
Revolutionising agriculture: Glass fertilisers offer eco-friendly growth

Glass fertiliser beads offer a sustainable solution to agricultural nutrient delivery. Researchers have developed these beads for controlled release, minimising environmental harm while sustaining plant growth. This innovation promises efficient, eco-friendly fertilisation.

Scientists find brain refreshed during dreaming phase of sleep

Scientists at the University of Tsukuba reveal that brain refreshing takes place during the dreaming phase of sleep, aka rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

Constancy & plasticity in biology – the central role of hierarchical causal models

Ute Deichmann of the Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences at Ben-Gurion University, explores the role hierarchical causal models have on constancy and plasticity in biology.

Hormones contribute to movement impairment after brain injury

Hormones released after a brain injury contribute to movement problems on the left and right sides of the body, according to a new study.

Natural pest control: Moving forward with biopesticides

Dr Joel R. Coats, Distinguished Professor of Entomology & Toxicology, explains biopesticides in the field of natural pest control.

Biobanks to support medical research focus

With the current focus on public health worldwide, Arthur Goudena, Marketing Manager of PHC Europe, explains how one of Europe’s leading biobanks plays a growing role in supporting medical research.

Stress hormone decreases when women speak to female friends

Scientists found that the stress hormone in women decreases when they speak to their female friends - supporting the 'tend-and-befriend' hypothesis.

Precision medicine: From bench to clinic

Here, we find out about Yourgene Health, a molecular diagnostics company with products and technologies that enable precision medicine in oncology from bench to clinic.

Bioinformatics focus: Can we break the glycocode?

Frederique Lisacek from SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, provides the computer-based tools for exploring ways of breaking the glycocode.

What is a bacterium?

Ann G. Matthysse, from the University of North Carolina’s Department of Biology, delves into an exploration of harmful and useful bacteria for elementary school students.

Ground-breaking technology: Next generation sequencing

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, provides a portrait of a ground-breaking technology, next-generation sequencing, starting with a brief snapshot.

Seeking a sustainable way to control harmful algal bloom

Here, Researcher Nobuharu Inaba at the Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region (CERI), explains why it is vital to control harmful algal bloom as sustainably as possible.

Osteoarthritis: Innovation in biomechanics, biology and imaging

Nigel Shrive and David Hart from the McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health, University of Calgary, unravel the complexity of osteoarthritis and stress the need to integrate innovation in biomechanics, biology and imaging.

Scientists use new strategy to identify ‘alien’ life on other planets

When it comes to finding 'alien' life on other planets, scientists have a new theory - that extraterrestrial life is completely different to Earth-life, so finding biosignatures may not be as important as previously thought.

High Omega-3 index reduces premature death

New research shows that people with a high Omega-3 Index are 13% less likely to die prematurely compared to those with low levels.

UK mutation 45% more infectious than original COVID-19

The UK mutation of COVID-19, aka B117, has been found by scientists to be 45% more infectious than the original form of the virus.

Case Study: A priority response plan (PRP) for bio-decontamination

Here, we learn how world leading supplier Bioquell devised a PRP for a Biopharmaceutical Production Facility ensuring high-level bio-decontamination in the event of contamination.


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