
Transforming radiotherapy research and treatment through continued innovation

Professor David Sebag-Montefiore outlines the profound impact of radiotherapy research. Through global trials and personalised approaches, innovation advances cancer care. Collaborative efforts ensure patient-centred treatments, paving the way for smarter, kinder therapies and a future of precision oncology.

Urine test could replace smear test for cervical cancer

University of Manchester scientists latest research finds that urine testing may be as good as the smear test for preventing cervical cancer.

Immunoscore®: From the science to the clinical evidence in colon cancer

Jérôme Galon, Director of Research and Head of the Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology at INSERM, explains Immunoscore®, an in vitro diagnostic test that predicts the risk of relapse in colon cancer patients.

Why cannabidiol really is the next big thing

From the stories appearing about CBD and its near miraculous effects, to the pharmaceutical companies rushing to catch up, it seems everyone is taking about cannabidiol.

Point-of-care devices for therapeutic drug monitoring in cancer treatment and beyond

DiaChemo is a European project developing a platform technology for point-of-care devices for therapeutic drug monitoring in cancer treatment and beyond, reveals Dr Silke Krol, Head of the Translational Nanotechnology Lab and Coordinator of the DIACHEMO Project.

The role of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in cancer cells

Chester Medical School highlights the importance of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in cancer cells and how we might utilise them therapeutically

Northern Ireland announce roll out of new bowel cancer screening test

The Department of Health in Northern Ireland pledge to replace the bowel cancer screening test in the country with the new, more accurate Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) from early 2020.

Opportunities and solutions for acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL)

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group gives an overall perspective on the challenges and concerns around acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), a type of blood cancer.

Nano DDS technology contributes to next-generation cancer immunotherapy

Dr Takashi Nakamura from Hokkaido University challenges the potential of nano-tech based drug delivery system (Nano DDS) in the development of next-generation cancer immunotherapy.

European Elections 2019: Beating childhood cancer

The European Elections 2019 Manifesto for the Paediatric Oncology & Haematology community has been launched, and it prioritises beating childhood cancer to aim for zero deaths.

Japan: Driving forward cancer research through collaboration

The work of the Japanese Cancer Association in driving forward cancer research through collaboration is charted here, including a push on basic and translational research.

The advancement of cancer research for the public benefit

European Association for Cancer Research’s Chief Executive Officer, Jane Smith, explains why the advancement of cancer research is purely for the public benefit, as well as the importance of collaboration in the field.

Employing “living biobanks” to advance biomedical research

A group of seasoned experts from the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories explain the notion of employing “living biobanks” to advance the field of biomedical research.

New drugs could stop ovarian cancer

Researchers at The University of Manchester have shown that a new class of drugs are able to stop ovarian cancer cells growing.

Insights into the mechanisms of primary brain tumour invasion

Thomas Daubon, Clotilde Billottet and Andreas Bikfalvi at the Angiogenesis and Tumor Microenvironment-INSERM U1029, Université Bordeaux provide insights into the mechanisms of primary brain tumour invasion.

Genetic link to leukaemia in children with Down’s syndrome

Researchers at the University of Oxford have found that there is a gene link to leukaemia, already present in children with Down's syndrome.

Tackling sepsis through hand hygiene

Chris Wakefield, Vice President, European Marketing & Product Development, at GOJO Industries-Europe Ltd explores hand hygiene and how infection prevention measures can be strengthened to help save lives.


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