Air Pollution

Fixing Africa’s air pollution and degraded soil

In the Sahel’s arid regions and Africa’s megacities, air pollution and soil degradation pose serious challenges to income, food security, climate stability, and public health. How can this be fixed?

Cardiff wins £21million to implement air quality plan

Lesley Griffiths, Environment Minister, approved the revised air quality plan for Cardiff and awarded £21million to the city for implementation.

Improving the foundation for assessing the health impact of particles and aerosols

Anders Brostrøm & Kristian Mølhave from DTU Nanolab, Technical University of Denmark, share their views on improving the foundation for assessing the health impact of particles and aerosols.

Improving the automation of non-polluting transportation with PEM fuel cells

Here we find out how the Giantleap project improves the automation of non-polluting transportation with the lifetime extension of PEM fuel cells.

How to tackle air pollution in cities with intelligent traffic management

Kristina Stifter, Head of Global Communications at PTV Group, explains her stance on how to tackle air pollution in cities with intelligent traffic management.

Fine dust air pollution (PM2.5) as a cause of chronic inflammatory lung diseases?

Michael Roth, Research Group Leader at University Hospital Basel asks if fine dust air pollution (PM2.5) is a cause of chronic inflammatory lung diseases and provides a most engaging response.

How has air pollution in the UK improved over recent years?

Daikin reviews whether air pollution in the UK has improved over the years and details how chemical compounds and matter existing in our air pose a threat to our planet.

What are five climate ideas that improve global health?

Whilst the 25th UN Climate Conference (COP25) creates solutions to the climate crisis, let's discuss how climate policy can protect and improve global health.

Europe’s silent killer: The air we breathe

Monika Kosinska, Programme Manager, Governance for Health Division at the World Health Organization explains why the air we breathe is Europe’s silent killer.

Smart cities, smarter approaches: How to build trust into connected urban spaces?

Here, Ashley Stevenson explains to us how smart cities need to build trust into connected urban spaces.

Call for government to take control of efficient transport systems

As everyone clammers for cleaner, better, more efficient transport systems, Steve Nash, IMI Chief Executive calls for central government to take stock, take control and learn from best practice.

Social value goes mainstream

Guy Battle, CEO OF Social Value Portal explains how social value has now gone mainstream, including how the Public Services (Social Value) Act has transformed the relationship between the public sector and its suppliers.

Turning employee commutes green

Joanna Flint, from Green Commute Initiative, illustrates how introducing a cycle to work scheme will help your organisation’s efforts to improve its employee commutes sustainability.

Emissions-based parking: Delivering cleaner, healthier cities

Peter O’Driscoll, Managing Director of RingGo, argues that emissions-based parking is delivering cleaner, healthier cities.

The complexities of understanding the consequences of air pollution on human health

Dr. Francisco Inesta-Vaquera, Dr. Colin Henderson, Professor Jonathan Grigg and Professor C. Roland Wolf from the Universities of Dundee and London discuss the complexities of understanding the consequences of air pollution on human health.

The cardiovascular disease burden from ambient air pollution in Europe

Thomas Münzel MD, Andreas Daiber PhD, Ulrich Pöschl PhD and Jos Lelieveld PhD discuss the link between air pollution and cardiovascular disease in Europe.

The European Commission’s priorities for the environment

Here, we focus on the priorities for the environment, maritime affairs and fisheries, in the work of Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner for Environment.


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