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Figure 1. Landmarks of the peripapillary intrachoroidal cavitation (PICC). LC = lamina cribrosa. BM = Bruch’s membrane (dashed red arrow). SF = scleral flange, the sclera between the dura and the pia mater. D = dura mater. PICC (red star) is in front of the subarachnoid space (yellow star). It is a suprachoroidal detachment. It is suggested to be promoted by a direct traction force (blue arrow) of the dura mater during eye movements. A tangential component of this traction force squeezes the choroid at the end of the posterior outpouching (red arrowheads). The device used is the Spectral Domain OCT Spectralis® HRA-OCT, model S3300 (Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Heidelberg Germany). Note: Reprinted from Peripapillary Intrachoroidal Cavitation. Adèle Ehongo et al. ‘J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 4712’ Originally published by and used with permission from MDPI.

Understanding the link between PICC and myopic complications

Dr Adèle Ehongo discusses the pathogenesis of peripapillary intra-choroidal cavitation and its implications for myopic complications.
Department of Ophthalmology

Glaucoma clinic within the ophthalmology department

Professor Adèle Ehongo discusses her work in context of the ophthalmology department at Brussels University Hospital.
Figure 1. photo of a peripapillary intrachoroidal cavitation. The crescent-shaped atrophic area (red star), at the border of the optic nerve head (black star), called myopic conus, is alone in (A). It presents a circumscribed, yellow-orange lesion (white star) at its outer border in (B), corresponding to the peripapillary intrachoroidal cavitation. Note: Figures 1 and 2 are reprinted from Peripapillary Intrachoroidal Cavitation. Adèle Ehongo et al. ‘J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 4712’ Originally published by and used with permission from MDPI.

Spotting peripapillary intra-choroidal cavitation using OCT

Adèle Ehongo explores the potential of optical coherence tomography for diagnosing peripapillary intra-choroidal cavitation in myopic eyes.

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