
Could blockchain solve pharma’s supply management woes?

Blockchain wasn’t invented as a supply management tool; yet, today it is helping to solve some of the most complex problems existing in global supply chains.

Distributed technologies to bootstrap the sharing economy

Professor Samer Hassan, explores how blockchain has the potential to help sharing economy projects to overcome several challenges they face at infrastructure, governance and economic levels

Bridging the gap between traditional banking and crypto

The Founder and CEO of HEdpAY reveals his ultimate vision to be the leading company in FinTech by bridging the gap between the traditional financial services and the crypto ecosystem in today’s global market

Blockchain technology: Building the European Union’s global leadership

Eva Kaili, MEP, Rapporteur of the European Parliament's Blockchain Resolution explains the importance of building the European Union’s global leadership.

Automatically finding new cybersecurity threats with Open Source Intelligence

Monitoring cybersecurity-related posts in social networks and blogs can give security analysts an edge in discovering new threats against ICT infrastructures, according to Alysson Bessani.

Swiss government is putting special focus on blockchain

250 participants attended Infrachain 18, in Switzerland, the first blockchain conference focused on the public sector and infrastructure

Fintech fastest growing research topic on early stage research platform

New analysis from SSRN, Elsevier’s world-leading preprint server and early stage research platform, reveals fintech is the fastest growing area of research.

Gibraltar finance representative to speak at European Parliament on blockchain and governance

Gibraltar Finance has announced that Paul Astengo, Senior Finance Centre Executive, will be in attendance at the European Parliament on Tuesday, 4th December, as part of a panel discussion organised by Blockchain4Europe

How will blockchain technology affect higher education in the future?

Tempson True, COO and PM at discusses the impact blockchain technology has on the future of higher education.

Digitalisation: The key to maximising human potential

Ildar Uysumbayev, Head of the Department of Public Services of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan argues that digitalisation is the key to maximising human potential as we journey towards 2050

Ethereum cryptocurrency predicted to experience global breakout

Ethereum, currently the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, will experience a “monumental, defining global breakout” when smart contracts can accept outside data

Birmingham art-tech agency celebrates Bitcoin’s 10th birthday

Thomas Crown Art, the Birmingham based art-tech agency is set to merge cryptocurrencies and pieces of art to celebrated Bitcoin's 10th anniversary.

How blockchain and smart contracts are impacting business functions

Jacqueline Watts, Senior Associate Solicitor at A City Law Firm, explains how blockchain and smart contracts are new technologies which have impacted the many business functions of different companies across various industries

Is it safe to buy and sell real estate on the blockchain?

Emmanuel Darko, distributed ledger technology expert discusses the capabilities of purchasing real estate through the blockchain.

Blockchain: How a treasury system will foster better collaborative intelligence for cryptocurrencies

Bingsheng Zhang from Lancaster University reveals how a treasury system will enable a better collaborative intelligence for cryptocurrencies

eHarvestHub gives small farmers centre stage on the global market

Our global economy is leaving our small farmers behind, yet they produce more than 60% of the fresh food we consume. eHarvestHub gives farmers direct access to the global market making our food more affordable and accessible, as this analysis from Alvaro Ramirez at eHarvestHub reveals 

A blockchain-based governance model for public services in smart cities

Stefan Junestrand, CEO of Grupo Tecma Red and a member of the European Blockchain Observatory shares his thoughts on what a blockchain-based governance model for public services in smart cities looks like


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