Artificial intelligence and digital transformation play an important role in improving cancer diagnosis, treatments and increasing cancer survival rates, writes Dee Mathieson, Senior Vice President Linac Service and Managing Director of Elekta Ltd.
Chaith Kondragunta, CEO at AIRA Matrix Private Limited, details Artificial Intelligence-based solutions that can positively impact prostate cancer outcomes.
Dr Hernando Lopez-Bertoni at the Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins School of medicine, discusses the development of miRNAs in brain cancer therapy
Wesley Baker, CEO of ANCON Medical, highlights the importance of Movember in raising awareness for male cancer, with particular focus on prostate cancer, and mental health illness.
Researchers at University of East Anglia have discovered that a prostate cancer urine test could improve the identification of men at ‘immediate risk’ of aggressive cancer, offering improved treatment methods.
A home test kit enabling patients with Breast cancer to test their blood nears its final development stages, with support from the NHS and inventors Entia and Pfizer.
Breakthrough in cancer research as the human papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation programme substantially reduces cervical cancer by nearly 90% across the UK.
Investigating the current and future health priorities of Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, including an increasing focus on cancer research.