North America Analysis
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Table 1. Demographics of Libby, MT study participants (n=296., with percentage of the population given in parentheses.

Asbestos-induced autoantibodies across Libby demographics

Aiden Niblett, Jean Pfau, and Kinta Serve focus on asbestos-induced autoantibodies across different demographics in Libby. They emphasize the importance of understanding the impact of asbestos.
Detailed photography of constructional material with asbestos fibres. Health harmful and hazards effects. Prolonged inhalation of microscopical fibers causes fatal illnesses including lung cancer.

Exposure to Libby Amphibole: The clinical picture of autoimmune disease

Karen Lee Morrissette and Jean C. Pfau from the Center for Asbestos-Related Disease discuss the clinical presentation and complexity of the autoimmune disease progression among those exposed to Libby Amphibole.
asbestos chrysotile fibers that cause lung disease, COPD, lung cancer, mesothelioma

Lessons from Libby: Understanding the impact of asbestos exposure

Jean C. Pfau, Scientific Consultant at the Center for Asbestos Related Disease, shares the devasting story of asbestos exposure occurring in a Rocky Mountain town of Montana and the critical lessons that can be learned from this event.

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