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Artificial Intelligence

New grant fund launches to boost AI security research and protect important systems

The UK government has launched a new plan to address the ongoing risks and challenges set by artificial intelligence (AI) systems.

Optimising AI tools for mammography clinical practice

Lester Litchfield, Data & Science Manager, Volpara Health, explores how to build confidence in the use of AI for mammography clinical practice Artificial Intelligence (AI)...

Health disparities against minority ethnic groups could increase with AI

Though healthcare everywhere advocates for AI, health barriers are presented with minority ethnic groups – as bias can be exacerbated against minority ethnic groups in datasets.

Recognising the dangers of Russian disinformation in Ukraine

Russian forces have launched an assault on major Ukrainian cities, however, there is another battle going on online concerning Russian disinformation.

Combining AI tech with drug development efforts

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) change the process of drug development for the pharmaceutical industry?

Implementing new technologies: Chance for the construction sector to join Industry 4.0

Jose M. Peña - Director of Lurtis Ltd discusses implementing new technologies and argues this is an opportunity for the AEC sector to join Industry 4.0

Diagnostic differences between boys and girls with autism

Using AI, researchers find that brain organisation can differ between boys and girls with autism - because of gender disparities in generally male-focused research.

AI to calculate hydropower development across Amazon river

Researchers employ artificial intelligence for sustainable hydropower development across the Amazon River basin – working across eight countries in South America.

AI & cancer: Big data, big gains for medicine

Orlando Agrippa, CEO and Founder of RwHealth, turns the spotlight on AI and cancer, where big data brings big gains for medicine

What is Recursive Urbanism? 

Here, Paul Guzzardo explores the discipline of Recursive Urbanism, and how media shapes relationships between people and places.

China’s legislative attempt to control deepfake tech

China’s cyber space watchdog has released a new draft regulation in an effort to control the dangerous use of deepfake technology across the country

AI soil sensors could minimise fertiliser use in agriculture

Smart sensor AI technology can reduce environmental damage created by fertilisers, allowing farmers to use fertilisers less, and more effectively.

AI models of dinosaur fossils advance image segmentation process

Three embryonic skulls of dinosaurs, found in the Gobi Desert, have been segmented with an AI process through CT scanning technology – which better preserves dinosaur remains

COVID and ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in the workplace

Has COVID 19 increased our acceptance of the role of ’Artificial Intelligence’ in the office workplace? Placemaking discuss the notion...

Data reveals people do not trust AI weapons

As AI becomes more integrated into twenty-first century society, researchers have investigated to what extent the general public trust it.

UN says measures to improve cyberspace safety needed now

With 782 million people joining the internet since 2019, what is being done to protect people when they are online?

The journey to making AI-generated voices more expressive

Ai-generated voices have become an integral part of society and research into making these voices more personal and expressive is moving fast.


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