Starting pay in Scotland rises

According to the latest figures, the starting pay for permanent jobs in Scotland has increased

Figures from the latest Bank of Scotland Report on Jobs has revealed there was an increase last month in the starting wage for many permanent jobs. The increase was attributed to the lack of available candidates.

The data showed the rise was only fractionally below the recorded level for the rest of the UK. However, there was no change in the average hourly pay rates for temporary staff, following 24 consecutive months of growth.

Additionally, the number of people who were placed in permanent jobs by recruitment agencies increased for the 25th month.

The report revealed that nursing, medical, care, and IT and computing had the highest demand for permanent staff, but the demand for temporary roles slowed to its weakest rate of growth for two years. The availability of temporary candidates also saw a decline for the 23rd consecutive month.

Chief Economist at the Bank of Scotland Donald MacRae said: “Conditions in the Scottish labour market continued to improve in March this year.

“The number of people appointed to jobs increased while the number of vacancies grew over the month.

“The rate of growth is starting salaries for permanent jobs recovered strongly from February’s 15-month low.

“This barometer suggests the slowdown in growth in January to March will be reversed in the coming months.”

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