North America Analysis
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The Great Mulch study on 10 August, 2023

When common recommendations for cultivating in cold soils inadvertently thaw permafrost

Melissa Ward Jones, details when common recommendations for cultivating in cold soils inadvertently thaw permafrost, starting with the challenges of cultivating at high latitudes.

Permafrost grown: The heterogeneity of permafrost conditions

Melissa Ward Jones, from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, explains the heterogeneity of permafrost conditions and how it can impact agriculture.
Alaska offers many stunning views during the season’s change. As the seasons change from Summer to Fall, the leaves transform into a stunning display of Fall colors. Interior Alaska offers unique and stunning views for all to enjoy.

Permafrost grown: Investigating permafrost-agriculture interactions in Alaska

Here, we learn about Dr. Melissa Ward Jones, who leads a transdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, co-producing knowledge with farmers to understand these unique agricultural systems better.

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