Making mental health a priority at University

making mental health a priority, University Mental Health Day 2019
© Elovkoff

This 7th March marks University Mental Health Day 2019, an annual day for higher education establishments to band together and make student mental health a priority

Mental Health is a common topic on today’s news agenda, but perhaps one that is not addressed enough when it comes to university students.

This year, the theme of University Mental Health Day is students using their voices to inspire change.

Sian Duffin, Student Support Manager at Arden University, reflects on the importance of talking about mental health, gives advice on how university staff can support their students and why they should be encouraged to support each other.

Having the important conversations

How many times this week have you said, ‘I’m fine’, or, ‘fine thanks’ to someone when they have asked? Did you mean it? Or was finding the words to say, ‘things are challenging for me right now’ or ‘I feel really worried about x’, simply too difficult?

We have so many conversations every day, but how many of them have the potential to save someone’s life?

So often, having the crucial conversation that says ‘I’m struggling’ or asking if someone is okay and being genuinely interested in their answer still feels rare. What if we changed the conversation? What if we asked, ‘how are you” and we weren’t allowed to answer, ‘fine’?

It’s easier said than done, though, to make these changes and I think there are a number of barriers that could potentially be in the way, for staff or fellow students offering support.

1. Time

Time is always a factor, there is never enough for a proper conversation, but having the conversation doesn’t have to be immediate. If someone says they would like to talk, arrange for a good time for both of you.

The crucial thing is to keep the appointment when there is time. Create a safe space to have the conversation, where you can be relaxed and comfortable.

2. Fear of saying the wrong thing

You don’t have to have the answers or worry about saying the wrong thing. You won’t make anything worse for someone if your words don’t come out quite right. Gentle encouragement to talk, asking about how something is making them feel, even just sitting in a short silence while they gather their thoughts are all helpful things to do.

If they are really struggling to talk, ask if they could write it down, sometimes, that can help people organise their thoughts and express themselves more clearly.

3. Not being able to find a quick fix

You’re not expected to be able to fix the problem immediately. Don’t worry about being the expert, simply being able to listen to someone talk about what is going on and how it’s affecting them can often help that person think about what needs to change. Simple sources of support for a friend can be their GP and/or Samaritans but why not offer to sit with them while they made the appointment, or to be with them while they make a call?

Use university Student Support teams like us for advice, at Arden, all of our students have access to a 24/7 helpline for confidential and emotional support and we can help signpost those in need to other organisations.

4. Start by supporting yourself

If you have had an in-depth, high-emotion conversation, it can leave you feeling tired and vulnerable yourself. Talk to someone confidentially if you are still concerned about the student, so that you can get support with how to handle any future conversations.

Take time to decompress, relax and switch off. Explore some mindfulness techniques to focus on yourself for a while. Congratulate yourself on going beyond the surface to hear someone’s voice. It is often the first vital step that helps someone make a positive change.

Here is how some are marking this day.

Some places are holding talks:

Some are having cake-fuelled discussions:

Others are giving succint advice:

And some are discussing gender stigmas:



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