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Ageing Population

AI tool revolutionises elderly care, preventing thousands of falls

A new artificial intelligence tool is now being used in the NHS as a solution to prevent falls among elderly patients and reduce hospital admissions.

Walking has proven to dramatically reduce the recurrence of low back pain

Researchers have discovered that adults who regularly walk can nearly double the time they remain free from low back pain recurrences.

A fall risk algorithm to optimise fall prevention strategies

Falls cost the UK £4.4bn per year. Smplicare’s fall risk algorithm is 85% accurate at predicting future falls which can help prevent them. Here, they tell us more.

Study finds rise in global metabolic health risks

A new report from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2021, shows the escalating health challenges seen by metabolic risk factors.

Print and post help make London’s pensioners better off

Print and post helped make London’s pensioners better off by over £8 million a year, writes Jason Lusty, Senior Business Development Manager at CFH Docmail Limited.

What connects osteoarthritis and ageing and what effect do preventative measures have?

Lorna Rothery spoke to Dr Wendy Holden, Arthritis Action’s medical advisor, about osteoarthritis and ageing, the key supportive and preventative strategies needed, as well as the charity’s 2024/26 strategy.

Pregnancy accelerates biological aging in young women

What is the effect of pregnancy on young women's ageing? A study led by researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health has revealed this correlation.

Why are postmenopausal women more at risk of high blood pressure?

It may surprise you to know that 60% of women over the age of 65 have high blood pressure. So why are postmenopausal women more at risk of high blood pressure? Let's find out.

Engaging in music throughout life boosts brain health

The benefits of musical engagement on brain health in older adults have been unveiled.

Daily multivitamins slow cognitive ageing and prevent memory loss

The COcoa supplement and multivitamin outcomes study (COSMOS) revealed promising results in the fight against cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease.

How dietary restriction protects the brain and delays ageing

Researchers at the Buck Institute have revealed a link between dietary restriction, a gene called OXR1, and the preservation of brain health.

Bridging the gap between evidence and action for a healthy society: The power of collective leadership and collaboration

This is the third article in a series published by Open Access Journal that addresses the gap between evidence and action in health promotion.

How Japan’s aging population is shaping the future of nursing care

How will the aging population impact the provision and sustainability of care? We put the question to Dr Yukari Nakano, Executive Officer at the Japanese Nursing Association.

Nourishing our golden years: Working to support healthy ageing with healthier choices

Although life expectancy is increasing, many older adults spend their later years in poor health; DG SANTES’s Sandra Gallina tells us about the European Commission’s efforts in supporting healthy ageing.

Hip fractures: A looming healthcare crisis

With the number of hip fractures projected to double by 2050, Dr Philippe Halbout, CEO of the International Osteoporosis Foundation, calls for timely action, including post-fracture care to prevent costly and life-threatening secondary fractures.

Hearing loss: Ageing and noise exposure are the two major causes

Dr Tracey Pollard from RNID, the charity which supports the 12 million people in the UK who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus, talks us through the causes and impact of hearing loss and how RNID is working to improve research and related treatments in this field.

The future of healthcare: Exploring the benefits of virtual wards

The Health Tech Alliance explains the importance of digital and technological innovations, particularly virtual wards, in supporting NHS healthcare providers.


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