degree stress
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The 2019 NatWest Student Living Index revealed that close to half of all UK students feel extremely stressed by their degree studies

NatWest’s Student Living Index 2019 asked students from 35 top university cities about all aspects of student life, including the amount of wellbeing and mental health support on offer for students at university in 2019.

City % Extremely  Stressed By Degree
Cambridge 60%
Durham 57%
Brighton 54%
Oxford 54%
Leeds 51%

Is their degree the cause of the stress?

  • On average, 45% of students in the UK feel extremely stressed by their degree;
  • Cambridge (60%) and Durham (57%) students are the most stressed by their degree studies;
  • St Andrews residents (22%) are the least stressed by their studies whilst Stirling (30%) and Aberdeen (33%) also performed well.

Are they coping with the stress of money management?

  • 1 in 4 UK students find managing money extremely stressful, particularly in Poole (34%) and Brighton (32%)
  • Students in Poole are struggling with average household bills 75% above national average
  • Glasgow (14%) and Belfast (14%) students are the least stressed by their finances
  • 42% of all students stated they are either very or slightly concerned about their financial situation after they graduate

Have Universities supported students with mental health resources?

Interestingly, while students in Poole feel the most stressed by money management, the city also came last when students were asked about the availability of affordable well-being programmes:

  • 53% of students in Poole said their university offers affordable well-being programs, this is the lowest-ranked city and 18% below national average
  • Less than 1% of Students in Reading and Stirling feel supported by their university when managing their finances
  • 94% of students in Aberystwyth feel their university offers affordable well-being programs
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