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Ageing Population

Physical activity linked to improved sleep quality for older adults

A recent systematic review led by researchers from Santa Catarina State University (UDESC) in Brazil has revealed the connection between physical activity (PA) and sleep quality in older adults who experienced social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Is there a case for differentiated longevity adjustment of the retirement age?

Professors of Economics Svend E. Hougaard Jensen and Gylfi Zoega call for public-private partnership as they discuss adjustments of the retirement age and pension funds according to life expectancy.

Can B vitamins improve cognitive function in older people with mild impairment?

Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, discuss if B vitamins can improve cognitive function in older people.

Dementia in the digital era: A Hong Kong perspective

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group shines the spotlight on dementia in the digital era, from a Hong Kong perspective.

10% of COVID-19 patients with diabetes die within 7 days of hospitalisation

New research has found that one in ten COVID-19 patients with diabetes dies within seven days of hospital admission.

MOVECARE: Service robot, ICT tech and AI to support independently living elders

Nunzio Albero Borghese discusses the potential of MOVECARE, a Horizon 2020 sponsored project, to be a robotic caregiver for independently living elders.

Supporting the NHS through prioritising at-home care

Peter Seldon, Consultus Care, discusses how at-home care for the elderly can help to alleviate pressure on the NHS.

Keeping elderly relatives safe whilst maintaining social distancing

AgeCo has compiled a list on how we can help our elderly relatives stay safe in the home whilst maintaining social distancing.

Ageing: Detection of cognitive impairment using voice analysis technology

Shinichi Tokuno from Voice Analysis and Measurement of Pathophysiology, Department of Bioengineering, at the University of Tokyo, shares with us what we need to know about the detection of cognitive impairment with the benefit of voice analysis technology concerning the ageing of people globally.

COVID-19 research: Scientists prove that China did not create coronavirus

Conspiracy theorists can now take COVID-19 research off their radar: Scripps Research analysed the virus and found that it was not created by China.

COVID-19 research: Health of older people in poorer countries

Global health experts question why COVID-19 research is not becoming policy for the older population in low and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Europe deserves more and better research & innovation in cardiovascular disease

Prof Lina Badimon, Chair, ESC Advocacy Committee 2018-2020 Director, Cardiovascular Program (ICCC) – IR, Hospital de la Santa Crue I Sant Pau, argues that Europe deserves more and better research & innovation in cardiovascular disease.

Loneliness and isolation in the elderly: Improving care provision

Helen Fuller, Managing Director at Care 4 Quality, discusses loneliness and isolation in the elderly, highlighting how care homes can improve care provision in this area.

Vitamin B12 and brain health of older people

Here, Professor Timothy Kwok discusses the impact of vitamin B12 on the brain health of older people.

Male health: The serious challenges with which boys and young men contend

Boys' and young men's health is on the global research agenda with a partnership between Dr. Christine Wekerle, Associate Professor, Pediatrics at McMaster University and Dr. Mark Kavenagh, Head of Research and Policy, ECPAT International to foster youth resilience in challenging contexts.

Japan: The development of artificial intelligence

Guillermo Garcia from EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, charts the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for medical and industrial purposes in Japan.

How to cope with loneliness in old age

It is evident that many elderly people suffer from loneliness, however, there are numerous ways to avoid this, as we discuss in this article.


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