Athena Coustenis, Niklas Hedman and Gerhard Kminek for the COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection discuss updates in the Planetary Protection Policy to ensure sustainable scientific lunar exploration.
F Barry Dunning and Thomas C Killian from the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Rice University depict the benefits of research into the remarkable physical and chemical properties of Rydberg atoms.
A Stanford University astrophysicist, Dan Wilkins, observed the first detection of light from behind a black hole - proving that Einstein's general theory of relativity works.
The European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO's VLT) has captured new images of nearby galaxies, allowing scientists to locate the exact locations of young stars.
The £10,000 award, named after the noted Caroline Herschel, will be given to a UK or Germany-based female scientist who pushes the boundaries of astrophysics further.
Astrophysicists have argued for ten years about the speed of the universe expanding - now, a study by Wendy Freedman at the University of Chicago finds that the standard model could be close to the truth.
In a galaxy 900 million light-years away, there were two black hole-neutron star mergers - creating gravitational waves that hit Earth only in January, 2020.
A team at Cornell University reveal that aliens, specifically located in 1,715 nearby star systems, could have already seen Earth by watching our planet cross the Sun.
Here, Katri Huitu and Kenneth Österberg from the Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland, discuss an important discovery of the Odderon and related activities of the Institute searching for the secrets of new particles and fundamental laws of Nature.