
UK launches One IPO search

To help support the UK's growth and innovation, a new search tool for UK patients has been released  This search tool, One IPO Search, developed by the...

COVID-19: The legal risks when making workforce changes

The coronavirus crisis is forcing employers of all sizes across the UK economy to make drastic workforce changes, but with this comes considerable legal risk, as employment solicitor Paida Dube explains.

Coronavirus and working from home: What are employers’ obligations?

Esther Smith, employment partner at UK law firm TLT, discusses what obligations employers have whilst their staff work from home .

Important issues for employers to consider amid the Covid-19 pandemic

David Bradley, Chairman & Head of Employment at Ramsdens Solicitors, highlights what key considerations employers must take amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

How can small businesses survive the Covid-19 pandemic?

Peter Buckle, Chartered Financial Planner & Certified Financial Planner & Principal of Buckle & Partners Ltd, advises how small businesses and entrepreneurs can survive the Covid-19 pandemic.

The challenge of the last mile delivery

Here, experts discuss the challenges of creating cost-efficient infrastructure that accurately tracks during the last mile of delivery.

How to empower your remote workforce: Providing tools for effective communication

Neil Hammerton, CEO and Co-founder of Natterbox, discusses how businesses can empower its remote workforce using tools to enable effective communication, particularly those operating in customer-facing roles.

UK recycling legislation proposals for 2023: The future of commercial food waste

Grant Keenan, Managing Director of Keenan Recycling, examines Scotland’s implementation of tighter food waste recycling legislation and what it will mean for the similar incoming UK government legislation.

An increase in remote working could leave your business unsecure

While the big-names in business have been grabbing headlines when it comes to remote working following coronavirus, here Eacs explains that SMEs could be more vulnerable to an influx of staff working from home.

2020: The rise of female leaders in business

In recognition of International Women's Day, Suhail Hadouth, Content Executive at WMG, analyses the rise of female leaders in business.

Human firewall: How businesses can mitigate against cyber attacks

Stephen Burke, CEO and founder of Cyber Risk Aware, discusses how businesses protect themselves against cyber attacks by building a human firewall.

Public procurement: The forgotten lead generation tool?

Jason Kay, CEO of LiveLead focuses our thoughts on public procurement and ponders if this is the forgotten lead generation tool.

Presenteeism: Bad for workers, bad for business

Chris Wakefield, Vice President, European Marketing & Product Development, GOJO Industries-Europe Ltd. explores the rise of presenteeism and how to mitigate its impact via good hand hygiene.

Top cyber tips for every personality and organisation

John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership at The Myers-Briggs Company, offers a series of cyber tips and advice aimed at different personality types about their potential cyber security weaknesses.

How does the new 0% electric company car tax work? 

Elliot McGuire, Motoring Expert at LeaseFetcher, details everything you need to know about the new 0% electric company car tax in this article.

Can we realistically create laws on artificial intelligence?

Chris Rourk, Partner at Jackson Walker, a member of Globalaw, talks us through the realities of attempting to create laws on artificial intelligence.

An insight into flexible, collaborative and smarter working

We spoke to Kevin Turner, Digital Workplace Strategy Lead at Unisys, to find out his thoughts on flexible, collaborative and smarter working and how improved office technology has aided the movement towards not working more.


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