Animal Health

The benefits of a balanced diet for pets

Good pet nutrition and exercise are key to safeguarding pets’ health and wellbeing. We explore the physical and mental effects obesity can have on dogs and what owners can do about it with vet Dr Scott Miller and dog behaviour specialist Adem Fehmi.

The reality of the U.S approach to animal welfare

David Green, Executive Director at the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, explores the reality of U.S approaches to animal welfare.

Alternatives to animal testing: science, ethics and the law

Laura Rego Alvarez, Head of Science Policy & Regulation at Cruelty Free International, discusses the science and ethics behind alternatives to animal testing.

Frogs regrow limbs: what does this mean for humankind?

Scientists have proven that African claw frogs can regrow limbs - could humans also have dormant regenerative capabilities?

Honey bee lifespans are 50% shorter today than 50 years ago

Entomologists have found that honey bee life spans are 50% shorter than in the 1970s, which corresponds with colony loss and reduced honey production.

The next pandemic? UK facing worst bird flu outbreak on record

Christmas is coming, the geese are getting sick, and the world may be three mutations away from the next pandemic: the avian bird flu.

Dickinsonia and Kimberella: Unravelling the mystery of our animal ancestors

The last meal consumed more than 550 million years ago has unearthed new clues about the physiology of the Dickinsonia and Kimberella.

G20 Summit: World Bank must invest in animal health with new fund

Organisations call on World Bank to end ‘chronic underinvestment’ in animal health using new fund launched at this year's G20 Summit.

How is human health impacted by the welfare of animals

The welfare of animals is not only important to animals but is also intrinsically linked to human health and the environment.

Animal testing: 107% rise in non-compliance of animal protection laws

Report from the Home Office’s ASRU highlights a drastic rise in cases of non-compliance with laws around animal testing and protection of animals in laboratories.

European brain research: Addressing translational gaps

Sabine Hölter, Coordinator of the European Brain Research Area cluster PREMOS, calls attention to the translational value of animal models in brain research.

Cats have been found to encourage stress relief in people with anxiety

Research has drawn attention to the benefits of spending time with cats, as a means of stress relief, for people suffering from anxiety disorders.

Investigating a new method for pig vaccinations

Livestock vaccinations lead to healthy animals, healthy consumers, and a profitable industry.

Tickborne diseases: A growing health problem in the U.S.

Chief of the Bacterial Diseases Branch, Division of Vector-Borne Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, walks us through a growing health problem in the United States, tickborne diseases.

Animals and climate change: which animals will be most resilient?

As the effects of global warming induce deadly weather patterns and disruptions to ecosystems, researchers analyse the outcomes of animals and climate change.

Can monkeypox be transmitted to dogs?

A dog has been infected with monkeypox for the first time and scientists are advising infected individuals to isolate themselves from pets.

Benefits of animal vaccination for animals & people

Roxane Feller, Secretary General of AnimalhealthEurope, helps us understand the benefits of animal vaccination for both animals and people.


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