Responsible AI practices are essential for businesses to navigate the rapid evolution of AI, ensuring innovation is balanced with ethical considerations, compliance, and strong governance to address industry-specific challenges and risks.
Millions of workers will receive new rights under major government reforms as the UK addresses the challenges in the changing world of work
The government...
Advanced’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Jon Wrennall, has been selected to join the CBI’s prestigious Innovation Council
The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) aims to...
Brexit uncertainty will cut off access to technology talent across a number of industries
UK organisations are suffering from a digital skills gap at every...
Britain and France’s leading tech sector will be brought closer together with plans for a digital conference to promote deeper integration in the digital...
In this article, the founder and co-founder of the Blockchain Federation provide insight into the use of blockchain in business, including how the Telegram...
Sari Stenfors, PhD from the ReCon Blockchain Research Project at Aalto University looks at how distributed and open technologies transform our interactions
In a forward-looking...
Blockchain can provide a virtual bank for B2B companies and help them to become more profitable
Blockchain is an algorithm created for cryptocurrency. It drives...
Emma Toublic, head of education information and business systems at Essex County Council explains how the secure sharing of key information can make a...
Danny Pay, Director of Maximus Green outlines that businesses have a responsibility to use green technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to survive
Technology is...
Dr David Wilkes of Innovate UK explores the importance of driving UK productivity and economic growth by supporting innovation and business
Innovate UK is the...