SSEC – successfully developing the food industry for over 7 years

Farming in Sweden

SSEC has spent over 7 years working to improve upon national, regional and local food strategies in Sweden and is looking to continue to flourish

SSEC is now entering its 8th fiscal year. The past 7 years have been very successful. We are therefore looking forward to another year as we hope to be able to develop and strengthen our operations substantially.

SSEC is a contract-based network at the SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, which currently has 14 members. Members contribute approximately SEK 2 million annually to develop a new food industry throughout Sweden. This is part of the national, regional and local food strategies.

The network stimulates local business development in several locations around Sweden. Primarily, it is about establishing fish and vegetable production, by utilizing energy surplus (electricity, heat and other residual flows in society). But also by developing new technology for indoor food production in large scales.

Over the years, SSEC has conducted several different projects themselves or with the help of its members in order to drive development.

Developing with others

Currently, SSEC is developing together with local stakeholders

  • an International Innovation Center of Resilience, IICOR in Floda outside Gothenburg
  • larger establishments of trout production in Bjuv and Ljusdal
  • major investments in FoodParksâ have been initiated in Oskarshamn and are being prepared in Härnösand.
  • at the initiative of Entré Hofors, a larger regional program is made in Gävleborg County through the provision of CPC, the Clean Production Center, in collaboration with SSEC.
  • A major technology development project for greenhouse air conditioning is also being done, also in collaboration with CPC and SSEC.

Priorities of SSEC

The priorities for the coming year will be to develop and strengthen membership operations, and to continue to develop the industrial park concept FoodParksâ.

Over the past year, the network has received a new chairman, Håkan Schroeder, one of four deans at SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Håkan Schroeder is dean of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Plant Production Science.

The steering group for the research and development program, SSEC, will also initiate the process of recruiting a new program manager for SSEC and also recruiting a new scientific leader.


If You want to know more or come in contact for mutual development, please contact:

Håkan Schroeder
+46 703 17 69 53


Håkan Sandin
Program leader
+46 703 16 89 20

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