
Could blockchain solve pharma’s supply management woes?

Blockchain wasn’t invented as a supply management tool; yet, today it is helping to solve some of the most complex problems existing in global supply chains.

Blockchain from a compliance perspective

Michelle McGuire, Head of Risk and Compliance at GECKO Governance shares her views on blockchain from a compliance perspective.

Blockchain supports nurses in the continuity of health and social care

Secretary General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN), Paul De Raeve explains how blockchain technology supports nurses in Europe where the continuity...

Blockchain: Success in government procurement requires more than just investment

Paul Parker from SolarWinds argues that where blockchain is concerned, success in government procurement requires more than just investment.

How blockchain is set to transform the transport industry

Blockchain has been said to have the power to change the financial world, offering efficiency, transparency and security, however, it also has its many other uses to industries outside of finance, for example, the transport industry

Visa’s former MD joins payments and ID Blockchain platform Nuggets 

Kevin Jenkins, the former Managing Director of Visa has joined the board of blockchain payments and identity brand Nuggets. In a major coup for the fast-growing British company, Jenkins has signed on as a Non-Executive Director

Dubai International Financial Center teams up with Smart Dubai to develop blockchain court

A Dubai-based international court dealing with civil and commercial disputes in the financial industry is planning to launch the world's first blockchain court

HEX innovation introduce blockchain technology platform for medical use

During the Hybrid Summit 2018 in Bangkok, software providers HEX Innovation launched a blockchain platform enabled service to be used by the medical sectors.

All cryptocurrency miners banned from Google Play store

Google has banned all cryptocurrency miners from their play store, however apps that manage mining hardware are permitted.

Blockchain technology to save supply chains around the world

Blockchain technology is being looked at in terms of solving fragmented supply chain management and logistics around the world.

New Maltese blockchain law turns country into vibrant hub

Maltese authorities have revamped three amendments into law to create a legal framework to use Blockchain for business.

European Blockchain spending to rocket to $3.5 billion by 2022, data shows

Data from the International Data Corporation (IDC) suggests that Europe will become the second largest investor in blockchain technologies, with blockchain spending expected to soar to $3.5 billion.

The transformative nature that blockchain could have on the public sector

Jonny Voon, Innovation Lead – IoT & Distributed Ledger at Innovate UK shares a compelling perspective on the transformative nature that blockchain could have on the public sector

Crypto assets and the regulator’s role: Ignore, regulate or kill?

Dr. Paolo Tasca and Professor Tomaso Aste from the UCL Centre for Blockchain in London, share their expert views on crypto assets and the regulator’s role in this vein

Blockchain in the European Union: How the European Parliament approaches DLTs

Eva Kaili, MEP, Rapporteur of the European Parliament of the Blockchain Resolution, explains her thoughts on blockchain technology in the European Union today

Stick or twist: Perspectives from the world’s largest blockchain event

In May this year, New York held the largest Blockchain conference yet – Consensus 2018. Here are a personal set of perspectives about the event which should get you scratching your head about blockchain from Simon Kavanagh, Head of Innovation and Design in Healthcare, Welfare and Education at Tieto 

The core principles of smart contracts

Frederik De Breuck, Presales Director and Business Assurance BeLux, Head of the EMEIA Blockchain Innovation Center at Fujitsu Technology Solutions reveals his thoughts on the core principles of smart contracts


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