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Artificial Intelligence

New grant fund launches to boost AI security research and protect important systems

The UK government has launched a new plan to address the ongoing risks and challenges set by artificial intelligence (AI) systems.

Clinical Contract Research: Building the digital bridge between clinical research and clinical care

Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director, Science & Innovation at Profil GmbH, sheds light on how Clinical Contract Research Organisations are building the digital bridge connecting clinical research and clinical care.

How is AI transforming the education sector?

Daniel Pitchford, Co-founder, AI Business, discusses how AI and technology are transforming the education sector, in this article.

Artificial intelligence revolution: Can we trust AI in UK Government?

Civica recently sat down with central government leaders to discuss whether the public sector is prepared for the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution and the ethics behind the technology. Steve Thorn, Executive Director, Civica shares his views from the event.

Fake news: Debunking and defeating deepfake audio

Dr Matthew Aylett delves into the use of deepfake audio; touching on weaponisation and lack of public awareness, whilst reframing the tech as a communication tool for speech-altering diseases.

Preparing for the Cy-Phy future

Cy-Phy could become the next wave of technology and increase cyber security for better business practices, here Phil Quade, CISO, Fortinet highlights why we should begin preparing now.

How voice biometric technology is transforming modern contact centres

Tim Dunn, Commercial Director at ValidSoft discusses the benefits of deploying voice biometric technology and how it can transform modern call centres.

Mastering cloud: The public sector’s gateway to AI

Chris Bartlett, Business Unit Director Public Sector at SoftwareONE discusses how mastering cloud will be the first critical step in the UK public sector’s widespread adoption of AI.

Utility companies and IoT: Securing the future today

Connected appliances and devices are revolutionising the nation’s homes, but what does this mean for the utility companies responsible for powering them? How can they ensure cyber security in the age of IoT?.

AI must start transforming healthcare today

Terry Walby, founder and CEO of Thoughtonomy, looks at how AI is transforming healthcare, exploring examples of how different organisations have been using automation.

New health-data programme to detect diseases early

Diseases could be detected even before people experience symptoms, thanks to a pioneering new health-data programme as part of the government’s modern Industrial Strategy.

Council collaboration driving improved citizen services

Over half (58%) of local authorities are now providing shared services, in order to reduce costs and drive improved citizen engagement, according to new figures.

The retail supply chain and its relationship with technology

Technology continues to advance, transforming how many businesses operate. But how has technology affected the supply chain of retail brands? Here, we look at how the retail sector has changed and what the future looks like.

New boost for UK-India tech startup sectors

New initiative launched in India to give startups the skills they need to grow their business and drive UK-India tech collaboration.

Government must make AI systems transparent to build trust

Nisha Deo, Policy Lead at Rainbird discusses why Government must turn artificial intelligence (AI) from a ‘black box’ into a 'glass house' in order to build trust.

Could artificial intelligence bring the end to using paper receipts?

Throughout various organisations across the UK, many are still using paper for administrative tasks such as printing, posting and filing documents, but artificial intelligence could bring the end to this.

Future-proofing the skills of public sector technology professionals

SolarWinds IT Trends Report 2019[1] suggests that public sector technology professionals have a growing desire to utilise their expertise and focus on their career-based learning in order to play a bigger role in their organisation.


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