Patchy progress means many millions of people are still impacted by lung conditions and unaware of the risks that exist in their everyday lives. Dr Andy Whittamore, Clinical Lead at Asthma + Lung UK, discusses the multitude of risk factors impacting the nation’s lung health and provides health advice to mitigate those risks.
Plastic has been found everywhere, from plastic pollution in the oceans, to microplastics in food – researchers have now located nanoplastic particles in the snow.
Using a new modelling method to measure finer levels of nitrogen dioxide, a study finds that people had less exposure to pollution during COVID-19 lockdowns globally.
Study finds older Black and Hispanic people are more likely to die prematurely due to exposure to air pollution, with race disparities in health costing $100 billion in the US.
Academic experts from the University of Helsinki, Finland, examine the vital work of the Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Flagship, including climate change and air quality.
According to ONS data, over 50% of UK drivers are willing to switch to electric vehicles within the next decade - theoretically, well in time for the zero emissions by 2050 goal.