
Standing up for Alberta’s agriculture

RJ Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation from the Government of Alberta’s Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, walks us through the priorities to support Alberta’s agriculture, a crucial economic driver for Canada.

Developments in food research: Exeter University students join the fight to save the banana

Banana exports are threatened by pests, diseases, and climate change. Students at Exeter University have joined researchers to address food research challenges, as Dr Daniel Bebber, Senior Lecturer in Microbial Ecology describes

The European Commission takes action on endocrine disruptors: A call for a multidisciplinary network

Alberto Mantovani, Research Director at Istituto Superiore di Sanità reveals how the European Commission is taking action on endocrine disruptors (EDCs) and calls for a multidisciplinary network of cross-cutting silos

Global efforts to fight hunger and feed the planet in a sustainable way

Commissioner Phil Hogan shares his remarks on World Food Day 2018 at the Civil Dialogue Group Discussion - Global Food Security, Sustainable Development and Relations with Africa on 16th October 2018, where he charts global efforts to fight hunger and feed the planet in a sustainable way

Post-Brexit fair funding for farmers across UK

The Government has announced that it will issue fair funding for all farmers across the UK when we leave the EU in March 2019.

eHarvestHub gives small farmers centre stage on the global market

Our global economy is leaving our small farmers behind, yet they produce more than 60% of the fresh food we consume. eHarvestHub gives farmers direct access to the global market making our food more affordable and accessible, as this analysis from Alvaro Ramirez at eHarvestHub reveals 

Advancing food and agricultural research in the U.S

The USDA’s Agricultural Research Services and National Institute of Food & Agriculture both play key roles in advancing food and agricultural research, effective resource management and economic opportunities for rural communities, as Open Access Government learns

Meeting the challenges of climate change for dryland cereal production

The effects of climate change threaten food security worldwide. What needs to be done to improve the resilience of vital dryland cereals to more extreme weather?

Agricultural Research: Plant cold hardiness in a changing climate

Michael Wisniewski and David Livingston III from the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) share their expert thoughts on the topic of plant cold hardiness in today’s changing climate

Water, temperature and crop science productivity research

Prof Robert Aiken, research crop scientist at Northwest Research—Extension Center tells us about his fascinating research into water and temperature, including the extent to which they limit crop productivity.

U.S. efforts to promote food security and provide humanitarian assistance

The vital work of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is examined here by Open Access Government, with a focus on their efforts to promote food security and provide humanitarian assistance in other countries, such as Ethiopia

Storing silage: A guide on how to safely store it on a farm

When it comes to how to safely store silage on a farm, this article by Charles Renwick from Lycetts explains who is responsible for which elements and what to expect when it comes to getting in touch with the Environment Agency.

Steering Europe towards a healthy future

Karin Kadenbach MEP (S&D, AT), Vice-President of the European Health Forum Gastein details her priorities to steer Europe towards a healthy future.

Environmental farming scheme given green light

The Environment Secretary has today announced that the Payment by Results (PBR) project will be the first agri-environment scheme directly funded by the UK

New voluntary guide to help farmers reduce ammonia emissions

A new guide has been released which sets out simple steps farmers, advisors and contractors can take to reduce ammonia emissions to help improve air quality.

Government salutes pioneering females in British farming at Royal Welsh Show

Leading women from the food and farming sectors from around the country will join Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns at an event to celebrate Welsh women’s contributions to British farming at the Royal Welsh Show today

Agriculture industry has highest death rate, report shows

The latest report from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has revealed that the agriculture industry still has the highest rate of fatal injuries compared to any other sector.


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