
UK launches One IPO search

To help support the UK's growth and innovation, a new search tool for UK patients has been released  This search tool, One IPO Search, developed by the...

Supplier diversity and the positive impact on the economy

Mayank Shah, CEO and founder of MSDUK, outlines the challenges that ethnic minority businesses face in accessing the supply chain and shares his thoughts on why levelling the playing field will have a positive impact on the economy.

Cyber training ‘not fit for purpose’ – We need to change our online behaviour

Mark Brown, Founder of Psybersafe, explores how behavioural science can improve our response to cyber security issues.

Tackling digital transformation through a change programme

Howard Sherrington, Director of Transformation Strategy at Zscaler, explains why digital transformation must look holistically at change.

Data collaboration will rejuvenate the high street

Hugh Stevens, the Head of Strategic Growth at LiveRamp, explores how better data use can help ensure the high street can truly get back on its feet post-pandemic, the impact of eCommerce on the future of retail and how physical stores can survive.

National Customer Service Week: Changing consumer expectations

Technology experts evaluate the impact of changed consumer expectations, in recognition of National Customer Service Week 2021.

Ada Lovelace Day: Tech’s most influential women share their views

In celebration of Ada Lovelace Day 2021, the top women in the tech industry talk about what the day means to them and for the wider tech world.

7 reasons why you can benefit from Business Technology

Nick Russell, managing director of Xonetic, explores how the Business Technology Framework can help organisations make better use of technology.

IT Pro Day 2021: Adapting to an evolving landscape

In light of IT Pro Day 2021, industry experts comment on what it means to be an IT professional, the hurdles they face and overcome, and how all businesses can give these employees the recognition they deserve.

Why the public sector should embrace a hybrid cloud strategy

Jon Lucas, C-director of Hyve Managed Hosting, explains why the number of organisations in the public sector adopting a hybrid cloud strategy is growing, analyses what this shift means to these organisations.

What will the WFH trend mean for the economy and global supply chains?

Here, FPE Seals, explore how the working from home (WFH) trend will affect the economy and global supply chains.

CX: Voice Of The Customer: Are You Listening?

Chris Merricks, Director at CX Consultants, considers the needs and wants of customers and asks, are we listening to them?

The role of finance in creative destruction

Christian Keuschnigg discusses how venture capitalists & banks facilitate the process of creative destruction & steer capital towards a more productive use

The role of finance in creative destruction

Innovation means change. Professor of Economics Christian Keuschnigg discusses how venture capitalists and banks facilitate the process of creative destruction and steer capital towards a more productive use.

Controlling the top cause of ransomware – social engineering

Javvad Malik, lead security awareness advocate at KnowBe4, explains how social engineering is the top cause of ransomware and explores the steps organisations can take to reduce the risk of attackers gaining a foothold in their networks.

Forging a path to better estate management

Raj Krishnamurthy, CEO, Freespace, walks us through forging a path to better estate management.

Alternatives to Government support for businesses affected by COVID

Edward Wade, Content Author and Technical SEO at Wilson Field, explores some of the alternative initiatives businesses can use to help themselves through tough times.


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