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Artificial Intelligence

New grant fund launches to boost AI security research and protect important systems

The UK government has launched a new plan to address the ongoing risks and challenges set by artificial intelligence (AI) systems.

An insight into flexible, collaborative and smarter working

We spoke to Kevin Turner, Digital Workplace Strategy Lead at Unisys, to find out his thoughts on flexible, collaborative and smarter working and how improved office technology has aided the movement towards not working more.

Will AI revolutionise the future of healthcare?

Medicine is one of the most exciting frontiers for artificial intelligence, but where is AI set to make a real difference to the future of healthcare? Rachel Roumeliotis, Vice President of Content Strategy at O’Reilly Media, answers here.

Why are we so scared of Artificial Intelligence development?

Nikolas Kairinos, CEO and Founder, Fountech.ai discusses the ethical and safety issues of Artificial Intelligence development if it is to be misused by society.

Keeping personalised learning alive with artificial intelligence

Wendy Francis-White, assistant headteacher at Hawkedale Primary, explains how schools can maintain personalised learning using AI technology.

The importance of a transparent approach towards AI technology

Ben Taylor, CTO at Rainbird, discusses why government needs to adopt a transparent approach to AI technologies.

Solving the obesity epidemic: Is Artificial Intelligence the answer?

Dr. S. Vincent Grasso, Global Practice Lead: Healthcare & Life Sciences at IPsoft discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) may hold the key to solving the obesity epidemic and relieving pressure on healthcare services.

AI has the power to improve decision making in the NHS

Peter Ford, Public Sector Industry Principal, Pegasystems discusses how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the power to inform and improve decision making in the NHS.

How can your organisation get more value from the cloud?

Simon MacDowall, Managing Director, Cloud Operations, Civica discusses how public sector organisations can get more value from the cloud, by choosing the right operating model to approach cloud migration and overcoming implementation challenges.

On digital transformation: Transformation and paradigm change

Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean, Berlin School of Business and Innovation, shares his perspective on digital transformation, transformation and paradigm change.

The rapid growth in artificial intelligence in Japan

Agnieszka Kuczynska from EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, details the current rapid growth in artificial intelligence in Japan.

A European Commission perspective on digital transformation in healthcare

Marco Marsella, Head of Unit, Directorate-General Communications Network, Content and Technology (DG Connect), European Commission, speaks to OAG about AI and digital transformation in healthcare.

Trustworthy artificial intelligence in healthcare: It’s time to deliver

When it comes to trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, Prof Dr Freimut Schliess from Profil GmbH, argues that now is the time to deliver.

Japan: The development of artificial intelligence

Guillermo Garcia from EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation, charts the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for medical and industrial purposes in Japan.

Biosciences: Screening for reduced fertility in pigs – bright new ideas

Professor Darren Griffin and Dr Rebecca O’Connor from the University of Kent’s School of Biosciences, discuss their work on improving UK pig production and reaching out to South East Asia.

Harnessing crucial insights from legacy data in the public sector

Here, Chris Cherry discusses some insights that can be seen from the use of legacy data in the public sector.

How can AI-powered remote monitoring systems revolutionise healthcare? 

Nathan McKinley, Business Development Manager at Cerdonis Technologies LLC, explores how patient monitoring and prevention of health hazards has become easier with the help of AI-based health systems and applications.


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