NHS Digital calls on schools to take part in Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use survey

drug use
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NHS Digital is calling on secondary schools to take part in the Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among young people in England survey

The survey is used by the government to monitor behaviours, gain a better understanding of the impact of alcohol, nicotine and drugs on children aged 11-15 and provides vital information to develop policies, plan services/new initiatives, and monitor/evaluate their impact.

It is also used by Public Health England, NHS England, charities/voluntary organisations and academic institutions.

Anonymous survey

Approximately 1,000 schools are randomly selected across England and Pupils undergo the questionnaire anonymously under exam conditions.

The 2021 report will be published by NHS Digital next year and will include information on the percentage of pupils who have ever smoked, drunk alcohol or taken drugs.

The report also surveys the attitudes and behaviours of secondary school pupils towards smoking, drinking and drugs and is analysed in relation to a range of demographics including age, gender, ethnicity and geography.

Habits during the pandemic

Gary Childs, Head of Delivery for Analytical Services at NHS Digital, said: “Without schools volunteering to participate in the smoking, drinking and drugs survey, the NHS and the Government would not be able to understand the habits and attitudes of young people and how these have changed during the pandemic. We are therefore extremely grateful to all those schools and pupils that give up their valuable time and resources to take part.”


Source: NHS Digital

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