StakeholdersUncategorizedDepartment of Chemical Engineering at the University of Patras

Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Patras

Developing chemical engineers educated in research, development and optimisation of production of industrial and specialized products and materials and in enhancing our understanding of the structure of matter and of multiscale mass and energy transformations for power generation and for protecting our environment

The Department of Chemical Engineering (DCE) of the Engineering  School of the University of Patras was established in 1977. The mission of DCE is to produce chemical engineers educated in research, development and optimisation of methods for production of industrial products, in materials technology, in environmental protection and in energy production.

DCE follows the modern trends and international dynamics of the science of chemical engineering, which pioneers in areas such as surface science and catalysis, biotechnology and biological engineering, nanotechnology and renewable and alternative energy forms, being a centre of excellence in several of these areas.

Education and research in DCE are carried out according to international quality standards and have resulted in numerous distinctions of the Department, faculty and alumni who have proven able to meet successfully in the highly competitive Greek, European and international environment.

Faculty and staff members in DCE are involved in major research projects funded by the European Union, the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT), other Greek organisations and industry, in collaboration with some of the top universities and research centres globally.

The Department of Chemical Engineering is housed in two modern buildings located at the University of Patras Campus, with magnificent views of the mountains of Peloponnese and the Gulf of Patras.

Additional information about the people, the studies and the research activities in DCE can be found in the Department website, in the Curriculum of the Department and in the PhD Graduate and MSc Graduate Studies.


The mission of the Department of Chemical Engineering at University of Patras is twofold:

  1. to advance knowledge in the field of chemical engineering science;
  2. to educate students in chemical engineering and chemical technology from undergraduate to postgraduate and doctoral levels.

The Department aims at promoting excellence. We are dedicated to the principles of meritocracy and academic ethos to achieve high quality teaching and constructive research, thus enhancing our students’ scholarly attitude and creativity.

Stakeholder Details


Professor Constantinos G. Vayenas

School of Engineering

1, Caratheodory St.

University of Patras

GR-26504 Patras, Greece

Member, Academy of Athens

International member, NAE, USA

Tel.: +302610997576, Fax: +302610997369

Mobile: +30-6944469924


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