To help support the UK's growth and innovation, a new search tool for UK patients has been released
This search tool, One IPO Search, developed by the...
Philip Turvey, executive director at Anglia Research, outlines why businesses need to use the return to normality as an opportunity to draw a line under unethical practice in 2021.
Richard Cox, managing director of Langley Business Systems, gives an overview of the main ways hospitality businesses can maximise technology to navigate through the pandemic and ensure customers feel safe when visiting their premises.
Gill McAteer, head of employment law at Citation, details the necessary changes needed to improve recruitment and retention in the nursery sector to fit the 'new normal'.
COVID-19 has changed the way we work - now more than ever organisations and the people that work for them are reconsidering their approaches to how and when they chose to travel to office spaces.
Rob Solly, Division Head, Defence and Security Analysis, tells us how the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) signals a bright future for SME research in defence and security.
CEOs of IT Naturally Julie Bishop and Richard Gardner discuss why IT infrastructure matters, and why their refreshing approach to changing, running, and securing infrastructure is winning customers’ hearts and minds.
Caroline Vooght, director at Expion Search & Selection focusses on the importance that both businesses and contractors understand the new rules around off-payroll working, also known as IR35, as recent changes come into effect next April.
Here we look at how and why apprentices are a crucial part of the future of growing businesses, particularly as the need for re-skilling becomes ever more prevalent.
Amnesty International released an investigative report into the company's treatment of workers in the US, France, Poland and the UK - finding violations of worker's rights for Black Friday and beyond.
Neil Kinson, Chief of Staff, Redwood Software, explores what the true cost of outdated automation is and explains how businesses can discover the root cause of the automation gap to find a solution.
Antitrust laws exist to stop big companies from creating monopolies - with a new antitrust investigation into Amazon, the European Commission raises growing concerns of legal missteps by the tech giant.
Researchers found that work stress and burnout can result in an increasingly desperate cycle, especially with a global pandemic increasing economic pressures.