
Labour’s commitment to biodiversity: 100 days of policy and action

Pledging to increase species abundance by at least 10%, the new Labour Government has offered a promising shift in priorities and a commitment to biodiversity– but – after the first 100 days in office – how does this translate into policy and action?

G7 countries agree to existing climate change policies

Alongside discussions on vaccine equality, the G7 summit raised the potential of new environment goals - but the countries largely stuck to established climate change policies, by confirming their ongoing commitment.

COVID-19 & the urgent case for a greater focus on One Health

Frances Goodrum, Head of External Affairs, Brooke Action for Working Horses and Donkeys, turns our attention to COVID-19 and the urgent case for a greater focus on One Health.

President von der Leyen: “We need a race to zero in greenhouse gas emissions”

To begin EU Green Week 2021, President Ursula von der Leyen gave a speech discussing how the bloc could orchestrate "a race to zero in greenhouse gas emissions" - alongside reaffirming existing policy goals.

How can Finland confront the climate crisis and preserve its biodiversity?

Krista Mikkonen, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change in Finland illustrates why a circular economy will provide the means to tackle the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity.

Let’s learn how to use plastic anew!

Research Professor Ali Harlin urges us to reconsider our plastic use and illustrates how the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is aiming to halve the environmental impact of plastics.

Protecting minerals in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Here, Open Access Government discovers the environmental protection priorities of Mukhtar Babayev, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

European bio-based industries: New opportunities in 2021

Executive Director at Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) Philippe Mengal discusses the new priorities and opportunities for bio-based industries in Europe, including new partnership, Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU).

Going circular is now more important than ever

Open Access Government charts the recent policy priorities of Virginijus Sinkevičius, the European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, as Europe works towards a circular economy.

Protecting and experiencing local nature in a pandemic

Studies from Denmark’s Ministry of the Environment show a dramatic increase in the number of people turning to nature amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

Simulating future climate change to support policy making with respect to climate adaptation

We spoke with Professor Colin Jones, project coordinator of CRESCENDO, about the project’s work in predicting global climate change over the coming century.

How proteins can be extracted from red seaweed sustainably

Prof Charlotte Jacobsen from the National Food Institute, DTU, explains how proteins can be extracted from red seaweed sustainably.

Cell Culture: Disrupting the Meat Industry

Dr. Björn Örvar from ORF Genetics, enlightens us on the firm’s innovative plant biotechnology offerings, derived from barley plants.

The resilience of tropical forests to natural disturbance

Professor Jess K. Zimmerman from the University of Puerto Rico, explains how natural disturbances, such as hurricanes, can affect the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF).

Environment: A natural remedy for mental ill-health

Jennifer Oroilidis from Mental Health Europe probes why the environment is a natural remedy for mental ill-health.

Scientists calculate the impact of wildfires on global ecosystems

After going through decades' worth of data, scientists at the University of Cambridge explain the impact of wildfires on global ecosystems - from carbon dioxide emissions to the resilience of trees.

Saving Earth’s biodiversity through a story revolution

The WILD Foundation’s President, Vance Martin and Vice President of Policy and Communications, Amy Lewis, highlight the important and often forgotten role of storytelling and community organising to encourage conservation.


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