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Home 2023
Keep your teeth for life: The tartar challenge
Dr. Marcel Donnet and Dr. Dixit Neha discuss how GBT can overcome the challenge of tartar removal to preserve your teeth for life.
Keep your teeth for life, but how?
Drs Marcel Donnet and Neha Dixit discuss the importance of teeth cleaning and how the innovative AIRFLOW® PLUS powder can tackle biofilm and safeguard oral health.
Keeping your teeth for life: Why use a disclosing agent?
Dr. Neha Dixit and Dr. Marcel Donnet argue that you can’t ignore what you see when it comes to keeping your teeth for life. Particular focus is given to Guided Biofilm Therapy and the use of a disclosing agent.
Keep your teeth for life: Wellness experience teeth cleaning
Dr Marcel Donnet and Dr Neha Dixit discuss oral hygiene and the importance of teeth cleaning to maintain physical wellness.
Keeping your teeth for life?
Professional teeth cleaning is essential for maintaining oral hygiene and reducing risk of caries, any tooth decay, periodontal or peri-implant disease.