Good pet nutrition and exercise are key to safeguarding pets’ health and wellbeing. We explore the physical and mental effects obesity can have on dogs and what owners can do about it with vet Dr Scott Miller and dog behaviour specialist Adem Fehmi.
Laura Rego Alvarez, Head of Science Policy & Regulation at Cruelty Free International, discusses the science and ethics behind alternatives to animal testing.
Report from the Home Office’s ASRU highlights a drastic rise in cases of non-compliance with laws around animal testing and protection of animals in laboratories.
Sabine Hölter, Coordinator of the European Brain Research Area cluster PREMOS, calls attention to the translational value of animal models in brain research.
Chief of the Bacterial Diseases Branch, Division of Vector-Borne Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, walks us through a growing health problem in the United States, tickborne diseases.
As the effects of global warming induce deadly weather patterns and disruptions to ecosystems, researchers analyse the outcomes of animals and climate change.