Air Pollution

WHO and Swiss TPH release updated air quality standards database

The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), has released an updated version of the 2025 Air Quality Standards database.

Cultivating a resilient environment with ground-breaking science

Professor Susan Waldron, Director of Research and Skills at the Natural Environment Research Council emphasises the importance of research and innovation in adapting to climate change.

Air pollution can increase childhood ADHD risk by 62%

Study finds that children with high exposures to air pollution, and lower exposure to green spaces have an increased risk of developing ADHD.

‘Levelling up’ doomed to fail unless government gives our lungs a boost

Sarah Woolnough, Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, says the government should not miss this vital opportunity to protect our health.

Improving air quality with Low Emission Zones

Yunex Traffic discuss the benefits to air quality with the implementation of low emissions zones in the UK's city centres.

Nanoplastics in snow: The extensive impact of plastic pollution

Plastic has been found everywhere, from plastic pollution in the oceans, to microplastics in food – researchers have now located nanoplastic particles in the snow.

Did the COVID-19 lockdown affect pollution exposure?

Using a new modelling method to measure finer levels of nitrogen dioxide, a study finds that people had less exposure to pollution during COVID-19 lockdowns globally.

Scientists find there are 70% fewer pollinators, due to air pollution

Air pollution significantly reduces pollination by confusing butterflies and bees, lessening their ability to sniff out crops and wildflowers.

Iodine in desert dust may be helping the climate

The iodine in desert dust has the ability to decrease ozone air pollution - however, it also allows greenhouse gases to stick around for longer.

Study finds race erased in air pollution mortality calculations

Study finds older Black and Hispanic people are more likely to die prematurely due to exposure to air pollution, with race disparities in health costing $100 billion in the US.

Delivering sustainable traffic management & control solutions

Gavin Trimnell, Sales Director, explains how Yunex Traffic’s systems help authorities to drive down carbon emissions and costs.

Science-based solutions for climate change and air quality research

Academic experts from the University of Helsinki, Finland, examine the vital work of the Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Flagship, including climate change and air quality.

The impact of cooking and cleaning on health

Professor of Indoor Air Chemistry examines exposure to indoor and outdoor pollution, through the impacts of cooking and cleaning on indoor air quality

Zero emissions flight: The liquid hydrogen plane of the future

The UK government have unveiled new plans for a ‘liquid hydrogen plane’ which could be a huge step towards zero emissions flights.

Bonfire Night pollutes our air with large amounts of soot

Researchers from the University of Leeds have discovered that soot in the atmosphere around Bonfire Night is 100 times its normal level.

Study says air pollution changes sperm count via brain inflammation

University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) researchers find that air pollution can decrease sperm count - via brain inflammation.

50% of UK drivers will switch to electric vehicles within 10 years

According to ONS data, over 50% of UK drivers are willing to switch to electric vehicles within the next decade - theoretically, well in time for the zero emissions by 2050 goal.


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