
Astronomers map the 3D atmosphere of exoplanet Tylos

Astronomers have discovered by looking through an exoplanet's atmosphere and mapping its 3D structure for the first time.

Black hole jet sparks stellar explosions in nearby galaxy

Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have uncovered a connection between the powerful jet emitted from a supermassive black hole and the eruption of stars, known as novae, in a massive galaxy .

Insights into tidal heating and planetary evolution

Cornell University astronomers have looked into the planetary evolution of Io, Jupiter's fiery moon known for its intense volcanic activity.

Laser technique recreates extreme star and planet conditions in lab

A research team led by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), in collaboration with the European XFEL, has successfully simulated extreme conditions similar to the ones found inside stars and planets using a smaller, more accessible laser technology.

Webb telescope reveals cosmic question mark in early universe

Astronomers using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope have uncovered a cosmic spectacle similar to a question mark in the vast reaches of space, offering a glimpse into the early days of our universe's evolution.

UK universities collaborate on revolutionary lightweight solar cells for space applications

Researchers from Loughborough and Cambridge Universities have joined forces under the auspices of the UK Space Agency to pioneer ultra-lightweight solar cells tailored for space missions.

James Webb Space Telescope reveals mysterious rogue worlds

In a groundbreaking discovery, the James Webb Space Telescope has identified six intriguing celestial objects known as rogue worlds, each possessing masses similar to planets but untethered to any star's gravitational pull.

Mysterious cosmic event confirms cutting-edge astrophysics model

Scientists have observed a rare celestial phenomenon that supports a groundbreaking model of black hole behaviour.

Larger galaxies thrive in crowded cosmic neighbourhoods

In a study published in the Astrophysical Journal, researchers from the University of Washington, Yale University, and international partners have uncovered a surprising correlation between a galaxy's size and its cosmic surroundings.

Hubble telescope captures spectacular supernova in distant galaxy

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has captured a stunning image featuring the galaxy LEDA 857074, located in the constellation Eridanus.

Life on Mars: New research suggests a way to warm Mars for future life

Life on Mars? A new method could make Mars warmer and more hospitable for life The study by scientists from the University of Chicago, Northwestern...

Eta Carinae: A cosmic time bomb in our Milky Way

Scientists believe Eta Carinae, may be on the brink of a spectacular explosion.

Red dwarf stars emit intense UV radiation

Red dwarf stars can produce stellar flares emitting far-ultraviolet (far-UV) radiation at levels much higher than previously believed.

A new model explains the rapid formation of giant planets

In a groundbreaking study, researchers from Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) have revealed a new model that challenges current theories on the formation of giant planets like Jupiter, offering deeper insights into the mysteries of our solar system and beyond.

Exploring the Sun’s corona: Parker solar probe findings challenge existing theories

NASA's Parker Solar Probe has revealed new insights into the mysteries of the sun's corona.

Exoplanet WASP-39 b shows big differences between morning and evening atmospheres

Astronomers using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope have uncovered new details about the atmosphere of an exoplanet known as WASP-39 b, located 700 light-years away from Earth.

Earth’s water origin from ancient cosmic ice

An international team of scientists has uncovered key insights into the origins of Earth’s water and the formation of small celestial bodies in our solar system.


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