Investigating the current and future health priorities of Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, including an increasing focus on cancer research.
The European Commission has created five new policy goals - four of them centred around climate change, with the push to become largely "climate resilient" by 2030.
Christine Hancock, Co-founder of C3 Collaborating for Health, and C3 Associate and nutritionist Nathalie Vauterin, explore how poverty, dietary behaviours, and food systems impact malnutrition.
Prof Dangou from the WHO Regional Office for Africa, Congo, speaks about the different kinds of skin cancer:non-melanoma skin cancers and malignant melanoma.
CEO of Dxcover Limited, Mark Hegarty, offers an insight into their cutting-edge technology that can help save lives by detecting early signs of cancer.
Andrew Brodbelt, Consultant Neurosurgeon at The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust, describes what we need to know about brain tumour diagnosis & therapy.
Dee Mathieson, Managing Director at Elekta Ltd, believes that NHS budgets need to directly address the cancer backlog - which remains the second largest cause of death, globally.
Małgorzata Anna Bogusz, Rapporteur of the EESC opinion SOC/677 – Europe’s beating cancer plan, argues here that the EU needs a new Marshall Plan for oncology.