massage etc … Waiting to see the neurologist on 18th March. I’ve gone from peak fitness to a daily struggle. I didn’t have my 2nd vaccine, it’s completely done me in! I have made a yellow card report.

    • Apologies, seeing neurologist on 18th June (not March). I will report back if he has any words of wisdom/insight, as I’m sure he must have seen others with neurological/severe reactions.

      • I’ve also now been referred to a neurologist on 8 July, so will also report back here (not expectingthem to find anything based on the reports of others). Unfortunately this is 2 weeks after my 2nd jab us scheduled, so decisions to make!

        Further to my previous post a week or two ago, my symptoms have calmed down a fair amount (although still causing problems and running fitness is nowhere near where I was pre jab), so 7 weeks posy jab / 4 weeks since onset of severe symptoms, fingers crossed things are improving which may give some hope to others with similar symptoms

        • That’s good to hear Mark! Gives me some hope that my symptoms will calm down over time. I’m back to training now (only thing that keeps me sane) but the pressure in my head is still all day/every day with tingling and visual disturbances.

          My doctor did originally send me to A&E where they did bloods and a head CT and everything was normal, so I’m not sure the neurologist will find anything. I think (and hope) time will be the healer.

          • Update following my Cardiologist appointment today.

            He managed to pick up my ectopic heartbeats on an ECG and quickly /pretty definitely concluded that they were being caused by the muscular cells in the heart wall generating signals to one of the lower ventricles outside of the normal sinus rhythm. He says he sees this often in patients after a viral infection (and had it himself earlier this year) and is 98% certain that there is nothing to worry about. He’s ordered an ultrasound to get that up to 99%.

            As to why the ectopic heartbeats have arisen, he thought it most likely to be an immune response to the vaccine causing some harmless, temporary upsets to various nerves & muscles but would never be able to prove it. Second most likely explanation being either covid itself or another viral infection causing symptoms or thirdly purely coincidental timing.

            To finish with, he saw no reason whatsoever to delay/cancel my 2nd AZ jab, so I will be taking the plunge this Friday.

  353. HOPEFULLY HELPFUL TIP: Having ended up in A&E after first AZN jab with suspected stroke I was naturally hugely reluctant to have second dose. My GP offered little help/guidance and no alternative solution. My son’s paediatrician however suggested that I had suffered a “major inflammatory response” to jab no.1 and recommended using NUROFEN (not paracetamol!) to prevent this second time round. It worked!! No more trembling, no pins and needles, no cold sweats or shaking, no facial paralysis.
    Please please please have the second dose but it really has negated all side effects having taken NUROFEN just BEFORE jab no.2 and for 3 days AFTERWARDS. I am very relieved. Many of the side effects suffered on this website by patients are “inflammatory” and paracetamol doesn’t help with this… Good luck to all!

    • Hi Claudine,
      Thank you for sharing this information. I am currently experiencing pins and needles, burning and numbness in my body. I been taking paracetamols how it’s been suggested but will start taking Nurofen from now on.
      Good luck to you too and again, thank you.

  354. So a doctor friend of mine told me that if you have a bad reaction after the first vaccine you have probably had Covid and your body is recognising the genetically modified part of the vaccine and gears up ready to fight it…. If you have a reaction after the second dose your body is recognising the gm part in the first dose.. it makes sense to me .. after my second dose I have stuffy nose which is bleeding slightly when I blow it! I felt achy hot cold slept for 15 hrs straight after the first vaccine and I did think I may have had covid in latter part of 2020 . Working in a retail environment since March 2020!

  355. I had my first AZ jab 13th March and experienced only fatigue for a week or so afterwards; however after the 2nd jab on 31st May I started feeling ill over night and developed full blown severe flu symptoms (headaches, head cold, sore throat, cough, severe fatigue, insomnia [with weird dreams], loss of appetite, aches and pains to all muscles and joints and low back pain. I spent the next 4 days in bed and 2 weeks later still feel weak and generally off colour. I’m a fit, active 61 year old with no pre-existing conditions /co-morbids; this illness was as bad as the worst flu doses I have had in my lifetime and I can’t help thinking I would have been seriously ill if I had had pre-existing conditions or immune deficiency. I have reported these symptoms on the online Yellow Card website and would encourage everyone who has experienced significant symptoms post-vaccine to do the same.

  356. 12 hours after AZ vaccine, had a serious adverse event i.e. uncontrollable shaking, upper body, head, and hands. Significant dizziness. Unable to hold or use a phone to call an ambulance. Frightening experience. Subsided after half an hour. Later doctors in Sydney, Australia said it was RIGORS and they were seeing many cases of adverse reaction to AZ

    • Hi Bryan. I’m in Sydney and had the same – uncontrollable shaking, spasms, difficulty speaking and writing for about 2 hours directly after vaccine. Taken to ER and given Bruin scan but all clear. Then 48 hours of “flu-like” symptoms, day five large painful swollen welt atvacvine site – lasted for 48 hours. Then numbness in fingers and face, aching shoulders, lightening strike headaches. Sent back to ER for blood tests. Again given all clear. ER had two other post vaccine cases waiting for tests. Still feel dizzy, tired and numb in my face. Plus strange “bubbling” sensation in my legs. Joy!

  357. I had my injection on 12/06/2021. After the injection I was fine, later that night felt hot and had a headache. Yesterday morning I was good not feeling anything. Then last night o’dear it hit me for six I felt flue and hot and cold, then 2 hours after going to bed it hit me like a brick wall, I was sweaty, had diarrhoea really bad a was also dry reaching at the same time so very limited sleep and the pain and ache joints feel like and look so grey, not looking forward to the next injection if this is the reaction.

  358. I’m So Sorry for anyone still suffering with side effects from AZ Vaccine. I am 13 weeks post vaccine and the head pain I still suffer is horrendous. I have been to hospital twice and undergone tests and head CT and been referred to a neurologist now. I never ever suffered with headaches before this. I began acupuncture 4 weeks ago but sadly not helping despite the acupuncturist successfully treating a post covid headache patient with one treatment.
    I read of a man on this site who saw an acupuncturist in Chiswick who helped relieve his headache – I would love to hear from you or anyone if you can help me please.
    I hope that all those still suffering life changing effects like me – may all return to your lives pre- vaccine as I desperately wish I could.

    • Hi Annette,
      Today I had 4th Acupuncture but not for headache but for Tinnitus. I found out that headache will be worse if you go out in sun or have bright light in eyes like TV/IPAD or use the phone/headphones . I think that this vaccine is damaging nerves of head. Its like any herpes virus which damages nerves and you recover after 6 weeks. So the nerves are getting inflamed. The nerves take a very long time to recover. Take Vitamin B complex, Zinc . B6 and B12 are vital for recovery of nerves. But as we get 2 doses the effect will last longer . So the immune reaction has subsided but has left with nerve inflammation as we all know that when someone recovers from covid they have residual damage. But I will never ever trust or take any oxford AstraZeneca vaccine in future of adenovirus type but would prefer MRNA vaccine.

    • Hi Annette, how do you feel now? How long it took to recover from the headache? I also have had headache and flu like symptoms for 5 weeks so far.

  359. Hi
    I’ve recently had my second AZ.
    Around 6 hours after my first dose I started to get achy legs which got worse and worse. This moved on to having headaches and a full blown fever with lots of shaking and an upset tummy. No high temperature though.
    The most unusual thing for me though was my mind was racing and I could not sleep at all.
    Normally I sleep very well.
    I continued to feel poorly for around 4 weeks.
    Two days after my second dose I’ve just been wide awake all through the night with my mind racing away, a feeling very similar to coming down from taking amphetamines. Also a really bad upset tummy again. Even though I didnt sleep at all last night I don’t feel even slightly tired today.
    All seems very strange.

    • Hi George,
      I am interested in hearing how you’ve progressed because I have experienced similar on not being able to sleep after getting the Astra vaccine. After the 1st dose I thought it maybe due to stress/lockdown. I slept normally after about 3 weeks or so. After the 2nd dose, the sleeplessness returned again and it’s been about 4 weeks now.

    • Hi,
      I am experiencing similar. After my 1st dose of AZ, I slept heavily for two nights and the pain subsided. But then I started having trouble sleeping where I’d lie awake until 4am or all night and not sleep. Initially I thought it was stress. And this went away after 3 weeks. But I had my 2nd dose a month ago and the sleeplessnesss has returned.
      I normally sleep very well.
      Are you sleeping normally now?

    • Hi George,
      I’d be interested to hear if your sleeplessness have gone away. As I am experiencing sleeplessness similar to what you describe after my 1st which lasted 3 weeks and it’s been 4 weeks after my 2nd dose.

  360. i took my 1st Astrazeneca jab on the 14th of may. no flu like side effect, no fever. only stomach upset for 2 days. i was constantly tired. after one week, i start to feel the head pressure/numbness/pins…. but no headache. the same to my heart, pressure/heavy/uncomfortable/ bubbling feeling. from time to time, i feel pins in lower left arm, and lower left leg. all there feeling increase at bed time, with fast heart beat, inner fast shaking/shevering, Brain fog, odd head sensation, feeling detached. this lasted for around 4 weeks. then things start to get little better. this is all strange to me. never feel that before. im a healthy 50 years old man. after the 5th week. all gone except the heart, pressure/heavy/uncomfortable/ bubbling feeling. but not as constant as before. the heart feeling comes few times a day only. i hope all will be gone as soon as possible. one thing that i used to do when ever i felt bad…. walking for one hour. once or twice a day.

  361. I received my second dose AZ on June 20th. No side effects this time. After the first dose I had pins and needles for over two months and was treated with Vit B complex. The scarier thing was that several hours after the first dose I felt numbness in my head and my blood pressure went 150/100. It lasted for several minutes. Perhaps my experience will encourage other to get the second dose. I am happy I did it, although I was scared.

    • Hey Maja!

      Thanks for your update. I’m quite scared too about my second dose too that i will get on the 2nd of July. I take still Magnesium and vitamin B complex also because i still feel sometimes the pins and needles around my right leg, but i got my first one on April 10. It’s much better tho then in the beginning. I will update too after my second one. Hopefully nothing bad gonna happen.

      • Hi Norbert!
        We are sharing here our experiences and learning from each other, so I decided to share one other fact regarding my AZ doses. The first dose was a vaccine manufactured in India (from which I had those side effects), and the second in Holland (no side effects). It could mean nothing, because my husband received the same combination, and had no symptoms at all. But if someone in this forum is doing a detailed study, this kind of information could be considered as well (perhaps).

  362. I’m 36 and just had my second AZ jab yesterday. I had my first jab at 10:10 am on 7th April, and that evening started to feel a bit under the weather. Through the night I woke up feeling so hot and in the morning I still had a really high fever. This disappeared exactly 24hrs after I had the jab which was really odd. Following this I felt spaced out and the only way I can describe it is like my brain was sluggish and slower than normal. This lasted quite a few days. I also had a stiff neck and a swollen gland under my armpit on the same side as I got the jab.

    My second dose – I received this at 11:20 am yesterday and again I woke up in the night feeling hot, but this time I don’t have a fever today, which is good. But instead, I feel like my ears are blocked – it feels like they need to pop but they won’t. Again, I feel a bit spaced out (typing this comment I made so many mistakes!). I’m hoping this doesn’t last long as I’m starting a new job on Monday!

  363. Hopefully my final post here….

    I had the echocardiogram last week and saw my cardiologist for the results today. The echo showed up a mild prolapsed mitral valve with minor regurgitation, however the cardiologist assured me this was absolutely nothing to do with the ectopic beats and associated symptoms I have been experiencing recently and was still betting that these were most likely due to a strong immune response to my AZ Covid jab which would likely die away with time (and over the last 3 days I have had no symptoms at all aside from some unremarkable muscle twitching in my calves. Had my 2nd AZ jab 4 days ago and no side effects whatsoever since.

    So in summary:
    Day after AZ jab 1: felt rough
    Next 2.5 weeks: No issues
    Weeks 3.5-8: muscle twitching, full body tremors, the odd day of i) paresthesia in soles of feet; ii) sweaty feet; iii) muscle weakness; iv) slight dizziness
    (all decreasing in severity over these weeks)
    Weeks 9-10: ectopic heart beats with significant discomfort
    (again decreasing in severity over these 2 weeks)
    Week 11: 2nd AZ jab (took ibuprofen from morning of jab to 3 days after to hopefully pre-empt any inflammation caused by the immune reaction). No reactions to the 2nd jab and no continued symptoms from weeks 1-10 set out above.

    Even if there are not enough reactions to the various vaccines to give the various health authorities enough evidence to declare a link, based on the experiences shared on this and other forums I would suspect that in time further links will be established. I hope that everyone on here who has kindly shared their symptoms and have been suffering for some time find that their symptoms do start to fade and your health returns to normal – I now know that aside from the physical symptoms, the mental side of things can be pretty tough when you know something is not right with you and there appears to no information as to how these reactions arise and how long / what it takes to get back to normal. Best of luck everyone.

  364. I had my 2nd AZ jab on the 1 June. On the 4 June whilst sitting down i started to get tunnel vision. I have a Blood pressure monitor at home as i do have HBP but im on mediation for this and usually it sits around the 135/145 over 83/85

    I took my BP and it was 193 /101 and its been high since and i’m now 28 days on. I’ve also had vertigo since the 2nd jab and I think i had this with my first jab but didn’t check my BP at that time as the only symptoms i had was vertigo 5 days after which lasted till just before my 2nd jab.

    I’m so worried this Blood Pressures not going to go down. I’m desperate to get on the HRT as just not sleeping and horrendous hot flushes.

  365. Hopefully my final post here….

    I had the echocardiogram last week and saw my cardiologist for the results yesterday. The echo showed up a mild prolapsed mitral valve with minor regurgitation, however the cardiologist assured me this was absolutely nothing to do with the ectopic beats and associated symptoms I have been experiencing recently and was still betting that these were most likely due to a strong immune response to my AZ Covid jab which would likely die away with time (and over the last 3 days I have had no symptoms at all aside from some unremarkable muscle twitching in my calves.  Had my 2nd AZ jab 4 days ago and no side effects whatsoever since.

    So in summary

    Day after AZ jab 1: felt rough

    Next 2.5 weeks: No issues

    Weeks 3.5-8: muscle twitching, full body tremors, the odd day of i) paresthesia in soles of feet; ii) sweaty feet; iii) muscle weakness; iv) slight dizziness
    (all decreasing in severity over these weeks)

    Weeks 9-10: ectopic heart beats with significant discomfort
    (again decreasing in severity over these 2 weeks)

    Week 11: 2nd AZ jab (took ibuprofen from morning of jab to 3 days after to hopefully pre-empt any inflammation caused by the immune reaction).  No reactions to the 2nd jab and no continued symptoms from weeks 1-10 set out above.

    Even if there are not enough reactions to the various vaccines to give the various health authorities enough evidence to declare a link, based on the experiences shared on this and other forums I would suspect that in time further links will be established.  I hope that everyone on here who has kindly shared their symptoms and have been suffering for some time find that their symptoms do start to fade and your health returns to normal – I now know that aside from the physical symptoms, the mental side of things can be pretty tough when you know something is not right with you and there appears to no information as to how these reactions arise and how long / what it takes to get back to normal.  Best of luck everyone

  366. Nine weeks after second az vaccination, and I am stiil experiencing muscle twitches – each lasts just three or four seconds, but although they initially occured near the vaccine site they are now occuring at random places in legs and arms as well as a few to the side of the chest. I spoke to my GP four weeks post jab and he said that they were nothing to worry about, but that it ‘was early days yet’. It does seem that adrenalijne makes it worse. I see there are quite a large number of reports of this on an American reporting site, but rather fewer on here. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, did it eventually resolve?

    • Hi Robert

      I’m pretty sure (although tests weren’t readily available at the time) that I had COVID at the beginning of the first lockdown. After which, I developed muscle twitches all over, 24/7 in every part of my body. It was really strange, as even my tongue was twitching. I went to see a neurologist and he said the he “had seen lots of twitchers post COVID and that they would eventually settle”, which they did. It took a good 6 months though and they still appear occasionally after a tough workout.

      Everything settled and then 10 days after my vaccine, the twitches came back with full force. The neurologist did say twitches are common when the body is making antibodies, which seems to be the case for me. They have settled again now after 3/4 months, back to the occasional twitch. If only these horrible tension headaches and head pressure would go away too! I think you’ll be absolutely fine and they’ll settle down eventually.


      • Hi Kerry
        How are you feeling now? I still have headaches and pressure 4 weeks post AZ jab. Did the neurologist have any advice for you?


        • Hi Mich

          Apologies, I haven’t been on for a while. I had an MRI, CT scan and bloods, all which came back perfectly normal. I still have pressure 5 months later, although it is controlled reasonably well with Amitriptyline and a combination of B12, Magnesium and Vit D.

          The neurologist officially diagnosed me with vaccine induced chronic daily pressure headaches. He said the good news is that they will eventually go but the bad news is that it can take many months to improve. I’ve never had to take medication for anything before, which is really frustrating but definitely helps at present.

          I was advised not to have the second vaccine but he does send me for a vaccine antibody test every 8 weeks, which shows that I currently still have a high level of vaccine induced antibodies. When they start to decline, I will be given an alternative vaccine.

          I hope you’re feeling a little better.


          • Hi Kerry
            Thanks for replying back here. I’m now 8 weeks post vaccination and I’m still getting the daily pressure headaches like you described. I’ve been back to the gym and doing my workouts and oddly that controls the headache while I’m exercising but the pain always returns eventually.
            Do you mind me asking what dose of amitriptyline you take? My neurologist has upped me to 30mg and I do feel drowsy. Also taking b12, vit d and magnesium. I feel relieved that your neurologist feels that the headaches will disappear eventually. I guess he’s judging that based on others who had their vaccine much earlier and their headaches improved eventually ?

            Great news that you have your antibodies regularly tested and that you can take a different second vaccine. Take care


          • Hi Mich

            I’m currently taking 20mg of Amitriptyline with the agreement to increase to 30mg if needed. I did try going up to 30mg but struggled to function and I felt a bit out of it.

            I definitely feel better when I’m working out (train 5 times a week) but still don’t feel I can work out to full capacity. I always know when the pressure is going to increase in intensity as I get floaters in my eyes (never had before AZ). I also get dizzy quite often if I push it too much, or stand from sitting.

            My neurologist says that as my antibodies reduce, my symptoms should do the same. Problem is, my antibodies are still high, so no real reprieve. I’m taking pretty much all the same vitamins as you are, so going to stick with it and hope things slowly improve.

            Let me know how you get on and how things go.


          • Hi Kerry,
            I got my second jab 9 months ago and i m still suffering on and off headaches. Just after the 1st and 2nd dosages i had cold like symptoms along with muscle ache in my neck and shoulder for 2 months.
            How are you feeling now? Getting over the side effect hopefully?

    • Hi Robert,yes l had this,Started in day one after the vaccine with twitching in my face then some rather spectacular ,sustained twitching in both my thighs for the rest of that day.Then I have had it intermittently over my whole body but most especially my legs for the last twelve weeks.It’s gradually decreased and is very infrequent now.My GP says that one in ten of the patients that they have seen for AZ vaccination have reported this as a side effect.

      • Many thanks Kathy. Your information agrees with Kerry who has posted above and really confirms what she has said. Very many thanks for posting – I was certainly in need of some reassurance!


  367. First jab March 9th 2nd jab May 11th.
    Previously posted about muladverse reactions.
    After suffering dreadful side effects for so long, I thought I’d have a year before having to face the torture again. But no.
    I wake today to the news that they want to give a third dose in a couple of months. And flu jab in the other arm.
    Not happening. Not again Not so soon.
    I feel as if I’m in a nightmare.

    I wonder when or if ‘Long Oxford or ‘Long AZ’ will be acknowledged?
    I think most of us here posting about 5, 6 or more weeks of really horrible symptoms feel totally ignored.
    I’ve had friends tell me all my problem s were psychosomatic.
    To pull myself together.
    Because none of them have heard about Long Oxford on the news, they pretty much think I’m, what,, imagining it all?

    • You are not imagining long-covid-jab-syndrome. I got off fairly lightly first dose with tiredness and formication on scalp. Four weeks after second jab my head is heavy, with intolerable crawling sensation on back of scalp. Also suffering absolute wipe-out exhaustion. Previous to jabs, I was energetic, in the peak of health. Bitterly regret giving in to the social pressure to have the jab, when every instinct told me not to. I won’t be having any more, nor the flu jab.

  368. Had second jab on 5/5
    Symptoms ongoing
    Pins and needles/numbness in limbs mainly hands and feet
    Bilateral essential tremor in both arms on extension
    Severe fatigue
    Bouts of vertigo
    Brain fog
    ‘jelly legs’
    Internal Tremor
    Intermittent feelings of being too hot/too cold
    Random muscle twitching
    Cramps in feet ( mainly right side )
    Headaches intermittent
    Aching eyes and floaters
    General unwell feeling
    Previously fairly healthy 42 yr old

  369. Hi Charlet,
    I had my first AZ jab at the start of April and I had almost identical symptoms to you. I am also in my forties and I was very fit prior to the vaccination.
    I have significantly improved now but it has been a long and gradual process with flare ups every so often. My eyesight still feels fuzzy and I still have a sore arm around the injection site (which I find staggering).
    I hardly ever see my GP but I have visited him twice in connection with weird palpitations, severe headaches and numbness/pins & needles. He was very understanding (totally accepted it was vaccination related) but little help/advice available. All my blood test results were normal.
    I now refer to it as Long Oxford and although I am back to working out now, I feel different to how I felt prior to the vaccination.

    • Hi ClaireM,
      Like you and Charlet I am having the same symptoms, I had my vaccine mid June and the symptoms are still there. I am also in my 40s and before the vaccine I didn’t have any serious medical problem and I hardly visited my GP.
      Have you decided to go through with the 2nd vaccine? I spoke to few doctors and I am getting mix answers but they are also saying is the vaccine.

  370. I’ve just turned 40 had my first covid jab a couple of months ago and second one yesterday.
    With Both jabs I had exactly the same symptoms..
    I was high as a kite for hours. ?? Heart beating rapidly, eyes wide open, jittery, and couldn’t sit still. No bad symptoms what so ever.. just buzzing and wouldn’t shut up jabbering and mooching around. I was expecting to feel rough as hell like my girlfriend. I guess I got lucky.
    Bring on the booster jabs!!

  371. Hi S.Rep,
    This was a very personal decision for me and I thought about it very deeply.
    My GP warned me to think twice about having a second dose of the AZ vaccine and suggested a Pfizer one instead. Apparently this can be done with a GP referral letter.
    In the end I have decided to skip a second dose of any kind.
    I feel as though the side effects I have been experiencing aren’t even officially acknowledged and understood.
    I spoke to someone at AZ and they told me repeatedly that what I was experiencing was extremely rare. Yet I personally know three people with similar long-term AZ side effects (one is seeing a neurologist). My circle of friends/acquaintances isn’t that wide!
    I feel that this vaccine just isn’t suitable for me and I have no indication why.
    I also don’t feel confident in mixing vaccinations at this point until more research has been undertaken.

  372. Hi Claire M.Like you l have had a prolonged reaction to my first AZ vaccine and was unwilling to have a second AZ jsb.l was lucky enough to get Pfizer as my second jab and had a sore arm , fatigue and mild cold like symptoms that cleared after 5days.The jab did not affect the lingering AZ symptoms.l personally am very relieved to have had a second vaccination given the way covid is going at the moment here in the UK but l do understand that it’s a very personal decision and that
    everyone will react differently to vaccines.l would not have taken a second AZ vaccine but wanted to be fully vaccinated.

  373. I had my first jab early April and was weak and tired for about three weeks, I also went through the nerve tingling / joint ache sensations that never lasted long but moved all over my body. I went to my Doc as I was struggling to get around the golf course, he checked me out and did my bloods …. all clear and a week later I was back to normal. Then I got a call on week six to go for the second jab and sure enough I am now back to square one. Tiredness and my neck is now giving me grief with what feels like a trapped nerve,,,,, another Doctor visit and no wiser. It seems there are lots of people suffering reactions but no one has any answers. Thanks to all those who posted on here, it is the only thing that has stopped my mind from racing and make me calm down.

    • Now enduring a sixth week of chronic fatigue after second AZ jab. Previous to that I was walking at least two miles on most days and managing steep uphill bike rides. Now I can just about struggle through the daily chores and have been crawling round my gaden on hands and knees, before collapsing into bed at 9 pm. Wish I had listened to my instinct about these experimental vaccines, instead of giving in to the social pressure from media, friends and neighbours. I am now wondering if I will ever recover.

      • Update to my previous post. The hideous scalp formication lasted six and a half weeks in total. The chronic exhaustion recurred several times and lasted twelve weeks in total. this is an unacceptably long time for a vaccine reaction. They can keep their boosters. No more for me.

  374. Has anybody had severe gastric issues, especially stomach pains/cramps, diarrhea and nausea with headaches that persist for months after the first jab? Have you found any solution or ways to alleviate the pain/symptoms? That’s what I came here for after two of my GPs fobbed me off. I am 3 months after the first AZ dose. The wrenching stomach pain started 6h after 1st dose, got progressively worse until two weeks after vaccine, when I ended up in A&E and for the last few months could only drink fluids and easy, cooked foods. I tried to get my GP to allow me to get another vaccine as 2nd dose but they won’t budge. I put the 2nd off for about a month and yesterday decided to goo. Needless to say, my gut is now even worse, metallic taste in my mouth, horrible pain and cramps + nausea and headache. This is my last AZ. I’m done. There are plenty of people who were fine on AZ, including some commenting here, so let them have it and give those of us with nasty side effects an alternative. I’d rather take my chances with Covid or do vaccine tourism to get Pfizer outside this country. It’s insane not to have an alternative when you had severe side effects persisting for months after the first jab. Never again and I am pro vaccination as this is the only way out. But being so tone deaf as this government will only make people more vaccine resistant. It certainly made me.

  375. Yes Diana I have severe gastric issues, stomach cramps, nausea, tingling, bubbling sensations, numb feeling in various parts of body in since my one and only shot in March. Getting nowhere with drs and hospitals. This govt are hiding things and I know because this website is being vetted, some comments are put on others aren’t. We need help and we aren’t getting any support.

    • Have you managed to get dispensation to get a different vaccine for your second dose? I wish I pushed more for Pfizer. I do not have tingling/numbness, but my gastric issues are actually getting worse not better. I am happy to be better protected but had I known the side effects, I would have waited for Pfizer. You are right that there is no help whatsoever. They have clinics treating long Covid, but not long Astra Zeneca.

  376. So following on from my previous comments, I had a telephone consultation with my GP this morning who was very understanding and helpful. He actually really listened! He was aware of the rare side effects that are being reported and discussed in depth the symptoms that I am still experiencing after my first jab on March 10! I haven’t yet had my second dose… He felt that there wasn’t any neurological damage, so to speak of, but did feel that I was experiencing some kind of reaction to the AZ vaccination, and that under the circumstances, he was happy for me to be given the Pfizer vaccine, not AZ! I’m still thinking about that one though and haven’t yet said yes or no… He also prescribed a very low dose of Amitriptyline, which Amitriptyline is a medicine used to treat nerve pain (neuralgia) , back pain, and to help prevent migraine attacks. Considering it is such a low dose, I have agreed to give it a try to see if it stops the ice cold feeling, tingling and pins and needles. I was extremely lucky to have had such an understanding and considerate GP call me today! I hope this post is able to help some of you – it might be worth mentioning it to your own GPs or medical practitioners…

    • Mandy, I would ask for a referral to neurology. I am not a doctor but I have nerve issues and chronic pain. I am on 10mg of Amitriptyline and put on about 10kg in a few months. There are better medications for nerve issues (like gabapentine, but of course do check with a specialist). I am on Gabapentin too. I was also prescribed a B vitamin complex for nerve pain so worth asking specialists.

  377. Like Mandy H, my GP was very understanding and also prescribed a low dose of Amitriptyline to help with the nervous system issues I’ve been experiencing. I was reluctant to take it (I’m a bit more cautious about side effects these days!!) but I am now going to give it a go. Every time I think I’m almost over my side effects, they reappear.
    I’ve just experienced the mother of all migraines for 4 days along with pins and needles.
    I hope it helps as medication such as Migraleve doesn’t cut it with the kind of migraines I’m now getting and all the other symptoms.

    • Hi Claire, I’m still reluctant to take the Amitriptyline because I’m one of those people that hates taking any kind of medication, therefore I’m still experiencing the pins and needles, numbness and coldness since March. Is the Amitriptyline working for you? Have you had your second vaccination?

  378. Here’s my story – so far. First AZ vaccine on 6th Feb. Horrible flu like symptoms for a few days. Thought I was more or less over it then a week later the gut pains started, so severe I felt sure it was appendicitis. Plus pins and needles, strange unrelated aches and pains, nausea, headaches. I’m a fit healthy 70 year old woman and I’ve never been so ill for so long in my life. Phoned 111, saw my GP, no explanation, no help. Symptoms gradually improved but haven’t gone completely and I’ve been too terrified to have the second jab. GP told me it was another AZ or nothing and I couldn’t bring myself to have it.
    So this week I discovered there are walk in clinics offering the Pfizer jab. Went along expecting to be turned away, and explained everything. The doctor I saw listened, believed me (just that was such a relief!) said I’d obviously had a severe inflammatory reaction, she couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t happen again with the Pfizer but she would give it to me if that was my decision. I’ve agonised over this for months but had it. Really scared I went home, prepared the bedroom with paracetamol, sick bucket, flask of water. Didn’t need any of it! Bit of a headache, bit of a sore arm that lasted a day or so and that’s it. I won’t completely relax for another week as it was nearly two week after my AZ jab that the worst symptoms kicked in, but it’s looking good. I hope some of you who’ve suffered like me will find this info reassuring. Good luck to you all.

  379. Hi Mandy , I am on a similar timescale to you had AZ Jan on 2.3 and still experiencing numbness, tingling, fast heatrate, gastric issues and dry eyes. My dr also prescribed Amitriptyline, also beta blockers. A website called FLCCC has information for vaccine symptoms for various supplements too. Waiting information from a headache nurse, in neurology, she is meeting her boss a neurologist to talk about my symptoms , she wanted to give me a type of migraine medication to help with headaches.

  380. Lynne, Have you managed to get dispensation to get a different vaccine for your second dose? I wish I pushed more for Pfizer. I do not have tingling/numbness, but my gastric issues are actually getting worse not better. I am happy to be better protected but had I known the side effects, I would have waited for Pfizer. You are right that there is no help whatsoever. They have clinics treating long Covid, but not long Astra Zeneca.

    • Hi Diana, I have decided against getting a 2nd covid vaccine of any kind. One thing that’s helped a little for me with these gastric issues is a Gastri Soothe triple action heartburn relief from a company called healthspan. I take one each evening, tastes abit strong has aloe vera in it but it helps . These symptoms are never ending aren’t they. I agree should be clinics for Long Oxford.

  381. I had my 1st AZ April – I felt hungover without a headache for 1.5 days, bit of insomnia and an odd burning sensation on skin on my right thigh which cleared up after about 3 weeks.

    I had my 2nd AZ 4 dsys ago expecting to breeze through. I felt hungover again this time with a mild headache for 1.5 days again but for the last day have awful rectal/penis pain. I do suffer from pelvic pain syndrome and I think I’ve got a dodgy pudential nerve but I was free of discomfort for a few weeks before the 2nd vaccine. Now in excruciating pain…I wonder if the vaccine has inflamed the nerve? (I’ve had all the tests over the last year to rule out prostate, rectal issues etc)

    Anyone else have neuro issues like this?

  382. Hello Diana, I am not having another covid vaccine still suffering from the 1st one. I am using a product I bought from a company called healthspan called gastrismooth it helps.

  383. Hi Diana, I’m currently using a product called gastrismooth from a supplement company called healthspan. No 2nd jab of any type for me still suffering from 1st.

  384. Update about my AZ : I have noticed that my symptoms appear when i do moderate exercise. Sun also caused burning pain. B complex , amitriptyline did nothing . Acupuncture helps. Rest helps. Also as antibodies will become less after 3-4 months, symptoms will subside . This vaccine is similar to having a virus infection and virus stays in our body for a long time not like bacteria. I feel that we should do normal routine activity and mild exercise only and need to wait for 3-5 months until u feel the difference. But GP should do blood test to rule out low platelets count for stroke. if its normal do not focus on side effects since it will make u more depressed and anxious. Let the time cure it.

  385. I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis an Autoimmune Disease – now realise why I have been so ill after my first AstraZeneca Vaccination.
    I received a Cortisone Injection 10 days before my AstraZeneca Vaccination and was told that it was ok to have the Covid Jab, now I have been advised that a space of 4 weeks should have been allowed (all to do with anti-inflammatories and the Immune System).
    My Auto-Immune System has really taken a battering and these problems have now been confirmed by the Medical Profession.
    So please anyone with an Auto-Immune Disease please be aware.

  386. Hello everyone,
    I am 25, European, female, no previous health issues.
    As I was struggling myself with AZ neurological side effetcs, I thought I might give you some hope – to the ones among you that are still suffering. When I was panicking I was desperately looking for a sign of hope from others. I had neuropathic pain in my arms, legs, UTI like symptoms and my eyesight in one eye got suddenly slightly worse. My symptoms lasted for about 8 weeks, I still have occasional pain in my arms, but it’s very very rare now and doesn’t really bother me. It probably depends on the person, some take shorter, some take longer, but there is hope that you will feel good again. And if possible choose a different vaccine for the second dose. I got Moderna for my second, I had a fever one night and my arm was hurting, but that was all, I decided very last minute to get it, I was really not sure, but then I did. I do understand though if anyone decides not to get it, as I know which symptoms you have faced. Stay strong!

    • Hi Caterina – I had UTI type discomfort (burning after peeing) for around 10 days after my 2nd AZ. Urine culture negative for infection. I’m 2.5 weeks after 2nd jab now.

  387. Hi Hilary. Thank you for inspiration. i took my 1st Astrazeneca jab on the 14th of may. for 3 months i had the numbness feelings on the sides of my forehead, but without headache. and a (light) pressure/heavy/uncomfortable feeling from time to time around my heart.
    nothing serious, but annoying. as i did not have any of it before the jab.
    i should mention, that after 3 months of 1st Astra jab, side effects were less than 1st month.
    i live in Germany. so, 2nd jab was Pfizer on the 30th of July. i was worried, but, seven days passed. no side effects. all went fine.
    i feel that old side effects (from AstraZeneca), is decreased and better now.
    to be honest, although, i feel better after Pfizer 2nd shot…. still….one week is not enough to tell.
    i will update any new conditions.
    i wish all the best.

    • Hi MA, that’s good to hear. I have had a few minor side effects since the Pfizer jab but they have gone now and I feel fine. I still get odd abdominal pains that I’ve been getting ever since the AZ jab last February, but the Pfizer hasn’t cause any further flare up. I’m very glad I had it as I was with my daughter the week before last who thought she had a cold and cough and it turned out to be Covid. She was in my house having dinner with me when she was probably at her most infectious. I’ve now just finished isolating for 10 days and I’m fine and had a negative PCR result yesterday. I hope you keep well.

  388. Im 38yo female had astra zenica on 2 august im in the hospital now i feel sinck first day of jab i felt dizzy after an hour toight i was gonna pass out but didnt, then after a few days my legs and right arm went numb on and off i had pins and needles feeling in my toros, and 2 days ago woke up with a lower backpain. In the afternoon i felt dizzy my throat was like tigtening and abit struglling to breathe my legs and arm has a numb feeling on it. Went to hospital then went home next day same issue i had numbness on legs up to my thighs and my arm, and afternoon my my right face it felt hot like a hotdlush on my right ear and face and afterwards i felt dizzy.

    Call the ambo and while sitting waiting for doctor the right side of my head the back of my head feels like its swelling and a bit numb, doctors check my gitals blood all normal but my legs and arm is always numb and is getting worse.

    I dont know if this possibly is side effect or an allergic reaction

  389. Thank God i found this site. I thought i was the only one going through this type of stuff.

    I had my 1st AZ jab 11th April. Wasn’t worried or had any concerns about it. After my jab i felt rough and achy for 2 days then perked up. 4th day after my jab i kept feeling like my blood pressure was dropping and rising, i was going giddy and feeling sick. My arms and legs were going numb and cold and felt like i was going to faint. The pressure in my head felt like it was going to explode.
    I felt so panicky and shakey i phoned for an ambulance. They couldn’t find anything wrong with me and said it was bad panic attack.
    I have never had a panic attacks before. But i keep getting them now.
    Went to doctors for weeks and they kept saying it’s vertigo and eustachin tube dysfunction.

    Not had my 2nd jab and don’t want it.

    Just to mention i caught Covid before the pandemic lockdowns. And i wasn’t as ill as i was after the vaccine.

    • David you poor thing, how frightening. I had the AZ back in February (I’m 70) and I’ve never been so ill for so long in my life. If you look further up this page I’ve listed all my symptoms. I felt like I’d been Novochocked. I still get funny pains in my belly where before I was almost convinced I had appendicitis I was in so much pain. All I can say that may help is that I refused to have another AZ despite my GP telling me it was that or nothing. I feel very let down by them to be honest as they were no help at all and didn’t seem to take me at all seriously, But a month ago I went to a walk in clinic offering Pfizer, and explained to the doctor there what I’d been through. She said I’d clearly had a bad inflammatory reaction to the Az and she couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t get the same with the Pfizer but if that was my decision she was happy to give it to me. So as I am of an age where I wanted to be protected as far possible, and there was no “no risk” alternative I had it. I was terrified, but it turned out fine. I had a few minor side effects, headache, sore arm and a short but very mild flare up of some the previous symptoms. Next bridge to cross is whether to have a booster or not when that time comes, but I definitely won’t risk the AZ again. Good luck.

  390. I’ve been experiencing facial numbness/tingling with no other side affects and I got the AZ two days ago.

    Any advice or info?

  391. First dose caused me to feel very tired for a few days. No big deal. Just got the 2nd dose two days ago. The night of the 2nd dose, I had the following:
    Severe pain in every joint from my foot to my head. All of my symptoms were on the left side of my body, very weird.
    Pain in the left veins in my neck going into the right side of my face and ear.
    The headache was only on the left side of my head but even though constant, would get bursts of worse pain like a small bomb just went off.
    I don’t drive nor live in my home country and I thought maybe I was having a stroke affecting only my left side of my body.
    I finally broke down and took Advil and suffered through the rest of the night. Finally fell asleep early hours of the morning.
    Got up, made a cup of coffee, still had mild headache but all over not just left side. Very tired and weak. Also some dizziness.
    Tomorrow I plan to rest as much as possible again and hope will start feeling much better. I have not read any posts where anyone had these same symptoms. I still believe it is better than getting Covid. So if you get weird symptoms like mine only on the left side there is someone else out there that can relate. However, it could have been a stroke and I was lucky so don’t take chances like me and call a doctor!

  392. Hilary this is great to hear.
    I am so unsure to even have the pfizer one now. But it would be the one i would consider.
    No more AZ for me.

  393. Just a quick comment from Australia: I had my first A-Z about a month ago and am considering whether I will have the 2nd or not (currently have a tentative appointment for Oct 7). My experience was very similar to that of others. Uncontrollable shaking for about 5-7 hours; felt freezing even under a doona, but my limbs felt hot to the touch, so probably had a temp.
    Ulcerated mouth for 2-3 days. Unable to walk for several hours and unable to bring a glass of water to my mouth. The worst symptoms had subsided by next day. Just a few headaches since and a slight tremor in my wrists and hands.
    The reaction started about 10 hours following my injection. 24 hours later was more or less OK.

  394. I’ve posted on here a couple of times before with ongoing symptoms following my first AZ vaccine over 6 months ago.. I haven’t been on this site for a while and was just reading Kerry’s post from August and her diagnosis of vaccine induced chronic pressure headaches. I too have still not completely recovered from the vaccine and cancelled the appointment for my second jab.. My symptoms have gradually improved but are still there.. I still get very dizzy, have occasional numbness on the left side of my face, lips and tongue and I still have neck ache and feel a lot of pressure in my head especially on the left side. My sight has deteriorated and I’m also still very tired a lot of the time.. I can go for a couple of weeks feeling almost normal and then all the symptoms return, I’m hoping that over time we will all recover from our vaccine health problems.

    • I have exactly the same issues as you Sue, let’s just hope we get back to ‘normal’ soon. I think lots of people have had issues with AZ but the authorities are keeping it quiet.

    • Hello Sue, I started with some similar symptoms as yourself after my first vaccine in February. Mainly now I get dizziness and very tired, but like you, I can go a couple of weeks of feeling nearly normal and then the symptoms come back with no apparent trigger. It has gotten better over the 7 months, yes 7 months!! that I have been dealing with this but the fact is my standard of life has been reduced by having this vaccine. I did also have the second vaccine as I was advised to do so, but it didn’t make me any worse. I have had about 3 sets of blood tests, urine test and ECG all of which came back normal. I am due a CT scan this month which is just to rule anything out, they are not expecting to see anything abnormal. They have pretty much concluded this was brought on by the vaccine but don’t know much else. I just have to wait and see what happens over time basically. I was a regular runner having done numerous 10k races, some half marathons and the London marathon in 2019. I haven’t run now for months as it brings on the dizziness and fatigue. I am not an anti-vaxxer but i wish I had never had it.

    • Hi Sue,
      I hope you are feeling better?
      Thank you for posting. I had my 2nd vaccine 15th June and still not feeling right.
      Swollen gland under right jaw for 3 months now (bloods & scan done & ok), but am also suffering with jaw tingles and a very stiff tight neck, down to & beyond my collar bones – this has been around 2 months now. It eased up for a couple of weeks but has come back. The last couple of weeks it’s also going into my right shoulder and down my right arm.
      I’m afraid i won’t be going for the booster, this has & still is causing me quite a lot of anxiety…but reading yours & everyone’s posts has made me feel less alone, thank you 🙂 xx

      • Hi Kia
        I haven’t looked on this site for a few months but hope you’re feeling ok now.
        A year has now gone by since I had my one and only AZ vaccine and I’m still not 100% back to normal. Some days the top of my head feels like it has a ton weight on it and most days now, under my eyes are puffy and I still feel pressure in my head on and off. although I can go for 2-3 weeks feeling almost like my pre-vaccine self, but sadly it never lasts. I’m living in the hope that we will all recover fully at some point but feel it will be a very slow process.

        • Hi Sue,
          My symptoms are very similar to yours. I might be OK for 2-3 weeks but the symptoms return again. Compared to the first months of vaccination, my headache is less but it is back on and off.

        • I’ve never been the same since my two doses of AZ last year. I thought I had pretty much recovered but oh, no! I’ve had a recurrence of the scalp paraesthesia and bouts of exhaustion. Prior to the jabs I was newly retired and feeling like a teenager. Now I just despair of being properly well ever again.

  395. So, I had my first AZ jab in early May and second at the end of June (was really in favour of it). Since then I have been experiencing similar symptoms to those mentioned in many of the earlier posts… popping sensation in my head, intermittent headaches, deteriorating eyesight in one eye, nausea, tiredness, sweats, dizzyness… the list goes on. I have been to urgent care twice, both of which involved an ECG and blood tests, both times these were normal, except higher blood pressure which was put down to my anxiety due to worry. I’m normally a fit and healthy man in my early forties, but this is really getting me down now. Doctors seem to blame my anxiety and don’t seem to acknowledge possible links to the vaccine, but pre May, I had none of the ongoing symptoms I’m getting now. Hoping this passes soon, but after 5 months, I’m not convinced. Hope everyone on the thread gets some answers and starts to feel better soon

  396. I have posted here a few times and I wanted to give an update.
    I had a myriad of symptoms following my first AZ vaccination (dizziness, pins and needles, blurred vision, head and neck pain, etc…) which went on for months. Inflammation of the nervous system was the most likely explanation.
    I swore blind I wouldn’t have another vaccination but my job requires travel to countries that insist on proof of two vaccinations.
    I reluctantly went for a Pfizer second jab (with a GP referral) and I am delighted to say that two weeks later and I have had none of the frightening issues I had with AZ. I really thought I was losing my mind with everything that I experienced with the AZ vaccination.
    This is just my personal experience and I certainly don’t blame anyone for not getting a second vaccination.

    • I had similar symptoms with 1st AZ vaccine – ended up having tests in hospital and they diagnosed BPPV which is vertigo. The dizziness stopped me from being able to lay down and I slept sitting up on the sofa for months. I also needed to take anti-sickness tablets. It made life very difficult but managed to get through it.

      For 2nd vaccine I refused AZ but the Dr’s called to say they couldn’t give me an alternative. Dr was very apologetic but said it was due to boosters coming out that they were not able to mix vaccines. I tried a walk in centre with Pfizer but they wouldn’t do it either. When boosters finally come put they were not using AZ so would give an alternative. Was supposed to be Moderna but as I had had so many issues before they gave me Pfizer. No problems at all with Pfizer (apart from a sore arm).

      I currently have covid and although not feeling great I know it would have been worse without the vaccines.

      I would not have AZ again. I guess everyone is different and there will always be some negative effects but with so many people suffering it is nice to have somewhere we can talk to each other or let people know they are not alone and you can get through it.

      I did report all of my symptoms via yellow card so at least they would be recorded.

  397. Hi, My mum aged 64 got her first shot of AstraZeneca. A week later, she started feeling abdominal pain and experienced a breakout of hives on the left side of her back and belly. The itchy skin rash has healed but soreness and pain under the rib area is persistent more than a month later. She’s decided not to get 2nd jab after going through such discomfort.

  398. AZ has ruined my life. April 27 first shot. For 3 days I had minor symptoms and then back to normal….BUT30 days later on May 27 very strog Palpitations start. Caused insomnia as well. I was perfectly fit and healthy. I don’t drink or smoke. 41 years old. Doctors are not prepared and don’t know how to treat a vaccine injury! By July they found both of my lungs had fully clotted. It’s Sep27 today, 4 MONTHS since that first shot, and I still have palpitations. I’m now forever on blood thinners as well and barely made it out alive. I have no idea what this is doing to my heart, so far the cardiologist hasnt found anything by my palpitations changed recently so they’re doing another holter heart monitor session on me.

    Even with everything that has happened most doctors will tell me to my face they think it’s the vax but none of them is willing to write anything in their reports. Even my family doctor is afraid to give me an exemption because the college of physicians in Ontario has placed so much fear on Doctors and threatening legal action against anyone that gives exemptions outside of only two approved cases Myocarditis and allergy.

    If you’re thinking about taking AZ please reconsider and go for something else. Just look at how many other people got palpitations from the comments above.

    If you do have palps or long lasting symptoms please go to the hospital and ask them to do a DDIMER test on you!!! It will tell you if you’re clotted.

  399. I agree go for other jab. This will no doubt get deleted as I’m being truthful and blunt. Be war with auto immune diseases. I have psoriasis and have developed unfortunately for me fatal sleep disorder. I’m being honest but no doubt you won’t get to read it anyway. I was very fit and healthy before with absolutely no health issues apart from psoriasis and migraine. To end up with a terrible illness like this is devastating lm only 56 and am so close to my only daughter we do or soon to be did everything together. I’m not one of the hoax anti vaccine crew always had jabs. But please be careful with this one it’s been like a poisen to me robbing me of what should have been ahappy life. My daughter is obviously devastated. Understandably I rue the day I rushed out to get it. This probably won’t get printed but I speak the truth. Avoid avoid avoid with auto immune illnesses. I have psoriasis. DO NOT GET IT. Too late for me but warning anyone. I was so fit and well before this. Prion diseases can happen. I so know this won’t get printed but I’ll try.

  400. So sorry to revisit this site and find so many like you Joseph and Lynne still suffering with life altering symptoms. First posted Feb & then May. After both vaccines. Vaccine targeted my heart and blood pressure amongst other awful symptoms. Was very unwell for over 10 weeks after first vaccine. Already had heart probs, diabetes (controlled) and an auto immune prob. Now left with worse heart probs and had numerous tests, stress echo, echocardiogram, heart monitor, chest X ray, bloods and last week angiogram but not finished yet. More tests to come. New probs found on echo plus worsening of electrical probs. They are now querying
    Myocarditis, poss vaccine damage. Not been well since first jab. Would like to know if anyone else is reacting to drugs or products since vaccine. I know Covid patients are. Had nasty reaction to pre angiogram blood thinners, 19 taken pre procedure. Heart went crazy, dizziness and nausea. had this number on two previous occasions, no probs. The contrast dye caused my face to tighten, very unpleasant, had few dyes before with no probs. Got a friend having chemo and this has happened to him with contrast scans since vaccine. Flu jab floored me. All post AZ symptoms flooded back again.
    Reacting to products too.
    Is this an immune response????
    Worried about top-up vaccine.
    Sending best wishes to all out there suffering.

  401. I received my 1st dose of AstraZeneca on 18 May 2021, after about a week and half muscular pain in my left shoulder started till now after trying several medicines and after consulting from doctors not recovered from that muscular pain. Although I received the 2nd dose timely after 12 weeks but the problem is still there, any guide or help in this regard.

    • Hello Muhammad,
      I too had the AZ vaccine in April and I had pain in my injection arm, shoulder and chest for months. I used to workout with weights prior to the injection but this became impossible. I wondered if I had SIRVA as a result of the injection being poorly administered (hard to diagnose) or severe inflammation of the muscle and surrounding area.
      I tried basic physio exercises but the one thing that has worked for me is the supplement curcumin. It has been a game changer in dealing with the pain/inflammation. If you try it then I suggest a good quality one. I use one that is made with NovaSOL (Solgar, Bulkpowders, MyProtein, etc). I have no affiliation to any of these companies. Best wishes and I hope you see some improvement.

  402. severe insomnia, no health problems prior, I now get one or two hours sleep a night since injected with AZ 2 months ago, like I am fully charged, ready to kill myself as I’ve had enough

    • Jane, please don’t harm yourself in any way, I beg of you. I am praying for you that you will get the help you need. God protect you ❤️

  403. Hi,i had my first AZ vaccine in March,3 weeks to the day later,suddenly and i mean suddenly i got what felt like burning patches all over my body inc Feet,Shins,Thighs,Around my waist,Hands,forearms,Neck,Face ,especially around my mouth..at some points it feels like someone has laid an Iron on my skin and it has never gone away 9 months later.I also have the pins and needles and numbness sensations..
    I have no signs on my skin whatsoever of any type of rash etc.
    It is driving me insane and has dramatically reduced my quality of life and trying to see anyone about it is near impossible..

    • Malcolm- I had the burning sensation also. Started a few days after my 2nd jab in July and would cone and go in my thighs for around 2 weeks. Then only last week, my left arm was really sore where the needle went in…even though it’s been nearly 6m since my 2nd jab and I had no injection site pain. Lasted 24hrs.

      I’ve not bothered with the doc as they don’t know anymore than the common side effects of headache etc etc. It’s the nerve endings in the skin. Maybe try vit B which is supposed to aid nerve repair. Also ant- inflammatories.

  404. Malcolm- I had the burning sensation also. Started a few days after my 2nd jab in July and would cone and go in my thighs for around 2 weeks. Then only last week, my left arm was really sore where the needle went in…even though it’s been nearly 6m since my 2nd jab and I had no injection site pain. Lasted 24hrs.

    I’ve not bothered with the doc as they don’t know anymore than the common side effects of headache etc etc. It’s the nerve endings in the skin. Maybe try vit B which is supposed to aid nerve repair. Also ant- inflammatories.


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