Breast Cancer

Record numbers are attending breast cancer screening, but thousands still miss appointments

According to the latest NHS England figures, a record number of women are up to date with their breast screenings. However, many of those invited are still not attending their appointments.

Addressing the chasm in UK cancer care

Stefan Doroszkowski, Managing Director at Amethyst Radiotherapy Group UK, shares his stance on responding to the cancer care crisis, addressing the chasm in UK cancer care.

Exploring the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)

Gail Dianne Lewis, the Senior Principal Scientist at Discovery Oncology Genentech, Inc. analyses the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2.

AI for mammography performance and quality enhancement

Lisa Johnston, PhD, Product Expert at Volpara Health, explains the use of AI for mammography performance and quality enhancement.

Precision radiotherapy: Our most effective cancer treatment

David Bloomfield, Consultant in Clinical Oncology Sussex Cancer Centre, argues that precision radiotherapy is our most effective cancer treatment and should be available to everyone with cancer, but workforce planning is failing our patients.

Women who breastfeed face lower risk of heart disease or stroke

A meta-analysis finds that women who breastfeed are less likely to develop heart conditions or diseases, or die from cardiovascular disease than women who do not breastfeed.

Women’s health strategy established for doctors to tackle gender inequality

Doctors now must take mandatory training on female-specific health, as a new women’s health strategy pushes for more equal research and medical conduct between...

Using AI to deliver high quality, personalised breast cancer screening 

Ralph Highnam, PhD, Chief Science & Innovation Officer at Volpara Health, looks at the future of breast cancer screening and the use of AI.

Diagnostic hubs: A short-term fix for a long-term problem?

Collette Johnson, Head of Marketing at Sanome, turns the spotlight onto diagnostic hubs. Are they a short-term fix for a long-term problem, she asks.

Optimising AI tools for mammography clinical practice

Lester Litchfield, Data & Science Manager, Volpara Health, explores how to build confidence in the use of AI for mammography clinical practice Artificial Intelligence (AI)...

Lower cancer risk in diets with lower meat intake

Researchers analysing dietary habits find that those who consume meat five times or less weekly have a lower cancer risk.

Scientists use tumour-fighting cells to treat breast cancer

An ongoing clinical trial led by the NCI Centre for Cancer Research reveals an experimental form of immunotherapy for metastatic breast cancer.

Oestrogen signalling, environmental chemicals & links with breast cancer

Members of the Breast Cancer & Environment Research Program walk us through what we need to know about oestrogen signalling, including environmental chemicals & links with breast cancer.

AI for breast imaging

Lester Litchfield, Data & Science Manager at Volpara Health analyses how to build trust in the use of AI to improve and enhance breast imaging.

Finalising a home test kit for breast cancer patients

A home test kit enabling patients with Breast cancer to test their blood nears its final development stages, with support from the NHS and inventors Entia and Pfizer.

Black women face racial disparities in breast cancer screening

Black women face higher mortality rates and recurrence of breast cancer, according to researchers from University of Illinois Chicago.

The future of vascular imaging technology

Researchers from Kyoto University Hospital and Preemptive Medicine and Lifestyle Related Disease Research Center, describe the future of vascular imaging technology, including how photoacoustic imaging targets tumour vessels in breast cancer.


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