
UK agriculture in 2025: Funding and scalability

Carl Johnson, of agricultural asset finance lenders Anglo Scottish Finance, takes a look at the outlook for UK agriculture in 2025.

Climate change increases rainy days, which harm the economy

New data finds economic growth decreases with more wet days with extreme rainfall, revealing an indirect way that climate change harms the economy.

Researchers use technology to calculate movement of large land animals

Tracking the movements of large wild animals, researchers developed the software ‘enerscape’, protecting species and helping humans avoid animal contact.

Study finds genetic instructions for cells that aid crop climate tolerance

A new US study funded by the National Science Foundation, reveals how plants resist climate stressors like flooding or drought.

In Puerto Rico, USDA holds the line on African swine fever

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, explains here how in Puerto Rico, they hold the line on African swine fever (ASF)

Optical sensing in 21st-century precision crop management

Here, we find out about the research of Christian Nansen from UC Davis, Department of Entomology and Nematology in California concerning spectral repeatability – that is cracking the code to unleash optical sensing in 21st-century precision crop management.

How industries are affecting access to safe drinking water

An analysis considers the impacts of large-scale agriculture and industries on the human right to drinking water, advocating for the access to safe water for all.

The need for strengthening food supply chains in a post pandemic society

With the outbreak of the pandemic, supply and demand a became key issue around the globe for many sectors. The agricultural market was no different.

Understanding the different roads to food system sustainability

Executive Director, U.S. Sustainability Alliance navigates the task of global food production sustainability, illustrating there is more than one approach.

£27 million investment for farming productivity equipment

An investment for £27 million will go to productivity-boosting equipment in the farming industry, helping the UK farm more sustainably and move toward net zero strategies.

UK pledges to protect land use, nature and oceans at COP26

As COP26 reaches its completion in Glasgow this year, the UK pledges for more urgent action and investment protecting land, nature, and oceans on their respective summit days. Here’s the breakdown.

Gene editing promises to make human industry sustainable

L. Val Giddings, PhD, Senior Fellow, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, states that gene editing promises to make human industry sustainable*.

Rice: The little world traveller

Sarah Moran, Vice President, International from USA Rice, walks us through what we need to know about rice, the little world traveller

ASEAN risks losing 35% GDP by 2050 from climate change

A COP26 report outlining the economic threat of climate hazards at ASEAN, highlighting the impact of weather extremes in the region.

World leaders agree to reverse deforestation by 2030

World leaders, including Brazil and China, have agreed to stop and reverse deforestation by 2030.

Factory farming, zoonotic disease and the risk of pandemics

Compassion in World Farming Research Manager dissects some of the dangers of the factory farming industry, discussing the spread of zoonotic diseases.

European Commission’s long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas

The European Commission's long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas is explored here, with a focus on identifying the challenges and concerns, as well as highlighting the most promising opportunities.


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