India broke records on Thursday (23 April) as more than 310,000 new COVID cases were documented in one day - is the Indian 'double mutation', B1617, as infectious as the UK mutation?
In February, 16% of the world's population pre-ordered 70% of available COVID vaccines - now, researchers at Colombia University reveal that some poorer countries won't be able to vaccinate their population until 2023.
Researchers have discovered a deadly new snake species in Asia, which has been named Suzhen's krait after the mythical figure of Bai Su Zhen - a snake goddess who saved a lot of human lives.
In South Asia, global warming is set to create more deadly heat waves - with 60% of the region unable to take shelter and survive, due to working outdoors.
Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University and Global Aqua Survey Ltd, walks us through his high-resolution seabed geophysical survey research around offshore areas in Taiwan.
Professor Dr Apichart Vanavichit, at the Rice Science Center, reveals the hard solution to develop low glycemic rice for diabetes, starting with comment on soft-texture white rice as a health risk factor.
The Sinovac COVID vaccine was revealed to be working at 50.4% efficacy by the Butantan Institute last month, but new data suggests that this could actually be 62%.
Prime Minister Modi cut the internet in many districts where Indian farmers continue to protest agricultural reforms, which would enable corporate takeovers of small farms while lowering crop value.
Professor Dr Tineke Lambooy discusses why granting legal personhood to entities of nature could enable society to protect biodiversity for future generations.
Researchers have found that the Ganges River could be for depositing three billion microplastic particles into the Bay of Bengal daily - impacting 655 million people.