Home 2022


Planting the seeds of value based care in the emergency department

Planting the seeds of value based care in the emergency department

This eBook covers the major challenges facing healthcare systems and how the potential role of artificial intelligence can support improved outcomes, financial savings and value-based care in the emergency room.
physician on the phone

How the right technology can be key to solving physician burnout

More than half of neurointerventionalists, neurosurgeons, neurologists and radiologists are currently experiencing burnout as a result of provider shortages, covering multiple hospitals simultaneously, and increasing demand for emergency stroke care, and this is only expected to get worse.
artificial intelligence in er

What should hospitals consider when using Artificial Intelligence in the ER?

Mary Hardcastle at RapidAI looks at the advancements in health tech, explaining what hospitals need to do to implement Artificial Intelligence in the ER.

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